What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis?


ME is a chronic condition that causes the body to experience extreme fatigue. The symptoms can vary from person to person and even from day to day. However, the most common symptom of ME is extreme fatigue. This fatigue is both physical and mental, and can interfere with everyday activities. ME sufferers often describe this fatigue as overwhelming, which makes it difficult to function in daily life.

Although there is no proven cure for ME, some therapies are effective in controlling symptoms. CBT, or cognitive-behavioral therapy, can help patients change their thinking and cope with their condition. Medication may also help with some symptoms. However, people with ME are sensitive to certain medications. Your health care provider will be able to advise you on the appropriate medications and assistive devices.

There is no specific test to diagnose ME, so most sufferers struggle for years to get the correct diagnosis. There are a number of diagnostic criteria that are used by specialists. However, these tests are not always helpful in making a proper diagnosis. Some people with ME are misdiagnosed, due to a lack of knowledge about the disease.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a chronic condition that can affect multiple body systems. It is classified as a neurological disorder by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Most people who suffer from ME experience fluctuating symptoms. They will feel pain and fatigue in various parts of their body. They will also have problems with their central nervous system.

ME is often mistaken for a viral infection. A new term, post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVF), has been developed to help patients deal with the disease. Symptoms of PVFS can vary, but the diagnosis is still the same. Researchers continue to try to understand what causes this illness. Some people have severe pain and are unable to perform normal activities.

ME is a debilitating illness that affects a wide range of people. It’s often triggered by a viral or bacterial infection. Infections caused by enteroviruses and herpesviruses have been implicated as possible triggers. The disease is a complex condition, and some researchers are still searching for a connection between the virus and ME.

Although the condition can be treated with medications, the recovery time of people with ME/CFS can vary, lasting hours, days, or even weeks. Symptoms may include difficulty with speech or language, short-term memory loss, and cognitive difficulties. Pain, particularly on touch, may also be a persistent symptom.

ME/CFS is a serious illness that requires proper diagnosis. A physician must rule out other causes of symptoms before a diagnosis can be made. Blood tests are often performed to rule out other medical conditions. Underactive thyroid gland, anemia, liver, and kidney problems are some of the conditions that can lead to ME/CFS.