How to Define Yourself


When people are asked to describe themselves, the usual response is, “I’m kind, thoughtful, and helpful.” While these are great traits to have, they don’t give a full picture of who someone is. Whether they’re applying for a job, writing an essay, or introducing themselves to new people, it’s important to take the time to think of other adjectives that describe them well.

The answer to this question may be as simple as asking others, or as complex as analyzing one’s personality. If you’re in the latter category, consider taking a look at your past to get a better idea of your strengths and weaknesses. You can also ask friends, family members, and former coworkers what they think of you to help find the right words. It’s also a good idea to include as many of the positive adjectives that you can think of.

It’s important to be able to explain what is happening when you are ill, especially with an illness that is poorly understood. This is why it is crucial to keep a diary of your symptoms. It is hoped that this can be used to help doctors identify and diagnose ME/CFS.

People with ME/CFS have a range of symptoms, from extreme fatigue to muscle pain and cognitive problems. It is not clear what causes ME/CFS and many different factors are thought to be involved including genetic, central nervous system and immune system changes. However, the illness can be triggered by various infections such as glandular fever, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), herpes viruses and hepatitis.

Some people with ME/CFS have a sudden onset of the illness and others experience it gradually over months or even years. The severity of the illness varies from person to person too, with some people being able to work part-time while others are bedbound.

A common sign of ME/CFS is post-exertional malaise (PEM), a sudden flare-up of symptoms triggered by physical, mental or cognitive activity. It is usually followed by a period of improvement, but this may not always happen.

The ME/CFS symptoms can be very similar to those of other diseases so it is important that you see your doctor if you think you might have the illness. The GP can examine you and refer you to a specialist if necessary. It is not uncommon for ME/CFS to be misdiagnosed and many people have to struggle for years to get a correct diagnosis. During this time they are often told they are depressed or having a psychotic episode.

It is important to remember that ME/CFS is a real illness with real people living with it every day. It can affect your ability to work, study, socialise and have a normal life. ME/CFS is a complex and chronic illness and there are no quick fixes. Those who are most severely affected can become housebound or even bedbound and require around the clock care.