Who Am I?


The question “who am I?” is a vital one, not only for self-understanding but also for making choices that align with what matters most. It’s a common question in college applications, as it’s meant to get you thinking about what makes you unique and what your strengths and interests are.

For people with ME, these questions become even more complex. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is a neurological disease that affects multiple body systems. It is relapsing-remitting, with symptoms getting better or worse over time. It can cause significant disability. It can be mild, with some people able to work full-time with accommodations; or severe, with many patients bedbound and not able to speak, move or communicate. ME is often accompanied by other conditions, such as fibromyalgia, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), gastroparesis/irritable bowel syndrome, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and/or mast cell disorders.

ME is triggered by infection in most patients, and it has been present worldwide since the 1930s. Infections that have been studied include Epstein-Barr virus, atypical polio, Q fever, and severe bacterial infections like Campylobacter jejuni or rotavirus. No single cause has been found, although the disease may be triggered by changes in how the immune system responds to an infection or by mental or physical stress.

It is estimated that 15-30 million people have ME/CFS, and many do not receive a correct diagnosis or appropriate treatment. There is no laboratory test that can diagnose ME, and a physician can only make the diagnosis by excluding other causes of a person’s symptoms and using one of several sets of diagnostic criteria. In addition, ME is a complex illness, and it is very difficult to treat effectively.

Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) is working to change that, by funding and facilitating ME/CFS research in collaborative centers around the world and by advocating for a standardized clinical definition of ME. Our goal is that precise diagnostic tools and life-changing treatments can be available to the millions of people who suffer from ME and related chronic complex diseases as soon as possible.

What Is Love?


When you fall in love with someone, your heart flutters and your hands get sweaty. Your stomach might feel queasy, and you may say or do things you normally wouldn’t in order to show your feelings. You may also find yourself unable to think of anything else other than this person and feel the need to spend all your time with them. This is why you may find it difficult to focus on your work, or even remember to eat.

Despite this, you may still be unsure of exactly what love is. Love is one of the most elusive emotions in the world, and it can be incredibly hard to define. It seems to vary from person to person, and it can be different depending on the situation. There are a number of different theories and ideas about what love is, including some that don’t consider it an emotion at all. However, a majority of psychologists consider it to be an essential physiological drive.

One of the biggest debates about love is whether it’s a feeling or an action. Some scientists believe it’s a feeling that occurs when we are near a loved one or have a desire for them. Other experts, such as Enrique Burunat, argue that love is a complex combination of primary emotions.

The reason that it’s so hard to define love is because there are so many different types of relationships and feelings. Psychologists have only been able to study love as a specific concept for about 75 years. They have found that there are seven different kinds of love based on three domains: intimacy, passion, and commitment.

Liking is when you enjoy a person’s company and their friendship but don’t share emotional intimacy or experience physical passion. This includes romantic attraction, as well as platonic love and mutual respect.

Infatuation is a strong physical and emotional attraction, often coupled with jealousy. It can include infatuation with a crush, a new love interest, or someone you’ve been friends with for a while. This type of love doesn’t necessarily lead to a relationship and may end in disappointment when you realize that it wasn’t real love.

True love is when you care about another person’s well-being and want to be there for them. It can also be a long-term commitment that includes emotional intimacy, sexual passion, and a shared sense of purpose.

When you fall in love, the brain releases a hormone that increases your focus and craving. This can cause you to yearn for the person and even find their quirks charming. You may also notice that your sense of humor changes and that you’re less cynical or sarcastic. This is because you’re focusing on the person you love, and you may also be able to forget your own problems for a while.

What Is a Need?


A need is something that you must have for survival, such as food or shelter. You can also have needs that are psychological or social, such as belongingness and esteem. Needs are a topic of interest in a variety of academic fields, including philosophy, biology, psychology, sociology and economics. Needs and wants are the basis for a number of economic theories, including resource allocation and demand theory.

The most well-known academic model of human motivation is Abraham Maslow’s 1943 hierarchy of needs. Maslow proposed that people have basic physiological or lower-order needs (such as food, water and shelter) and higher-order needs for affiliation and esteem. He suggested that people must fulfill these basic needs before they can satisfy the higher-order needs of self-actualization.

While Maslow’s model is generally regarded as useful, it must be adapted for specific contexts. For example, if you are homeless, your primary needs may be food and shelter while your secondary needs might include connections and love. It is important to prioritize your basic needs and focus on achieving them before you move on to more ambitious goals like earning a degree or starting a business.

Moreover, biological studies of human life-history development suggest that human beings have distinct goal systems related to mating and familial care. Consequently, it is likely that a functional analysis of fundamental human motives will lead to several revisions to Maslow’s model.

For example, some scholars have argued that the highest-level need in Maslow’s hierarchy, self-actualization, does not constitute a separate mental or psychological motivational need and should instead be subsumed under the broader set of affiliation or esteem needs. Others have suggested that the hierarchy of human needs must be modified to account for societal-level goals such as health, wealth and security.

In addition, a functional analysis of the English language suggests that articles such as an or a are used to modify countable nouns and not uncountable ones such as a tree or water. For example, the word “a” is used before a noun that can be counted, such as an umbrella, while the word “a tree” is used before a noun that cannot be counted, such as a forest.

Finally, it is important to note that the article “an” should not be used before a plural noun. For example, the word “a/an” is not used with a group of elephants, but it is used with a single elephant. This distinction is important for understanding the meaning of the article.

How to Describing Yourself to a Potential Employer


How do you describe yourself to someone who has never met you? Describing yourself can be difficult, especially when trying to impress a potential employer. While there is no right or wrong answer, the best approach is to be direct, concise and positive.

Use descriptive words that highlight the qualities you think are most important to the role you are interviewing for. You can also include the names of specific skills and accomplishments that you are proud of. These are often the most memorable and effective. For example, if the job involves being organized and self-determined, you might say that you are a “hardworking” or “resourceful.”

Using descriptive words helps to create a clear picture of you in the hiring manager’s mind. This can help them decide whether or not you are a good fit for the company and their culture.

Employers are looking for candidates who will be a great fit now and in the future. They want to know that you are committed to their business and that you will be able to adapt to changing workplace conditions. You can demonstrate this by sharing stories of your professional successes and how you’ve handled challenges in the past.

You can also share your commitment to personal and professional growth by describing yourself as a “learner” or an “improver.” Employers are seeking candidates who will be able to grow, learn and improve in the workplace. You can show this by highlighting your history of learning and improving through education, training, experience and the development of new skills.

Lastly, you can showcase your passion for the job by describing yourself as enthusiastic and energetic. Employers are interested in hiring candidates who will be excited about the position and will show enthusiasm during the interview process. You can do this by sharing examples of projects that you are passionate about or ways the job and organization pique your interest. You can also mention your energy and enthusiasm in your resume and cover letter to create an impression of excitement and passion for the job.

How to Define Me


A great first impression is vital in establishing a connection with someone new. Whether you’re trying to make a good impression at a job interview, or just introduce yourself to someone, your first few words will set the tone for your interaction. To help you come up with the best words to describe yourself, we’ve put together this guide.

The first step in describing yourself is to decide who you are. You can start by making a list of all the qualities that you associate with yourself. Then try to narrow down the list to a few words that best capture those qualities. It can also be helpful to ask others what they think of you. This will give you a fresh perspective and allow you to see yourself from a different angle.

Me is a complex concept to define, but it can be helpful to find a word that encapsulates your personality and character. For example, if you’re very outgoing, you might be described as an extrovert. Alternatively, if you’re very analytical, you might be described as a thinker. You can then use this word to describe yourself to people and to find ways to relate to them.

Many people who have ME struggle for years to get a correct diagnosis. In fact, up to 90 percent of people with ME are either misdiagnosed or told they are not sick at all. During this time, they are left without effective treatment and may continue to suffer.

ME is a neurological disease that is neuroimmune in nature and can lead to a significant loss of physical and cognitive function. It is not a psychological disorder or depressive syndrome and is not triggered by stress, as has been suggested.

The most common symptom of ME is post-exertional malaise (PEM), which is defined as the worsening of symptoms and/or the appearance of new symptoms after exertion. PEM can result from physical or mental overexertion, and is distinct from both fatigue and exhaustion. Other symptoms include cognitive problems, unrefreshing sleep, and orthostatic intolerance.

There is no cure for ME, but there are a number of treatments that have been shown to improve symptoms. These include “pacing,” which involves matching activity levels to available energy; medications such as antidepressants, anti-nausea medicines and pain relievers; and dietary interventions including removing gluten and dairy. In addition, health care providers can provide resources for individuals with ME/CFS to apply for disability, obtain assistive devices and accommodations in the workplace and school and address family dynamics.

A support group can be a great resource for building coping skills and providing support. However, it’s important to note that not all groups are beneficial for everyone. Some groups can actually increase stress and cause feelings of resentment, so it’s best to explore these options cautiously. It can also be a good idea to speak with a counselor. He or she can help you build coping strategies and address emotional challenges associated with ME/CFS, such as depression.

Different Kinds of Love


When most people think of love, they picture the romantic kind – that feeling of being in awe and giddy with your best friend or your significant other. But love is so much more than that, and there are many different kinds of it. You can feel love for a pet, a family member, your home, or a cause. You can even love yourself, and that’s often a complicated emotion.

For centuries, scientists and philosophers have pondered what causes the heart to go pitter-patter when you’re around someone you like. Now, we know that it has to do with a jumble of chemicals in the brain, especially adrenaline and dopamine. This is why your cheeks turn flush and your palms sweat when you’re attracted to someone for the first time. Once you reach the stage of attachment, these hormones are replaced with oxytocin, or the ‘cuddle’ hormone, and that’s when you’re likely to make commitments and plans for a future together. This type of love is far more challenging – and often more rewarding. It’s the kind of love that involves early morning doctor’s visits and cleaning up bodily fluids, and it can be hard to explain to others. But it’s also the type of love that brings real happiness.

Besides human love, there are also animal loves, such as the adoration of pets and the affection shown by children toward their favorite toys. This love can be more difficult to define than the feelings of romantic and empathetic love, but it’s still real. In fact, a 2019 study found that animals in close pair bonds show changes to their immune systems similar to those of humans who fall in love.

Of course, you can love something for a short period of time and then suddenly not feel the same way about it at all, which is why some people say that true love is a rollercoaster. You’ll have days or weeks when you can’t stop thinking about someone, and then other times when you look at them and your heart feels like it’s going to burst. But you must remember that this is normal, and that it will pass.

If your writing assignment requires you to write about romance, then it’s probably a good idea to stick with the classics (or a variation on them). But don’t be afraid to branch out and try to capture another kind of love in your story. Your readers will appreciate it, and you might end up getting more attention than you would with a simple “I love you” narrative.

The Difference Between Need and Want

A need is a desire, craving, or urge that must be satisfied. A need is a basic human drive, and if it is not met, people will suffer. For example, people need food, water, and shelter to survive. Without these necessities, a person will die. The needs of an individual can vary from one to the next. The most basic need is for survival, but more complex needs may include self-esteem, a sense of belonging, or a desire to be loved.

People often use the word need in the same way that they would use the words want or wish. However, the distinction between needs and wants is important. Need and want are not the same thing, but it is easy to confuse them. It is important to distinguish between them so that we can understand what drives us and make informed choices about how to live our lives.

The distinction between needs and wants is a central theme in the fields of philosophy, biology, sociology, psychology, economics, and marketing. It is also a topic of interest in various philosophical schools, such as utilitarianism, libertarianism, and deontology. The concept is also central to Abraham Maslow’s 1943 paper describing his hierarchy of needs.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s hierarchy is one of the most influential models in behavioral sciences. It has been cited in academic journals, textbooks, and popular books on topics as diverse as personality development, psychopathology, organizational behavior, and social work. Maslow’s hierarchy is often used to explain motivation and to guide treatment decisions in a wide variety of clinical settings.

In the context of content marketing, the hierarchy is important because it provides a framework for organizing and writing articles that meet customers’ needs. For example, many readers who click on an article after searching for a specific question are looking for a quick, accurate answer. Adding descriptive subheadings and images helps them navigate the content and find what they need. In addition, a brief, snappy headline and a well-organized paragraph structure are essential for keeping readers engaged.

The use of the articles a, an, and the is another issue that is sometimes confusing for English learners. Some nouns do not require an article if they are definite, for example, the names of countries and continents: China, Australia, and Russia. Other nouns, such as months of the year and seasons of the year, require an article: June, February, and Summer. To determine whether a noun has an article, it is best to check in an English learner’s dictionary.

When it comes to negations, the most common form is do not need to, as in He does not need to go. There is also the informal do not need to, but it is less common and can be perceived as rude. Other variants of the negative form include don’t need to, don’t have to, and don’t need to be. The modal verb to be is also used in negations, but this is less common in spoken English and is more commonly used in formal settings.

Your Personality Profile


You are a good-natured person who is able to find joy in simple things. When others are down, you lift them up with your world-class hugs and thoughtfulness. You’re a compassionate listener who takes the time to truly understand what someone is saying. You know that everyone has their own unique struggles and that it’s okay to be different. You have a strong sense of responsibility and take pride in your work. You’re the kind of person who doesn’t shy away from challenges or risks and is quick to take on new opportunities. You’re motivated to learn more about the things that matter to you and are always willing to share your knowledge with others.

When it comes to your health, you are proactive. You enjoy staying physically active and are committed to a healthy diet and lifestyle. You also take care of your mental and emotional well-being by meditating or engaging in other activities that make you happy. You’re also not afraid to admit when you are wrong and are eager to learn from your mistakes.

Throughout your life, you have learned the importance of being true to yourself. You follow your heart and believe in the power of positive thoughts. You have a good sense of humor and love to laugh. You’re also very generous and are quick to offer a helping hand when needed. You never hold grudges and you’re a great friend to have. You can be stubborn at times, but you are always a loyal and supportive partner to those around you.

You value honesty and loyalty, which has led to many of the relationships in your life being long-lasting. You’re very dependable and are a natural leader who inspires those around you to be their best selves. You have a natural talent for organizing and are good at delegating tasks.

In early modern English, the pronoun you was used interchangeably with thou and thee to show respect and deference to strangers or those in higher social positions. By the 16th century, however, the use of thou was declining and the pronoun you became the norm.

It can be easy to get your and you’re confused, especially because you has an apostrophe in it, while your doesn’t. A common mistake is using your when you mean to use you’re, like in the sentence: “You have a great imagination,” or “That’s your book, not mine.” Your is also used to refer to something you own, such as your leopard-print bathing suit, and is often preceded by its possessive form yours.

You can test yourself to see if you’re using the correct pronoun by reading your sentence aloud and replacing you’re with you are. If it still makes sense, you’re using the right one. If not, try again with you’re until it sounds right. Then, you can stop making that embarrassing grammar mistake in the future. Good luck!

ME/CFS – Causes and Symptoms

ME/CFS is a serious and debilitating illness that causes profoundly exhausting symptoms. Often, people who have ME/CFS experience comorbid diseases that include fibromyalgia (widespread muscle pain and unrefreshing sleep), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS – an increase in heart rate upon standing) and gastroparesis or irritable bowel syndrome (bloating and constipation). These illnesses can be just as incapacitating and disabling as ME/CFS.

Until now, the cause of ME/CFS has been unknown. However, new research reveals that the disorder has many biological and metabolic features. These findings, along with clinical and biomedical evidence, support the theory that ME/CFS is a complex, overlapping chronic illness rather than a psychologically based disorder.

Although fatigue is a symptom of ME/CFS, it has less to do with being tired from lack of sleep than it does with having an infection that makes your body work overtime to fight off an illness. Many people with ME/CFS also report that they have trouble thinking clearly, memory problems, sore throats, and tender lymph nodes in the neck and armpits. They may also be sensitive to light, sound, smells and food.

Some people with ME/CFS develop the disorder after a viral or bacterial infection. Several viruses, including glandular fever and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), have been found in ME/CFS patients, as have herpes simplex and herpes B viruses, enteroviruses, Ross River virus, and COVID-19.

ME/CFS can be triggered by stress, but it is not caused by depression or other mental health disorders. It is not a psychiatric disorder, nor can it be cured with cognitive behavior therapy or graded exercise therapy (GET), which were recommended to treat the condition in the past but have been shown to be harmful for people with ME/CFS.

Talking to a counselor can help. Counselors can help you develop coping strategies to manage your ME/CFS, address limitations at work or school and improve family relationships. Support groups are also helpful. But not all support groups are right for everyone, so it is important to experiment and find one that works for you.

OMF is committed to supporting open and collaborative research so that precise diagnostic tools and life-changing treatments can be available as soon as possible. To make this happen, we need your support. Together we can do this! Please donate today.

The Different Types of Love


Love is a complex feeling that can be described as deep affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect. It can be a force that transforms relationships, individuals and our world. Love has been a subject of interest for philosophers, poets and writers for generations. Its immense depth and countless interpretations make it difficult to consistently define.

When people describe their feelings of love, they often talk about the giddy sensation in their stomach or the connection they feel with another person. These experiences may occur in romantic, platonic, and familial situations. People also use love to describe their feelings for non-human animals, for principles, or for spiritual beliefs.

Despite its complexity, love is an essential human emotion. It is a driving force behind our decisions and behaviors, and it can help us overcome challenges. However, not all types of love are created equal. Some forms of love may not feel very good, and some may have lasting negative effects on us.

The most common form of love is a loving relationship with another person. This can be a spouse, child, parent, friend, or animal. When we love someone, we want to spend time with them, we want to listen to them, and we want to care for them. We may also want to protect them from harm and provide them with security. Depending on the circumstances, this type of love can be very rewarding and bring a sense of fulfillment.

It’s important to remember that loving a person does not mean you need them or want them in your life forever. In fact, many couples in long-term commitments say that they choose to love one another every day. They work on communication, trust, intimacy and emotional security. They put each other’s needs before their own. They help each other through the good and bad times.

Even when it’s difficult, they continue to love because they know that is what a good partner does. They understand that this is the best way to build a healthy, happy relationship.

In addition to romantic, platonic and familial love, there are other kinds of love, like the love for a sports team, a creative project, or a pet. These forms of love are not as complicated as the love for a person, but they still can have significant impacts on our lives.

If you’re struggling to find an interesting topic for your essay, consider writing about love. It can be a great topic for an academic paper, a personal journal entry, or a poem. Whether you write about your first love, the love of a pet, or a loved one who has passed away, the topic will surely inspire you to express yourself in unique ways. So get out your pen and start brainstorming! We can’t wait to read your thoughts and feelings. And if you need some help, we’re here to support you through the journey of discovering, exploring and learning about your own love.