How to Use the Word Need in a Scholarship Essay

Need is a verb that means “to want or be required to have something.” It can also refer to the basic requirements for survival, such as food, water, shelter, and clothing. A need is often differentiated from a want by whether the thing needed is an essential or not. For example, a person who doesn’t have access to these items will likely die. However, a person who wants the latest electronic device may not need them to survive.

People have many personal needs, and it is important to identify them. For example, if a person desires to learn a new skill, they can take steps to find ways to satisfy that need. Similarly, if someone needs to make money, they can seek out opportunities to do that work. Many scholarships are based on financial need, so it is important for students to understand how to best describe their financial situation in their scholarship essay.

Besides personal needs, people also have social and organizational needs. For example, a community may need a specific type of business, or an organization might need employees with certain skills. These needs can be met by businesses, government agencies, or nonprofit organizations.

The word need can also refer to a psychological state of wanting or feeling required to do something. For example, a person might feel nervous or anxious about an upcoming presentation at school. This anxiety may be a result of feeling that they are not meeting the expectations of others. In such a case, the student might need to practice more or ask for help from a teacher.

Another way that people use the word need is in relation to a need for power. Some people believe that the need for power is an innate human quality. They argue that it is part of what makes us human and drives our behaviors. Others, on the other hand, view the need for power as a negative characteristic that leads to corruption and bad behavior.

Some researchers have described a hierarchy of needs that range from physical (food, water, and shelter) to emotional (belonging and esteem) to self-actualization (personal growth). According to this theory, people prioritize gratifying their lowest order needs before moving on to higher order needs.

Need is a semi-modal verb, meaning that it can be used like a modal verb or a main verb. It is more commonly used as a modal verb, though, especially when making a declarative statement. For example, you could say, “I need to buy a new car,” or “You don’t need a new coat.” You can use it in other situations as well, such as in questions: “Do you need to take off your shoes?” or “I need to know who needs to pay for dinner tonight.”