How to Define Yourself

When describing yourself to others, it’s important that the words you use accurately capture your unique qualities. Using descriptive words that are honest and positive can help you feel more confident, particularly when explaining yourself to someone new. A great way to identify the right descriptive words is to ask friends, family members, and coworkers what they think of you.

If you’re looking to describe yourself in a professional context, it’s often a good idea to use adjectives and adverbs that are relevant to your career. For example, if you are an engineer, you could say that you are analytical and meticulous. If you work on a project team, it is also a good idea to include words that are appropriate to the type of collaboration you have with other people.

You can play a variation on the game called “Who am I?” with friends or coworkers. The basic rules of this game are as follows: Each player writes down the name of a famous person or thing (e.g., a movie character or sports figure). They then put the post-it note on their head without looking at it. Other players then ask questions about the figure, and whoever guesses correctly first wins. The game can be customized to fit the interests of the group. For example, you may want to play with a theme, such as movie characters or historical figures. You can also set up different order options for the question-asking. In a more competitive setting, you may wish to have each player ask one question at a time, going around the circle clockwise. In more casual environments, you may wish to relax the rules and allow each player to ask as many questions as they need to before making their guess.

The causes of ME/CFS are still unknown, but it is thought to be triggered by infection. Some common viruses that trigger ME/CFS are glandular fever, Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, herpes simplex virus and CMV (chronic mononucleosis).

Living with ME/CFS can be challenging. It can affect your family and your ability to work and socialize. It can even change your daily routine. It is important to seek support from your family and friends as well as other ME/CFS patients.

ME/CFS is a complex neuroimmune disease that profoundly limits the health and productivity of those affected. It’s a debilitating condition that has no diagnostic test, cure or FDA-approved treatments or drugs, and it’s still widely misunderstood by doctors. Solve ME/CFS is a proud co-founder of the World ME Alliance, and we produced an ME/CFS fact sheet that’s available in multiple languages.