You’re a Plural Word


When talking about people, you’re a grammatically plural word. Despite its singular nature, you always takes the plural form. You’re the second person in English, and therefore always triggers a plural verb agreement. You’re used in all cases, including the dative case. It’s a common alternative to the formal indefinite pronoun one. This article will cover some of its other forms. Listed below are some examples.

In season 4, the show will take place in Paris. Many rumors have been circulating that this season will take place in Paris. There’s also a possibility that it will take place in the Philippines or in Paris, as some fans have suggested. Only Penn Badgley has confirmed his return, but Tati Gabrielle is expected to reprise her role as Marianne. This news comes as a surprise as it means that Netflix will continue the show.

The distinction between you and ye can be traced back to the Middle Ages. In England, ye and thou had the same function, but were separated. As a result, the use of thou and thee became obsolete, but y’all survived in some English dialects. The use of y’all in Southern English and in African American Vernacular English has persisted. Occasionally, it’s used for the second person singular in North American varieties of the language.

You’re is short for “you are,” but it’s important to know that there’s another version, yore. It sounds like you’re, but it’s an old word for “past.” You’re will always sound better when it comes before something that’s yours. Just make sure that you avoid using yore for official documents. In these instances, spell check won’t catch this mistake.