Solve ME – GPs Need to Be Trained in ME

People with ME have a unique illness and experience of ME. Many are able to recover and lead fulfilling lives – others may remain severely affected for years.

A key issue is that the disease is misunderstood, and GPs are often not trained to recognise and treat it. In addition, there is no specific test and patients have to be referred by their GP to specialists in order to get the correct diagnosis.

In the US, a doctor can diagnose ME using the following criteria: substantial impairment in activity that lasts six months or more, unrefreshing sleep, post-exertional malaise (PEM), and either cognitive impairment or orthostatic intolerance. This is based on the 2015 criteria set by the National Academy of Medicine. There are also sub-groups of the condition that experts have recognised on the basis of illness history, symptom clusters or course of the disease over time.

The main symptom of ME is extreme fatigue and this can be the most debilitating symptom. It is like being constantly on a low battery, or never getting fully charged – it can affect every aspect of life and cause significant functional disability.

Other symptoms include unrefreshing sleep, problems with memory and concentration, headaches, sore joints and muscles, pain in the head, neck and throat, and a general feeling of being not well. These can make it very difficult to work, study or socialise.

It is not known what causes ME, but it is thought that it can be triggered by infection, including viral infections such as long Covid, and in some cases by immunisations. In a small number of cases, the illness is triggered by a physical trauma such as an accident or operation or after a chemical exposure.

There is no cure for ME, but the symptoms can be managed and the quality of life improved with the right care. Research into the cause of ME continues with studies such as the DecodeME project which aims to identify potential triggers, and a potential treatment.

Despite these challenges, the UK’s best ME charities are doing amazing work. However, we need your help to continue this work and fund the vital research needed for a better future.

Solve ME is calling for a new generation of GPs to be trained in ME, so that it can be diagnosed quickly and properly. We need local ME specialist services that are clinically led, and regional centres for the most severe cases. People with severe ME also need home visits and access to social care. A campaign called #ThereForME is demanding these reforms.

What Is Love?

Love is one of the most powerful emotions in life. It can inspire us, motivate us and change our perspectives on the world. It is also a complex concept that can be difficult to define and explain.

Throughout history, people have explored and tried to understand love through philosophy, poetry, art and religion. They have used it to describe their feelings and experiences with family, friends, spouses and lovers. Some thinkers believe that love is a feeling that arises from chemical reactions in the brain, while others say it’s a choice. They believe that if you choose to love someone, then you can develop a loving relationship based on that commitment.

If you love someone, then you can choose to commit to them and make sacrifices for them. This is a commitment to the other person’s success and happiness as much as it is your own. This type of love is usually shown through acts of service, like bringing them soup when they are sick or helping with a project at work. It can also be seen in relationships between parents and their children, or siblings or friends who support each other through tough times.

The philosopher Plato thought that love was more than just a feeling that came from chemicals in the brain. He believed that love was a bond between two people that helped them become their best selves. He suggested that people might be able to experience love for themselves, their families, and their country. These types of loves were considered the foundation of society, and they could inspire noble actions and goals.

Some people believe that love is a choice that is made when you know the right person. They think that you can love someone even if they are flawed or annoying. They see this as a way to show your trust in the other person. For example, a friend might remain committed to their friend who is in a pattern of destructive behavior. The person in this situation might be a loved one, but they might not have the power to change their friend’s behaviors. They do it anyway because they love them and want them to be happy.

Other people believe that love is a choice to reveal your whole self to another person. They see this as a kind of risk that allows you to grow and learn from them. This type of love is sometimes called “emotional openness.” People who prefer this understanding of love may often say things like, “She/he makes me feel like a better person” or “He/she has taught me so much about myself.” This can be more challenging than the other two kinds of love. It requires more patience and a willingness to deal with the ups and downs of a relationship. It can also lead to disappointment and hurt when the person you love reveals their flaws or disappoints you in some way. Nevertheless, this is still the most common and longest-lasting kind of love.

What is a Need?

A need is a human requirement for something essential. Examples of needs include food, water and shelter. People may also have emotional or psychological needs. The need for love and acceptance is one example of a psychological need. Other examples of psychological needs include the need for self-esteem and self-actualization, as described in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. People also have economic needs, such as the need for money and the desire to purchase goods and services.

The concept of need is the subject of many philosophical and scientific theories, including Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the theory of basic needs. The idea of need is central to a number of fields, such as philosophy, biology, psychology and economics. The concept of need is important to human development and is related to the concept of happiness and well-being.

It is important to distinguish between needs and wants, as a person cannot have all of their needs satisfied at the same time. Needs are things that a person requires to function in society and to survive (food, water, clothing, shelter) while wants are desires or aspirations for items such as toys, expensive shoes and the latest electronics. People must be able to distinguish between their needs and their wants in order to plan for the future.

Often, it is difficult for people to determine what their personal needs are. A good place to start is by thinking about all of the things that are important to you in life and then identifying your top four personal needs from those experiences. You can then create a plan to meet those needs by setting goals and taking action.

When to use a and an

It’s helpful to remember that the article a is used with singular countable nouns and the article an is used with singular uncountable nouns. The word exam, for example, is a countable noun because you can have more than one exam at the same time. On the other hand, concentration is an uncountable noun because you can’t have more than one concentration at a time.

The use of the articles a and an can be confusing for English native speakers. However, if you’re familiar with the rules of grammar for using these articles, it should be quite easy to decide whether or not a noun requires an article. For more information on articles, see the University of Toronto’s page on practical English usage. Additionally, you can refer to the book Practical English Usage by Michael Swan, 3rd ed., 2006. This book contains detailed and easy-to-understand rules on the use of articles. The chapter on nouns includes a chart that can be helpful in determining which articles are needed before each noun.

How to Use the Word You in Writing

The word you is one of the most important in spoken English. It can signify the subject of a verb or a noun and is usually written as the first person singular pronoun in personal and informal writing such as a letter or a note. It can also be used in more formal or technical writing, such as a scientific report. The word you can be used to convey a great deal of information, so it is important to use it properly in any type of writing.

Using the word you in an article can be easy, but it is important to choose the right context and tone. You can use the word to introduce a topic and provide a sense of the author’s perspective. You can also use the word to address a specific issue, problem or concern that readers may have and offer them solutions, advice, steps or resources to solve these issues.

You can also use the word to address an individual’s character traits or behavior. For example, you might write an article about a new trend or change in the way people shop for groceries. This type of article often begins with an anecdote or vignette that introduces the character or issue and draws readers into the story.

The use of you can also signify an intimate or personal relationship between two people. This type of use is sometimes seen in squabbles between children, where one child calls the other a stupid name. It can also be seen in adults who use the phrase to highlight pettiness or ridiculousness of arguments.

Another important use of the word you is in an interview or a survey, where the writer is trying to understand how people perceive or interact with a particular situation or event. For example, a journalist may interview several individuals who were affected by a certain tragedy and ask them about their experience. The journalist can then analyze the responses and use them to inform a news story.

A common problem with the use of you is confusing it with other words that sound the same but have different meanings. For instance, you can mistakenly use you’re for your when writing informally. This is a simple mistake to make, because you’re is a contraction of the words you and are.

You can also find many synonyms for the word you, including u, you’re, and yours. However, these words are not direct synonyms and only work when they are closely related to you in meaning. You can use these synonyms to replace you in conversation or when writing an essay, but be sure to check their usage in a dictionary before using them. This will ensure you are not confused with a different word or meaning.

ME Quiz – What is My Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME)?

Many people with ME have one or more additional diseases (known as comorbidities). Commonly co-morbid with ME are fibromyalgia (widespread muscle pain), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS, increased heart rate when standing), gastroparesis/irritable bowel syndrome (bloating and constipation), and Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome (hyperextensibility). Some of these conditions can also be triggered by infection.

ME is a neurological condition that affects the nervous and immune systems. It can cause debilitating symptoms including post-exertional malaise, unrefreshing sleep, and cognitive problems. People of all ages can get ME, although it is more common in children and women. Some people recover from ME, but others remain severely ill for years.

There is no known cure for ME, and it cannot be treated with medicine. However, patients can take steps to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

ME patients often report being misunderstood by friends, family and colleagues. They may also experience a lack of understanding and discrimination from health and social care professionals, particularly in the UK. The campaign group Action for ME and other charities provide support to patients, their families and carers. They can also help with information about benefits, services and support for children affected by ME/CFS.

It is important to remember that quizzes like this aren’t scientific, and don’t give you a medical diagnosis. But they can remove the guesswork and can be a fun way to learn more about yourself or your family.

Those who have ME, sometimes called chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS, feel as though their bodies are perpetually exhausted and they never have enough energy to complete everyday tasks. The illness can be triggered by viral infections, such as long Covid or flu, but it is not clear what causes ME. Research has found that ME is not due to depression or other psychological factors, nor does it result from exercise, work or stress.

It’s a complex illness with no laboratory test and a symptom set that overlaps with several other diseases, so it can be difficult to diagnose. It can also take up to a decade before a person gets a correct diagnosis.

ME can be triggered by many different things, from surgery or dental work to major hormonal changes. The symptoms can develop suddenly or build up over time. Adults with ME may experience PEM, unrefreshing sleep, difficulty concentrating and a range of other symptoms including pain, dizziness or fainting, bloating and constipation and a sensitivity to temperature change. Children and teenagers may have similar symptoms but experience them more acutely.

GPs can help patients with ME/CFS by having an accurate knowledge of the illness and knowing what to look for. Our booklet Newly diagnosed with ME contains advice for patients and their GPs, facts about ME, guidance to help them be active partners in their own care and suggested questions they might want to ask their GPs.

How Do You Feel When You’re in Love?

When it comes to love, people have a lot of ideas about what it should feel like. Some think that love is simply a feeling of excitement and attraction, while others believe that it’s more than that. Some people even believe that loving someone involves sacrifice, selflessness and putting the other person’s needs before your own. While those things are part of love, they’re certainly not all that it takes to be in true love.

It seems that the way we often define “love” is somewhat based on popular culture, which tends to portray it as something magical and exciting. But the reality of loving someone can be much more difficult than what we often think of. It can involve early morning doctor’s visits, cleaning up bodily fluids and dealing with a spouse or partner who may not always make you happy.

Despite these challenges, it’s important to remember that loving someone is worth the work, because it can lead to a long and fulfilling relationship. It can also help you find a greater sense of self-worth. Here are some of the common ways that people describe being in love:

Many people know when they’re falling in love because their significant other begins to take up a large amount of real estate in their thoughts. They’re constantly thinking about their relationship and what the future might hold. They might reread texts or view photos of them over and over again. They might even wake up and fall asleep thinking about them. It’s a feeling that’s hard to describe, so they turn to stock terms such as soul mate or the one.

Some researchers suggest that feelings of love are different than other emotions because they’re more complex. They’re also more enduring than other emotions. Other scientists, however, believe that while love is an emotion, it’s not the primary emotional experience of humans. Instead, they think that it’s an amplification of primary emotions, such as happiness and anger.

When a person is in love, they often become more open to trying new things and experiencing other cultures. They might also become more willing to change their own behavior for the better. They’re often more supportive of their loved ones, especially when they’re in a destructive pattern. This is sometimes referred to as sacrificial love, because it can be difficult to endure the suffering of a loved one.

If we understand that love is a bond, then it’s much more likely to last than other emotions, such as lust or hate. This also means that it’s less likely to disappear when you or your friend don’t feel the same way for a while or when life changes dramatically.

What Is a Need?

A need is a requirement or desire that someone feels they must fulfill. This can be a physical need, such as food, water and shelter, or a psychological need, like love and connection. A need can also be a motivational factor, inspiring action toward a goal. It can also be a motivating force in relationships, triggering the need to meet each other’s needs. Need can be considered an essential part of human behavior, although different psychologists may have slightly varying definitions and interpretations.

The word need can also be used as an adjective, describing something that is necessary: “needy” means lacking in necessities; “succumbing to a need” implies an addictive behavior; and “insatiable” describes a desire for more than one can comfortably possess. It can also be used as a noun, referring to the need for something: “I need to get more sleep,” for example. The word need can also be used as a verb, with the meaning of “to require” or “to feel compelled to do”: I have a need to stay awake.

There is a need for more research into aging and Alzheimer’s disease. A recent study found that women who regularly exercise have a lower risk of dementia than those who don’t. There is a need to improve health care for low-income patients. A recent report stated that hospitals are often not equipped to handle the number of patients they see. The need for new doctors has increased as baby boomers retire and health insurance costs rise.

A person who is not fulfilling their own psychological and social needs will find that they are unable to function well in society. Psychologist Abraham Maslow’s model of the hierarchy of needs suggests that people must first satisfy basic physiological and safety needs (e.g. food, water and shelter) before they can move on to higher psychological needs of belonging, esteem and self-actualization.

Some nouns, such as sports, languages, meals and names of places, do not have an article before them because they are known to the writer and reader. However, other nouns have both countable and uncountable meanings. For instance, the word exam is a countable noun because it can be scheduled multiple times. Concentration, on the other hand, is an uncountable noun because it requires a lot of attention to complete.

Using the articles correctly makes your writing clear and fluent. Incorrect use of the articles a, an and the can make your writing seem incoherent and confusing. Luckily, it is easy to learn how to use the articles correctly. The only trick is remembering to think about whether the noun you are referencing is countable or uncountable before adding the article. The more you practice, the easier it will be for you to remember which article to use with each noun. Good luck! See you next time! —By Amy McEvoy, English teacher. Copyright 2018. All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher.

How to Use Accurate Words to Define Yourself

Whether you’re interviewing with hiring managers or writing an essay on your college application, the words you choose to describe yourself have the power to shape first impressions. Your words also determine the image you convey on social media and other online platforms. That’s why it’s important to take the time to select adjectives that accurately reflect your personality and qualities in a positive light.

When interviewers ask you to describe yourself, they want to know how your strengths, skills, and experiences make you unique. They also want to assess whether your personality aligns with the company’s culture. By answering this question well, you’ll demonstrate that you’re a good fit for the position and can effectively communicate your professional value to the company.

To choose the best words to describe yourself, start by creating a list of adjectives that you think best represent your personality and skills. Once you’ve finished, review the list and select the ones that you feel most accurately reflect your personality and strengths. Also, consider how others might perceive these adjectives and if they could be misinterpreted in a negative way. If you’re unsure which adjectives to select, seek out the opinion of a trusted friend or family member who knows you well.

You might also need to tailor your description to the specific role you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a leadership role, it may be helpful to identify the required qualities and skills in the job description and then choose words that demonstrate your ability to meet those needs.

Using the right words to describe yourself will ensure that you leave a positive and lasting impression. However, it’s important to avoid choosing adjectives that are overused or overgeneral. For example, describing yourself as “hard-working” or a “team player” might be accurate but can come across as cliché or generic.

What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)?

If you’re looking for a job, it may be tempting to describe yourself using superlatives like “amazing,” “genius” or “marketing ninja.” But in a professional setting, such words can backfire. They might make you seem arrogant or out of touch. Instead, focus on conveying how your skills and experience will be valuable to a potential employer.

The medical community does not have a test to confirm ME, and as many as 90 percent of people with the illness struggle for years to get a correct diagnosis. Even once diagnosed, ME is a difficult illness to live with. Many adults with ME are unable to work full or part time and children may be too unwell to attend school. Some are bedbound or housebound, and the most severely affected need around-the-clock care.

Most people who suffer from ME have to change their lives in some way – for example, they may need to give up a career, retire early or stop going out with friends. The illness can also impact relationships and family life, and cause financial stress.

While there is no cure for ME, some symptoms can be managed, and a small number of patients recover completely or improve significantly over time. Doctors who specialize in ME suggest that some patients benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), medication to help with sleep problems and pain, and energy management strategies such as “pacing” (matching activity levels to their limited amount of available energy).

Research continues into the causes of ME, and scientists are now focusing on gene studies and brain imaging. The hope is that this work will lead to better treatment, and eventually a cure for the condition.

The NHS needs to improve the care it provides for ME sufferers, according to an inquest into the death of Maeve Boothby O’Neill. She had myalgic encephalomyelitis, which is more commonly known as ME or CFS. Boothby O’Neill’s inquest, held in October 2021, found that she died as a result of poor NHS care and inadequate medication.

ME is an illness that can be as disabling as other chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus and congestive heart failure. Many people with ME are at risk of depression, which can be made worse by the chronic nature of their symptoms.

If you have ME, your GP can help by listening to your concerns and supporting you. They can provide information about ME, including fact sheets, and recommend support groups or organisations such as Emerge Australia or the healthdirect phone line (1800 865 321). They can also refer you to a specialist nurse who is trained in managing complex chronic illnesses, or to an ME/CFS patient navigator.

What Love Is Like Inside the Human Brain

For centuries, philosophers and poets have pondered the question of what love is. It’s an emotional and complex topic, but there are some common elements of this powerful feeling. Love is a beautiful thing that can transform our relationships, our world, and even ourselves. It’s an emotion that has inspired countless songs and sonnets, but it also inspires some less-than-awesome behaviors.

We’ve learned a lot about what happens in the brain when we experience love. Thanks to advances in technology, scientists now have a more clear picture of what love looks like inside the human brain.

In the beginning of a relationship, the brain is filled with “love chemicals.” These chemical reactions create feelings of attraction and desire, as well as an idealized image of your potential partner. This idealization can lead to ignoring or dismissing red flags that others may see as warning signs of danger or incompatibility. It’s the reason that so many people fall in love with people who are often not good for them — they believe that their partner will never change and that they can’t live without them.

As a relationship progresses, these chemical processes can begin to fade, and the giddy excitement of falling in love is replaced by a deeper commitment. This is triggered by a drop in the neurotransmitter serotonin and an increase in the cuddle hormones oxytocin and vasopressin. These hormones are released when we give and receive affection, and they help us to bond with the people that we love.

This deepening of a relationship can cause a decrease in serotonin levels, which increases a person’s susceptibility to jealousy. Additionally, the brain’s prefrontal cortex — which is involved in decision-making — becomes more active during this period. This makes it more difficult to see things objectively and can contribute to obsessive thoughts about the person that you love.

At this stage, a person’s need to feel gratified by the attention and praise of their partner may become stronger. Whether they need this attention and praise for their physical appearance, their personality traits or their accomplishments, this is one of the most challenging aspects of loving someone with high needs. It can lead to insecurity and jealousy, as well as feelings of resentment and inadequacy if the person they love is not meeting their expectations.

In addition to these internal factors, love is also influenced by external forces. A union that satisfies general social norms or is accepted by the person’s social network can promote feelings of love, as can a desire to fulfill needs for companionship, sex, and mating.

Love is an emotion that is constantly evolving. It can be mellow and sexy, or it can be awe-inspiring. For example, if you love someone with high needs for affection and approval, it can be hard to see when they are behaving in ways that are harmful to themselves or other people. That’s why it’s important to have healthy communication and a solid foundation of trust in any relationship.