The Definition of Need


A need is a psychological feature that arouses action toward a goal and provides motivation. Generally, needs are based on physiological tension, deficiency or imbalance, such as hunger and thirst, and impel people to act. Psychologist Abraham Maslow developed the concept of a hierarchy of human needs, starting with the basic physiological or lower order needs such as food and safety, through to higher order needs such as belonging and self-actualization. His theory has been widely accepted as intuitively appealing but has proved difficult to operationalize experimentally.

A person’s definition of need differs a great deal depending on their life experiences and financial status. A wealthy individual may consider a lot of their possessions to be necessities, while a person struggling financially might see only a few things as essential. This difference is largely due to the messages that a person receives about money as they grow up, and also the way in which their parents talk about it with them.

While need and necessity imply the same thing, one is more emotional and the other is more formal. The word need, which is a semi-modal verb, is much stronger in its appeal to the emotions: “I have a need for water.” It is a useful term when conveying urgency or imperative demand. Necessity, on the other hand, is more formal and impersonal.

The use of the definite article is an important part of the definition of need. The definite article is used with most countable nouns, such as animals and letters. However, there are some exceptions, such as the definite article in the case of some non-countable nouns (such as “a lion”).

Some dictionaries make a distinction between need and require. While both are needed for something to exist, need often relates to internal requirements or circumstances, while require is more commonly associated with external factors and established rules and conditions. A plant requires sunlight to survive, for example, but a person doesn’t need sunshine to survive.

When speaking about the business side of things, the term need can refer to a consumer’s desire for specific products and services or their own personal preferences for certain features of a product or service. For example, a consumer might express their need for a certain product by saying, “I need a new car.” The company would then use market research to identify the customer’s true needs, thereby ensuring that the products and services they offer meet those needs.

As a result, the business will enjoy greater success and profitability. Companies can help identify a customer’s needs by conducting market research, interviewing customers and asking questions about their preferences. They can then tailor their offerings to meet those needs, thereby increasing sales and customer loyalty.