Myalgic Encephalomyelitis


A person’s personality is defined by their environment and the company they keep. The people they surround themselves with are a reflection of them, and for that reason it is often said that you can judge a person by the company they keep. The people you associate with influence your mood and outlook on life, which is why it is important to choose your friends wisely. Having supportive, understanding friends can help you feel better about yourself, even when you are struggling with chronic illness.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis, or ME, is a debilitating neuroimmune disease with no known cause and no cure. The disorder causes debilitating fatigue that worsens with activity and cannot be explained by other conditions such as depression or anxiety. Patients report unrefreshing sleep and neurological symptoms including memory and cognitive impairment. ME/CFS is also called chronic fatigue syndrome, functional somatic syndrome, systemic exertion intolerance disease, and post-viral fatigue syndrome.

ME/CFS is a complex and chronic disease that affects every aspect of a person’s life. It is estimated that 1 million Americans have ME/CFS and it’s one of the most underfunded diseases in our country. The Massachusetts CFIDS/ME & FM Association was founded in 1985 and is the oldest advocacy organization for ME/CFS in the United States.

Although no laboratory test can diagnose ME/CFS, some research shows consistent biological abnormalities in ME patients. These findings suggest that the disease is caused by an infection with viral, bacterial or parasitic pathogens.

While no specific pathogen has been found, researchers have studied the possibility that herpesviruses, enteroviruses, Q fever (caused by Coxiella burnetii) and Ross River virus can trigger ME/CFS in some individuals.

Research is ongoing to understand what triggers ME/CFS and why it happens in some people but not others. Unlike many other chronic illnesses, ME/CFS does not improve with treatment and is often made worse by stress.

If you think you might have ME/CFS, see your GP for a referral to a specialist. A correct diagnosis is essential, as it’s very common for people with ME/CFS to be misdiagnosed. Other illnesses that have similar symptoms are sometimes confused with ME/CFS, so your GP will need to do a thorough medical history and consider all of your symptoms. They should also exclude other conditions that could cause them. A good reference for a ME/CFS diagnosis is the International Consensus Criteria. This is a set of five diagnostic criteria developed by experts to guide physicians in making a diagnosis of ME/CFS. You may also wish to consult the Canadian Consensus Criteria.

The Nature of Love


Love is one of the most complex emotions we experience. It’s a topic that has been explored by poets, philosophers, and novelists through the ages. In fact, studies suggest that romantic love exists across many cultures and times in history. It’s also a common theme in movies and songs.

The word “love” comes from the Proto-Indo-European root leubh, which means “care” or “desire.” It’s an emotion that is incredibly diverse and complex, encompassing a range of feelings and activities including lust, friendship, devotion, affection, admiration, and benevolence. Love is studied in a variety of fields, including psychology, biology and neuroscience, anthropology, and sociology. It is a central part of our lives and has a significant impact on society.

Despite the broad definition, scientists have not always agreed on the nature of love. Some researchers see it as a biological drive, similar to hunger or thirst, while others think of it as more of a social and psychological phenomenon. The scholarly community debates whether it is a primary emotion or a secondary emotion, or if it derives from a combination of other emotions.

One of the most difficult parts of studying the nature of love is its sheer complexity. While some experts have identified specific characteristics that distinguish love from other emotions, the exact cause and meaning of the feeling remains elusive. This makes it especially interesting and important to study.

For example, when we’re infatuated with someone, it’s hard to deny the physical and emotional intensity of those feelings. Your palms might sweat, your heart beats faster, and your thoughts race. This is a physical reaction to the release of hormones, such as oxytocin and dopamine, that increase your sense of well-being and desire to be close to the person you’re infatuated with.

However, in the long run, those initial feelings can fade or even turn into something else entirely. And if they do, you might find yourself in a different kind of love, which can be much more complicated and demanding. This is the love that requires sacrifices, like early morning doctor’s appointments and cleaning up bodily fluids. It’s a love that can feel more challenging, but it’s also more rewarding and meaningful.

The most important thing to remember is that there’s no single answer to the question of what love really is. It’s a highly personal feeling that takes on many different forms and is impacted by our environment and culture. Regardless of what you believe, it’s important to appreciate the diversity of human relationships, from the bonds between family members to the adoration we have for our pets.

Regardless of what kind of love you’re in, it’s worth taking the time to be curious about your own feelings and exploring the ways they change over time. Take the time to read famous essays about love by authors like Alain de Botton or bell hooks, and look for unique ways you can approach your own essay on the subject.

What Is a Need?


The word need may refer to a physiological or psychological requirement for a person’s well-being. For example, a person needs to drink water and sleep in order to survive. A person may also have needs for companionship and love. These requirements are often referred to as the hierarchy of human needs, a theory developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943.

In the context of social intervention, needs are important in identifying opportunities for innovation. The term need is a complex concept, and conceptions of need vary between cultures or even within a culture. For example, a person’s basic needs are different from those of another person living in the same community. The word need can be a noun, verb, or adjective. The noun need is usually singular and has the definite article “the” when used in English, although some words that are uncountable or unmodifiable do not require the article (e.g., the sun, the earth, the Milky Way).

The definite article is typically attached to a noun whose deficiency results in a negative outcome such as dysfunction or death. For example, a person will die if they do not receive enough drinking water or sleep. A person’s needs are distinct from desires, which are things that a person would like to have. For example, a person may desire to read English novels or go on vacation. Unlike the need for food or water, a person’s wants do not have an immediate effect on survival.

If a person has the ability to fulfill a need on their own, they are said to have self-sufficient needs. This is also known as a non-instructional need.

People who are unable to fulfill their own needs must seek assistance. In some cases, the need for assistance is involuntary and may result from a chronic disease or accident. Other times, it is the result of discrimination or poverty.

Needs can be met through education, training, and social support. Educational opportunities are available in many communities, and people with a need can benefit from programs such as tutoring and mentoring. In addition, the use of technology is a way to meet some needs for learning and communication.

The simplest way to identify your personal needs is by writing down your experiences and finding the patterns in them. This will help you narrow down your list to only the needs that are essential for you. Then you can start focusing on fulfilling them. For example, you might find that your need for connection and love is fulfilled through your relationship with your partner. In a healthy relationship, you may also meet this need by reaching out to friends and family members. You can also satisfy this need by connecting with the world around you through volunteering, reading and exercising. Needs can also be addressed in interpersonal relationships through the model of Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication. This approach to communicating supports a person in becoming aware of their feelings and using them as indicators for what needs are alive in themselves and others.

How to Define Yourself


How you describe yourself to others, especially during a job interview or in an online profile, can significantly impact your career and your life. You want to make sure that you’re using describing words that are appropriate for the situation and audience. For example, you should avoid using words like “nice,” “generous,” or “empathetic” in a professional context because they have very broad and general meanings that can be misinterpreted or misunderstood. Instead, you should focus on describing words that are specific to your personality traits, skills and experiences.

When someone asks you to describe yourself, what they’re really trying to find out is how well you know yourself and understand your own personality. The question is a way of determining your self-knowledge, which is a strong predictor of success.

In a job interview, the question could be asking how you’d like your employer to see you, or it could be a way of evaluating how your character traits would play out in a particular work environment. Generally, an employer wants to know that you are committed and future-focused; they want to hire people who will stick around for the long haul. It’s also important to show that you are a learning and improvement-focused individual, able to adapt to changing conditions.

Colleges may also use the question to learn more about your goals, academic interests, and what you value. In this case, it’s important to use describing words that highlight how these qualities influence your decisions and actions.

For instance, if you’re applying to college, a school might want to know that you have a commitment to making the world a better place. In that case, you might want to highlight your history of volunteer work promoting peace.

Aside from the specific describing words you choose, it’s important to remember that your audience plays a role in how you respond to the question. If you’re talking to a recruiter, for example, you should use describing words that will make you stand out in the crowd. Alternatively, if you’re answering the question in an essay for a college application, you should use describing words that will show the admissions committee your personal voice and style.

If possible, ask a number of people to provide describing words about you. This will give you a wider range of options, and it’ll also help to ensure that everyone has a similar understanding of what makes you tick. If you’re not comfortable sharing your describing words with other people, try writing down a list of adjectives that best describe your personality. From there, select the describing words that are most applicable to you in your circumstances and that resonate with you the most. Be sure to use a mix of positive and negative adjectives to emphasize your strengths and weaknesses.

What You Need to Know About ME/CFS

As someone who has ME/CFS, you may find yourself exhausted from even small activities. This is because ME/CFS is a neurological condition that causes the body to be more sensitive to any type of exertion. It can cause you to have trouble thinking clearly, as well as having a hard time with pain, dizziness, and other issues.

The exact cause of ME/CFS is unknown. However, there is evidence that certain infections can trigger the illness. These include glandular fever (EBV), herpes viruses, including the herpes simplex virus and herpes zoster virus that causes chickenpox and shingles, coxsackievirus A16, hepatitis A, B, and C, Q fever from Coxiella burnetii, Ross River virus in Australia, and possibly others. It is also possible that ME/CFS could be triggered by stress or physical trauma, but this is less common.

People who have ME often have one or more additional diseases (comorbidities). These can include fibromyalgia, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS, increased heart rate when you stand up), gastroparesis and irritable bowel syndrome, secondary depression, Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome, mast cell disorders, and others. People with ME can also become more sensitive to light, sound, smells and medicines.

Many people with ME/CFS have relapses, or periods of worsening of their symptoms. These relapses can last days, weeks or months. The relapses are usually triggered by activity, but can be caused by other things as well, such as a stressful event or a viral infection.

A hallmark symptom of ME/CFS is post-exertional malaise, or PEM. This is a severe worsening of the person’s functioning and symptoms after any activity, even a minimal amount of physical or cognitive exertion. The severity of the PEM can vary greatly from person to person. Some may feel it after a long run, while others might feel it after reading a book or brushing their teeth.

ME/CFS can have a huge impact on your life and career, as you might be unable to work, and many people with the illness find themselves bedridden or homebound. Living with this type of fatigue can be extremely difficult, and you might find that your family and friends don’t always understand how much the illness is affecting you. There are a number of ways you can cope with this, and there are also ways to help your family and friends. You can also get support online, through social media, and from groups for people with ME/CFS.

Understanding the Concept of Love


Love is one of the most powerful emotions that humans experience. It can cause a person to act differently, such as being more empathetic to others or giving up their own needs for the sake of the people they love. Love can be expressed in many ways, including romantic love, friendship, and parental love. It is also an important factor in forming and maintaining healthy relationships.

The idea of love has been the subject of philosophical, scientific, and religious debate. Love is an important topic because it affects all aspects of human life. Many different cultures have their own ideas about what love is and how it should be treated.

It is difficult to define love, but it can be described as a feeling of strong affection or deep attachment. This feeling can be directed toward people, animals, or objects. It can be intense, and it can be long-lasting or fleeting. In addition, love can be felt towards more than one person at a time. For example, a husband and wife may both feel loving feelings for each other. In some cases, people can love multiple things or people at the same time, such as a passion for music or a deep devotion to religion.

The most commonly understood type of love is romantic love, which is based on feelings of attraction and desire for another person. This type of love can be influenced by hormones and other biological factors. It is also a major driving force behind many marriages and other close relationships. It can be a positive emotion, but it can also lead to abuse and other negative consequences.

Another common definition of love is a feeling of loyalty and commitment to someone or something. This form of love is most often seen in familial relationships, but it can also be present in friendships and other close relationships. It is also a key element in some religions, such as Christianity and Islam.

Some people believe that the concept of love is a basic human emotion, while others think it is a cultural phenomenon that is partly driven by social expectations and pressures. Research in the fields of psychology and sociology has added to our understanding of this complex topic.

For centuries, people have believed that love originates from the heart. However, modern scientific studies have shown that the emotions of love are actually regulated by the brain. For example, brain scans of people in the throes of romantic love show increased activation in areas associated with reward and pleasure. In contrast, those who are suffering from a psychological disorder such as erotomania report decreased activity in these areas. Despite the complexity of the emotions involved, most people still agree that love is a powerful and important feeling. It can motivate us to great acts of sacrifice and service for others, as well as inspire us to achieve our own goals. Whether you are writing about a fictional story or describing the relationship of two real-life people, it is important to convey an accurate understanding of this complex emotion.

What Is a Need?


A need is a basic requirement or desire. Examples of needs include hunger, sleep and water. Some needs are more permanent than others, such as the need for shelter. Other needs, such as the need for affection or creativity, may change over time. Generally, people try to meet their needs by working or spending money. This can help them find happiness and fulfillment in life. When creating a budget, it is important to separate needs from wants. In general, it is better to take care of the necessary expenses before adding in luxuries like designer clothes.

The definition of need differs between different cultures and regions. Some languages use need as an auxiliary verb, similar to the modal verbs can and might. In English, need is used primarily in negative and interrogative sentences, as well as in conditional clauses. It can be followed by a present participle or a future infinitive, such as The car needs washing. It can also be used with a past participle, but this is less common. In positive statements, the word need is often replaced by a negation or a question: I don’t need to work, do I?

In psychology, the concept of need has been analyzed and defined in many ways. One common view is that needs are based on a hierarchy, with deficiency needs at the bottom of the pyramid and growth needs higher up. Other theories of need emphasize the importance of emotions and relationships in the human experience.

Needs are a central component of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, an idea that posits that certain psychological needs must be satisfied before other needs can be met. For example, a person would feel hunger and need food before they felt thirst and need to be hydrated. Another theory of need is the capability approach, which asserts that individuals with more internal assets, such as education, mental health and physical strength, have more capabilities to fulfill their needs.

In business, the word need can be used to describe a business’s ability to generate sales and income. For example, a company might say it has a need for more clients or that it has a need to expand its operations. The term can also be used in a more general sense to refer to a need for something, such as a particular type of technology or an employee’s skillset. It is important for businesses to understand their own needs and the needs of their employees in order to develop and implement appropriate strategies for success. This will improve the overall quality of the workplace and increase productivity. It can also help in hiring new employees and retaining existing ones. In addition, it can provide a way for companies to measure the success of their strategies and adjust them accordingly. Using this model, organizations can become more efficient and effective, resulting in higher profit margins. Ultimately, this can lead to higher revenue and increased shareholder value.

How Would You Define Yourself?

The words you use to describe yourself can make or break your chances of landing a job. If your response to the question “how would you describe yourself” sounds too generic or cliché, you could come across as just another run-of-the-mill applicant.

The best way to answer this question is by choosing a few words that best reflect your personality, skills and qualities. For example, you might be creative or passionate, a hard worker or an excellent communicator. You should also choose words that will help you stand out, such as gregarious or enthusiastic. Words like these are not generic and will give interviewers a clearer picture of who you are.

Interviewers use this question to gain insight into your work ethic and how well you function in a team environment. They are looking for a description that shows you are committed to the company and its future goals, according to Simeio.

Employers want to know you are interested in learning, improving and being a part of the organization’s success story. They are also looking for candidates who are flexible and resourceful as the business environment constantly changes.

Results-driven, dependable and organized are other words employers look for in a candidate. Interviewers want to see that you will be able to deliver on your promises and provide consistency in getting the job done.

If possible, it can be helpful to ask people who have worked with you and know you well for describing words that they feel apply to you. Ideally, they will have positive feedback to back up their comments and can offer examples to support them. Similarly, if you are applying to college, it can be helpful to get descriptive words from teachers and recommendation letter writers who know you.

“Who Are You” is a song by English rock band the Who. It was written by Pete Townshend and recorded as a double-A side with the John Entwistle composition “Had Enough” on the 1978 album Quadrophenia and More. It was the last release by the band with drummer Keith Moon before his death in September of that same year. The song is an encore track during the band’s live performances.

Choosing the Best Words to Use When Describing Yourself

We all want to be remembered for our positive traits, but figuring out how to describe ourselves takes time and practice. Whether you’re writing a job application, a personal essay, or an online dating profile, the words we choose to describe ourselves can make or break our chances of getting noticed. This article will give you a few tips on choosing the best words to use when describing yourself.

People with ME have many symptoms including fatigue, muscle weakness and pain, unrefreshing sleep, cognitive difficulties, orthostatic intolerance, and a range of other neurological problems. These symptoms can be mild or severe, and can come on suddenly or slowly over days or even weeks or months. ME affects men and women of all ages and racial and ethnic backgrounds, although it is more common in women than men. It can cause work and social problems for adults and can lead to children being unable to attend school or needing around the clock care.

Many people with ME are unable to work, and those who do may often have trouble finding suitable jobs. This can also mean that they have fewer opportunities to get a social life and develop friendships, leading to isolation. People with ME can also find it difficult to live alone because of the need for around the clock care. In some cases, ME can be so severe that people are bedbound or housebound and need to have help with eating, drinking, washing and moving around. The good news is that the condition can be treated with a combination of medications, therapies and support groups.

There is still no cure for ME but there is a great deal of research ongoing to find out more about the illness and to develop effective treatments. It is important that medical professionals and the general public understand the difference between myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). ME is a specific neuromuscular disease with distinctive features. CFS, an ill-defined fatigue syndrome, has pushed ME into the background.

The tentative definition of ME that we have proposed in this article deviates from the London criteria [32] on two crucial points. The first criterion of the London criteria requires that exercise-induced fatigue be present, which is not what was described as a characteristic feature of ME in the literature, and the second criterion of the London criteria specifies “malaise” rather than the distinct symptom of muscle fatigability/long-lasting post-exertional muscle weakness which is a discriminative feature of ME.

The research we have done so far shows that ME is a serious illness which requires urgent investigation, but the most recent medical literature indicates that a diagnosis of ME is not easy to obtain. Consequently, many patients do not receive a correct diagnosis and as many as 90 percent of ME patients are either misdiagnosed or are told that they are not sick at all. This is unacceptable. An operationally defined ME case definition is indispensable for unraveling the aetiology and pathophysiology of ME.

What Is Love?

Love is a powerful word that has been the inspiration for many songs and poems. It is also one of the most common themes in movies and novels. It is also an emotion that continues to fascinate philosophers, poets, and ordinary people alike. The idea that this emotion transcends all barriers and has the power to change the world is fascinating. But what is it exactly?

There are many different kinds of love, and defining it can be difficult. However, it is generally agreed that love is a feeling of deep affection and attachment to another person or thing. It can be felt for family members, friends, romantic partners, and pets. People can even feel a sense of love for a cause or a country. Love is a complex and unique emotion that is different for everyone, but it is something that all humans need.

When most people think of love, they usually think of romance. However, there are other forms of love that can be just as important. For example, someone may love their job, their hobbies, or a social cause. Others might love their home or the community they live in. Love can be a powerful force that can motivate us to take risks and achieve our goals. It can also be a source of pain and suffering when we are disappointed or hurt by the people we love.

While some people can fall in and out of love easily, for most, it is a process that takes time to develop. In fact, research shows that when people are in love, they typically experience a number of physical and emotional changes. These include a boost in the brain chemical dopamine, a decrease in stress hormones, and an increase in blood flow to the heart. In addition, they often show increased attention to the person they are in love with and may act more irrationally.

Despite these changes, most people who are in love feel happy and content. This is because loving someone makes them feel good about themselves. Additionally, they are often motivated to protect the relationship and want it to last. However, some of the complexities of love are revealed when we consider how hard it is to sustain long-term.

Throughout history, philosophers and scientists have debated the nature of love. While some have argued that it is a fundamental human need, others have dismissed it as irrational or dangerous. More recently, advances in neuroscience have given scientists a clearer picture of what happens in the brain when we are in love. This has helped to clarify the definition of love and has shown that it can be divided into three distinct elements: lust, attraction, and attachment.