How to Love – Emotional Interaction


How to Love – Emotional Interaction

True love is a solid and enduring affection between lovers or married couples who are in a fulfilling, loving and happy relationship. An example of true love would be the intense emotional bond shared by a husband or wife who has been together for 40 years with the woman he loves and who still passionately care for him and are equally passionate about them. Love may be defined as an emotional bond that is developed and nurtured between two people to develop and strengthen their relationship and create a feeling of deep intimacy and bonding. True love between two people is not just based on physical attraction but also involves deep feelings, compassion, devotion and respect for each other.

Philia is described as the love between two individuals or a state as being loved. The most common examples of philia are found in romantic comedies where two lovers meet in order to spend a romantic evening together and share in each others’ love and affection. However, it can also be found in family relationships where parents show loving, devoted caring and affection towards their children even when they are very young. This form of philia is most commonly found in father-daughter relationships and in mothers-son relationships where daughters show caring and affection towards their mothers.

Philia is also related to Emilia which is described as a very deep, intense kind of affection, yet one that is rarely expressed because of the deep feelings of secrecy involved. Unlike philia, Emilia is often displayed through open affection and talking about important topics such as important events in the life as well as personal matters. Emilia is often developed during early adolescence which is associated with the process of coming of age and exploring ones identity as well as new social roles and developing emotionally as well as intellectually. Emilia is most commonly expressed by giving and receiving affection, such as during playtime, as well as during non-playtime times with the other person, such as at home or when someone comes to visit.

The bond between mother and child is considered to be emotional intimacy. This involves bonding of mother-child through words, acts, and gestures as well as body contact. This is known as mother-child bonding or “sponging on the cheek” as well as “smiling the face” when forming a smile or laughing at someone. Through time, this intimacy develops and mothers-infants begin to understand their own self and others more deeply. It is well-known that mothers have an important role in the development of their children’s emotional well-being and in their intellectual development. Therefore, mothers are said to love their babies not only for the love they give but also for the love they receive as well as for the love that their children give to them.

In love and relationships, love and affection does not just mean physical attraction. Physical attraction alone is not what love is all about. Love and affection are intertwined with other emotions like safety, security, assurance, and trust. These feelings are part of the basic building blocks of our emotional well-being. When mommy and daddy love each other, then children feel safe and secure and are confident enough to open up to their parent and express themselves more.

Love, as well as other emotional experiences are essential to a happy and successful relationship. As parents, we should always strive to make our homes a nurturing environment where our kids feel comfortable and are nurtured instead of scared and abandoned. Studies indicate that romantic love in the family plays a vital role in how well children perform in school and in society in general. Thus, from a personal development and psychological point of view, intimacy is essential in a relationship and is also associated with marital satisfaction, frequency of sex, number of friends, number of lovers, and longevity of relationships.