Managing Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

If you have myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), sometimes called chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS, your illness can cause severe physical and mental health problems. It can be hard to get a diagnosis and some people can take years to recover. But it is possible to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

ME affects everyone differently. Some are more able to cope with it than others, but it can still be devastating for many. Many people with ME can’t work or study, and some cannot leave their homes. Some need around the clock care, including feeding and bathing. It is often difficult for doctors to diagnose ME because there is no laboratory test. The illness can be triggered by many things, including infection, surgery, major hormonal changes (such as pregnancy and menopause), or stressful events. It can also be triggered by emotional stressors like bereavement or a relationship breakdown.

There is no cure for ME, but there are ways to help you manage your symptoms. There are medicines you can take to reduce the pain and fatigue, and treatments to help you sleep better and think more clearly. You can also get support from friends and family, or find an ME support group near you.

ME is a complex illness and the name can be confusing, but the most important thing is to remember that it is a real physical condition that causes significant disability. People with ME can be very ill and some need constant home care.

The NHS is calling for urgent reforms to the way ME and other conditions such as long Covid are diagnosed and treated, after a young woman’s death highlighted failings in the system. Campaigners want local specialist services that can offer appointments at short notice, and support patients with more severe symptoms.

A local ME support group may be able to help you find doctors who specialise in ME/CFS. These organisations can give you advice for talking to your GP, and can suggest questions to ask them. They can also provide information on the ME/CFS guidelines that are available.

The CDC’s ME/CFS website has a lot of information for patients and doctors, and a list of organizations that can provide support. It’s very important to get a proper diagnosis for ME, as it can be hard to distinguish from other health problems such as depression and anxiety. A medical professional should ask you about your symptoms and do a thorough physical examination. They should also rule out other diseases that can have similar symptoms, such as rheumatoid arthritis or heart disease. They will also ask you whether any specific activities make your symptoms worse. A common symptom of ME is post-exertional malaise (PEM). This means that after you do something physically or mentally, your symptoms will get worse. This can last for weeks. Then, you will have to rest and do less until your symptoms improve. You can read more about the criteria for diagnosing ME/CFS here.

The Different Definitions of Love

Love is one of the most powerful emotions that exists. It can be romantic, like the love between partners; familial, such as the love between parents and children; or platonic, such as the love between friends. In relationships, it provides comfort and support, but also comes with challenges like misunderstandings and heartbreak.

There are many different definitions of love, including its power to bring people together and motivate them to do great things. Others view it as a feeling of intense attachment or loyalty to another person, or even to an idea or cause. Some scholars believe that human beings are wired for love and that it is an essential part of the human experience.

Some psychologists use the term “love” to refer to a specific type of bond, such as the love between parent and child, romantic love or the love between friends. Other psychologists use the word “love” to describe an overall state of well-being. It can also be a feeling that is evoked by certain stimuli, such as the smell of flowers or hearing a favorite song.

When people fall in love, their brains undergo a series of chemical reactions that can feel like an addiction. During this time, people may experience elevated levels of dopamine (pleasure), adrenaline (arousal) and norepinephrine (alertness). This combination can trigger an addictive-like rush that can make you crave the person you’re in love with.

In this type of love, the feelings can be overwhelming, leading to a desire to spend every waking hour with the person you’re in love with. This can lead to problems like jealousy, insecurity and excessive possessiveness. In addition to this, some people in this type of love may behave in ways that are harmful to themselves or other people. For example, a person in this kind of love might want to control someone else’s behavior, such as keeping them locked up like a bird in a cage.

On the other hand, a person in this kind of love is often focused on the spiritual growth and well-being of the person they’re in love with. They see the good in that person, even when other people can’t see it. This is often seen in the way that parents and friends stay committed to loved ones who struggle with mental health issues, such as bipolar disorder.

If this is the true meaning of love, then it’s a relationship that you can choose to pursue and nurture. You can take steps to develop a loving relationship, such as communicating openly and sharing your worries and fears. You can also practice loving behaviors, such as listening to the other person and treating them with respect and dignity. When you’re in this kind of love, the rewards can be immeasurable. It’s worth the effort, even if there are days, weeks or even longer periods when you don’t feel all that mushy-gushy.

What Is Need?

The word need refers to a demand, an essential requirement, or an urge that must be fulfilled. Psychologists use the term need to describe human needs, which they consider to be psychologically basic. Abraham Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of human needs posits that people must satisfy basic physiological or lower order needs such as food, water and shelter before higher order needs such as belonging and self-esteem can be fulfilled. The concept of need is also used in business to refer to the need for products or services that a company or organization produces.

The terms need and necessity are similar but have different connotations: need is more emotional, implying urgency or imperative demand, while necessity is more formal and impersonal, although it can also be strong in emotion. Some languages use the terms more broadly to include demands or requirements that may not be urgent or obligatory, for example, a language might be in need of reform.

To be precise, the difference between a need and a want is that needs are usually static – they do not change much from day to day (i.e. a person must always need to stay hydrated), while wants can vary. For example, a person will need to sleep somewhere every night but the type of accommodation they require can change depending on their needs at any given time (i.e. a basic hostel is adequate for sleeping but they might prefer a five-star hotel).

Some psychologists also suggest that needs are subjective, whereas others, such as Martha Nusbaum, argue that there are objectively measurable human needs and that individuals are capable of developing their own strategies to fulfil these needs. These are often based on the capacity approach, which considers the internal “assets” of an individual, such as their physical health, mental strength and education, rather than relying on external factors.

When to use the articles a, an and the

The article a is used with singular countable nouns that have a plural form or an irregular plural, for example, books. The article an is used with uncountable nouns that do not have a plural or are general, for example, love. The article the is used with some uncountable nouns that do not require a specific number, for example, languages, meals and names of places.

The articles a and an are used in conjunction with adjectives and modifiers, such as big or bad, to indicate the correct noun for that particular context. These must be placed in the correct order, for example, the wolf is a big animal so it requires the adjective large before it; however, the pig is a small animal and does not require an adjective of any kind. The article the is also used with proper nouns such as names of people and places and some other nouns that are definite, for example, a house. Other nouns do not require an article at all, including concepts, sports, languages, and even decades.

How to Answer the Question, “Who Are You?”

When interviewers ask you to describe yourself, you have a chance to make a good impression by articulating your strongest traits. If you choose the right words, you can highlight your skills and abilities without sounding arrogant or unnecessarily boastful. The key is to pick adjectives that genuinely describe you, but be sure to consider the context of your answer. If you use words that are inappropriate or overstated, they will quickly cause you to lose credibility.

The question of “who are you?” echoes through Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, as the Caterpillar persistently asks Alice. In a job interview, the question serves three purposes: it helps the interviewer understand your background and experience; it gives an indication of how you might fit into a company’s culture; and it shows whether or not you are committed to the role.

If you aren’t well prepared for this question, it is easy to answer by listing your strengths and qualities in an overly general way. However, you also risk sounding insincere and narcissistic.

To avoid both of these pitfalls, think about how you would answer this question in the specific context of the interview and the type of role you are pursuing. For example, if you are applying for a leadership position, you should focus on adjectives that emphasize your ability to manage projects and teams. On the other hand, if you are seeking a creative role, you should emphasize your artistic talents and ability to think outside the box.

Regardless of the role you are pursuing, there are some adjectives that are always appropriate to use. These include:

Analytical: Highlights your problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Detail-oriented: Shows your ability to pay attention to details and achieve high-quality outcomes. Dedicated: Demonstrates your commitment to the organization and its goals.

Learner: Reflects your desire to continue learning and improve yourself. Resilient: Shows your ability to adapt to changing conditions. Resourceful: Shows your ability to come up with creative solutions.

Plural you can also be used in an informal manner to refer to any group of people, regardless of sex or gender. This is a popular form of expression among young people.

In addition to these common words, there are many others that you can incorporate into your description of yourself depending on the situation. For instance, you can use the word you guys in a group of friends or coworkers to show that you are friendly and inclusive. You can also use the word you all the time to emphasize your loyalty to a project or team. This is especially useful in an environment where it is important to work together for success. You can even use you to convey your personal interests or hobbies if they are relevant to the conversation. For example, you could mention that you enjoy spending time with your family or playing sports.

ME Treatments and Causes

If you have ME, it may feel like you’re constantly fighting a losing battle against the condition that’s leaving you exhausted, unable to sleep and, in some cases, bedbound. But the good news is that ME can be managed with the help of your doctor. There is no cure, but there are treatments that can help ease symptoms and improve your quality of life.

One option is energy management, also called pacing, which involves matching your level of activity to your limited amount of energy. In addition, your doctor may prescribe medications to help with sleep disorders and pain. It is important to note that people with ME are sensitive to medication so it is recommended that you start at low doses.

Another option is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is believed to reduce the negative effects of ME on your mood and body. CBT can be used with or without other types of treatment, and can include a range of techniques, including relaxation and meditation.

Other options include pain relievers, dietary supplements and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is important to work with your doctor and listen to their recommendations as not all treatments are right for everyone with ME.

Many people with ME find that their symptoms come and go over time, which makes it difficult to predict what is going to happen in the future. The good news is that the majority of people who have ME experience improvement and some recover completely.

In some cases, ME can come on suddenly, often after an infection or after a surgery; it can also be triggered by large hormonal shifts, such as those that occur during pregnancy and menopause. However, for many people, ME develops gradually over a period of months.

While there is no clear cause for ME, some researchers have suggested that certain genetics and environmental factors may play a role. Studies have also found that some people who have ME are related to each other.

Research is ongoing to identify the causes of ME and the best ways to treat it. Scientists are particularly interested in discovering the immune system abnormalities that are seen in ME patients.

ME is not a psychological disorder and it is not caused by lack of exercise, which is a common myth. ME is a physical illness that affects the brain, muscles and immune system.

There is currently no known cause of ME and it can be extremely challenging to diagnose. This is why it’s so important to see a doctor who has experience treating ME and knows how to interpret the patient’s symptoms. It is also important to seek a diagnosis quickly because people with ME can go years before they receive a correct diagnosis and 90% of those who have ME never get diagnosed at all.

What Is Love?

Love is a profound and complex emotion with the power to transform individuals, relationships and our world. It is a subject that has inspired philosophers, poets and ordinary people throughout history. But what is it exactly?

Psychologist and researchers have various definitions of love. Some argue that it is a primary emotion like happiness or anger, while others believe it is a complex emotion that develops from a combination of secondary emotions.

Most people would agree that love can be a great feeling, but it can also be a difficult one. It can make us feel strong and confident, or it can leave us feeling depressed and hopeless. When you’re in love, everything can seem perfect and dreamy. You can find yourself wanting to give the other person everything and anything. In some cases, this can lead to irrational behavior and even harmful actions.

Some of these behaviors are the result of hormones, and some are simply a reaction to another person’s pheromones. But these reactions are not enough to define love. It’s a lot more than just an emotional reaction, and it requires a commitment to help the other person grow into their best self.

The word “love” can be used to describe many different things, but most of the time, it means a deep attachment and desire for someone else. This can be a romantic love, friendship love or the love of a family member. It’s a feeling that can be both positive and negative, and it has the power to change our lives for the better or the worse.

When you fall in love, your brain creates chemical reactions that stimulate feelings of attraction and excitement. You may feel a rush when you’re around the person, or you might light up every time they enter the room. This is a biological response to the presence of another person that can be caused by pheromones, oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin. It’s almost as if your body is programmed to respond to these chemicals when you encounter a person you want to be with.

Other types of love include erotic love, friendship love and parental love. Erotic love is based on physical attraction and often involves sexual activity. This type of love can lead to a short-term relationship. Friendship and parental love are longer-term bonds that can involve children, support and guidance. These forms of love can be more sustainable than erotic or spousal love.

Another type of love is devotional love, or bhakti. Bhakti is a Hindu concept that includes devotion to God and the divine. It is also a form of compassion and mercy that inspires people to help reduce the suffering of others. The Bhagavad-gita and the works of Tulsidas are examples of bhakti. Thomas Aquinas explains that this type of love is motivated by the desire to see other people succeed in life. Whether it is bhakti, erotic or familial, the experience of love can have both positive and negative effects on our mental and physical health.

The Difference Between Needs and Wants

A need is a psychological feature that motivates people toward a goal, providing purpose and direction for behavior. Needs are a fundamental feature that humans require to survive. These include food, water and shelter. They also include emotional and psychological requirements such as feeling loved, connected and admired. The best known academic model of human needs is the hierarchy of needs, developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943. The idea is that people need to meet basic physiological and safety needs before they can move onto more complex psychological or emotional needs like love, belonging and self-actualization.

In general, the distinction between a need and a want is that a need has the potential to result in harm if not fulfilled. If someone is hungry, for example, if they do not receive food to eat, they will experience the negative outcome of hunger and possibly even starvation. A want is something a person wishes to have that is not necessary for survival. Examples of wants include a cheese burst pizza, a night in a luxury hotel or the latest electronic gadget.

The logical distinction between needs and wants is important to consider when planning a budget or prioritizing tasks. It is essential to understand that needs should be taken care of first before people start spending money on wants. For example, a person will always need to drink water but the type of drink a person will want can vary daily or hourly.

Some experts believe that the term “need” is often misused and that the underlying concept is more akin to a desire or aspiration. Some of these concepts are referred to as ‘needs’ by some and ‘demands’ by others. The difference between needs and desires is subtle but significant.

Identifying personal needs is an exercise in which people explore their experiences and try to discover what is important to them. One way to do this is through a Needs Assessment. This process involves writing down all the things a person might feel they need, then filtering this list to find the actual needs. Having a list of actual needs helps a person plan for the future and identify potential obstacles.

Having a clear definition of the difference between needs and wants makes it easier to determine when and how to spend money. Ideally, needs should be met before wants are purchased. This can help people avoid overspending and prevent debt. It can also make it easier for people to recognize when their needs are not being met and take steps to ensure that they are.

What is the Meaning of You?

A second-person pronoun that refers to one person or a group of people. It is used in sentences such as: “I’ll lend you the book.”

In some dialects, it is possible to make it plural, as in “You guys”. Plural you may also take possessive forms that indicate a group of individuals. Examples include youse (singular) and yous’ (plural), though it is more common for the group to be referred to without a possessive pronoun.

It may also be used to describe an individual or a group in the present, past, or future. It is possible to use it as an interjection, such as You rascal! or That rascal is going to be so mad.

You is often shortened to u in informal communication, especially when texting or tweeting. This form is sometimes considered slang, although it can also be acceptable in some contexts. However, using u as a substitute for you or your is considered incorrect by many grammarians.

The word you has a complex etymology. Its roots stem from Old English, where there were separate forms for the singular and plural second-person pronouns thou and ye. These distinct forms were used as more respectful and deferential ways of addressing strangers or social superiors, with thou being reserved for intimates and ye being used in formal situations.

It has also been influenced by other languages, including Latin, Arabic, and Sanskrit. It is also cognate with Scots you, West Frisian joe and oe, Low German yow and jou, Dutch jou and u, German euch, and the Indo-European root yus.

In addition to its use as a second-person pronoun, you may be used in legal documents to refer to an individual or group of individuals who owes money to the government. This is called a debt obligation and may be an individual or collective responsibility, depending on the circumstances.

‘Do you’ may have originated in the black vernacular, according to Whitehead (2015). He points to turn-of-the-millennium Hip Hop tracks, such as ‘Do You’ by Funkmaster Flex and DMX as evidence of the construction. It has a similar construction to other black vernacular expressions such as ‘haters gon’ hate’ and ‘do your thing/thang’, which have been in use for much longer.

A variant of you is you’re, which is often confused with y’all. It is a common form of the second-person plural pronoun in some American dialects, especially the southern United States. It is also common in nonstandard English as a way to evoke a regional accent or tone of speech. It is occasionally used in other regions as well, but not as widely as y’all or you all. It is also a common form of address in informal situations, such as when addressing an audience. It is less common in written English.

How Well Do Your Friends and Family Know You?

You probably know a lot about yourself, but do you really know how well your friends and family know you? This fun and entertaining quiz is a great way to find out.

Generally, you want to choose words that show your best qualities and make you stand out from the crowd. Try to avoid negative language, since this can give the impression that you’re highlighting your shortcomings and weaknesses. Also, you should keep in mind that the results of this quiz won’t be very scientific and can’t be used to make major life decisions.

The term ME, or myalgic encephalomyelitis, is now widely used in the UK and other countries instead of CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). Some people with ME prefer that ‘CFS’ be left off the name of the disease.

ME can cause severe symptoms that interfere with everyday activities and affect sleep, mood and concentration. The most common symptoms include unrefreshing sleep, a worsening of symptoms after physical or mental activity and the need for rest following exertion. There is no single test for ME/CFS and diagnosis is made by excluding other conditions that may be causing the symptoms.

Many people with ME have found that keeping a symptom diary has helped them to get a diagnosis and get help and treatment. Although there is no cure for ME/CFS, many people improve over time and some recover completely. However, some people remain severely ill for many years.

It is not known what causes ME/CFS but it often starts after an infection, usually viral but in a small number of cases it has no identifiable trigger. Some people have found that certain lifestyle factors such as being under pressure at work or having children can make their symptoms worse.

Some people have found that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) have helped them to manage their ME/CFS. However, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has ruled that these treatments should no longer be recommended for ME/CFS because they are unlikely to improve the illness.

If you have been diagnosed with ME/CFS, our booklet Newly Diagnosed with ME has advice and facts for you to take to your GP. This includes advice about how to be an active partner in your own care and suggestions for questions you can ask your GP.

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1985 to meet the needs of patients with CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome), ME/CFS or FM (Fibromyalgia). Our goal is to raise funds for research into ME/CFS and to educate the public about this disorder. In addition, we provide education, advocacy and support services for people with ME/CFS, FM or other chronic illnesses that cause fatigue. Currently, there is no known cure for these diseases, but research into ME/CFS and FM is progressing. We have an international membership base and an online community of over 70,000 people. Our members range in age from adolescents to adults.

What Does It Mean to Love?

Love can transform relationships, our world, and our lives. It has inspired philosophers, poets, and everyday people to create art and express themselves. It can also be a source of pain and heartache, as well as elation and hope. The complexity of the emotion has captivated writers for centuries and sparked debate about what it means to love.

Some researchers believe that love is a natural, biological drive based on hormones such as oxytocin and neurotrophins. Others see it as a complex emotion that is influenced by social and cultural contexts. Regardless of the definition, many of us have experiences that make us feel like we’ve fallen in love. This can include the feeling of being swept up in an intense and exciting relationship or of giving birth to a child. In both cases, the intensity of these feelings can lead to behaviors that might not be in our best interests. For example, a person in a romantic relationship might encourage their partner to seek help for a mental health symptom. Alternatively, someone in an acquaintanceship may offer to take their dog for a walk in the park when it’s raining.

In the throes of love, a person may have difficulty making decisions independently because of the influence of hormones and neurotransmitters. This is why it’s important to check in with yourself and assess whether a decision is in your best interest before going along with it. It’s also important to remember that the hormones and neurotransmitters involved in a love affair can cause you to act on impulse, which can be dangerous.

There are many different types of love, and each type is unique to the individual. For instance, some people express their love through acts of service, such as bringing a meal to a sick friend or doing a chore around the house. Others show their love by verbally expressing their affection and listening attentively to their loved ones. Some people feel their love most deeply when they see the other person’s positive attributes.

For some, true love is a feeling of deep acceptance and empathy for a person’s struggles and flaws. It is a deep desire to support them as they strive toward their goals and dreams.

For some, love is the belief that all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their background or abilities. This form of love is often seen in parental and familial relationships, where a person is willing to go to great lengths to ensure that their family members are safe and healthy. It is sometimes also seen in professional relationships, where a doctor or nurse will stay with their patients even through the most difficult situations. There are also forms of love that focus on spirituality and religion. For instance, bhakti is devotional love that leads to a close connection with the divine. This type of love is seen by Hindu writers, theologians, and philosophers as a way to reach enlightenment and find peace.