What Is Need?


A need is an element of human life that must be fulfilled in order to function normally and avoid harm. Need is an important concept in philosophy, biology, psychology, sociology, economics, and social science. It is distinct from a want, which is a desire, wish or aspiration. Unlike a need, a want can be backed by purchasing power and become an economic demand.

The term need can also refer to a psychological aspect of a person’s state, such as a desire for emotional connection, security or belonging. People with a strong need for connection tend to crave intimacy in relationships and may experience difficulty dealing with conflict and instability. This need is usually rooted in the third and fourth levels of Maslow’s hierarchy, namely a sense of belonging and love.

In everyday usage, the word need is often used in place of a descriptive adjective, such as “needy”, a synonym for someone who is anxious or worried. It can also be used in a negative context, such as “you need to stop playing Roblox”, a popular and largely safe online game for children. In these contexts, the use of need is intended to convey a sense of impatience or urgency, and to suggest that a particular action is necessary in order to prevent harm or further anxiety.

Psychologists and philosophers have debated the nature of needs throughout history, and the concept continues to be of interest in a variety of academic disciplines. The most well-known academic model is Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which argues that people must satisfy basic physiological or lower-order psychological needs (such as food and shelter) before higher-order psychological needs (such as belonging and self-actualization) can be met.

Despite the differences in definition, many people confuse the words need and want. In addition, marketers have exploited this confusion by using the phrase “need” as a marketing tool to encourage consumerism. The most important distinction to make is that a need is an element of human life that must not be neglected in order to function normally and avoid harm, while a want is an item or activity that could be substituted for another without suffering any adverse consequences.

Once you have a clear idea of what your article is going to be about, it is time to start writing. Outlines are useful tools for this stage as they can organize the many thoughts in your head into their respective roles, alert you to gaps in your argument and give you a roadmap when you get lost in writing. However, your outline should only contain one thought per paragraph as more than that kills momentum and the flow of the article. Moreover, an outline is a good way to ensure that your editor has in front of him a structure with which he can work. It can also help him find your article more easily and quickly in a search engine. If you’re unsure about how to write an outline, there are plenty of resources available on the web.