What Is Need?

A need is a feeling of lack or deficiency, a state that is often considered to be an essential part of human existence. It can also be a desire, a want or an urge that must be satisfied in order for an individual to be happy and healthy. For example, a person has a need for air, water and food, and a desire for a sense of happiness and fulfilment. These needs and desires can be categorised as physiological or psychological. People also have social needs, which are a result of the environment in which they live.

Psychologists tend to define a need as the basic driving force that enables an organism to achieve its goals, giving meaning and purpose to life. It is usually regarded as the most important of the five dimensions of personal well-being: Physiological needs (food, water, shelter, clothing), Safety needs (security, protection), Satisfaction needs (achievement of one’s goals, socialization) and Self-esteem needs (feelings of competence, achievement and success).

There are many different types of need, including emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. An individual’s needs can be influenced by environmental factors, family, friends and their culture. They can also be influenced by certain experiences, such as trauma or loss. Some people have very specific and unusual needs. For example, they may need special medical care for a rare condition or they may require a particular type of therapy. They can also be affected by external events, such as a natural disaster or war.

Need is a verb that can be used as a modal or main verb, but it can also be an intransitive or transitive verb. It is most often used as a modal, implying that an action should be done or that something should be avoided. For example, “you should take off your shoes before entering the house” and “we must not talk about that”.

It is also possible to use need as a transitive verb: “I need to read this book” and “I need a new car”. Unlike other transitive verbs, need is a word that can be a singular or a plural noun, depending on how it is used. It is important to understand when to use the definite article the and when to use the indefinite articles a or an.

Using the right articles can be a tricky business, especially when a noun is countable or uncountable. For example, if you are talking about more than one exam, you would say “exams” or “a exams,” but it makes no sense to refer to them as “exams” and “an exams.” For more information about articles, we recommend reading Practical English Usage by Michael Swan, 3rd edition, 2006. This book provides clear explanations of the rules about when to use each article. It is available from most online bookstores. You can also find additional resources about needs and other grammatical topics on our website. We have a dedicated page about articles.