How to Get to Know Yourself

When you think about yourself, what do you see? A smart, funny person who likes to spend time with their friends and family? A good-hearted, hard-working, loyal friend? Maybe you see yourself as a leader or a role model? Whatever it is that you see, you have a unique perspective on the world. It is important to know who you are and what you stand for in order to live a fulfilled life.

If you want to learn more about yourself, the “Who Am I?” game is a great way to get to know yourself better. There are a few variations to the game, but most people ask one question at a time, going around in a circle. Some groups of people may have a strict question-asking order, such as clockwise, while others let everyone ask as many questions as they wish.

Another fun variation is the “What Do You Love?” game. This involves asking each person to name something they love to do or have in their life. It is a great way to discover new things you like about someone!

You might also try the “What Do You Need?” game. This is similar to “Who Am I?” except it is a great way to find out what your needs are in terms of physical, emotional and mental health. This is a good way to get to know yourself better, especially if you’re dealing with an illness.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex and disabling illness that affects people of all ages, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. Approximately 0.4-1% of the Australian population has ME/CFS, with 75-80% of people experiencing severe symptoms that leave them housebound or bedbound.

The hallmark symptom of ME is post-exertional malaise, or PEM. This is a worsening of symptoms that follows any type of physical, mental or emotional exertion that would not have caused a problem before the ME/CFS started. Other symptoms include unrefreshing sleep, cognitive problems and orthostatic intolerance.

People who have ME/CFS may look healthy, and the common blood tests ordered by doctors don’t show anything out of the ordinary. However, most people with ME/CFS are unable to work full or part time, and three out of four people who have the most severe form of ME are completely housebound or bedbound.

ME/CFS is a neurological disease, but at the moment there is no cure. Treatments may help reduce symptoms, but they do not change the underlying cause of the illness. For this reason, it is important to be patient and continue working with your GP to find the best treatment for you.

The Concept of Love

Love is one of the most complex emotions in existence. It can make us feel ecstatic, warm, and connected to the world, while also making us cry with pain or sorrow. It can be found in all types of relationships and has the power to transform our lives. Because of its immense complexity, the concept of love has been debated for centuries by philosophers and poets alike. It has also been a favored topic of discussion amongst different groups and cultures.

Many people have a hard time defining what love is, and the reasons for this are understandable. A quick look at any dictionary will reveal that the word has a variety of different definitions, with some being more specific than others. Some definitions refer to a romantic and sexual attachment, while others may include other forms of affection, such as platonic or familial love. There are even some that refer to non-human animals or political beliefs, such as “love for freedom” or “love for God.”

When attempting to define love, it is important to remember that it is more than just a feeling or sentiment. It is a combination of several emotions, behaviors, and beliefs that expresses care, connection, and protection. It can be demonstrated in a variety of ways, including physical actions such as kissing and holding hands or through verbal communication like expressing love in words. It can also be expressed through the actions we choose to take for our loved ones, such as giving them a foot massage or cooking their favorite meal.

It is also important to recognize that love can change and evolve over time. Just like any other human emotion, it is not constant and can fluctuate between highs and lows. There will be days, or maybe even weeks, where you don’t feel all mushy-gushy in love with someone, and that is okay! This is part of the beauty and magic of true love, and it shows that the relationship is real.

Regardless of how you love or who you love, there is one thing that all forms of love have in common: they require commitment. This is not something that can be easily fulfilled, as it requires both a conscious choice and a deep desire to see the person you love through their faults and flaws.

While some researchers believe that love is a basic human emotion, others have suggested that it is influenced by culture and social pressures. Whether you believe that true love is a biological or cultural phenomenon, there is no denying that it has the ability to transform our lives and bring out the best in us. It is a powerful force that can make the world go round, but it is not without its challenges. To help you on your journey to find the love of your life, we have compiled 10 quotes on what love means to some of our favorite authors, celebrities, and influencers.

Understanding the Concept of Need


Need is a key term in a wide variety of academic theories and models, as well as business practices. Most notably, the psychological concept of need was popularized in 1943 by psychologist Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of needs theory, which suggests that people have a series of physiological or lower order psychological needs such as food, water and shelter, which must be satisfied before higher order needs such as belonging and self-esteem can be met. The academic study of need reached its zenith in the 1950s and has since been largely replaced by a theory that places greater emphasis on individual choice.

Need has a number of synonyms, including want and necessity. Both words imply a lack or demand that must be met, but need has stronger emotional appeal than necessity, which can sound more impersonal or objective. The word need is used more frequently in everyday speech and writing, especially in the US, whereas the phrase necessity is more commonly found in academic texts and scientific journals.

Some of the earliest uses of the word need can be traced back to ancient Greek, where it was used as an adjective meaning “a thing that is necessary for something else to exist or be done.” The usage evolved over time to include its current definition of something that a person desires or must have in order to function normally and effectively in a particular context. The need for things is a fundamental human experience, although the need to be happy or fulfilled is less of an essential human need than the need to survive and feel safe.

When talking about personal needs, the most important step is to discover and identify them. One way to do this is to create and execute a needs assessment, which helps individuals uncover the root cause of their feelings. Then they can take action to meet those needs in a productive manner.

In the case of physical or emotional needs, it is possible to use a variety of strategies to fulfill them, such as meditation, exercise and counseling. However, for financial or career needs, it may be more difficult to find solutions that are as simple and straightforward.

It is also helpful to define the difference between a need and a want. A need is something a person must have in order to function normally and effectively, such as food and water. A want is a desire or wish for something that is not required for survival, such as a cheese burst pizza. Needs are also different from abilities, which refer to internal assets or capacities a person has in order to achieve certain goals, such as learning a new language or becoming a good cook. These skills can be developed through a variety of methods, including education and personal development programs. Lastly, it is important to understand that there are limits to needs and that some individuals will always have unmet needs.

How to Prepare for the Question “How Would You Define Yourself?”


In the English language, you is a second-person pronoun that usually indicates agreement with another person or with an indefinite object. It also triggers plural verb forms, such as you guys, y’all, or youse. It may refer to a single person, or it may be treated as plural for formality or emphasis (You guys should take a hike; Don’t you dare touch that). You is also used in some formal speech to refer to an audience.

When you are interviewing for a job, one of the most common questions an interviewer will ask is “How would you describe yourself?” This question is tricky because it can be hard to find an adjective that sums up your unique qualities without seeming overly boastful or unprofessional. In addition, the answer should be relevant to the specific position for which you are interviewing.

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for this question is to develop a list of your top skills, strengths, and abilities. This will help you create an effective and memorable answer. In addition, it is a good idea to practice answering the question with a friend or family member who can provide constructive feedback.

Another helpful way to prepare for this question is to review past employment experience. You should focus on the positive aspects of your employment history, as well as any skills that are particularly relevant to the job for which you are applying. For example, if you are applying for a management position, you may want to highlight your leadership abilities. Likewise, if you are applying for a sales role, you may want to stress your communication skills.

It is important to avoid using slang or slang phrases in your answers. Employers are looking for professional, polished responses. Additionally, you should be careful to use the appropriate tone in your writing. For example, it is generally inappropriate to use contractions in written work, and you should always spell words correctly.

If you are struggling to find the right word to describe yourself, try to think about what you believe makes you unique. This will help you come up with an answer that will set you apart from the rest. Using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) when answering this question will ensure that you have a prepared and effective response.

Lastly, be sure to consider the culture of the company for which you are applying. If you are interviewing for a Spanish-speaking job, it is important to understand the differences between the familiar t/vosotros and the polite usted/ustedes verb forms. You should use t/vosotros with anyone you call by their first name and usted with those older than you or in positions of authority. You should also be aware of the difference between formal and informal grammar in the Spanish-speaking world. In some areas of the country, it is considered more appropriate to use the formal t/vosotros form than the informal yo/vostedes form.

What is ME/CFS?


ME/CFS is a complex chronic neuroimmune disease whose cause is unknown. It can have many different symptoms, but the two most prominent are debilitating fatigue that is not relieved by rest and unrefreshing sleep; and post-exertional malaise – a worsening of symptoms for hours, days or longer after physical, emotional or cognitive exertion, sometimes accompanied by headaches, swollen glands, pain, gastrointestinal problems, difficulty concentrating and periods of bloating or constipation.

It is estimated that over a million people in the UK and over one million in the USA have ME/CFS. These are more than twice as many as have HIV infection or multiple sclerosis.

Many of those who have ME/CFS are unable to work and some are housebound or bedbound. Those who have the most severe cases are often unable to leave their homes and need around the clock care. Unlike some other diseases, ME/CFS does not improve with time and cannot be ‘cured’. Currently, there is no test for ME/CFS and the diagnosis is based on exclusion of other conditions that cause similar symptoms using a set of criteria. Many people are misdiagnosed.

People with ME/CFS can appear to be in good physical health and blood tests ordered by their healthcare providers typically show no abnormalities. Despite this, most adults with ME/CFS are unable to work full or part time and children with ME/CFS may be unable to attend school. Three out of four of those who are severely affected with ME/CFS are unable to live independently and are dependent on others for help with bathing, dressing, eating and toileting.

ME/CFS can be triggered by infection – herpesviruses, enteroviruses and bacterial infections like Lyme disease have been linked to the condition. It can also develop more gradually, often after a prolonged period of stress (like a major operation or childbirth) or a hormonal change like menopause or pregnancy.

Although there is no cure, there are a number of treatment approaches that can help people manage their ME/CFS. This includes “pacing” – managing your activities so you can have energy for the things that are most important to you; the use of medications to treat underlying conditions such as depression, anxiety, gastrointestinal problems and pain; and exercise and relaxation therapy.

Research is ongoing to find better ways to support people with ME/CFS, including developing new drugs that will be safe and effective. Solve ME/CFS is committed to raising awareness of this illness and ensuring that those who suffer are not forgotten. You can do your part by sharing this article on social media and encouraging your friends and family to do the same.

Finding Love If You’re Pessimistic


Whether it’s for your significant other, family or friends, love is what keeps us going in life. It’s what makes us feel secure and safe, despite all the scary things that go on in our daily lives. Love is a feeling that can make you want to do the most for those you care about. It can even make you want to protect them, even if that means putting your own needs on the back burner at times. This is why it’s so important to be able to separate your own feelings from those of the person you love.

When it comes to finding love, you have to put yourself out there. Sitting around and waiting for love to hit you while you’re in a good mood might work sometimes, but most of the time it doesn’t. It’s not always easy to know when you’re ready to give it a try, but it is important to put yourself out there as much as possible. You might even have to push yourself a little bit out of your comfort zone, but that’s okay. It’s a good idea to practice making new friends and exploring different activities that could lead you to the right person.

You might think that it’s impossible to find love if you’re a pessimist, but there are plenty of people who live their lives with a relentless optimism and a sunny disposition. It might seem like they’re just naturally happy, but it could actually be a result of their habits and their way of thinking. Pessimists tend to dwell on negative aspects of their life and focus on what they can’t control. Happy people, on the other hand, know that there are always positives to be found, and they keep their expectations realistic.

The reason why some people can be happier than others is because they’re not crushed by what doesn’t go their way, and they don’t take failure or rejection too personally. They also tend to be more optimistic, so they’re less likely to get down on themselves when something doesn’t go their way. They also know that not everything is in their control, so they’re more willing to give up on strategies that aren’t working and embrace the fact that “this too shall pass.”

Scientists have done a lot of research on love over the years, and it turns out that there are a few different types of love. There’s romantic love, which is based on the chemicals that are released during bonding and is usually intense and euphoric. There’s companionate love, which is based on affection and loyalty, and there’s compassionate love, which is based on concern for other people.

In one experiment, researchers at Stony Brook University put 37 people who were madly in love into an MRI scanner and watched their brains respond. They found that when someone is madly in love, the same parts of their brain that react to cocaine are activated. They also found that the more experiences a person has in their life, the more likely they are to find love.

What is a Need?


A need is a physiological or psychological requirement for a person’s survival and well-being. According to the most widely accepted academic model, people must first fulfill their basic needs of food, water and shelter before they can move on to the higher psychological needs of belonging, esteem and self-actualization.

Generally speaking, a need is something that you can’t be happy or healthy without (for example, food, water). A want, on the other hand, is something that you would like to have but can live without. For example, a person who wants to own their own home but can afford to rent one might decide to buy an apartment in a new neighborhood rather than living in the same area they’ve always lived.

When a need is spoken about in the context of human relationships, it can refer to feelings of lack or desire for a person’s own needs to be met or for the other person to meet them. These feelings can also manifest themselves in a range of ways from anger and irritation, to jealousy and envy. In a relationship, feelings of need can be triggered by a variety of experiences and situations including arguments, disagreements, criticisms and even compliments.

People often use the word need as a verb when talking about their own personal or psychological needs. The most common need is for a sense of security and wellbeing, which can be fulfilled through love, friendship, compassion and support. Other psychological needs include a sense of belonging and identity, which can be fulfilled through social interaction and connections with others. In terms of physical health, needs may include the need for good nutrition and exercise as well as the need for sleep, rest and medical care.

There are a variety of academic theories that discuss the concept of need, however, the need as a physiological or psychological feature has received less attention in recent years than the related concepts of gratification and satisfaction. The most famous of these is Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Maslow’s theory states that people need to satisfy their basic physiological or lower order needs, such as food, water and shelter, before they can move on to higher psychological or emotional needs of belonging, esteem and self-actualization.

The English verb need means “to have a necessity for or urge to do something” (Merriam-Webster). This modal verb can be used in the same way as other modal verbs, such as should, must and could, in particular when it is used in a negative form: “I should go but I don’t feel that I need to.”

During the course of their lives, people are likely to experience many different types of needs. It is important to be able to distinguish between these different types of needs in order to make appropriate decisions for their own health and happiness. In particular, it is important to understand the difference between needs and wants so that people can make informed choices about what to pursue in their life.

Choosing the Right Words to Define Yourself

Whether you’re describing yourself on a dating profile or answering interview questions about yourself, finding the right words to describe your qualities can be difficult. You want to be memorable, but you don’t want to come across as braggy or weird. Plus, using too many adjectives can make your description seem like a thesaurus list.

Choosing the right words to describe yourself is especially important when answering the interview question, “How would your friends describe you?” The hiring manager wants to get an idea of your soft skills and personality traits. However, it’s also important to be professional and relate your positive personality traits to the job description.

Use the STAR technique when answering this question. Start with a Situation or Task, then describe the Action you took to achieve a successful outcome. Then, conclude by stating the Result. This will help you highlight specific examples of your abilities and provide a more meaningful and honest answer to the interviewer’s question.


Employers are looking for someone who will be able to drive results in the workplace. They want to know that you are a hard worker and are committed to the role. Talk about the ways you are a driven individual and the outcomes you’ve achieved in previous roles.

Resilient and resourceful

These are key skills that are needed in today’s fast-changing business environment. The hiring manager wants to know that you will be able to adapt and thrive as the work climate changes. Describe the ways you’ve been resilient and flexible in previous roles.

Committed and future-focused

Companies are looking for employees who will be dedicated to the company and its long-term success. Talk about the ways this position and organization excites you and piques your interest.

How to Explain to Your Prospective Employer What You Have to Say About Yourself

ME/CFS is a complex and disabling illness affecting all body systems. It is a neurological disease according to the World Health Organisation and it affects people of all ages, races, sexes, social economic backgrounds and educational levels. It is believed to be triggered by infections, but it can also appear spontaneously. Many people with ME experience severe symptoms which leave them housebound or bedridden, and most are unable to work.

ME may be difficult to diagnose because it is not a physical illness and blood tests often do not show anything abnormal. It is estimated that 90% of people with ME will spend years trying to get a diagnosis, and some are misdiagnosed or told they do not have the illness at all.

The cause of ME/CFS is not yet known but there are connections to genes, the central nervous system and the immune system and researchers are working on diagnostic tests and treatments. People who have ME/CFS usually recover from an episode of ME by resting and limiting activity but the illness can return again at any time in the form of a ‘relapse’.

During an interview, you are likely to be asked the question “How would you describe yourself?” The answer to this will be one of the most important things you can tell your prospective employer about yourself, and it is not something you should take lightly.

You need to be able to articulate your ME in a way that is eloquent and clear. There is no right or wrong answer but the key is to be able to explain your symptoms and how they affect you, so that your prospective employer can understand your ME.

A good starting point is to explain that your ME manifests in the following ways:

fatigue that does not improve with rest or sleep.

a feeling of weakness or tiredness that persists beyond the level expected after exercise, mental exertion or social activity.

post-exertional malaise (PEM) – a global increase in ME symptoms that can be triggered by activities of different intensities, and lasts for hours, days or weeks.

cognitive difficulties (brain fog), which can include poor memory, slowed responses and difficulty concentrating.

a range of other symptoms including pain in the muscles, joints, glands or digestive system, headaches and eye problems, sensitivity to light, sound, temperature and touch.

It is recommended that people with ME/CFS are referred to an ME/CFS specialist team for assessment and care. These teams should consist of healthcare professionals with training and experience in ME/CFS, and a holistic approach to assessment and care. They should also include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians and clinical or counselling psychologists. The ME/CFS specialist team will assess the person, develop a care and support plan and refer them to other healthcare professionals as required.

How to Show Your Love

For centuries, love has been a subject of fascination and debate. Some cynics swear that true love doesn’t exist, while hopeless romantics are convinced that everyone should set out to find their soulmates. With scientific research supporting the idea that long-lasting relationships can be cultivated, the topic of love has never been more relevant.

Biological models of love tend to view it as a mammalian drive, similar to hunger or thirst. In contrast, psychology views love as a deeper psychological connection and bond that creates a sense of comfort, intimacy, and trust. This kind of relationship-building love requires compassion, appreciation, and reliability to be cultivated and sustains over time.

Some people express their love for others through physical gestures, such as holding hands and running their fingers through their partner’s hair. This kind of love can be rewarding and satisfying, but it’s also a huge responsibility. In addition, it’s important to understand that not everyone expresses their love in the same way, so there’s no one-size-fits-all definition of love.

Other people may choose to show their love by making sacrifices for the ones they care about. This can be hard because it’s not always easy to know what a person truly wants or needs from you. However, it’s essential that you learn to communicate openly and honestly so that you don’t end up with a broken heart.

Still others may show their love by giving gifts to those they care about. This is a great way to let the people in your life know how much you appreciate them and to demonstrate that you’re thinking about them. However, it’s important to remember that the most meaningful and lasting gifts aren’t things; they’re acts of service.

It’s important to love yourself as well as the people you care about. In order to do so, you’ll need to be self-aware and be able to identify your own strengths and weaknesses. It’s also helpful to practice empathy, so you can better understand the needs and motivations of those around you.

Finally, it’s important to remember that real love doesn’t suffocate or demand. Love is a feeling that allows you to be your best self and feel safe with the people you care about.

If you’re lucky enough to find true love, it can be a blessing that lasts for a lifetime. But it’s not for the weak of heart, and there will be times when you wake up in the middle of the night thinking, “Ugh, I’m not feeling this.” It’s important to stick with it and remember that love doesn’t always feel amazing all the time. It’s also a constant process of growth and change. So, when you’re struggling to love yourself or someone else, remember that this is normal and take some time for yourself to heal. You’re worth it.