How to Find Your Passion in a Job Interview

If you want to find your passion, the first thing you must do is recognize it. It’s not something that comes easily, especially if you’ve spent your entire life so far doing work that only serves your needs, like the money it pays or the status it brings. A passion is more than just an interest that gets you excited. It’s a pursuit you would engage in if you didn’t have to. It’s the sort of activity you love doing so much that you could do it all day, leaving every other responsibility behind (within reason).

You might have to dig a bit deep to find your true passion, but don’t be afraid to go after it. Even if you’re only able to pursue your passion part-time, it can be very fulfilling. And when you do find your passion, don’t be afraid to share it with the world.

In a job interview, you might be asked what you’re passionate about. It’s a question that can be difficult to answer because it can feel awkward to talk about something that doesn’t seem career-related, but most employers are interested in finding out how you’d fit in with the company and its culture.

A good way to identify your passion is to think back over your life and reflect on times that you felt passionate. Then, consider what those moments had in common. What about them made them special? What were the characteristics of the people who were involved in those experiences?

You can also identify your passion by examining the types of work you’re naturally good at. Journaling about the things you excel at can help give you a clearer picture of what your professional sweet spot is. Then, you can focus on pursuing a career that utilizes your talents.

Another helpful exercise is to identify what your values are, because they can guide you as you find and pursue your passion. For example, if you’re someone who’s driven by a desire for accomplishment, it’s likely you’ll be more inclined to choose a career that rewards you for your success.

You might be tempted to state an outrageous dream job in your interview answers, but that’s not a good idea. You might be able to convince the hiring manager that you’re a great candidate by talking about your passion, but it will probably come across as false and forced. It takes years of dedication and perseverance to turn simple interests into an undeniable passion, so only state one that you’re truly passionate about.