How to Answer a Recruiter’s Question


A recruiter’s question “Who are you?” sounds simple enough, but how you respond can have a major impact on your chances of getting hired. Answer it the right way, and you can stand out as a confident, capable candidate with a good understanding of what they’re looking for. Answer it the wrong way, and you could come across as unprepared or arrogant.

The key is knowing which adjectives to choose and how to use them. Employers want to hear about your personality traits and what makes you tick, but they’re also looking for specific skills that can help them achieve their goals. They want to know that you’re a learner who is committed to improving and growing both in the short term and into the future. They want to know you’re resilient and resourceful, especially in today’s fast-changing business environment.

It’s important to be honest, but don’t be overly self-deprecating or cliched in your response. It’s also critical to be clear and concise. If you’re rambling, or sharing too much detail, you risk sounding unfocused and unprepared. The interviewer is also unlikely to believe that you’ll be able to deliver the level of performance they require and are looking for.

This article was originally published in the January issue of IT World Canada, and can be found online at

ITWorldCanada is the leading technology magazine in Canada for IT professionals and decision makers, covering a range of topics from business strategy to hardware, software and IT services. It’s trusted by IT professionals to provide the best information and advice to get them ahead in their careers. ITWorldCanada is produced by ITBusiness Publishing Ltd, based in Toronto, Ontario.

What Is ME/CFS?


How I would describe myself:

I’m a hard worker who strives for excellence. I’m passionate about my family and friends and am always looking to make new connections. I’m an avid reader who enjoys a good story and can often be found lost in a book.

There is no known cause of ME/CFS, and sbobet login doctors do not know what triggers the illness in some people. It is believed to be a neurological disease. Susceptibility to ME/CFS may be genetic, while in others it seems to be triggered by infection. Herpes viruses, enteroviruses and Q fever have been linked to the onset of ME/CFS. In some cases, the illness develops gradually over months or years. In others, symptoms appear after a severe viral infection.

ME/CFS can be debilitating. Many adults are unable to work full time and up to a quarter are housebound or bedbound on their worst days. Those who are severely affected need around the clock care.

Those who have ME/CFS experience very persistent fatigue that lasts for hours or days, even after rest. This can affect a person’s ability to complete daily tasks and take part in family and social activities. The condition also causes headaches, sore throats and tender lymph nodes in the neck or armpits. It can make some people extra sensitive to light, sound, odors and food.

Although there is no specific test for ME/CFS, doctors can diagnose it based on in-depth evaluation of a patient’s history and symptoms, along with ruling out other conditions that may share similar signs and symptoms. ME/CFS is not a psychiatric disorder and is not caused by lack of exercise, contrary to popular belief.

People who have ME/CFS sometimes feel that their medical provider doesn’t believe them, especially when blood tests and other diagnostics do not show anything out of the ordinary. Despite these challenges, it is important for people to seek a diagnosis.

ME/CFS can impact people of any age, sex and racial or ethnic background. It is more common in women than men, and it can affect children as well as adults. It is thought that about one million Americans have ME/CFS, but up to 90 percent have not been diagnosed. A person’s symptoms can fluctuate from day to day, week to week and month to month. They can range from mild to severe, but the defining symptom is post-exertional malaise, which causes symptoms to get worse after physical or cognitive exertion.

The Science of Love

Love is one of the most complex emotions – it can be utterly beautiful and heart-wrenching at the same time. It has inspired artists through the ages, and it is a topic that has fascinated philosophers and religions. More recently, the science of psychology and other disciplines such as anthropology and biology have contributed to our understanding of this mysterious concept.

The word “love” can mean different things to different people and is often associated with specific types of relationships. Some of these include romantic love, adolescent love, platonic love, familial love, and friendship. The term can also be used to describe an attachment to a particular animal or object, such as a pet or piece of jewelry.

Romantic love, for example, is typically thought of as a deep feeling of affection and attachment that can lead to intimate relationships. It is usually accompanied by a strong desire for commitment and can be intensely rewarding or heart-wrenching. It can be experienced by people of all ages and in many cultures across the world. Research on romantic love suggests that it is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can change over time.

Another type of love is interpersonal love, which refers to feelings of compassion and empathy for other people. Interpersonal love is most closely associated with close friends, family members, and romantic partners. It can be reciprocated or unrequited, and it may be the basis for many psychological disorders, including erotomania. The science of love has been studied by a variety of disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, sociology, and anthropology.

The science of love demonstrates that there are several components to the human experience, including emotion, cognition, and behavior. These factors can work together or independently to influence our thoughts and actions, and they can vary by person and situation. It is important to consider all of these aspects when writing an essay about love.

When writing about love, it is helpful to be honest and reflect on personal experiences. However, it is also important to avoid being sappy or unrealistic. For example, if your love essay is about a new relationship, it would be appropriate to include some of the ups and downs that are characteristic of all relationships. Similarly, if your love is a bit of a control freak or has an addictive spending habit, it’s important to be aware of these characteristics and incorporate them into your story.

If you are interested in writing about love, it’s best to start by jotting down your ideas and experiences. This will help you to create an outline and structure your essay coherently. Next, you can begin to draft your essay and focus on conveying your emotions and reflections in a meaningful way. Finally, you can revise your work and consider seeking feedback from others. By following these steps, you can write a compelling essay on one of the most universal and profound human experiences.

The Concept of Need

A need is a basic requirement in a particular situation. A need differs from a want in that a lack of meeting a need has a clear adverse outcome, such as illness or death. Need is an important concept in philosophy, biology, psychology, sociology, economics, political science and marketing. The concept of need is central to many fields, including those listed above as well as anthropology, business and computer science.

The term need is also used to refer to the desire for certain things, such as a new car or a good job. It can also be used to describe a state of mind. For example, a person may feel the need for self-esteem or to become richer. The distinction between need and want is a central issue in the philosophy of Kant, who believed that desires must be distinguished from needs so as to avoid confusion.

In his 1943 book, Motivation and Personality, Abraham Maslow argued that there is a universal set of independent motives, starting with physiological (homeostatic) needs such as hunger, thirst, and sleep. These are followed by safety needs and then by affiliation (belonging) and esteem (status) needs. He based the later two on the work of his graduate advisor, Harry Harlow, who had demonstrated that rhesus monkeys raised in isolation would eventually seek contact with a wire surrogate mother, even if they continued to be fed exclusively from a bottle.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is widely accepted, although a functional analysis suggests some revisions to his ideas. For instance, mating drives are clearly distinct from survival drives and ought to be placed in a different category of motivation. And although Maslow included status needs as a subset of esteem needs, it is possible that a need for mastery could have adaptive consequences that are not specific to the pursuit of prestige.

To satisfy a need, one may purchase or create items. For example, if you have a need for food and water, you might eat a cheese burst pizza or buy some canned soup at the store. If you have a need for housing, you might look for an apartment or house that meets your budget and other requirements. Tertiary needs are the last group of essential needs, and they include features such as a balcony or private gym that would be considered desirable, but not necessarily vital. Finally, a need for luxury items might include sports cars or designer clothing. Unlike needs, wants are not related to survival and can be satisfied without any financial sacrifice. A need for food is a basic need; a desire to own a Ferrari is a want.

What Makes You Special?

You’re a passionate person who wants to see others succeed. You have a great sense of humor and you love to bring people together. You’re also a hard worker and you never give up. You’re an optimist and you believe that a positive outlook is essential to happiness. You’re also a good listener and you take the time to understand other people’s perspectives. You’re open to learning new things and you’re always looking for ways to improve yourself.

You have a strong work ethic agen sbobet and you’re very resourceful. You’re very good at problem-solving and you’re determined to get the job done right. You’re also very organized and you’re good at managing your time. You’re a good friend and a supportive colleague. You’re also an excellent cook and you make everyone around you feel loved through your culinary talents.

Despite the fact that you’re a bit of an introvert, you have a big heart. You care deeply about the people in your life and you’re always ready to help them when they need it. You’re also a generous gift-giver and you enjoy helping those in need. You have a natural inclination to seek out spirituality and you are open to different beliefs.

When you’re in love, your enthusiasm is contagious. It makes those around you want to share your passion for everything from the people and places in your life to your oh-so-perfect sunset photos. You have a knack for making people feel good about themselves and you have so much energy that it’s almost palpable.

Your sense of humor is unmatched. You’re always bringing laughter to those around you, and you make a point of expressing your gratitude in even the smallest of ways. You’re also a natural born storyteller, and you love sharing your adventures with the world.

Although you often feel like you don’t fit in, you know that the world is bigger than any one person or thing. You’re a brave soul and you prove that every day by the way you show up in your life – showing up for your family, your friends, your community and yourself.

You love to learn new things and you’re not afraid of failure. In fact, you embrace it because you know that every mistake is a step closer to success. You’re a quick study and you have the ability to adapt quickly to change. You’re also a creative thinker and you’re always coming up with new ideas and solutions to problems.

You’re a compassionate person who’s not easily offended. You have a very deep understanding of the struggles that other people face and you’re able to empathize with their pain. You’re a natural counselor and you have the wisdom to offer others sound advice. You’re an empathetic friend and a wonderful mother. You’re the type of person who always puts other people before yourself. You’re a good listener and you have the patience to wait for the right moment to say just the right thing.

ME/CFS – Finding the Right Me

As a long-term, fluctuating disease, ME/CFS can make it difficult to find the right “me”. But with time, people with ME/CFS learn what they are capable of. They discover parts of themselves that they never knew were there, and begin to choose activities in line with their values. They also learn to manage their symptoms and to avoid things that cause a worsening of their symptoms. They develop coping strategies, and may even become experts at certain activities or sports. Some even find their own ways to get the rest they need.

ME/CFS is a complex illness, with no diagnostic test or cure, and it can last for years. It affects every system of the body. The hallmark symptom is post-exertional malaise (PEM), or neuroimmune exhaustion. This is a severe worsening of symptoms after physical, cognitive or emotional exertion that would not have caused a problem in the past. It can also occur after exposure to light or sound, and it can linger days or weeks after the triggering activity.

Some researchers believe that ME/CFS is an autoimmune disorder, or that it’s the result of chronic inflammation in the brain. Others think it’s an infection or virus, or that it’s a combination of factors. Genetics appear to play a role, and people may be predisposed to developing the condition because of a family history of ME/CFS or other conditions. Many people with ME/CFS report that their symptoms were triggered by an infection, such as viral, bacterial or parasitic infections.

People who have ME/CFS can often look healthy and do not have any signs or symptoms of a serious illness, so the disease can be hard for medical professionals to recognize. There are no lab tests to diagnose ME/CFS, so doctors need to evaluate a person’s health history and symptoms, taking into account the fact that many other diseases can cause similar ones. In some cases, the symptoms of ME/CFS are mistaken for depression, or the illness is ignored altogether.

Many people with ME/CFS find that talking with a counselor can help them cope with their condition, deal with limitations at work or school and improve family dynamics. Support groups can be a helpful way to meet other people with ME/CFS, and discuss issues that arise. They are not for everyone, though, and can increase stress or make symptoms worse for some people.

Until researchers find a cure, people with ME/CFS can take steps to manage their symptoms, such as using pacing and other strategies to avoid crashes; managing stress; getting enough sleep; keeping hydrated; and finding ways to reduce pain and inflammation. People can also seek professional support to apply for disability benefits, and obtain accommodations at work or school. Support MEAction and the Open Medicine Foundation’s goal of funding collaborative ME/CFS research so that precise diagnostic tools and life-changing treatments can be found as soon as possible. Click here to donate.

What Is Love?

Love is a topic that has inspired philosophers, poets, and artists for generations. It is a concept that is often misunderstood and has a unique power to change lives. It is no wonder that it is such a popular subject for songs and movies. However, what exactly is love?

Merriam-Webster defines it as “a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties.” While this definition is simple, it doesn’t explain how to feel love in the context of relationships and everyday life. This is because there are so many different kinds of love, from the love between family members to the love we have for our pets. The emotion can also have an impact on our physical and mental health. If the love is unhealthy and toxic, it can cause depression and other mental health issues that can last longer than the relationship itself.

If we’re lucky, the experiences of love can be magical, causing our hearts to go pitter-patter and filling us with happiness. It can make the world seem brighter, even if things are hard in reality. Love can be a feeling of joy that makes you want to take on the world, or it can leave you sinking into a pit of self-pity and hopelessness.

There are countless ways to define and describe love, and it’s a difficult topic for researchers to study because it is so personal. Early experiments on the nature of love were met with criticism, and people questioned whether studying it was a waste of taxpayer money. But the research into love has continued to grow, and today we know more about what causes us to fall in and out of love.

The scientific view on love is that it involves a mix of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs. For example, it is the reason you forgive your partner for their bad habits or work on a creative project, but it is also why you can be crushed when your team loses.

Love can have a positive effect on our lives when it is healthy and enduring. It can help reduce the risk of mental health problems like depression, and it may also boost our immune system. But if love is toxic, it can leave lasting effects that affect your whole being and even lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

If you are in a relationship that feels toxic, try to understand why and seek help if needed. You can always ask for support from family, friends, or a therapist. Changing the way you think about love can help you break free from it and focus on what is really important in your life.

What Is a Need?

A need is something a person must have to survive. Examples of needs include food, water, and shelter. Needs can be distinguished from wants, which are non-essential items. When planning a budget, it is important to distinguish between needs and wants in order to ensure that basic needs are met before spending money on luxury items.

A person’s needs may change daily or hourly. For example, if a person is walking in the hot sun and their throat becomes dry, they might need to go to a store to purchase a drink. Unlike the need for water, which is constant, the want to have a drink will likely change daily or even hourly.

It is also possible for an individual to have emotional or psychological needs. For example, some people may need to feel connected or loved. These needs can be addressed through therapy or other means.

When writing an article, it is important to choose a topic that you are passionate about. This will make the topic more interesting for readers. Additionally, it is helpful to create an outline before formally beginning to write. This will help you organize which information should go where in your article. Many articles follow the five-paragraph essay outline, which includes an introduction, three paragraphs of supporting evidence, and a conclusion.

Another way to think of needs is in terms of a hierarchy. Psychologist Abraham Maslow’s theory of need suggests that human beings must fulfill their most basic physiological or lower order needs (i.e., hunger, sleep, safety) before they can move on to higher order needs (i.e., belonging, esteem, self-actualization).

It is often a good idea to prioritize needs. For example, if you have an urgent need to eat, it might be more important than going out for a fancy dinner. This will prevent you from overspending on things that you don’t necessarily need to have.

If someone says that they don’t need to do something, it implies that they have no obligation to do it. It is also possible to say that someone needn’t have done something, which indicates that they didn’t have to do it but did anyway.

The word need is a semi-modal verb, which means it can be used in both affirmative and negative contexts. When used in the positive, it is a strong modal phrase that indicates a necessary duty or obligation.

In the negative, the word need is most often used as a negation. It is common to hear someone say something like “I don’t need you” in an argument. This implies that they do not have to listen to what the other person is saying and therefore do not have to take their side of the argument.

The adjective need is similar to the noun necessity, which carries stronger connotations of urgency or imperative demand. However, it is less effective than need in capturing this sense of emotion.

How to Find Your Passion in a Job Interview

If you want to find your passion, the first thing you must do is recognize it. It’s not something that comes easily, especially if you’ve spent your entire life so far doing work that only serves your needs, like the money it pays or the status it brings. A passion is more than just an interest that gets you excited. It’s a pursuit you would engage in if you didn’t have to. It’s the sort of activity you love doing so much that you could do it all day, leaving every other responsibility behind (within reason).

You might have to dig a bit deep to find your true passion, but don’t be afraid to go after it. Even if you’re only able to pursue your passion part-time, it can be very fulfilling. And when you do find your passion, don’t be afraid to share it with the world.

In a job interview, you might be asked what you’re passionate about. It’s a question that can be difficult to answer because it can feel awkward to talk about something that doesn’t seem career-related, but most employers are interested in finding out how you’d fit in with the company and its culture.

A good way to identify your passion is to think back over your life and reflect on times that you felt passionate. Then, consider what those moments had in common. What about them made them special? What were the characteristics of the people who were involved in those experiences?

You can also identify your passion by examining the types of work you’re naturally good at. Journaling about the things you excel at can help give you a clearer picture of what your professional sweet spot is. Then, you can focus on pursuing a career that utilizes your talents.

Another helpful exercise is to identify what your values are, because they can guide you as you find and pursue your passion. For example, if you’re someone who’s driven by a desire for accomplishment, it’s likely you’ll be more inclined to choose a career that rewards you for your success.

You might be tempted to state an outrageous dream job in your interview answers, but that’s not a good idea. You might be able to convince the hiring manager that you’re a great candidate by talking about your passion, but it will probably come across as false and forced. It takes years of dedication and perseverance to turn simple interests into an undeniable passion, so only state one that you’re truly passionate about.

How to Cope With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

If you have chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), you know that living with this debilitating condition isn’t easy. You have to make major lifestyle changes, and your extreme exhaustion can make it difficult to socialize or maintain a job. Despite these challenges, there are ways to help you cope and improve your health.

ME is an illness that’s triggered by an infection, most commonly glandular fever or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Some researchers believe that herpes viruses, enteroviruses and Ross River virus may also trigger the disease. Unlike some other illnesses, there is no laboratory test to diagnose ME/CFS. Instead, doctors must rule out other conditions that have similar symptoms. To help them do this, patients must carefully track their symptoms over time.

The National Academy of Medicine has issued guidelines that describe the combination of symptoms that’s needed for a diagnosis. To get a diagnosis, you’ll need to experience any of these symptoms for six months or more: debilitating fatigue that’s not cured by rest; unrefreshing sleep; persistent or worsening cognitive problems; pain, dizziness, trouble with balance and/or coordination; periods of bloating, constipation or bowel movements that are more frequent than usual; and/or muscle or joint soreness and difficulty regulating body temperature.

Getting the right diagnosis is important because ME/CFS can lead to many different complications and can be mistaken for other illnesses such as depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder. Often, people are not believed by their healthcare providers and are not able to get the help they need. Fortunately, there are organizations that can help you find the best treatments and support for you and your family.

CFIDS/ME & FM Association of Massachusetts

This 501(c)3 organization exists to meet the needs of people with ME/CFS or CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome) and their families. They offer informational materials, education and a variety of activities. They host the annual CFIDS Awareness Conference in Boston, as well as other educational and outreach events throughout the year.

The Sundance award-winning documentary UNREST explores the lives of people with ME/CFS and their struggles to obtain quality care and services around the world. It features the stories of eight people who are battling this illness.

During the game of “Who am I?”, players place a name of a famous person or thing on their foreheads. Then, one player at a time, revolving in a circle, asks questions about the name to figure out who it is. The first player to guess correctly wins the game. To play this game, all players must be honest with each other. A dishonest answer can skew the results of an entire round. It’s also a good idea to share key personal information such as recent life changes, other illnesses and any prescription medications or supplements you take on a regular basis. Then, you can provide your healthcare team with the most accurate and complete information possible.