The Diagnosis of ME

The diagnosis of ME is based on a person’s symptoms. Because the disease is not testable, doctors typically diagnose it based on the person’s history and physical examination. Nevertheless, some tests may be necessary to rule out other causes of fatigue, such as an underactive thyroid or anaemia. Blood tests also show a low level of white blood cells, which is normal in people with ME. This is because the body’s energy level is constantly fluctuating.


While there is no single cause of ME, there are some consistent biological abnormalities in patients with the condition. These abnormalities are often found in research settings and can be helpful in determining the disease’s cause. Although a viral infection is one of the most common triggers for ME, it is not the only factor. Several other factors can also contribute to ME, such as inherited genetic susceptibility, glandular fever, and traumatic events.

There is no consensus on which causes cause ME, but some researchers agree that a viral infection is a key trigger. This viral infection is not the only cause of ME, however. Some cases of ME occur without a viral infection. The causes of ME may include glandular fever, an inherited susceptibility, or even a traumatic event. It is unknown, however, exactly how a patient develops the illness. A number of other factors can trigger the symptoms of ME, such as exposure to a specific food or environmental factor.

Because the cause of ME is unknown, it is difficult to determine whether or not the condition is viral. A viral infection can exacerbate or even trigger the disease, but it is not the only one. Some people have ME after experiencing a glandular fever. Other people are triggered by a traumatic event. But the most common causes for ME are inherited susceptibility, genetic susceptibility, and glandular fever. Despite the lack of a definite cause, many sufferers have no symptoms.

The diagnosis of ME is made using the same diagnostic criteria as those for CFS, but some of the differences may exist. Some people with ME are not diagnosed with the condition because of their symptoms. In some cases, the disease can be triggered by a virus that affects the immune system. Some people are born with the disease and have no symptoms. It is not yet clear what causes ME. It is a disorder with a unique genetic makeup.

There are many possible causes of ME, and the symptoms of a viral infection may be the trigger. There are various ways to prevent the development of ME, including a variety of medications. The disease can also be triggered by a virus, or by a traumatic experience. Regardless of the cause, ME is a lifelong condition that can affect individuals in all age groups. If you are experiencing symptoms of ME, you are not alone. The symptoms of this disease can be caused by a number of factors, and some of these factors could be the cause of your ME.