How to Change Your Personality


The question of who you are, or more specifically what your personality is, can be a tricky one to answer. Personality traits are largely set at birth, but that doesn’t mean they are unchangeable. Personality is a mask you put on for the world, and it can be changed with positive actions. A person who has a healthy, well-developed personality will have the ability to be objective and see things from different perspectives.

People who can’t be objective may struggle with relationships. They aren’t able to see their own faults and may even blame others for their own problems. This can be especially difficult in close relationships such as marriage. They may also have a hard time seeing their own strengths and accomplishments. Having this limited objectivity is often a result of a personality disorder, such as borderline or narcissistic personality disorders.

A person who has narcissistic personality disorder often thinks that everything is about them and their problems. They can’t understand why everyone doesn’t share their opinions, needs and beliefs. They may even feel offended when someone doesn’t agree with them.

They have inflated self-esteem and believe that others envy them. They tend to brag a lot and have a sense of entitlement. They also have major difficulties interacting with other people and easily feel slighted or belittled.

Narcissists also have difficulty handling stress and adjusting to change. They can also become aggressive or confrontational when they don’t get their way.

If you notice any of these symptoms in a friend or family member, you should consider getting them professional help. A therapist or counselor can teach them strategies to cope with these negative behaviors and how to be more objective in their relationships.

While it may be difficult to change someone who has a severe personality disorder, you can encourage them to seek treatment. This is the only way they can improve their behavior.

You should try to stay calm and not take their negative reactions personally. You can also practice positive self-talk and speak positively about yourself in front of a mirror. It might seem strange to call yourself by name in the mirror, but studies have shown that illeism (speaking about yourself in third person) is a powerful way to change your negative self-talk and boost your confidence.

Having a curiosity about the world around you can help you stay more objective. Learn something new each day and take a look at your own life with fresh eyes. It’s a great way to break out of the patterns that lead to a lack of objectivity.