What Is a Need?

A need is a requirement that must be met in order to fulfill physical, psychological, or emotional well-being. Needs vary in degree of urgency, intensity, or importance to the individual. Unlike wants, which can be driven by personal desires or circumstances, needs are generally influenced by external factors such as rules or conditions.

The most common type of need is a basic need such as food, shelter, and clothing. Other types of need include safety, self-esteem, and belonging. The need for socialization is also considered a need, as it is a necessity in human evolution.

A need can be distinguished from a want because a lack of a need would result in harm or inconvenience, whereas the opposite is true for a want. For example, if you don’t have the money to pay for a hotel room, it will probably cause you discomfort or even harm. But if you don’t have the money for a new car, it is unlikely that you will suffer any consequences.

In general, a need is usually viewed as more important than a want because it is necessary for survival and fulfillment. The distinction between a need and a want can be further defined by considering their contexts. For example, you might consider a need to be a requirement of your job or school that you must meet in order to get the benefits you want, while a want is a requirement of your own desires and circumstances.

Need can be used as a noun or verb. When referring to something that you require, need is often used as an indefinite article, but it can also be used as a definite article. In the first case, you use an indefinite article because you don’t know what specific thing you need. In the second case, you use a definite article because you do know what specific thing you need.

You need to take care of your personal needs in order to be happy.

You should have a plan in place to meet your personal needs and you need to execute that plan on a regular basis. For example, if you have a need for creativity you could take steps to pursue it by taking art classes or by investing in a painting studio.

The word need can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is essential or necessary. For example, you might say that someone has a need for adventure or that a certain city has a need for more cultural attractions. The word need can also be used to describe a feeling of deprivation or inadequacy. For example, you might feel that your life has a need for more meaning and purpose. The need for love, affection, and companionship is a need that all humans have. This need can be met by spending time with loved ones and by participating in activities that stimulate the mind, body, and spirit. This need can also be fulfilled by volunteering and participating in charitable activities.