Need is an auxiliary verb in the English language. Like could and might, it agrees with the subject, taking to before the following verb. In certain constructions, need combines with do, but not when used alone. Similarly, the auxiliary verb form need is not paired with to, despite the fact that it sounds more formal. However, many speakers use both auxiliary and main verb forms, with the former being more common. In addition to its role as auxiliary, need also serves as a prepositional phrase.
Human beings need food and water to survive. But what if these requirements are not met? If a person is suffering from hunger or poverty, he will not be able to function properly in society. Thus, it is critical to meet the needs of other people, especially in poor societies. But this doesn’t mean that he or she should go hungry or thirsty; he or she should be able to enjoy the company of family and friends.
The hierarchy of needs is not fixed. In fact, Maslow (1987) said that the order of needs is flexible. Some people’s basic needs come first, while others prioritize self-esteem and creativity. This is because most human behavior is multi-motivated, and is motivated by several basic needs at once. Thus, he proposed a pyramidal model to explain human behavior. Listed below are the five stages that are part of the hierarchy.
Need can be a desire or a requirement. For example, a person might have a need for fast Internet access. Another example is a child in need of affection. A person’s need for food and water may be expressed as a desire, rather than as a need. In either case, a need is a condition or situation in which something must be provided or achieved. But what does it mean to be hungry? How does the need differ from a want?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs refers to the different aspects of a person’s life. Self-actualization is one of the most important aspects of the human condition, and it is the highest on the list. It can be expressed in various ways, including the desire to seek personal growth and happiness. Alternatively, individuals may focus on self-actualization very specifically, and express this need through economics, academic achievement, athletics, and the creative arts.
In general, a student’s need for a specific item is determined by his or her EFC, which is available only through the FAFSA. The difference between COA and EFC is their “gross need,” or the amount of money the student needs before receiving any aid. The remainder of the need is considered “unmet.”