ME/CFS Quiz – Who Am I?

ME/CFS patients often struggle for years to receive a diagnosis. They may be misdiagnosed with other diseases or told they are not sick at all because their illness doesn’t show up in standard blood tests.

The hallmark symptom of ME/CFS is debilitating fatigue that worsens after activity, and does not get better after rest. It is accompanied by post-exertional malaise, unrefreshing sleep and either cognitive problems or orthostatic intolerance. People with ME/CFS report a variety of other symptoms such as bloating and constipation, pain, trouble concentrating, periods of apathy or depression, dizziness and near fainting, and difficulty regulating body temperature.

In the UK, around 250,000 people have ME/CFS, according to Action for ME. Many of them are not working full or part time and some need around the clock care because of their symptoms. Many people feel stigma and discrimination from family, friends, health and social care professionals and employers.

The term ME/CFS is not biologically defined, and it can be hard to distinguish from other illnesses such as fibromyalgia and Lyme disease. There is no laboratory test to confirm ME/CFS and it is often difficult for healthcare providers to diagnose it because of its overlapping symptom set. The medical community is actively working to refine diagnostic criteria based on new scientific insights.

A “who am I” quiz is designed to remove the guesswork about your personality, and reveal some facets of your character. It can be interesting to take a few of them and see how they fit your unique strengths, but it is important to remember that these types of quizzes aren’t scientific. They can provide you with some insight, but shouldn’t be used as a diagnosis or to make major life decisions.

When interviewers or recruiters ask a question such as, “How would you describe yourself?” they are looking to see how well you communicate your skills and qualities to them. You should always answer this question using strong words that highlight your positive attributes and abilities. This will help you to stand out from other candidates.

In the past, some people with ME have described themselves as having a positive attitude and a “can do” approach to life. This is a good approach to use in an interview, but it is not accurate. ME/CFS is a real, neurological condition that can be very challenging to live with. A person with ME/CFS may have periods of improvement or worsening of their symptoms over time. Most people have severe ME/CFS and they can be unable to work and need around the clock care. It can be very depressing for them to hear that other people think they are not serious about their illness and have no idea how much their illness affects their lives. This is why it is so important to be able to tell people the truth about ME/CFS and the resources at Emerge Australia can help with that. This page also has links to other organisations that offer support, advice and advocacy for ME/CFS.

How to Write About Love


Love is an emotional phenomenon that people can feel in a variety of ways. The topic of love is a common theme in literature, art and film. It is also a complex subject for an essay that can be explored from various perspectives. Some essayists choose to focus on a particular aspect of love, such as romantic or familial love, while others write about how love can be applied in society and the world.

While philosophers and psychologists have debated whether or not love is a primary emotion, most agree that it is a powerful feeling. Love can be experienced as a combination of feelings, such as attachment and desire, but it can also be a choice to help and support others. When people choose to love each other, it can lead to lifelong bonds that can bring happiness and fulfillment.

Many writers struggle to describe the chemistry between two characters in their stories. Writing about the way a couple looks at each other, how they hold each other or even how they talk can be an effective method for showing how much they care for one another. The best way to capture the feeling of love is to let the reader see it for themselves.

The physical experience of love is usually associated with arousal, which is triggered by chemicals in the brain. This explains why we experience a rush of emotions when we fall in love and why people feel so good after a passionate kiss or sex. Those feelings can be overwhelming, and they can also be short-lived. In fact, some people will wake up the next day and not feel all mushy-gushy in love.

A different kind of love is loyalty and dedication. When we love someone, it often means that we are willing to help them succeed and be good people. This is why some people are committed to loving someone who has destructive patterns of behavior, even though other people might find it hard to understand their choice.

This type of love requires sacrifice, understanding and patience with each other. It also involves deep curiosity about the other person’s lives and dreams. This can be shown through asking thoughtful questions, actively listening and remembering details. It also entails forgiveness when people make mistakes. When we love someone, we want to help them become their best selves and we are happy to work through challenges together. This is a very difficult form of love, but it can be the most rewarding.

The Academic Theory of Need


The word need, in English, refers to a desire or a lack that must be fulfilled. It is an important concept in human psychology, sociology and anthropology. It is also a subject of interest in philosophy, biology, religion, economics and politics. Need can also be compared with the concept of a want, which is a desire for something that would benefit one or more individuals. The academic theory of needs is an important part of social science and is a subject of interest in many academic fields such as philosophy, psychology, education, business, computer science, political science and economics.

The academic model of need was developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943. His model describes a hierarchy of psychological needs that start with basic physiological needs (food, water and shelter) and move up to the higher-order needs of belonging, esteem and self-actualization. It is generally believed that most people spend the majority of their time, energy and resources attempting to satisfy these basic needs before moving on to the higher-order needs.

According to the Maslow model, if an individual does not fulfill his or her basic needs, the psychological state of that individual can become deteriorated. This deterioration can lead to mental and physical illness, or even death. This is why it is important for people to recognize their own needs and to take steps to fulfill them.

A number of different theories about the nature of needs exist. Some of these theories suggest that all people have the same fundamental needs and that these needs can be satisfied in the same way. Others suggest that the satisfaction of individual needs depends on various factors such as cultural values, personal circumstances and the ability to learn new skills. Still others believe that the identification and fulfillment of needs can be achieved through a variety of methodologies, including rational identification of needs, consideration of actual experiences in daily life, democratic decision-making and the acquisition of internal “assets” or capabilities (e.g., knowledge, physical strength and financial independence).

There are three specific rules that dictate when the articles a and an should be used in reference to a countable noun. Use a before nouns that start with a consonant sound and an before nouns that start with a vowel sound. For example, I need a car but I don’t need an SUV. I could buy an SUV if I needed one.

Other non-countable nouns, such as love, rain and water, do not require the article a or an because they are generic or indefinite. However, the article a or an should be used when the specific identity of the noun is unknown. For example, I need a box to put the books in but I don’t need an empty box. I’m sure you know what I mean.

How to Use the Right Adjectives and Phrases When Describing Yourself


Whether you’re describing yourself on your resume, LinkedIn profile, or during an interview, the words you choose send a powerful message about you. You want to make sure that you’re using words that genuinely describe your skills and personality, without sounding too self-promotional or arrogant. This article will provide some tips on how to find the right adjectives and phrases when describing yourself.

*You is singular, though English historically used a form of you that was more like the familiar thou (you all, y’all) when addressing strangers and social superiors. This practice has largely died out in modern English, although it still occurs in some dialects of English, such as African-American Vernacular English.

The following are some words to avoid when describing yourself:

These terms may be appropriate in casual conversation, but they can come off as overly confident or even arrogant when used in a professional setting.

What is Myalgia Encephalopathy (ME)?


ME is a complex illness with many different symptoms. These include unrefreshing sleep, pain, sensitivity to light and sound and difficulty thinking. Symptoms can come and go and they are often worse after physical or mental activity. A diagnosis of ME is made only after a doctor assesses the patient and rules out other conditions that could cause them. The onset of ME/CFS is typically sudden but in some people it may develop gradually over a few months or years.

There is no known cure for ME but there are ways to help manage it. These include “pacing”, which means carefully matching the level of activity to the amount of energy available; medications for sleep, pain and anxiety; and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Other treatments are being researched.

Many people with ME also have other illnesses, such as fibromyalgia (widespread muscle pain), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS, increased heart rate on standing) and gastroparesis/irritable bowel syndrome (bloating, stomach upsets). These are called comorbidities. These additional diseases make ME/CFS more challenging to diagnose and treat.

ME is not well understood by the public or by health professionals. This can lead to disbelief and discrimination, particularly from friends, family and work colleagues. It can also lead to isolation for patients and their families. It is important to raise awareness of ME and encourage people to talk about their experiences.

Some people with ME can appear to be in good physical condition. This is because they do not have any obvious abnormalities on routine blood tests and they may be able to function reasonably well in their daily lives. However, the underlying problems are still present and they can still be very sick. Most adults with ME are unable to work full time and children are frequently not attending school. Some are bedbound or housebound on their worst days and need to have around the clock care.

ME is a debilitating illness and those affected can be at risk of depression. If you are concerned about this, please call the Emerge Australia info line on 1800 865 321 or visit the Bridges & Pathways website. You can also call the Australian government healthdirect service on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria) for confidential support and advice. You can also contact a ME/CFS support group, such as Action for ME, which can signpost you to local groups. Healthdirect content is developed and quality assured by the National Health Services Authority (NHSA). The NURSE-ON-CALL phone service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A registered nurse will answer your calls and provide confidential health information and referrals. This service is free of charge to all Australians. You can also find useful information and resources for people with ME/CFS at the NHSA website.

Understanding the Emotion of Love


Love is an emotion that can be a strong force, and it has been the inspiration for many poems, songs, and other works of art. It has also been a topic of study in several academic disciplines, including psychology and biology and neuroscience, anthropology, and sociology. Regardless of its complexity, love is something that many people can relate to on some level.

Often, the feeling of love causes people to make sacrifices for those they care about. For example, someone who loves their partner may be willing to live in a less desirable part of town or even move to another country to be closer to them. This kind of devotion is a good way to show how much you truly care for someone, and it can be a beautiful thing.

Some psychologists and scientists view love as a primary human emotion, while others see it as a secondary emotion. However, it is generally agreed that the emotion of love combines several different emotions, such as attachment, passion, and decision or commitment. It is also often associated with a variety of feelings, such as admiration, affection, and benevolence.

It can be difficult to define what love is, and this can have a great impact on the relationship between two people. For example, a person who falls in love with another person experiences a number of chemical reactions in their brain, such as excitement, attraction, and pleasure. However, it is important to remember that these are just temporary feelings and do not necessarily mean that a person is in love with someone else.

People can fall in love with a variety of things, including a pet, a friend, or their favorite food. They may also feel love for a cause or organization and may even love themselves. People who love themselves usually do not experience a physical reaction, but may still feel a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction when they think about the things that they have done for themselves and the people they care about.

Some people see love as a biological phenomenon, based on hormones like oxytocin and neurotrophins, as well as pheromones. The conventional biological model divides love into companionate and passionate love, with romantic love being a combination of both. Others view love as a social and cultural construct, and believe that it is largely influenced by cultural ideas about relationships and what constitutes true love.

Whether or not one views love as an actual emotion, it is commonly agreed that it can have powerful effects. For example, a person in a committed relationship with another person will often encourage that person to seek therapy or healthier behaviors when they are having trouble. This is a beautiful expression of the desire to help a loved one, and it is often accompanied by a sense of pride that the person is doing the best they can to grow as a person and improve their situation. This type of love is also a source of strength and comfort in times of sadness.

What Is Need?


A need is an element of human life that must be fulfilled in order to function normally and avoid harm. Need is an important concept in philosophy, biology, psychology, sociology, economics, and social science. It is distinct from a want, which is a desire, wish or aspiration. Unlike a need, a want can be backed by purchasing power and become an economic demand.

The term need can also refer to a psychological aspect of a person’s state, such as a desire for emotional connection, security or belonging. People with a strong need for connection tend to crave intimacy in relationships and may experience difficulty dealing with conflict and instability. This need is usually rooted in the third and fourth levels of Maslow’s hierarchy, namely a sense of belonging and love.

In everyday usage, the word need is often used in place of a descriptive adjective, such as “needy”, a synonym for someone who is anxious or worried. It can also be used in a negative context, such as “you need to stop playing Roblox”, a popular and largely safe online game for children. In these contexts, the use of need is intended to convey a sense of impatience or urgency, and to suggest that a particular action is necessary in order to prevent harm or further anxiety.

Psychologists and philosophers have debated the nature of needs throughout history, and the concept continues to be of interest in a variety of academic disciplines. The most well-known academic model is Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which argues that people must satisfy basic physiological or lower-order psychological needs (such as food and shelter) before higher-order psychological needs (such as belonging and self-actualization) can be met.

Despite the differences in definition, many people confuse the words need and want. In addition, marketers have exploited this confusion by using the phrase “need” as a marketing tool to encourage consumerism. The most important distinction to make is that a need is an element of human life that must not be neglected in order to function normally and avoid harm, while a want is an item or activity that could be substituted for another without suffering any adverse consequences.

Once you have a clear idea of what your article is going to be about, it is time to start writing. Outlines are useful tools for this stage as they can organize the many thoughts in your head into their respective roles, alert you to gaps in your argument and give you a roadmap when you get lost in writing. However, your outline should only contain one thought per paragraph as more than that kills momentum and the flow of the article. Moreover, an outline is a good way to ensure that your editor has in front of him a structure with which he can work. It can also help him find your article more easily and quickly in a search engine. If you’re unsure about how to write an outline, there are plenty of resources available on the web.

How to Define ME/CFS

When interviewers or recruiters ask you to describe yourself, they want to see how clearly and confidently you communicate who you are and what your strengths and values are. They also need to understand whether you’ll fit the company culture and will be a good fit for the role.

The words you choose to use to explain yourself are important, especially if you have ME/CFS, or are a carer for someone with ME/CFS. The condition is often misunderstood and can have a negative impact on how others treat you, how they perceive your illness and how much support you get from them.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is an inflammatory disease affecting multiple systems of the body. It can cause profound fatigue, a range of cognitive difficulties and a variety of other symptoms. The overlapping nature of the symptom set means that it is very difficult to diagnose and many people with ME/CFS go years without being diagnosed or are misdiagnosed.

It is not known what causes ME, but it is thought that a combination of factors can trigger it, including infections and immune system problems. Research shows that some patients are genetically predisposed to developing the condition, while other have been triggered by events such as major bereavement or job loss.

People with ME often have one or more additional diseases called comorbidities, such as fibromyalgia (widespread muscle pain), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (abnormal increase in heart rate when standing up) and gastroparesis and irritable bowel syndrome (gastrointestinal problems). The researchers behind the world’s largest ME study, DecodeME, are working to uncover the underlying biological mechanisms of this complex disease, so that potential treatment options can be developed in the future.

A diagnosis of ME/CFS is based on a careful assessment of the symptoms, with exclusion of other conditions that may be causing them. Currently, there is no laboratory diagnostic test.

There are a number of treatments available, such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET). However, there is no evidence that these are helpful in ME/CFS. Research suggests that GET can worsen the severity of ME/CFS in some patients, and CBT has been found to be ineffective.

Maeve Boothby O’Neill died in October 2021 from her ME/CFS and the poor NHS care she received was highlighted at her inquest. ME/CFS is a life-limiting disease and needs to be taken seriously. We hope the outcome of this inquest will mark a significant milestone in changing how the illness is treated and understood by the NHS.

How to Use the Right Adjectives to Describe Yourself

Whether you’re writing a college essay, answering the question, “How would you describe yourself?” during an interview or posting about your professional accomplishments on social media, the adjectives you use to describe yourself make all the difference. It’s important to select words that highlight your best qualities without sounding cliche. For example, avoid using overused phrases such as, “hard-working” and “team player.” Instead, focus on your unique strengths that differentiate you from other applicants, such as a rare certification or an unconventional career path that gives you a broad perspective.

Describe yourself with words that reflect your personality, character and abilities. Whether you’re discussing your work ethic, leadership style, communication skills or problem-solving capabilities, the adjectives you choose can give hiring managers insight into how you would fit into the company culture and what value you could add to their organization.

When interviewers ask the question, “How would you describe yourself?” it’s an opportunity for you to show that you have what it takes to be successful in the role. However, if you’re nervous or unable to articulate your own qualities, the answer may not provide the positive impression that you deserve.

Your choice of adjectives will determine how you’re perceived, so it’s critical to understand the meanings and uses of each word. This article provides an overview of the various words you can use to describe yourself and offers a list of the best adjectives that convey your strengths.

How to Use You

In English, you is both singular and plural; it can be used as a personal pronoun or as the object of a preposition. You can also use it to refer to yourself by name (you as your own person). The distinction between the singular thee and thou gradually faded, and special plural forms such as you-all, you-uns, yez and youse were introduced, but none of them became standard.

Although the verb you can be used as a subject pronoun, it’s most often used in the object form, in the phrase you guys. Younger speakers and some politically progressive individuals find this slangy phrase gendered and problematically noninclusive of transgender and nonbinary persons, so they prefer to avoid it.

The adjectives you use to describe yourself should focus on your strengths and highlight your personality. Recruiters and hiring managers want to hire people who are dependable, organized and focused on achieving results, so your descriptions should emphasize these traits. Inventive: Demonstrate your ability to produce new ideas and solutions. Strategic: Emphasize your ability to plan and execute with long-term goals in mind. Dedicated: Indicates your commitment to your work and the company. Analytical: Demonstrate your ability to interpret data and make informed decisions. Productive: Show how you can accomplish tasks and projects with efficiency. If you’re unsure which adjectives to use when describing yourself, consult with family members and friends for feedback. You can also ask them how they would describe you and why. The most honest answers can be the best.

How to Answer the Question About Me in a Job Interview

When job seekers are asked this question, the person who is interviewing them usually wants to see if the candidate’s skills, qualities and experiences match up with the requirements of the job. They are looking for candidates who have the right personality traits and the potential to be a good fit in the company’s culture and team. That’s why it is so important to be prepared for this question.

When answering this question, it is best to use positive words that highlight your strengths and show a can-do attitude. Negative words can have the opposite effect and leave a bad impression on the interviewer. The word choice also matters a lot, as there are certain words that should be avoided, especially in interviews.

ME is an illness that affects people of all ages, genders, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds, but it’s often difficult for medical professionals to recognize. It’s more common in women than men and it can impact adolescents and children as well. It’s estimated that one million Americans have ME, but many people don’t get diagnosed because doctors are not trained to recognize it and don’t always understand the condition.

Unlike other illnesses, ME is not a well-defined condition and there is no specific laboratory test to diagnose it. It is most commonly diagnosed by excluding other conditions that have similar symptoms and using diagnostic criteria. However, there is research underway that may lead to more precise tests for ME in the future.

The symptoms of ME can be very disabling and can interfere with work, school and family life. The illness can last a long time and it is difficult for some people to recover, but they often do get better. It is important for health care providers to support patients as they come to terms with their diagnosis and find ways to manage their symptoms.

It is important for people with ME and their families to know that they are not alone in this struggle. There are a variety of resources available to support them and help them get the healthcare they need. These include advocacy organizations that can provide education and support, patient-centered websites that offer a community of people who share their experiences, and clinical and peer-reviewed publications that can assist patients in making informed decisions about care.

The ME Association is an organization that serves people who have ME and their families and friends. It has information about the illness and its causes, as well as practical tips on managing it. Its website also has links to other ME-related resources, including government and medical organizations, as well as support groups and charities. The ME Association is based in Massachusetts but it serves people worldwide. It was founded in 1985 and is a non-profit 501(c)3. For more information, click here.