How to Use You in English Conversation


Using you as a subject of a verb is not a new occurrence in English. The pronoun you was introduced in the 16th century and continued to be used informally well into the 18th. It was used for both singular and plural nouns and was also a good way to make a distinction between the two.

Depending on the context, you might not be the first word that comes to mind when you think of you. There are several ways to use you in your everyday English conversations, ranging from being the subject of a preposition to being the object of a verb.

What are you up to? This question is an open-ended question that will vary depending on the context and the person asking the question. The answer will depend on what you know about the person who is asking the question, and on your own mood. For example, if you are very angry, you might answer with a “what are you up to?” that is not very descriptive. However, if you are very relaxed, you might choose to answer with a witty or eloquent “what are you doing?”.

Depending on the context and the person asking the question, a good question to ask might be the following: What are you up to tonight? This question is a bit more informative, and will depend on the tone of your speech, the person you are asking and your relationship with the person you are asking. For example, if you are having a friendly conversation with a friend, you might answer this question with a more friendly “what are you doing?” versus a more suspicious and disapproving “what are you up to?”.

The question of what are you up to is a bit of a cliche. In fact, it has been cited as one of the most popular questions in the country. The question has even been referred to as a “buzzword”, with a number of celebrities citing it as a source of inspiration for their own lives. It has also spawned several other questions. For example, it’s been reported that the answer to what are you up to is a little less complicated than it seems.

The most practical and sensible way to answer this question is to ask it in a friendlier way. You might even opt for a more colorful question, such as: What are you doing tonight? This question might be used to initiate a conversation or to express a desire to know more about a person. This question is an easy way to say hello between friends. It is a good idea to be mindful of varying accents, intonation and slang when answering the question to avoid confusion.

The question of what are you up too is a tricky one, and can range from being a very simple question to being a very complex and esoteric question. For example, you might be wondering what a person is up to, but you might also be curious to know what they plan to do later in the day.