If you are someone with enough clout or wealth that there is an article about you on Wikipedia (and if you’re not, that will likely come eventually), there are some things you should know. These include:
The first thing you should be prepared for is that your article will likely have negative as well as positive content, depending on the circumstances surrounding your fame. The goal of Wikipedia is to be as objective and neutral as possible, and an article about you will likely report both good and bad aspects of your life from verifiable sources.
You will also need to be prepared for the fact that there may be a great deal of attention focused on you in the media. You will likely be interviewed by numerous journalists, and some of those interviews will be published. This can be a good or a bad thing, depending on how it’s handled. The key is to remain calm and professional and not let yourself get sucked into the frenzy of it all.
Another thing to be prepared for is that there are probably some people who will not like what you have done or said in the past. This is a fact of life that can’t be avoided, and you should be prepared to deal with those people as best as you can. If you can, try to find people who will support and promote you rather than stoke the flames.
There is also the matter of how you handle any controversies that might arise from your fame. For example, some people will want to use your article as a forum for their own personal political beliefs. While you should be willing to accept criticism of what you have done, you should not tolerate blatant lies about you.
One last thing to be prepared for is that there will probably be a lot of questions about your origins and background. You should be ready to answer them in a way that is truthful, respectful and accurate. This will require some thought on your part, as you’ll need to decide how to frame the questions and how you will respond to them.
One of the most common mistakes that people make is mixing up the words your and you’re. These words sound the same, but they have different meanings. Your is a possessive adjective, while you’re is a contraction of the words “you are.” You’re should always be followed by a noun in a sentence. Spell check on your computer can help you avoid accidentally using the wrong word, but it should be used with caution because it will not catch some contractions, particularly those that begin with an apostrophe.