How to Define Love


Love is a complex and often confusing emotion that can manifest in many ways. It can be why you choose to give up a bad habit, work harder at a job or finish a creative project, forgive your partner for their shortcomings, cheer for your favorite team even when they are losing, or spend time with loved ones. It is also why you feel devastated when someone close to you passes away.

While a definition for love may vary depending on the individual and situation, most people can agree that it includes feeling fondness and attachment for others. It can also include emotional and behavioral expressions of affection such as kissing, holding hands, showing gratitude, and expressing appreciation. Love can be a powerful and rewarding experience that brings us joy and contentment. It can also be a frustrating and challenging emotion when it is misaligned with your values or causes you pain and suffering.

Although the concept of love has been around for thousands of years, psychologists have only recently started to study it and define it. They have found that there are different kinds of love, including romantic love and family love. There is also a love for one’s self, called ego-love or self-esteem.

Researchers have also found that there are biological and neural reasons why we love others. For example, brain scans of those in the throes of passionate love show increased activation in areas associated with reward and pleasure, as well as a decrease in activity related to stress and pain. In addition, the hormone oxytocin is released during affectionate behaviors such as cuddling, hugging, and sexual activity. This “love hormone” promotes bonding, reduces pain, and creates a calming sensation.

Despite the complexity of these feelings, many psychologists believe that loving others is an essential component of happiness. However, they may disagree about whether it is a choice or something that is out of our control. They may also debate whether it is a temporary or permanent state, and if so, whether it can be sustained in the face of adversity.

Regardless of how it is defined, everyone can agree that loving others and being loved in return makes life more meaningful and enjoyable. The challenge is to find the balance between loving and being loved and making wise choices to promote our health and well-being. Happy people prioritize their own needs and wants while still being kind to those around them. They know that they will never have complete information about any given situation, but are willing to make the best decision they can based on their knowledge and incomplete data. They are also humble and helpful, which attracts more goodwill in their lives.

The Concept of Need

A need is a basic requirement that must be fulfilled for human survival. It is distinct from a want, which is an aspiration or desire. The concept of needs has been studied in various fields including philosophy, biology, psychology, sociology, history and economics.

The most prominent academic model of need was developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943. He suggested that humans have a hierarchy of psychological needs, with lower order ones such as food and shelter being more important than higher order ones such as belonging and self-actualization. People tend to spend most of their time and resources attempting to satisfy their basic needs before they are willing to invest their energies in meeting higher level needs.

In modern times, the concept of need is often discussed in the context of a person’s personal goals and motivations, rather than as a biological imperative. The term is a popular topic of discussion in self-help books and seminars, with the common theme being that a person must find a way to balance their wants and needs in order to be happy.

Despite the fact that the word need has been used since antiquity, it is only in the last century or so that it has been subject to systematic and rigorous study. The most famous academic work in the field is probably Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which received wide acceptance and widespread adoption as a theory about human motivation and well-being.

Another approach to the idea of need is that espoused by psychotherapist Arnold Rosenberg, which involves the development of awareness of feelings as indicators of what needs are alive in one’s present moment. Rosenberg suggests that it is possible to develop strategies to positively meet a need, for example, to fulfill a need for creativity by taking steps to attend a painting class or invest in a music studio.

It is also possible to talk about the needs of a community or organisation, and these are often discussed in terms of a need for financial resources, a need for specific skills, or a need for particular infrastructures such as a new school or health clinic. In this context, the word can be used to express a general sense of dissatisfaction and deprivation in society.

The word need is a semi-modal verb, meaning that it can be used as either a main verb or an adjective. It is often accompanied by other modifiers such as essential, urgent and desirable. For example, the phrase “I need a new apartment” indicates that the individual requires an affordable place to live, while “I need a new apartment with two bedrooms” adds further qualifications such as location and furnishings. Other qualifiers such as luxurious and high-end are sometimes used to describe a need for prestige or status. This can be seen in the use of words such as “a Rolls Royce apartment” to indicate that the apartment is high-end and expensive.

Who Are You?


Be you, and let the world adjust to you. This popular slogan encourages individuals to be true to themselves, pursue their passions and values, and prioritize self-care and improvement.

The phrase is also used as a self-affirmation, reminding people that they are unique and valued in the world. As a result, the phrase is an ideal mantra for individuals to use when navigating challenging situations or relationships.

“Who Are You” is a song recorded by the English rock band the Who, written by Pete Townshend and released in 1978 as part of the double-A-sided single with the John Entwistle composition “Had Enough”. It became one of the Who’s biggest hits, peaking at number 7 in Canada and at number 14 in the United States. The track is also a regular feature at the band’s live shows.

In addition to the grammatically correct form of you are, there are a number of other uses of this word. Among these are: Possession: You can use this word to indicate ownership or possession of something, such as a book or a piece of clothing. Relationships: You can use this word to express a relationship between you and another person or between you and something else: You can see that the hat belongs to your friend. Descriptions: You can use this word to describe the nature or character of a person: The bright red shirt just isn’t you, if you ask me.

There are a few pitfalls with this word that can cause confusion, even for native speakers of English. Two of the most common are misusing your and you’re. Although they sound similar, they have different meanings and spellings. You’re is a contraction of you and are, while your is a possessive adjective.

A third pitfalls occurs when this word is used to refer to a singular person: While you can use this to express a singular subject in some contexts, it always triggers plural verb agreement. This can lead to some awkward phrasing, such as in the sentence, “There is a problem with your computer.”

While there are some exceptions, this word should not be used to refer to a group of persons, regardless of their gender. For this reason, it is preferable to use the gender-neutral term y’all when referring to a group of persons. This is especially important when writing in a formal setting, such as an academic paper or business letter. If in doubt, simply replace the word with you guys and if everything still makes sense then you’re good to go! Also, remember to avoid using the informal variant of you all, which is often pronounced as one syllable. This is considered an incorrect pronunciation and should not be used in professional settings. Instead, try to incorporate the gender-neutral phrase you all into your vocabulary so that it becomes more natural.

What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?


Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic, complex, neuroimmune disease that profoundly limits people’s lives. It is often triggered by an infection and is relapsing-remitting. It is not well understood and there are no test or cure. It is estimated that about 15-30 million people globally have ME/CFS.

ME/CFS is often a hidden illness, and people with the condition are frequently ignored or dismissed by doctors and other healthcare professionals. It can cause significant loss of function and is associated with a lower quality of life than many other serious diseases such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, heart disease, or diabetes. People with ME/CFS are more likely to be unemployed and to have poorer outcomes than people without the disease.

A key symptom of ME/CFS is post-exertional malaise, which is the sharp and debilitating worsening of symptoms and/or fatigue following physical or cognitive activity. It can occur immediately after an event or it may be delayed by up to 24 hours. It can be triggered by a range of activities from going for a jog to brushing teeth, and it is recurrent. People with ME/CFS often have other symptoms such as persistent or widespread muscle pain, unrefreshing sleep, difficulty concentrating, orthostatic intolerance (problems with balance and blood pressure) and periods of bloating and constipation, or problems regulating body temperature. Some people with ME/CFS have comorbidities, which are illnesses that occur alongside ME/CFS. These include fibromyalgia (widespread muscle pain), sleep disordered breathing, irritable bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia, and anxiety and depression.

It is a relapsing-remitting illness that can vary in intensity from day to day, week to week, and month. It can become severe and disabling, and some people are bedbound.

The cause of ME/CFS is unknown, but it is thought to be an autoinflammatory disease and involves inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. It is a multisystemic, chronic condition that affects the brain and the rest of the body.

ME/CFS can be triggered by a variety of infections, including glandular fever and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), herpes viruses (including herpes simplex, varicella zoster, and hepatitis A, B, or C). There is also some evidence that it can be triggered by vaccinations, particularly the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, or by bacterial meningitis.

The most recent formal definitions of ME/CFS suggest that it is a distinct illness that is not the same as other conditions. ME/CFS is a complex and complexly overlapping illness, and research is required to identify diagnostic biological markers and develop effective treatments. The name of the illness has changed over time, and it is currently known as ME, but it is sometimes referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS in the USA and some other countries. However, this can lead to confusion and misunderstandings with healthcare professionals, which is why Solve ME/CFS uses the term ME only. The charity aims to provide clarity on this matter and encourages the use of the most recent definitions of ME by governments and clinicians.

How to Know When You’re in Love


Love is one of the most complex human emotions. It encompasses feelings of deep affection, attachment, and a blend of other emotions like jealousy, desire, anxiety, anger, fear, and guilt. It’s also a culturally-defined concept that has religious and spiritual meanings. These factors, along with its complexity, make it challenging to consistently define. Yet, it’s also the most important emotion we experience. Love can be found in a variety of situations: with a spouse, a friend, a family member, or a pet. It can even be found in the workplace, where studies have shown that love can reduce employee turnover and increase job satisfaction.

But is it always easy to know when you’re in love? For many people, the answer is a resounding “yes.” They know it when they see it. They feel a surge of excitement and a rush of butterflies in their stomach. They may even feel their heart pounding when they glance at the person they’re in love with.

That’s because love is a powerful combination of emotions and behaviors that affect our body, mind, and soul. It’s the reason why the last time you saw your crush, your palms probably sweated, and you said or did something irrational (or was it just me?). It’s the reason why scientists have found that when you look at someone you are attracted to, certain parts of your brain (such as the ventral tegmental area and caudate nucleus) fire more than they do when you look at a picture of someone you’re not attracted to.

Depending on the type of love, it can include passionate feelings of desire and an intense longing to be in that person’s arms. In addition, it can also involve companionate feelings of closeness and affection, such as when you think about them all the time.

According to psychology, most romantic relationships – whether heterosexual or same-sex – are combinations of both passionate and companionate love. However, if there’s too much emphasis on the passion, and not enough on the companionate love, it can lead to problems in the relationship.

There’s another thing about love: It can change over time, but with commitment and communication it can also deepen and withstand the test of time. The key is to remember that love is a choice, and it’s up to you and your partner to decide what kind of love you want to build together.

When you’re in love, it’s important to appreciate and acknowledge the good things your partner does for you. This could be anything from taking out the trash to washing your mug, says psychosexual and relationship therapist Sarah Calvert. It can even mean saying “thank you” and giving them affection, like a hug or kiss, she says. But the best way to show your love is by being present and listening to them, says marriage therapist Carolina Pataky. In this way, you can show your partner that you care about them, and that you want to spend time with them.

What Is Need?

An article is a piece of writing that covers some topic. It is generally published in newspapers or magazines. It can either be serious or not-so-serious. The aim of an article is to help the readers learn something new.

The term “need” is usually referred to as something necessary for an individual’s survival, and it can include things such as food, water, shelter and clothing. However, the idea of need can also be applied to a person’s emotional or psychological needs. The concept of need has become a subject of study in a wide range of academic fields, including philosophy, biology, psychology, social science, economics and marketing.

Defining the meaning of need can be challenging, as it has different meanings in various contexts. The word is used as a verb as well as a noun, and it can mean something that is required or desirable, or it can describe a feeling of desire or deprivation. Some scholars have attempted to identify the exact nature of human needs, using various methods such as rational identification of needs, consideration of an individual’s real-life experiences, and democratic decision-making. One such approach is the capability theory developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum.

In linguistics, the notion of need is often contrasted with the notion of want. Needs are typically considered to be a matter of survival, while wants are seen as a matter of preference or desire. However, in many cultures, the terms are intertwined, with the distinction between needs and wants being more of a continuum than a strict dichotomy.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, need is a “physical or psychological requirement for an organism’s well being. It may be a limiting factor in an individual’s behavior or an essential part of an individual’s identity. The word need is also sometimes viewed as a motivational force, influencing an individual’s action toward the fulfillment of needs and wants.”

A need can be met in different ways depending on its nature and urgency. Some of these needs are more basic, such as the need for air and water, while others are more complex, such as a person’s need for socialization and self-esteem. Some of these needs are innate, while others are learned through experience.

The need for something can also refer to a desire for it. For example, a student may feel the need for knowledge in order to achieve their educational goals. The need for love or money can also motivate an individual to take action in pursuing their desires. The need for power can be motivating as well, as it can allow a person to exert influence over others. The need for recognition can also drive people to seek out success, whether or not this is a legitimate goal. The etymology of the word need is also interesting, with its roots in Latin and Greek. The word can also be found in German and Dutch. In addition, the concept of need is reflected in the art forms of painting and sculpture.

How to Answer a Recruiter’s Question


A recruiter’s question “Who are you?” sounds simple enough, but how you respond can have a major impact on your chances of getting hired. Answer it the right way, and you can stand out as a confident, capable candidate with a good understanding of what they’re looking for. Answer it the wrong way, and you could come across as unprepared or arrogant.

The key is knowing which adjectives to choose and how to use them. Employers want to hear about your personality traits and what makes you tick, but they’re also looking for specific skills that can help them achieve their goals. They want to know that you’re a learner who is committed to improving and growing both in the short term and into the future. They want to know you’re resilient and resourceful, especially in today’s fast-changing business environment.

It’s important to be honest, but don’t be overly self-deprecating or cliched in your response. It’s also critical to be clear and concise. If you’re rambling, or sharing too much detail, you risk sounding unfocused and unprepared. The interviewer is also unlikely to believe that you’ll be able to deliver the level of performance they require and are looking for.

This article was originally published in the January issue of IT World Canada, and can be found online at

ITWorldCanada is the leading technology magazine in Canada for IT professionals and decision makers, covering a range of topics from business strategy to hardware, software and IT services. It’s trusted by IT professionals to provide the best information and advice to get them ahead in their careers. ITWorldCanada is produced by ITBusiness Publishing Ltd, based in Toronto, Ontario.

What Is ME/CFS?


How I would describe myself:

I’m a hard worker who strives for excellence. I’m passionate about my family and friends and am always looking to make new connections. I’m an avid reader who enjoys a good story and can often be found lost in a book.

There is no known cause of ME/CFS, and sbobet login doctors do not know what triggers the illness in some people. It is believed to be a neurological disease. Susceptibility to ME/CFS may be genetic, while in others it seems to be triggered by infection. Herpes viruses, enteroviruses and Q fever have been linked to the onset of ME/CFS. In some cases, the illness develops gradually over months or years. In others, symptoms appear after a severe viral infection.

ME/CFS can be debilitating. Many adults are unable to work full time and up to a quarter are housebound or bedbound on their worst days. Those who are severely affected need around the clock care.

Those who have ME/CFS experience very persistent fatigue that lasts for hours or days, even after rest. This can affect a person’s ability to complete daily tasks and take part in family and social activities. The condition also causes headaches, sore throats and tender lymph nodes in the neck or armpits. It can make some people extra sensitive to light, sound, odors and food.

Although there is no specific test for ME/CFS, doctors can diagnose it based on in-depth evaluation of a patient’s history and symptoms, along with ruling out other conditions that may share similar signs and symptoms. ME/CFS is not a psychiatric disorder and is not caused by lack of exercise, contrary to popular belief.

People who have ME/CFS sometimes feel that their medical provider doesn’t believe them, especially when blood tests and other diagnostics do not show anything out of the ordinary. Despite these challenges, it is important for people to seek a diagnosis.

ME/CFS can impact people of any age, sex and racial or ethnic background. It is more common in women than men, and it can affect children as well as adults. It is thought that about one million Americans have ME/CFS, but up to 90 percent have not been diagnosed. A person’s symptoms can fluctuate from day to day, week to week and month to month. They can range from mild to severe, but the defining symptom is post-exertional malaise, which causes symptoms to get worse after physical or cognitive exertion.

The Science of Love

Love is one of the most complex emotions – it can be utterly beautiful and heart-wrenching at the same time. It has inspired artists through the ages, and it is a topic that has fascinated philosophers and religions. More recently, the science of psychology and other disciplines such as anthropology and biology have contributed to our understanding of this mysterious concept.

The word “love” can mean different things to different people and is often associated with specific types of relationships. Some of these include romantic love, adolescent love, platonic love, familial love, and friendship. The term can also be used to describe an attachment to a particular animal or object, such as a pet or piece of jewelry.

Romantic love, for example, is typically thought of as a deep feeling of affection and attachment that can lead to intimate relationships. It is usually accompanied by a strong desire for commitment and can be intensely rewarding or heart-wrenching. It can be experienced by people of all ages and in many cultures across the world. Research on romantic love suggests that it is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can change over time.

Another type of love is interpersonal love, which refers to feelings of compassion and empathy for other people. Interpersonal love is most closely associated with close friends, family members, and romantic partners. It can be reciprocated or unrequited, and it may be the basis for many psychological disorders, including erotomania. The science of love has been studied by a variety of disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, sociology, and anthropology.

The science of love demonstrates that there are several components to the human experience, including emotion, cognition, and behavior. These factors can work together or independently to influence our thoughts and actions, and they can vary by person and situation. It is important to consider all of these aspects when writing an essay about love.

When writing about love, it is helpful to be honest and reflect on personal experiences. However, it is also important to avoid being sappy or unrealistic. For example, if your love essay is about a new relationship, it would be appropriate to include some of the ups and downs that are characteristic of all relationships. Similarly, if your love is a bit of a control freak or has an addictive spending habit, it’s important to be aware of these characteristics and incorporate them into your story.

If you are interested in writing about love, it’s best to start by jotting down your ideas and experiences. This will help you to create an outline and structure your essay coherently. Next, you can begin to draft your essay and focus on conveying your emotions and reflections in a meaningful way. Finally, you can revise your work and consider seeking feedback from others. By following these steps, you can write a compelling essay on one of the most universal and profound human experiences.

The Concept of Need

A need is a basic requirement in a particular situation. A need differs from a want in that a lack of meeting a need has a clear adverse outcome, such as illness or death. Need is an important concept in philosophy, biology, psychology, sociology, economics, political science and marketing. The concept of need is central to many fields, including those listed above as well as anthropology, business and computer science.

The term need is also used to refer to the desire for certain things, such as a new car or a good job. It can also be used to describe a state of mind. For example, a person may feel the need for self-esteem or to become richer. The distinction between need and want is a central issue in the philosophy of Kant, who believed that desires must be distinguished from needs so as to avoid confusion.

In his 1943 book, Motivation and Personality, Abraham Maslow argued that there is a universal set of independent motives, starting with physiological (homeostatic) needs such as hunger, thirst, and sleep. These are followed by safety needs and then by affiliation (belonging) and esteem (status) needs. He based the later two on the work of his graduate advisor, Harry Harlow, who had demonstrated that rhesus monkeys raised in isolation would eventually seek contact with a wire surrogate mother, even if they continued to be fed exclusively from a bottle.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is widely accepted, although a functional analysis suggests some revisions to his ideas. For instance, mating drives are clearly distinct from survival drives and ought to be placed in a different category of motivation. And although Maslow included status needs as a subset of esteem needs, it is possible that a need for mastery could have adaptive consequences that are not specific to the pursuit of prestige.

To satisfy a need, one may purchase or create items. For example, if you have a need for food and water, you might eat a cheese burst pizza or buy some canned soup at the store. If you have a need for housing, you might look for an apartment or house that meets your budget and other requirements. Tertiary needs are the last group of essential needs, and they include features such as a balcony or private gym that would be considered desirable, but not necessarily vital. Finally, a need for luxury items might include sports cars or designer clothing. Unlike needs, wants are not related to survival and can be satisfied without any financial sacrifice. A need for food is a basic need; a desire to own a Ferrari is a want.