Criteria For a confirmed ME


Criteria For a confirmed ME

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an extremely debilitating long term illness that affects multiple body systems. Those with ME/CD may be unable to engage in their usual daily activities. In some cases, ME/CD may even confined them to a bed for long periods of time. In severe cases, it can even be impossible for them to perform daily tasks such as getting dressed, using the restroom, and even getting enough sleep at night. In the past, ME/CD was thought to be the result of psychological or emotional issues, but researchers now believe ME/Cfs to be a symptom of an underlying condition.

One of the first symptoms of ME/Cfs is extreme tiredness. Studies have shown that one in three people with ME/CD suffer from chronic exhaustion. In some cases, the person with ME/CD may actually fall asleep in bed, but will return to consciousness within minutes, often tired and irritable. As a result, they will need to remain in bedbound. In addition, they may be unable to perform the activities of daily living, including: bathing, climbing stairs, going to work, participating in simple activities such as driving a car, and socializing with other people.

Unlike the typical symptoms of an acute infection, ME/CD has no evidence of bacterial, fungal or viral infection. Therefore, there is no need to perform any tests for any infections. Because most cases of ME/CD can be attributed to some form of infection, the absence of these tests can only attribute to a lack of an appropriate immune system response. It is also important to note that the majority of cases of ME/CD can be attributed to a cause that is lifestyle related. For instance, stress, a negative energy, and poor diet can all be possible causes of ME.

Some ME sufferers report shortness of breath, poor concentration, palpitations, insomnia, irritability, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. These symptoms can range from mildly annoying to debilitating. In many cases, the ME/CD disorder is discovered during a physical examination. It is important, however, that the medical practitioner doing the exam must be skilled in recognizing ME symptoms because many people with ME have such similar symptoms to those of the flu or other illnesses. The physician must also be sensitive to the fact that the patient is likely experiencing a myriad of physical symptoms unrelated to ME.

Due to the wide variety of potential causes and symptoms of ME, the ME Society has developed a series of detailed diagnostic criteria, which are used to determine the clinical and functional status of ME patients. These diagnostic criteria were developed based on years of research and clinical experience by the ME Association. Although the diagnostic guidelines may vary from one professional association to another, the ME Association does recommend that the following be included in the diagnostic criterion: fatigue, malaise, decreased concentration, decreased mobility, decreased awareness of surroundings, decreased alertness, decreased sense of humor, decreased speech level, muscle twitching, pain, and a loss of sense of time and where the patient is. If any of these symptoms are present in a relative proportion of the patient’s sample, it is considered a positive sign that ME may be present.

Because this disease has no absolute definition, the medical community has developed its own sets of ME diagnostic criteria, which are used to classify patients according to their severity of the disease and according to their likelihood of having a full-blown ME. Because the symptoms of ME can mimic those of several other diseases as well, the ME Association has also developed a set of additional criteria, which are used in conjunction with the above mentioned criteria to make a more accurate diagnosis of ME. Because the ME patients of today have so many different concerns about their health and their lives, the ME Society has urged that all doctors involved in a ME case should be fully trained and should be familiar with the various ME diagnostic criteria that have been developed by the ME Association. Failure to do so could lead to the inaccurate diagnosis of some patients and unnecessary ME treatments for others.

Love – Is it Really the Same As Intimacy?

Love encompasses a broad spectrum of positive and deep emotional states, from the sublime virtue or highest personal level of good health, the purest sexual desire, to the easiest imaginable pleasure. It is the state of total and unselfish love that makes us complete and gives us our uniqueness and allows us to experience a life beyond ourselves. There are many ways to express love, but what matters most in the end is how we feel about other people, and how deeply we connect to them on a personal level. If we don’t love others, it becomes impossible to love ourselves.


True love includes feelings such as compassion, care, respect, patience, kindness, enthusiasm, joy, happiness, tenderness, devotion, appreciation, and delight. These combine in such a way as to create a feeling of well-being, a feeling of total and open connection with that person. True love will fill our hearts with joy as well as our bodies with energy. A person who lacks true love has a dark, depressed and unhappy view of himself. He often feels alone, without any true friends or family to turn to for support.

True love encompasses a variety of strong feelings – compassion for another person, deep appreciation of beauty, a desire to be a good example, generosity, enjoyment, creativity, strength and courage. And these strong feelings do not just spring into our laps; they must be earned. Love does not just “fall into” us; it requires some effort on our part. It is not always easy to love someone because we may have been conditioned by society to only think of love in terms of romance and marriage. When we meet someone, we experience immediate love and romantic interest.

However, this kind of love is not the same as sexual or romantic affection. Although both of them can mean a lot to us, there are clear distinctions between them. Sexual affection is often associated with lust or the excitement of having sex. True love, on the other hand, is much deeper and involves sharing physical feelings with another person but it is also often accompanied by other kinds of affection such as sharing of our homes, friendship, or sharing of our minds and bodies.

Our brains are really very complex machines. The connections that we make with others and with our physical selves are extremely complex. Our brain does not just automatically start working in a way that causes us to like someone. We have to put in a lot of effort to establish a loving relationship. Some people have the uncanny ability to fall in love easily while other people need a great amount of time to develop this loving bond.

People who have a loving and affectionate relationship tend to be more open to one another’s feelings and they are also less likely to be hurt by their partner’s passionate feelings. In contrast, individuals who are in serious relationships sometimes don’t have this quality. Individuals who fall in lust have a tendency to shut down when their feelings are expressed, so it can be difficult for them to truly feel one another’s love.

An Introduction to the Theory of Personality and Motivation

A need is a term which is needed for an organisms to survive a particular life span. Needs are generally distinguished from desires. In the case of a desire, a lack of it results in a fairly obvious adverse effect: either a complete dysfunction or even death. However, for a need it can be harder to identify the need, because its definition is much more vague.


Self-esteem or personal worth is one of the more abstract dimensions upon which human beings appraise their capabilities and worth. It therefore follows that the scope and intensity of a need could vary significantly from person to person. More precisely, as compared with the case of desires, the need involves an interaction of two elements. These are the need to do the action and the need to have the opportunity to do it.

In order to understand this need concept we need to take some further steps. First of all, we need to remind ourselves that in human beings, there is a distinction between the levels of motivation, or self-esteem, on the one hand, and the actualization of some kind of functional objective, such as survival, on the other. The very idea of working for the advancement of some kind of common good, like the betterment of human beings as a whole, presupposes the existence of some level of subjective motivation, which is referred to as self-actualization. This self-actualization has a certain relationship to the actualization of some kind of objective, like the achievement of some goal or objective of a certain nature.

In fact, the theory of needs is closely related to the organizational theory of psychology. Here, there is a hierarchy of psychological needs, just as there is in any other hierarchy. There are, for example, the physical needs, the energy demands, the attention requirements, the social relationships demands, the intellectual abilities, the learning and the memory demands, as well as the leisure time demands. The higher the level at which these different components fit, the closer the relationship is to the concept of self-actualization. In other words, there may be some activities that appear to be completely extraneous to the functioning of the person, but actually they contribute to the fulfillment of some higher or extraneous need that the person may feel his loss without being able to account for it.

The organizational theory of psychology can also be seen as a hierarchy of needs, with human motivation at the top, and the various other needs lower down in the scale. For example, the most obvious need that people feel is for a good job security, although this may not always be consciously expressed. But when security is threatened, people will feel the loss of some things they consider to be important, including their sense of worth, their confidence, their personal relationships, etc. Another aspect of human motivation is the need for a good reputation, which may also not always be consciously expressed but that always plays an important role in determining the level of achievement. This need for a good reputation also creates and tends to intensify certain forms of ritual in which people reaffirm their membership in a group or in some other entity that justifies the way they behave.

All the theories presented so far, including the two-factor theory of motivation, agree on the fact that the concept of self-worth, the need for security, the need for approval, and the need for a good reputation are closely connected with each other. The need for social approval has an especially significant role in today’s society, when many individuals find it difficult to obtain a job in a modern corporate setting. The need for security is also important, since one’s financial future depends on it. And the need for a good reputation can be understood to play a very important role, since many people consider themselves to be a good judge of character. All these theories can be examined to further understand the concepts behind the concepts of personality and motivation.

How To Teach English – Learning The Tense Of The Verb

In Modern English, you has the second person singular pronoun, you is. It has always been used only for the third person, grammatically speaking, but in many modern languages is now used for all instances and numbers, regardless of who is performing the saying. You as a matter of fact, does not have a independent existence in this language; it is nothing more than a mere label or title, you are. This is not to say that you are not an individual, you are a person, however, as a label you have no real value outside of your gender, your age, and your social status.


One of the major difficulties that writers and speakers encounter when they try to learn and use pronouns is that they cannot decide whether they should use the first person singular or the second person singular. As a result, they choose the wrong one, resulting in a stilted, awkward, and oftentimes incorrect writing or speaking performance. The first person is clearly indicated by the articles, you and me, you being the subject and I the object. The second person is indicated by pronouns such as he/she, you being the subject and he/she being the object.

The singular “you” is also very difficult to learn and use correctly. In fact, this difficulty is especially pronounced if you are female, as your grammar rules require that you use definite and indefinite pronouns, even if the sentence is ambiguous. For example, “You were at the store today.” in the second person singular has to be treated as “You were in the store today (the singular verb)”. However, there are some exceptions to these rules, particularly in the case of the subject “you” and the object “he/she”.

The second person is divided into two types, the first is reflexive and the other is simply the impersonal “I”. The former is used to refer to yourself and the other to another individual, an idea, a concept, or a person. The second person is used to refer to something you yourself own, to someone else, or to something you don’t own but are attached to indirectly (such as a possession you have for yourself). The examples of the first and the reflexive form are “I am the owner of the dog”, “I am my dog’s owner”, “The dog belongs to me” and “my dog is my dog”.

The third person is usually described by a pronoun such as “we”, “us”, “our”, “it”, “itself”, ” ourselves”, “ourselves” and “our”. The pronouns in the plural form of the second person, however, are sometimes preferred, especially when referring to a number of people. In the example above, the singular “you” could be used in place of “we” or “us”. It may also be acceptable to use “ours”, “our” or “us”.

The most important part of learning how to teach English is to learn how to describe the various tenses of the verb. By mastering these three processes, you will be well on your way to mastering the language. You will be able to express ideas more clearly and make them fit into sentences. Your communication will become much more efficient, therefore.

A Possible Cure For ME?


A Possible Cure For ME?

Myalgic encephalopathy/chronic exhaustion syndrome (MECS) is an extremely complex and disabling illness. Those with ME have physical limitations that are enhanced by sleep deprivation. Sometimes, ME/EMS can even limit a patient’s ability to perform their most basic activities such as getting dressed or eating. On the other hand, those with ME/CE may be completely capable of doing those things yet their symptoms are so severe that they can no longer do it.

Myalgic encephalopathy/chronic exhaustion syndrome (MECS) is an illness that is complicated, yet surprisingly common. It appears to be more widespread than many people think. It can also be a long-suspected, hidden illness masquerading as a number of diverse health problems.

ME/CE, also known as post-exertional syndrome, is a health condition in which patients have weak or reduced responses to stimulant-type drugs, possibly suggesting a lowered immune system. Some researchers think that ME is caused by an inflammation of the brain, but for now there is no conclusive evidence. The symptoms of this illness include muscular weakness, mental fatigue, muscle spasms, severe pain, neurological irregularities, and changes in blood pressure and temperature. In addition to these symptoms, ME sometimes causes gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, or blood in the stool.

It is believed that the reduced immune system results in an adverse reaction in the brain and causes many symptoms of myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome. Many people believe that ME is caused by several factors. These factors include: infectious agents, chemicals used in certain pharmaceuticals, parasites, allergies, stress, and toxins. However, researchers have found that the majority of cases are caused by a defect in the brain’s ability to properly process and communicate information from the nervous system to the rest of the body.

There is currently no cure for ME. However, many researchers have been successful in identifying and treating some of the symptoms. For example, medical professionals have identified and successfully treated a wide range of illnesses over the past two decades, including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and multiple sclerosis. Doctors today generally treat ME with medications and therapies in order to alleviate the symptoms and prevent the development of more serious complications.

In recent years, biotechnology has made significant strides in ME research and development. One biotechnology firm, Novartis, has been focusing on developing vaccines that would provide a strong defense against myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as other diseases and disorders. The ME vaccine being developed by this company is currently in phase II clinical trials. If it successfully passes the FDA testing stage, it will become a powerful weapon in the fight against ME. However, as with any new medical technology, more research and analysis is needed to determine if the vaccine can indeed provide an effective treatment for those with chronic fatigue syndrome and similar syndromes.

Understanding Love Language

“Love is the meaning and the end of life.” ~ William Shakespeare

Love includes a wide range of positive and negative emotional and psychological states, from the strongest religious virtue or good human habit, to the lowest form of pleasure. The experience of love varies widely according to the relationship at hand, the intention behind it, and the individuals involved. In general, romantic love or affection is related to feelings of love, and therefore, one may feel love for his/her partner, family members, close friends, animals, etc. While these are only some examples, the concept of love can be used in any situation and expressed with the same feeling and sense of warmth, devotion, or appreciation.

Love relationships have their own unique “language,” which can be recognized, understood, and used by both parties involved in a relationship. This unique language is not limited to a specific type of language, such as English or Spanish, but rather can take on many different forms. For instance, our culture may include French, German, and so forth. Each culture has its own love languages, which are often different from the common forms of love that occur within Western cultures. It can be a bit confusing to try to figure out what your partner’s love language is, especially if you do not speak their primary language, but once you start paying attention, you will find that there are many potential responses to love that both partners will experience.

One of the primary responses to love is romantic love, which occurs when one partner shows concern, affection, or support for the other person in a way that diminishes or fulfills a need, desires, or longings. However, this kind of emotional bonding may only take place in a relatively short amount of time, as compared to other kinds of affective bonding. When a couple is in love, they can be emotionally connected for as little as a few minutes, but it is very likely that the feelings of each partner will increase and strengthen over time.

The second type of emotion that can come into play in a relationship is passion. Passion in a relationship often means that one person is feeling an extreme level of sexual desire for another. This is often caused by early sexual experiences from a young age, as well as a desire to feel young again and enter a new sexual role. This passion can peak for a short amount of time, then subside, before finding a new outlet as the relationship develops. This can also be a very strong form of intimacy, but it is important to note that people can get consumed by their own passions, which can eventually lead to serious problems within a relationship.

As you can see, the three different forms of affective connection are all incredibly important to a healthy relationship, but they are often hard to identify at first. There are so many things going on in a relationship that it can be difficult to decipher the emotions of two people who are saying the same thing. In order to create a healthy environment for love to thrive, there are several things to remember. Pay attention to how your partner is feeling, pay attention to how they speak about love, and use the love language that you understand.

Are You feeling Happy, Frustrated Or Depressed?


Are You feeling Happy, Frustrated Or Depressed?

A need is something which is required for an organisms to survive a normal life. Many needs are often distinguished from desires. For a desire, a lack of it results in a clear undesirable result: loss or a malfunction. However, when we speak of a need, we refer to a higher order of need: a higher level of requirement.

In order to explain human needs we first need to understand the meaning of the concept of “needy” and its psychological counterpart, the term “desire.” The word “desire” comes from the Latin verb “des” which means wish or desire. It can also mean craving or yearning. A desire is something which motivates an agent to act. It can be compared to a muscular action which is caused by the stimulation of a particular part of the brain which has been linked to rational thought and self-interest.

A desire is a higher order psychological feature which is not directed towards an object. The word “drive” comes from the German verb “drache” which means “to want.” The drive to act is directed towards some goal which is considered desirable. A person who lacks the drive to follow his own desires would be described as lacking a drive or “drive.”

A need is a higher order psychological feature for the same reasons as above: it is directed to some desired end. The drive to act is not, however, directed towards an object. A person lacking a need may be described as lacking an interest or liking. One example of a need for human beings is the need to eat. This need can be compared to hunger pains which occur only when the body is unable to digest or absorb something because there is no sufficient food supply in the stomach.

A desire, on the other hand, is a higher order psychological feature which is directed to an object. A desire, for instance, to travel by land or sea is a desire to do something whereas an appetite for chocolate candy is not. In psychological terms, a desire would be a “virtual necessity” while a need would be a “virtual want.” Since desires are always productive, they have an advantage over needs; that is, they satisfy our needs even when they don’t satisfy our desires or they cannot be realized as such.

On the other hand, a need can sometimes lead to dissatisfaction and frustration which leads to depression. This situation is referred to as unhappiness. We know that happiness and sadness are two of the most important psychological aspects in our lives. We are all aware of how we feel when we are sad or lonely. However, unhappiness is often more severe than sadness and it can even lead to suicidal tendencies if we do not handle it properly.

How to Maintain Conversation in a Busy Minute


How to Maintain Conversation in a Busy Minute

The most common mistake people make when speaking American English is using “you” as a subject. When Americans speak in English, they tend to refer to themselves and others as “you”. For example: Joe – “You’re the guy in charge.” Tom – “You’re the guy in charge.” Mary – “You’re the one in charge.” Notice the use of “you” in these sentences.

When you talk about your business with someone in America, “You’re the boss.” If you share a business conversation with someone in Britain, “You’re the businesswoman.” You can use “you” or “your” to address a person in the third person, depending on your familiarity with British English. This shows up in sentences like: Joe’s the manager of the company.

What are you doing for lunch? A question you might ask yourself if you’re talking to a friend in America or another country. “I am having lunch with Mary.” “You are having lunch with Mary.” These are all examples of polite speech, but the same grammatical structure can lead to a problem.

In British English, it’s correct to introduce yourself by using pronouns such as “we”, “us”, “our” or “my” but using “you” in sentences with the subject as a single word creates a sentence where “you” is the subject. For example, “We are having lunch.” “We are having lunch with Mary.” It’s incorrect to follow-up a statement with “you” because it shifts the emphasis to you, not the other person. You’re still being polite, but you’ve lost the opportunity to demonstrate how important Mary is to you.

What are you up to is a commonly asked question in any language and can be answered with an overview of your daily activities. “I am going to have a leisure time and work on my novel.” However, in a British context, it would be more appropriate to add, “and also look forward to having a leisure time together.” It’s perfectly acceptable to include a few adjectives in what are you up to, but don’t overdo it.

So, what are you up to is a polite way of asking if you two would like to continue your conversation. Use “you” when you first say it, and then include the persons’ names if necessary. It turns out you were just doing it to see if she’d get interested in continuing, so keep it to that extent. If she agrees, you’ve successfully maintained your conversation in a polite manner.

ME and Fibromyalgia Symptom Comparison – Google Scholars


ME and Fibromyalgia Symptom Comparison – Google Scholars

Anyone can have ME/CFS; it is a common condition affecting people from all age groups. However, while most cases are of younger adults aged 40 and above, the disease affects mostly children, teens, and even adults of different ages. Among older adults, women seem to be affected more frequently than men. Even though the symptoms sometimes go unnoticed by some, the condition is oftentimes misdiagnosed and may not be taken seriously by some health care providers.

What is ME/CFS? This term is used as a synonym for Myalgic Encephalomyleitis/Myalgia Syndrome. It is a chronic, multifaceted illness that is characterized by recurrent unprovoked, usually brief pain or discomfort, usually in the upper back, neck, shoulders, or head, resulting from exposure to environmental factors like allergens, irritants, or stress. Common triggers of the symptoms can also be psychological and physical, with the former being more prominent. Common signs and symptoms include muscle weakness or fatigue, frequent fever, persistent chills, dry mouth, headaches, shortness of breath, or decreased sense of well-being, loss or numbness of certain body parts, muscle weakness, joint pain, and muscle spasms.

ME/CFS is diagnosed through several means. These include physical exams, thorough medical histories, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging studies, and viral markers (such as HIV and monoclonal gammopathy). Abnormalities in brain function are some of the possible causative factors for the illness. Additionally, some ME patients display signs or symptoms that are beyond the control of medicine, such as loss of balance, speech problems, or coordination problems.

In an interesting piece by Jason Latessa of Google Scholar ja, comparing and contrasting ME vs. CFS, Jason points out that “there is no significant difference between the number of people who report chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and those who do not.” However, when you consider that “severity of the disease often accompanies disability” and that “many people with ME have such severe limitations that it is essentially a life-threatening illness,” one could make the argument that the two illnesses are somehow different. Latessa goes on to point out, moreover, that ” ME and CFS can be treated and better understood,” and that it is “timely and inexpensively” to treat ME than it is to treat CFS.

Furthermore, many ME patients find much relief from their symptoms through self-therapy techniques and cognitive behavior therapy. ME has been described as a symptom of poor functioning in an individual’s psychological and physiological networks. This may explain why so many ME patients have poor self functioning and are fatigued.

There is no doubt that ME is a very real and debilitating disorder. It can be a very distressing illness for those who suffer from it, both directly and indirectly. But there is no reason to think that ME must be without treatment. Currently there are multiple medications that can be used to treat ME and the symptoms of fatigue syndrome, including sertraline, paroxetine, fluoxetine, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). In addition, there are natural supplements that can be used to treat the symptoms of this condition. And, most importantly, there are plenty of exercises and other strategies that can help to alleviate some of the symptoms of ME.

Love – Does it Include All of the Emotions?

Love is a simple concept but it can be a complicated arena. In everyday life, we encounter love in various forms. Love has the potential to transform our lives and bring greater meaning and enjoyment to our interactions with others. Love has many nuances and aspects. However, if you’re interested in finding love and getting the most out of your romantic relationships, it’s important to keep these several tips in mind.

The first and foremost aspect of romantic love is intimacy. Love embraces a wide range of positive and negative emotional and physical states, from the blissful state of tranquil meditation, the most sublime sexual desire, to the most intense emotional sensation. When intimacy fades or dies out in relationships, the romantic love that was there is replaced by irritability, resentment, ego tension, lack of trust, and ultimately by detachment and depression. Intimacy is paramount to romantic love because it is what bonded two people together in the first place so it makes sense that intimacy should be maintained at all costs.

Next, love includes different types of expression, including affection, sharing, listening, supporting, caring, giving, and sharing. Everyone has different types of feelings, thoughts, and actions that they regularly engage in. These expressions manifest themselves in different ways for different people. It would be impossible to say that one type of love is the same for everyone. Love varies so much between two people, even when they are in the same romantic relationship.

Finally, love may take on a different form depending on the circumstances surrounding a relationship. In general, love is either motivated by lust or by attachment. If lust is present in a relationship, love may be centered around the idea of having that sexual satisfaction, and the result may be long-lasting attachment. On the other hand, if an attachment is present, love may be centered around the idea of being together and sharing a life with that person.

All of these different types of emotional bonds exist, but they also can overlap. A new relationship is more likely to have love that is driven primarily by attachment than is a long-term relationship. This is because the emotional ties are so deeply tied together that there is no need to focus on lust and attachment. Instead, one focuses on the idea of being one with the other and “being one” is enough to create that reality. This is why there is so much emphasis on the early love in relationships – it is the foundation that helps to create stronger and longer-lasting bonds.

All of the above mentioned bonds are part of the foundation that creates love. However, all of these types of emotional relationships can weaken over time if they are not dealt with properly. There are many tools that people use to build strong feelings in their relationships. One of them is humor. Humor can help get past some of those early difficulties in a relationship because it often works on the basic instinct that everything hurts when you do something that you didn’t want to do. It also helps to relieve some of those strong feelings of anger and resentment as well.