My Name is Me and I Have ME/CFS


My name is me, and I have a disease called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). There are many different names given to this condition, but the most common is ME/CFS. It is important to note that there is a difference between the two conditions, which are recorded separately on World Health Organisation (WHO) databases.

I have a problem getting enough sleep, which means that I feel very tired most of the time, often even after a full night’s sleep! It can also affect my ability to concentrate and I have problems regulating my temperature.

You can learn more about ME/CFS and the symptoms it causes on our Action for M.E. website and in our ME/CFS factsheets.

There is no cure for ME/CFS, but there are treatments that can help reduce some of the symptoms and improve your quality of life. These include medications, sleep aids and exercise.

ME/CFS can also cause other illnesses, so it’s important to have a full diagnosis and get treatment for any other diseases you may have as well. It’s also important to make sure you have access to health and social care.

If you or someone you know has ME/CFS, there are plenty of organisations and resources available to support you. These include the charity #MEAction, which is a global network of patients and allies, and ALISS, a UK-based charity that provides information and signposts to support groups for people with ME/CFS and their families.

One of the most difficult aspects of living with ME/CFS is feeling like you aren’t quite right – especially when it’s your worst day or week. This can leave you feeling frustrated, anxious and depressed. Those with more severe ME/CFS need round the clock care, which can be very expensive.

The main symptoms of ME/CFS are post-exertional malaise (PEM), unrefreshing or disturbed sleep, trouble concentrating, dizziness, near fainting, periods of bloating and constipation, pain and problems regulating your temperature. PEM can occur after physical activity, such as going for a walk, or can be triggered by activities that require less energy, such as reading a book or brushing your teeth.

Your ME/CFS is a chronic, progressive illness that can affect your whole life and it’s hard to predict how long it will last. It can impact on your relationships, your job and your wellbeing.

It’s a game of “Who am I?”

When you are trying to figure out who you are, it can be helpful to do some self-assessments to find out which words best describe you. Try taking a quiz online or ask your friends and family for some advice.

Once you have a clear idea of who you are, it can be useful to think about how others see you. Doing this can help you to identify those parts of you that others don’t see, and give you a better understanding of yourself as a whole.

If you do this exercise, it can help you to develop a good understanding of yourself and make the most of your talents and interests. It will also give you a sense of empowerment when it comes to knowing who you are and what you want from your life.

What Does Love Mean?


Love is one of the most common emotions, and is a basic part of human life. It can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be painful and heartbreaking.

The meaning of love varies from person to person and from culture to culture. Despite this, love is essential to the wellbeing of every person. It is a feeling that can make or break any relationship, and it can be hard to understand what it means.

Some people believe that love is a natural emotion, and that it can be controlled by our thoughts and feelings. This is a controversial viewpoint, but it is true that there are several factors that can affect our ability to experience love.

There are a variety of different theories on the nature of love, but some researchers agree that passion and companionate love are key components. These two types of love are accompanied by physiological arousal, but some relationships do not experience passionate love.

Other theories consider love to be a combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment. This is known as the triangular theory of love. It suggests that there are three primary, three secondary and nine tertiary styles of love.

Intimacy is a type of love that is experienced through physical and verbal communication. It is a bond of trust that helps us feel safe in our relationships with others. It can be felt in sexual relations, but it is also present in friendships and family relationships.

Commitment is another form of love that develops over time. It is important to develop a strong sense of loyalty and affection in a relationship, and this can take years to do. It can be a challenging type of love to maintain, but it is often considered to be the most honorable.

When a couple is committed to each other, they are willing to work through the hard times together and stick with each other through life’s ups and downs. They are willing to make compromises and try new things, even if it means that they may have to give up some of their comforts.

Being in love can change your life forever. It can make you see things in a new way, and it can open your eyes to other aspects of your life that you never thought existed. It can make you appreciate your partner more, and it can make you feel more compassionate towards other people’s struggles.

If you are currently experiencing some of these problems in your love life, it is a good idea to work through them as soon as possible. This will help you avoid some of the most difficult times in your relationship.

The most important part of this process is to communicate. This can be done in many ways, from emails to text messages. However, it is best to do this in a private setting so that you and your partner can discuss all the issues and problems at hand.

What Is a Need and What Is a Want?


Need is a condition or situation in which something must be supplied in order for a certain condition to be maintained or a desired state to be achieved. It can be either a mental or physical condition.

Needs are a core concept in human life and form the basis for many different fields of study, including philosophy, biology, psychology, social science, economics, marketing and politics. Needs are also important in business, as they can serve as a means of measuring the performance of an organization and helping managers to improve their operations.

The most common uses of need are to ask what a person needs, such as What does my child need? Needs are often followed by a modal verb, such as can or may. These auxiliary verbs are used in present-tense questions, negations and conditional clauses.

A want is something that a person desires, both right now and in the future. The desire for a want can be so intense that it causes a person to act in ways that are unhelpful to their well-being, such as spending money on items that do not provide them with a real benefit.

Wants can include anything a person desires, such as a new car or an expensive vacation. Needs can include things like food, shelter and medical care.

The difference between a need and a want is that a need is necessary for a person to survive, while a want is not. If a need is not met, it can cause a person to become ill or die.

In addition, wants can be a way for people to express their emotions or feelings. They can also be used to help people manage their lives and cope with stress.

Needs are also a key factor in self-determination theory. This theory suggests that individuals have a guiding principle, such as their need for love, respect or freedom, which influences how they interact with others.

When determining the best way to meet needs, it is important to consider the individual’s preferences and lifestyle. This will help you identify the most effective method for achieving a goal.

Another thing to remember is that the main difference between a need and a want lies in the quality of the item needed to satisfy the desire. For example, a need for food can be met by eating more of a healthy diet. However, a want for an expensive sports car will not allow you to function effectively as a driver or be able to travel.

Needs are important because they tell us what is essential for a good quality of life. They are also important to understand because they can help us decide what to spend our money on. Needs are also an excellent guideline for dividing expenses into categories such as food, clothing and other necessities and luxuries.

The Best Things About Being a Libra

You are a type of person who is quick to show love and kindness. You don’t mind sacrificing convenience for those who need it most, and you always feel compelled to share your resources with others.

You love to learn new things and explore different perspectives. Your curiosity drives you to do more and better. You’re willing to take a risk and try something you’ve never done before, even if it’s not what you want to do.

Your sensitivity and openness to other perspectives make you a good listener, especially when you’re dealing with people who have different beliefs and values than your own. You’re a good partner because you’re willing to compromise on your own terms so that both of you can work together in the best interest of the relationship.

Forgiveness is a key element in your life. You’ve learned that it’s more important to forgive and move on than to harbor a grudge.

You’re not a fan of giving someone money as a tip, but you don’t mind sharing your wallet when you need it.

Whether you’re working on a project or playing a game, you’re able to find creative solutions for problems and challenges. Your intelligence and a willingness to put yourself out there help you make things happen in ways that no one else can.

Your ability to be flexible and adaptable is a gift. It’s what keeps you on your toes and allows you to be your most authentic self.

You have a gift for helping others feel calmer and focused. You’re good at improvising when there’s not much time to plan, and you’re always looking for a way to make everyone’s lives easier.

This gift also makes it easy for you to see the good in people and situations, which helps you appreciate them more. You’re a compassionate and kindhearted person who can find joy in the little things, like a good hug.

It’s also your superpower to see the silver lining in every situation. You’re a positive force, and the world is better because of you.

Your sense of humor and wit are often what bring people together. You’re funny, but you’re also genuinely kind and considerate of others.

You’re not afraid to admit when you’ve made a mistake, and you’re always willing to look back and see the lessons that it has taught you.

Unlike some of your friends, you don’t believe in taking advantage of others or letting them get the upper hand. You know that you can’t be a strong and confident person if you’re not a friendly, caring person.

Your compassion for others and your willingness to help them make the world a better place are your greatest strengths. You’re a strong advocate for those who need it most, and you’re a great listener.

You’re a people-person who can connect with almost anyone. You’re a good friend and can make the world a better place for all those who are lucky enough to know you.

What Are the Symptoms of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis?


I am someone who lives with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). It is a complex neurological condition that affects mainly adults, but may also affect children. It is a lifelong illness with no cure and has serious effects on people’s physical and mental health.

The symptoms of ME vary between people. Some people get ME suddenly after a viral infection, while others develop it gradually over months or years. It is not known what causes ME but it is thought to be a combination of genetic, central nervous system and immune factors.

Symptoms of ME include fatigue, pain, sleep problems and cognitive impairment. These symptoms are often worse after physical activity or exercise.

Fatigue and other symptoms can be so severe that they make it difficult to perform even basic activities of daily living. Some people are unable to work, while others need around the clock care at home or in a hospital.

Other common symptoms of ME are trouble concentrating, unrefreshing or disturbed sleep, muscle or joint pain, dizziness, near fainting and problems regulating body temperature. ME can be triggered by a bacterial or viral infection, such as herpesviruses and enteroviruses. It is thought that a person’s risk of developing ME is influenced by their immune system, and research is ongoing to identify the cause.

It can also be triggered by a major life event, such as the birth of a child or an important medical procedure. It can occur alongside other conditions, such as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.

Symptoms of ME may be severe, but it is possible to manage them. Managing your symptoms can help reduce your physical and emotional stress levels. Pacing your activity and resting are key to reducing the severity of your symptoms.

You may need help to find the best way to manage your symptoms. Your GP or specialist team can advise you on this. They can also refer you to a specialist ME team.

The symptom that is most important to your doctor is the level of energy you have. Your doctor will want to know if you have ever been feeling completely exhausted, or have felt exhausted for longer than you should have.

Most people with ME are able to cope with everyday activities if they stay healthy and active. But if they do not, the symptoms can become more severe and they may need extra help to do their usual activities.

If you are struggling to live with the symptoms of ME and need advice on how to manage them, ask your GP for a referral to a specialist team who can diagnose you and provide you with information on treatment options. You should also be referred to an independent support group for people with ME, as well as to your local disability services agency for additional support.

The UK government’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recently released a clinical guideline that aims to improve the care and support people with ME receive from the NHS and other healthcare services. This document is free to download and will give patients, carers and families all the information they need about symptom recognition, diagnosis, management and the ongoing care and support that should be available. It is recommended that you read it before your first appointment with a health professional.

Is Love an Emotion?


Love is a strong feeling of affection, warmth, and respect. It can be a strong connection between people or non-human animals, and it can be an important part of a person’s beliefs and principles.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines love as “an intense feeling of deep affection.”

Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud described love as an emotion that he called the “mother of all feelings,” and he thought it a necessary part of human nature. He also argued that love is “the most common and universal of all emotions” and that it “is inseparable from the human self.”

Psychologists have debated whether love is an emotion, but research shows that it is. In fact, studies have shown that people experiencing passionate love have more activity in the brain regions related to reward and pleasure than those who are not. This happy state may help people feel more adventurous and less fearful, which can lead to healthier relationships.

A person with happy thoughts and feelings sees others for who they are and knows that everyone makes mistakes. They can’t always change the way a person behaves, but they can help them to see that they are good people who have made bad choices in life.

Happiness is a choice

If you have happy thoughts, you are more likely to make decisions that align with your values. These decisions will help you to be happier, even when things aren’t going your way.

Having a happy mood can improve your physical health, mental state, and social connections. It can also lower your stress levels and increase your energy.

It can also make you more compassionate and empathetic toward others. It can help you to be more understanding and tolerant of different points of view, and it can even lead to better decision-making.

A person with a happy mood can be more supportive of their friends and family members and will try to help them solve problems. It can also encourage them to be more active and involved in the community.

Being in a happy mood can also help you to stay healthy and prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. It can also keep your immune system strong and help you to avoid infections and colds.

It can help you to feel more resilient in stressful situations, and it can make you more optimistic about your future. It can also make you more confident in your abilities and help you to have more courage in trying new things and taking risks.

You can learn to be happier by taking care of yourself and learning to manage your emotions. You can do this by exercising regularly, eating nutritious meals, getting enough sleep, and spending time with positive people.

You can also take steps to develop a more meaningful relationship with your loved ones, by communicating openly and listening carefully to them. It can be hard to do these things sometimes, but it will help you to love more deeply and genuinely.

What Are the Differences Between Needs and Wants?


Needs are things that you need for life, such as air, water, food, shelter and health care. Needs also include a desire to have something, such as a new car, clothes or a vacation. Wants are not essential to your survival, but they can improve your quality of life.

The word need comes from Middle English nede, from Old French ned. It means “necessity, necessity,” and it is the root of a number of words related to need, including exigency, emergency, needfulness and inability.

It is also the root of the verb to need, which means “to have to have.” It is usually followed by a present participle, such as The car needs washing. It is often used as an auxiliary verb in questions, negations and conditional clauses, and it has no past form like could or might.

Some people also use the word need to mean “neediness.” It is a form of deprivation, and it can be contrasted with the more positive concept of happiness. It can also be a form of depression.

Needs and wants are a common topic of discussion in biology, psychology, sociology, philosophy and economics. They also are important in marketing, as they can influence consumer behavior.

What are the differences between needs and wants?

Need is a term that refers to what you need for your physical, psychological and emotional well-being. Needs include everything from the simplest necessities to the most expensive desires.

A person’s needs are determined by his or her biological, social, and intellectual characteristics. Some of these qualities include intelligence, esteem and self-actualization.

If you are a parent, it is important to teach children how to identify their needs and understand how to satisfy them. This will help them grow up to be productive and happy adults.

According to Maslow, the hierarchy of human needs starts with basic physiological and biological needs (air, food, shelter). Next come safety needs (protection from danger), love and belongingness (affiliation, friendship, intimacy) and esteem needs (dignity, achievement, independence). Finally, there are cognitive and mental needs.

The basic need hierarchy is a model that helps people identify what they need in order to lead happy, productive lives. It has made a significant contribution to teaching and classroom management in schools.

It is based on rational identification of human needs, and it also considers the actual experiences of individuals in their everyday lives. It also provides a framework for democratic decision-making and is compatible with the capability approach to human development.

Some of the main principles of need theory are:

Needs are a natural and essential part of living; they are the foundation for all human activity. They are not imposed by external forces, but rather develop over time as a result of our experiences and choices.

When an individual is capable of meeting his or her needs, he or she will have the opportunity to move higher up the hierarchy towards self-actualization. However, a person will not achieve this level if he or she does not fulfill the lower needs in his or her life.

How to Write a Good Personal Profile


Your is a pronoun used to refer to the person or persons you are speaking with or writing to. It is typically used in the second person, but can also be used in the third person, especially in informal contexts. It is a contraction of you and are, which makes it easy to remember.

Your Skills

You may be able to tell that someone is good at a particular skill by the way they talk about it, or by the way they describe it. When interviewing people for your profile, ask them to explain how they use a certain skill, or why they think it is important. If possible, also ask them for anecdotes that illustrate how they learned the skill.

How to Ask for Information About Your Profile

Make a list of potential sources that you might want to interview for your article, and make contact with them early and often. If they will not be a good match, or are too busy to answer your questions, refer them to someone else who might be a better fit. Be polite, and ask repeatedly, always explaining who you are, the topic of your article, and why they might be helpful.

Be sure to make an appointment with them, or give them a call on their lunch break or after work. This will help ensure that they are available for your interview and it will also be more likely that they will talk to you if they know that you are serious about the project.

It’s a good idea to interview at least five people who can provide anecdotes about the subject of your profile, unless you already have one or two interviews lined up for that person. These will give you a more complete picture of the subject’s background, as well as their skills and experiences.

When interviewing someone, you should try to get a feel for their personality by talking with them about their interests, hobbies, and career. This will help you to find out what makes them tick and why they are interesting to readers.

You should also ask for specific details about the subject of your profile, focusing on their connections to news events or interesting things they’ve done. These details will help you to craft an informative, compelling article.

A good rule of thumb is to give each person you interview at least four minutes, and then ask them to tell anecdotes about themselves. If you have trouble getting them to speak for a length of time, you might want to consider including some supplemental information in your article, such as quotes or photos.

You can also take an online skill test to see how well you know a certain topic. These tests are great for job search or freelance writing, and they will give you a good idea of your skills in a given area. They’ll also show you if there are any areas where you need to improve.

How to Write About Love


Love is a universal feeling or emotion that is present in all human beings, regardless of race or religion. Moreover, it is an emotion that can be experienced by all living creatures on the earth, including animals.

There are a variety of different types of love that can be felt by humans. While some are more based on physical attraction, others are based more on trust and emotional connection.

Romantic love is the most popular type of love that people are familiar with, but there are a few other types of love that should not be ignored. These include the love you have for your parents, siblings, pets, and other family members.

Compassionate love is also another form of love that is a little more difficult to grasp, but it is so much more rewarding and meaningful than romantic love.

When you feel this type of love, you are always thinking about your partner’s needs and trying to make sure that their happiness is the number one priority in your life. You may think that you are giving them more than they deserve, but this is really a sign that your love is genuine and not just a fling.

Eros is the type of love that is based on physical attraction and sexual intimacy. This kind of love can easily end up causing problems in relationships. It is not a permanent type of love and people can often break up quickly.

Storge is the type of love that is more mature and based on trust. This is the type of love that most people are familiar with, but it can be difficult to recognize and understand.

Pragma is the type of love that develops over a period of time and can take years to build. This is a kind of love that has been developed by couples who have been together for a long time and have learned to understand each other and tolerate their differences.

The most important thing to remember when writing about love is that it is a complex topic. It is important to research the subject before you begin writing about it, so that you can be sure to present a well-crafted paper.

There are many ethical questions that come up with the concept of love, so you should consider addressing these as well. This will help you to understand the nature of this emotion and how it can be used positively or negatively.

How to write about love

If you’re stuck for ideas, try thinking about the different types of love that you have experienced in your lifetime. You might want to focus on your first love, the way that you viewed love as a child, or how you bonded with your pet.

You can also consider a specific person who made an impact on your life, such as a favorite teacher or mentor. This will provide you with a lot of interesting topics to discuss and a great deal of material to work with in your essay.

How to Use the Word Need in Your Marketing Toolkit


Need is a term that is used to describe the product or service that a customer needs in order to meet their goals. It can be a tangible need, such as food, or an intangible need, such as expertise, time savings, or value.

A customer needs assessment is an important part of any company’s growth and success. It helps you uncover gaps in your process that may be holding your business back from reaching its goals.

Having a strong needs analysis can help you determine which services or products your customers are looking for and how they are using them. It also helps you optimize your website and other marketing materials to align with the things that are most important to your customers.

It is also a key component of the process that leads to creating a successful sales plan and product development strategy. Needs are what motivate your sales team and make them focus on developing new products that address these needs.

The most well-known academic model of needs is the Maslow hierarchy proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943. According to this theory, human beings have a hierarchy of basic physiological or lower order needs (food, water, safety) that are followed by higher order needs such as belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization.

Needs are a very personal part of the human experience and can be difficult to measure, and sometimes even impossible to predict. They can vary widely from person to person and even from culture to culture.

Some people use the word need interchangeably with want, but they have different meanings. Want means something that you desire, while need means what you need to survive.

When you say that someone needs something, it means that they need to get it so they can be healthy or happy. It is a statement that is often made in response to something they are saying.

It can also mean that you need something for the good of another person, such as a person in need of medical care or a child who needs to be nurtured. Need is a very important part of the human experience and can be a very powerful word in your marketing toolkit.

You can also use the word need in a business context, such as when you need to get a specific job done or you need to meet a deadline. It can also be a powerful marketing tool when you need to convince customers that your product is a great fit for their needs.

Need-blind admission policies can be a huge benefit to students. These schools will not factor your ability to pay into your admission decision, but they won’t give you full financial aid if you can’t afford it.

It is a common myth that you must be in a low income family to qualify for financial aid, but this isn’t true. The Department of Education calculates your expected family contribution, which is based on your family’s income, benefits and assets. This number will determine how much money you can receive through the federal government or your college’s financial aid office. If you need additional money, you can fill in the gap with outside scholarships and private loans.