How to Describe Yourself

When describing yourself, it’s important to choose words that are honest and capture your strengths. Describing yourself in the right way can help you stand out from others, whether you’re applying for a job or using words on an online dating profile. If you’re unsure of how to describe yourself, ask family and friends for ideas. They’ll be able to give you an objective view of yourself, and they may have different ways to describe you that you never considered.

The name of the illness varies over time, but at present the most common names are myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). ME/CFS is a multisystemic disease with a specific clinical pattern deviating from other post-viral states. It is characterized by muscle fatigability/prolonged muscle weakness after trivial exertion and by neurological disturbance including cognitive, autonomic, and sensory dysfunction. It also has a prolonged relapsing course and a tendency to become chronic.

ME/CFS can be difficult to diagnose, because people with the condition often appear in good physical health and have normal blood tests. In addition, the symptoms are unpredictable and fluctuate from day to day and month to month. For many people with ME/CFS, the disease results in significant impairment of their daily functioning and ability to work. In some cases, people are housebound or bedbound and require around-the-clock care.

ME can occur in all ages and is seen in men and women of all racial and ethnic groups. It can be found in children as young as 10 and can also affect teenagers and young adults. It can be triggered by viral infection, trauma or surgery, or stress. It is more prevalent in women than in men.

A key to playing the “Who Am I?” game is to be honest with your answers. Providing inaccurate information could confuse or anger the other players and make them feel bad about their answers. It can also spoil the challenge of the game for everyone involved. Unless the group is in a competitive context, players should also play with a sense of humour. Giving another player an answer they’re not expecting can be hilarious under the right circumstances.

It’s best to customize the rules of the game according to the preferences of the people you’re playing with. It is recommended to keep the number of questions limited and only use ones that can be answered with a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Anything more complex may ruin the game’s fun. Similarly, you should also avoid asking very personal questions.