Understanding Your Needs


A need is a basic requirement or condition that someone, an animal or a plant must have to survive or achieve a desired outcome. It can be physical, such as food, water and shelter or psychological, such as love, belonging and self-esteem. The need for something can be triggered by many different things, including poverty, disease, disaster and conflict.

Often, the word need is used to mean something that is urgent and must be done or something that is important to have: We really need to get out of here now. I really need to find a new job. This article needs to be finished by the end of the day.

The concept of need has been a major point of discussion in moral philosophy. Some philosophers have argued that human beings cannot be judged based on their material wealth or power but must be evaluated based on how well they satisfy their needs. Others have argued that human needs are subjective and cannot be objectively defined. These philosophers have also argued that the satisfaction of human needs cannot be imposed from above but must be a matter of individual choice and freedom.

Another approach to understanding needs is the one developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow. He proposed that people have a hierarchy of needs, starting with physiological or lower order needs (e.g. food, water and safety) and moving up to more psychological or emotional needs (e.g. belonging and esteem). People usually spend most of their time and energy attempting to satisfy these basic needs, but may only put a little effort into satisfying higher order needs.

In addition to identifying what you need, it is important to distinguish between needs and wants. Needs are things that you must have to live, whereas wants are things that would make your life better but that you can do without. For example, if you need to sleep or eat, you must have those basic needs met, but if you want to go to a restaurant for dinner, that is a want.

The first step in understanding your needs is to make a list of all the things that you feel are essential for your life. This list can be as long or short as you want, but should include the items that are most important to you. You can then narrow down the list to identify your true needs.

Once you have identified what your needs are, the next step is to create an action plan to meet them. It is a good idea to break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks that can be accomplished over time. For example, if you need to lose weight, you could create an action plan that includes small changes such as cutting out sugary drinks and avoiding fast food. By breaking down large tasks into smaller actions, you can make them easier to accomplish and stay motivated. This will help you reach your goal more quickly.