ME Symptoms and Treatments


People with ME experience recurrent bouts of malaise and significant fluctuations in their well-being. ME has several characteristics that make it difficult to diagnose. The symptoms may vary from day to day and may be confused with other conditions. However, many specialists use tests to help them determine the condition. In addition, patients may experience significant loss in physical and cognitive function and report more disability than normal.

Treatments for ME focus on reducing symptoms and improving lifestyle. These treatments can include antidepressants, exercise programs and diet changes. However, people with ME may need to consult their doctor to determine which medications are appropriate for their particular needs. In addition, patients may require prescriptions for medications for muscle pain and nausea. While these medications can help ME patients, it’s important to follow a regular diet to prevent or reduce nausea and muscle pain.

People with ME can live in their homes or in care facilities, but the symptoms may keep them from working or doing other activities. In addition, their mobility may be limited, and they may need assistance with lighter domestic tasks. They may also need to use a wheelchair to get around. In addition to the discomfort caused by the disease, patients with ME may have difficulty sleeping.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence states that doctors should consider ME diagnosis if a patient experiences chronic fatigue, worsens when concentration and exercise are increased, and does not improve with treatment of other ailments. The condition must have been present for at least three months for a doctor to be able to diagnose it.

In addition to seeking medical care, ME sufferers can seek help from organizations and charities that support them. There are several research projects underway to better understand ME and find a cure. The NIH has recently funded three collaborative research centers to speed research into a diagnosis and treatment. Two of these centers are located in New York State.

Although the causes of ME/CFS are still unclear, studies suggest that certain viruses and bacteria can trigger symptoms of the illness. Some people with the disease have experienced infections that may trigger their symptoms, including herpesviruses, enteroviruses, and Q fever. Researchers continue to look for differences in gene sequences that cause ME. In the United States, over one million people are living with ME.

ME is an incredibly debilitating disorder that affects the immune, nervous system, and energy metabolism. Many people with ME are incapable of working or participating in daily activities due to their severe fatigue. In fact, 75% of people with ME are unable to work. It is estimated that 15 to 30 million people live with ME worldwide.

There is currently no known cure for ME/CFS, but doctors have developed guidelines to diagnose the condition. In general, treatment of ME/CFS involves controlling the severity of symptoms and preventing them from becoming chronic. The best way to manage your symptoms is to pace yourself and rest. Avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits, as this will only worsen symptoms.