Need is a verb that means “to have or want something.” It’s used primarily in negative and interrogative sentences to express necessity, but it can also be used in certain constructions, such as conditional clauses.
Need and Want
Needs are the things that humans need for survival, while wants are the desires and aspirations that people want to achieve. Needs are usually required for life, while wants can be optional, and may only become necessary if their fulfillment is threatened.
Some of our basic needs include food, water, clothing, and shelter. Other necessities, such as sleep, are essential for physical and emotional health.
Our personal needs are the things that we need to be happy and feel secure. They can be anything from having a clean, comfortable home to a healthy diet to having friends and family nearby.
Often, our personal needs are formed from the experiences that we’ve had in our lives. For example, if you move to a new city, the first thing that you’ll look for is a place to live.
You might want to find an affordable place that’s close to public transportation. You might also want to make sure that it has a kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms.
Then, you might want to add the additions that you need for daily life, such as a washer and dryer. You’ll need to decide whether you want an apartment with a balcony, or if you’d prefer a studio apartment that’s closer to public transportation.
Needs can be broken down into a few different categories, including primary, secondary, and tertiary. The simplest way to think about needs is to consider the most important ones first.
Your primary need can be anything from the ability to afford food and water to the need for a roof over your head. For example, if you’re moving to a new city, you might need an apartment that has a kitchen and a bathroom. You might also want to make sure that the apartment has a safe and secure location.
Other needs that you might have include a reliable car, good health insurance, and a place to stay in case of an emergency. If you don’t have these basics, it could lead to depression, illness, or even death.
Our primary and secondary needs can be met through the use of a budget or by making smart purchases. For example, if you need to save money for college, it might help to cut back on your spending habits and start saving money from the moment you arrive on campus.
We might want to buy designer clothes, but that doesn’t mean we need them. Sometimes our needs can be a greater priority than the things we want, and that’s okay too!
We can’t always meet our need, but we should strive to do so as much as possible. If we don’t have enough money to do so, we might have to work harder or take on a more part-time job to make ends meet. We should also make an effort to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Taking care of our basic needs will keep us physically and mentally happy and healthy, so we can pursue our desires and ambitions with more confidence.