Identifying Needs and Wants

A need is a fundamental requirement or obligation that must be met, such as food and shelter. It is the opposite of a want, which is something that would be nice to have but is not essential. Identifying needs and wants can be challenging, especially when preparing a budget. The key is to separate the two categories before assigning dollar amounts to each one.

The word need is a semi-modal verb, which means it behaves at times like an auxiliary verb and at other times like a main verb. As an auxiliary, it agrees with its subject, takes to before the verb following it, and combines with do in questions, negations, and certain constructions: He needn’t go.

It also appears as a suffix, such as in the phrase need for water and in the verb need to sleep. In this context, the need is implied by the noun it modifies: water need for sleep need sleep

The need for something is a basic psychological requirement. It is not the same as a desire for something, which can be satisfied by any number of things, including money, status, and power. Unlike a want, which can be fulfilled in different ways, the need for something is static and cannot be changed.

There are various types of needs, including physical, emotional, and mental. The most basic need is survival, which includes necessities such as food, water, and shelter. Other needs include safety, self-esteem, and belongingness. These needs are universal and inborn, but they can be distorted by culture, education, and social status.

Need is an important part of life, but it is not a guarantee of success. Those who have many resources, such as wealth and education, may be able to meet their needs more easily than those who do not. However, the gap between the rich and the poor can still be wide.

When writing an article, it is important to choose a topic that you are passionate about and care about. Your enthusiasm will show through in your writing and make it more interesting for readers. It is also helpful to research the topic beforehand. This will help you to determine what information you need and what you do not need. For example, if you are writing an article about the benefits of exercise, you will need to conduct some preliminary research on the subject. You will also need to decide if you need to include statistics and data in your article. If you do, be sure to cite the source of your information. You should also consider what you need to include in the introduction, three paragraphs of supporting evidence, and a conclusion. This can help ensure that your article is organized and easy to read. Lastly, be sure to proofread your article carefully. This will prevent errors and improve the overall quality of your writing. It is also a good idea to have someone else read it before you publish it.