Criteria for the Diagnosis of ME/CFS

Millions of people suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) each year and many are left wondering if there is anything they can do about it. Fortunately for those who suffer from this debilitating condition, there is a cure that has been developed by scientists. Unfortunately, in the past, this cure has not been widely known among sufferers.


The hallmark of this condition is an worsening of clinical symptoms 24 hours after moderate or severe mental or physical activity, which may leave patients bed ridden for days or even weeks. In addition, symptoms can be worsened by stress and frustration, and other symptoms can include headaches, memory loss, irritability, depression, loss of appetite or weight gain, depression and anxiety. In addition, symptoms can be worsened by alcohol or drugs. Despite the fact that most sufferers complain of feeling fatigued and weak when not active, one must remember that inactivity does not necessarily cause CFS. Often, it is the symptoms of fatigue that are the real problem.

A medical practitioner who is skilled in CFS should be consulted for an accurate diagnosis. This type of illness has several different types, but the most common is called interstitial lung disease (ILD), which is caused by repeated episodes of coughing and wheezing accompanied by fever, chills and shortness of breath. Other ILD-related symptoms include bone and joint pain, fever, swollen glands, headaches and cognitive problems such as confusion and memory loss.

Because the symptoms of ME/CFS are varied, a proper diagnosis involves a combination of diagnostic testing and systematic reviews of patient symptoms and past medical history. Blood tests are typically required to look for inflammation, neutering and any other problems that could be associated with this illness. The physician also performs a physical examination of the face and torso, takes urine and blood samples, and orders laboratory tests. These tests will help the physician determine if the symptoms in the patients are consistent with those of ILD or another disease.

ME/CFS can have a number of causes, some of which are still being researched. Scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, and elsewhere are conducting studies to determine what biological mechanisms are involved in causing this condition. Treatments vary from the simple to the more involved, and patients can be treated on a case-by-case basis. Alternative treatments like homeopathy and acupuncture are also becoming popular options. As researchers find more ways of treating the neurological issues of myalgic encephalomyelitis, more research centers are looking into this condition for new treatment options.

In conclusion, a thorough and accurate diagnosis of ME/CFS can greatly improve a person’s chances of getting additional support for their illness. If you or someone you know shows even one of the symptoms of this disease, see a physician for a thorough work-up to rule out any other diseases. Once the cause of this disease is known, additional research will go into finding cures for this disease and better ways of dealing with it.

Understanding the Different Components of Love


Understanding the Different Components of Love

Love is an emotion that permeates the world. You can feel it in your home, in the park, and even in the air you breathe. This universal emotion is the reason love is known as the “greatest good.” However, love is a tricky concept to define because it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what it is. When you finally understand the different components of love then you can understand how to love more effectively.

Love encompasses a wide variety of positive and powerful emotional states, from the deepest personal virtue or vice, to the greatest imaginable pleasure, or just the best day ever. However, the two components that make up love are opposite in nature; whereas, lust is based on lust, love is often based on love. Lust is based on lust, and is just that – desire. However, love is a feeling that emanate out of love, and the two feel as one but unlike lust which can last for just a short time, love lasts a lifetime. Therefore, one can not be “loved” and at the same time be “loved.”

As mentioned earlier, love includes strong feelings, and these feelings must be allowed to flourish. Love is just a feeling, if one does not allow it to grow, develop and thrive. Strong feelings in a relationship are sometimes known as a possessive feeling. Possessive feelings are those intense emotions that when one has them, they force the other person to feel them and experience them as well.

Another component of love that must be nurtured is romance. Romance allows two people to experience the attraction with each other. Just like strong feelings in a relationship, romance allows two people to spend time together. Although this is one of the components of romantic love that can last only a short period of time, romance allows for two people to spend time together forming a deep and meaningful relationship.

Lastly, love may also be understood through humor. Humor helps us laugh and gets us through tough times. In a relationship, love may be defined through humor, as two people who love each other find ways to lighten the mood between them and to make the day more enjoyable. There is an old saying that says, “The heart wants what the mind wants.” This may simply mean that the more you let love dictate your relationship, the healthier you will be.

Lastly, love may also be defined through other forms of emotional bonding. Emotional bonding is especially important in a relationship. Love forms love relationships, and affection is the glue that keeps the relationship strong and continues to grow.

Why People In Need Of Social Work Need A Good Coach Or Mentor?


Why People In Need Of Social Work Need A Good Coach Or Mentor?

A need is something that is needed for an organism to survive. Needs are often characterized by a lack of satisfaction. For example, if a need is to survive, an individual must eat, drink, and breath – all at the same time. In the case of a need, however, a lack of satisfaction results in a clear undesirable result: death or a malfunction.

The Socratic Paradox applies here as well: If you ask someone to do something that is required in order to achieve a desired result, but that they dislike doing, they will, of course, try to avoid doing it, in order to protect their ability to enjoy that result. On the other hand, if you ask someone to do something which they greatly enjoy, but which does not lead to their achieving a goal, they will, of course, try very hard to do it, in order to ensure that it leads to achieving their goal. Why? Because it increases their pleasure. Now, I have no argument with someone who holds this view, merely noting that, in most cases (e.g. cases where people’s actions are motivated by the pursuit of their own goals), it is irrational to expect someone to desire something which they detest doing, in order to make them happy.

However, there are times when human needs are rationalized, or, to put it another way, when other people’s desires come into conflict with one another. A prime example of this comes to light in the world of social work. Those who work in social work are tasked, as professionals, to assist and accommodate those who are unable to lead a meaningful life due to social stigma, or disability. In order to be able to help these people, professionals in this field must be able to overcome their personal dislike of those who need assistance, and be willing to do what it takes to help them. Yet, when they assist and accommodate others, their own personal feelings of social discomfort may occasionally prevent them from acting in an evenhanded manner. This is when they may exhibit a kind of emotional gough.

Emotional gough can take many forms, ranging from mild to severe. In mild cases, it is simply displayed by being overly sensitive to criticism, or to even mere remarks. For instance, if a social worker spends a large amount of time helping a person overcome some disability, the social worker may become overly sensitive to criticism directed at that person. Such criticism could come from the person’s family, friends, or even worse, a stranger. In this case, the giver would react to the criticism in an emotionally grieved manner. This may not appear to be a problem for the giver, but for the recipient the emotional gough can be extremely debilitating.

In more severe cases of emotional gough, people may react in a way that displays a truly ruthless desire to spite or hurt the object of their affection. If a person’s ability to love has been impaired by infidelity, they may resort to hurtful and demeaning actions in order to get back at the ex that they feel has betrayed their trust. Even though such actions are motivated by a need to restore their relationship with their spouse or partner, the result is always devastating.

All of the people in this world need to have self-respect and self-esteem. When these people lack these self-respect and self-esteem they will act in ways that are often out of character. This is especially true when it comes to relationships. When a person lacks the ability to see themselves as anything other than utterly inferior, they will be incapable of acting in any other way. That means that they will always need to have someone show them that they are wonderful, regardless of what they do or how they do it.

Behavioral Interview Questions to Determine Your Qualifications and Fit For the Job


Behavioral Interview Questions to Determine Your Qualifications and Fit For the Job

You will often hear people complaining about how hard life is to make money doing what they already do for a living. I have a confession to make. I too used to be a very lazy person. I did not really feel like working for a living; however, I am now making more money than I ever did in my entire life!

This is one interview question that you must answer truthfully and honestly if you want to increase your chances of landing a good paying job. Imagine for a moment you were in an interview for a job that you really love. Imagine that you met this person at an event. The person asking you: what do you do in your spare time?

The honest answer you would get: I surf the Internet on my laptop, and I also write blogs for fun. The person asking the question to you: Great! You are clearly defined by the actions you take in your life. Now the next part of the tip is for you to define success.

Here is another sample behavioral interview questions that you may be asked during an interview. The next question will be: What would you do if you had unlimited resources? If you had to choose between a 10 year long college degree versus a lower paying entry level job in your field, which would you choose? This question can be used as a behavioral interview question to find out where you would prefer to work.

Another excellent tip that you may be given by an employer is to describe your last position in great detail. If you were recently laid off, you should talk about how miserable the situation was and how much you hated working so much. Describe how much you dread meeting new people and you dread talking with your colleagues. You will want to elaborate on this tip so that you can answer the questions relating to the last position you held quite well.

One of the most common interview questions is “why did you apply to our company” or “what made you decide to apply to our company”. Here you will want to take full advantage of the opportunity you are being given. You must describe your strong points and why you think you are the best candidate for this job. Do not let your answer be based only on what you think is good for you; make sure that you show why you would be the best candidate for this job. This is the best way to highlight your strengths and tell a potential employer why you would be a good fit for their organization.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): The Genetics Of The Condition


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): The Genetics Of The Condition

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyleitis, is an affliction with a wide array of physical and psychological symptoms. The most widespread symptom is extreme fatigue. CFS is sometimes also referred to as ME, for myalgia encephalomyleitis. Most people often refer to this condition as CFS/ ME.

The title song from the movie “The Secret” comes to mind. In the movie, there was a character who was constantly disoriented and had no sense of direction. The title song continues with the lyrics, “I am confused and tired / I can’t get anymore / I must get back to work / I feel weak”. These are all symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

While many people are experiencing fatigue on a daily basis, most are not experiencing significant discomfort. The symptoms of myalgic encephalomyleitis may vary but typically include frequent mild to severe pain, weakness, and loss of muscle or joint function. Common symptoms of CFS include muscular weakness, muscular pain and tenderness, loss of memory, and difficulty concentrating and processing information. Other symptoms that may occur in CFS include post-exertional malaise, or a state of post-exertional fatigue that occurs after exertion or a period of rest.

What causes fatigue? The cause of CFS has been linked to multiple factors, but none have been proven to be a direct cause. Most researchers agree that CFS is caused by an imbalance of proteins within the body. This is similar to the cause of post-exertional malaise, where muscle proteins (such as those in the brain and heart) become depleted due to lack of use. When these proteins deplete, it is likely for other proteins within the body to also decrease. Some researchers believe the breakdown of muscle protein in the brain (in the case of CFS) results in lower serotonin levels, and consequently higher levels of neurochemicals such as dopamine may be released.

How is fatigue syndrome diagnosed? Fatigue symptoms can be difficult to diagnose given its connotations: fatigued or tired, having a low energy level, and feelings of mild to moderate depression. However, fatigue is typically noted on a daily basis and can also be noted when attempting to perform physical tasks or cognitive function. It is important to rule out any other conditions that may be a potential cause of fatigue so that appropriate tests can be undertaken.

When testing for the above-mentioned illnesses, medical personnel will usually look for physical manifestations or characteristic of the illness, along with the lack of which in relation to fatigue symptoms. For instance, if there are high levels of beta blockers or sedatives in relation to chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms, it is likely that a separate condition exists. Similarly, the lack of sleep may lead to higher levels of beta blockers or sedatives. If all other factors are ruled out, then a physician can conclude that one or more of the previously mentioned illnesses are the likely causes of the syndrome.

Love – The Two Of Us

The word “love” encompasses an incredible variety of strong and powerful emotional and psychological states, from an abstract form of blissful bliss to the most sublime human feeling, the most personal human passion, to the most rewarding form of intellectual gratification. In the broadest sense, however, the term “love” can mean any one of these things – and usually means more of the former. Most commonly, in our language, the word “love” denotes an emotional state that manifests itself as attachment feelings to a person or a thing, with the end goal being the same.


When romantic love is described in this way, it usually describes a sort of mental or emotional bonding between two people, typically revolving around feelings of adoration and admiration for the other person. Sometimes the idea is to an extent spiritual, with the focus being on the emotions of appreciation, love and trust. Sometimes these feelings are directed toward some sort of tangible object – such as a piece of jewelry, clothing, furniture or a car or other expensive and valuable object.

But there is more to love than meets the eye, and when a couple expresses their love in more tangible ways, there is truly some form of real love. People experience true love in very distinct and tangible ways. Unconditional love, while often displayed in a way that some would describe as frivolous or meaningless, is not necessarily lacking in importance. It is the expression of deep, unadulterated love for another person that can provide both the giver and recipient of this love with great joy and happiness. It is often the source of lasting relationships, be it a lifelong partner or part of a long-term commitment. Unconditional love does not have an expiration date.

For those of us who have experienced true unconditional love, it is clear that the emotional bond we share is very powerful, and that it can be a powerful and sustaining force for personal happiness and fulfillment. However, for most people, true affection and attraction are much less powerful and sustain. It may not even be possible for such a bond to exist. The difference between the experience of true affection and attraction and the less effective experiences of mere friendship or mere curiosity or a passing desire is that true affection and attraction are deeply rooted in a fundamental need to connect with others. True affection and attraction are expressions of that need.

True love may be the desire to be connected with others. But for most people, feeling that need to be connected with others is usually coupled with feelings of anger, hurt, resentment, self-pity or envy. Such feelings often inhibit and sometimes inhibit such ability to feel love. And so even when there are feelings of love, the emotions are seldom at all fully expressed, and the resulting attachment to others is typically only temporary. That is why true affection and attraction are so often not expressed, because the barriers to expression of these feelings are so high.

Appreciation and a feeling of being loved are the beginning stages toward attachment. When you have feelings of love and are continually drawn toward someone or something, you are very actively practicing attachment parenting. That means that you are actively connecting with another person or thing, and using that other person or thing as a place of refuge, security and safety as well-being. Attachment parenting is the foundation for a healthy and happy home life.

Does Your Self-Esteem Level Depend on How You Treat Others?

A need is a thing which is very important for an organism to continue a healthy existence. Needs are often distinguished from desires. In the case of needs, however, a lack of the thing which gives the need causes an obvious adverse effect: a deficiency or illness. While a desire is not a defect, its absence results in certain deficiencies which are not as obvious as a deficiency in a need.

Many people who desire to survive and flourish in this world may find it hard to meet their basic needs, let alone achieve a happy and healthy life. They may result to being depressed, needy, powerless, and even commit suicide. Why is this so? The answer is very simple.

People are unable to satisfy their basic needs due to two reasons: they fail to meet a psychological need and they do not have enough love or respect from people. If you want to have a happy life, you need to first satisfy your psychology need and get rid of your psychological needs. Once you fulfill this need, you can then satisfy your social needs, which will then make you satisfied and powerful human beings. So, if you want to survive and prosper in this world, you need to first learn how to give sufficient love, attention, and time to other people who are dear to you.

The primary needs of human beings are food, clothing, shelter, and safety. Each of these needs cannot be fulfilled with our help. However, we can satisfy them with our presence. We can increase our self-esteem, respect, and power by helping other human beings. When we become responsible with our safety needs, we will be able to satisfy all our other human beings’ safety needs.

On the other hand, when we have low self-esteem and low respect for ourselves, we will tend to take advantage of other people in order to satisfy our wants. We may also put them in risk of suffering abuse, injury, or even death. In addition, if we don’t have enough shelter and safety, we may be unable to survive in this harsh world. As much as possible, we should try our best to ask children what they really want. By doing so, we will not find out that we are not giving them enough love, attention, and safety.

This may result to the weakening of our own spirit. The way we see and treat others will determine how we will act and how we will survive. Most of the time, we tend to take the actions and choices that are opposite to our true emotions. For example, if we are trying to satisfy our wants by getting more money, we will tend to compromise our principles and ethics. On the other hand, if we see children as our precious treasure and if we treat them well, we will be able to fulfill our needs and desires.

Grammar Tips: 8 Common Mistakes You Make When Writing English

People love to talk about themselves, and almost any time you mention “you,” they perk up, and give you a curious glance. A little nod, a little wave. Maybe a shrug. Anything you can do to change the way you talk about yourself will be appreciated. Here are a few things you might want to change to improve your self-talk.


o “You’re”: This pronoun is always followed by the pronoun of the person whom you are talking to. So, if you were talking about your cat, you would say “You’re my cat.” The problem with this is that it grammatically incorrect. It also does not convey the feeling of self-worth that comes from complimenting someone.

o “But”: This is an incorrect use of the second person pronoun. In the singular and plural forms, “but” is used when describing what you did or what you are doing. But when used as a verb, it changes the meaning of the sentence by indicating that you have done something. So, you are but the same you were just before.

o “It’s”: This is a pretty simple mistake to fix. In the singular and plural forms, “it” is always followed by the pronoun of the subject. So, you were here but it is not you. However, in the English online version of the expression, “it’s” is always followed by the object of the verb. So, you were here but it is not you. This grammar flaw can be fixed easily by learning homophones, which are words that sound the same but mean different things.

o “I”: There is an error in the second person singular and plural form in the sense of gender. In the former, the word you are always gender-inverted. This means, “You are” is a feminine subject while “he/she/it is” is a masculine subject. Correct this error by learning homophones that sound the same but mean differently: you he/she, it/she.

o “Not yet”: The use of the word “yet” is very common in the second person and it always has the wrong meaning. In the singular and plural forms, “not yet” is always used with an object indicating time. “Not yet complete” is “not being complete.” Therefore, when writing, “not yet complete” should be changed to “being complete.” The language needs to correct grammatical errors but unfortunately it judi slot online always bother to correct spelling. Learning homophones will make your translations and writing easier.

How Can I Know If I Have ME?

Anyone can have ME/Cfs. However, while most commonly found in elderly individuals aged between 40 and 60, the condition affects younger adults, children, teenagers, and even adults of all ages. Among elderly individuals, women are more frequently affected than men. White individuals are also diagnosed more frequently than other races and ethnicity.


ME is not a disease that last a long time, and can either be short lived or fatal. It can affect people in their forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, and even in their eighties. For some individuals it may be a short lived illness that flares up at times and goes away after a while. For others, it may take a very long time for any noticeable improvement to be noticed. For some, it is so severe that they must take very strong medications for it, and in many cases, multiple drugs for months or even years.

Many of those who are diagnosed with ME have had symptoms and signs of the illness for many years and are still suffering from them today. If someone in your family has been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, you should make sure to get a physical and health check up as soon as possible, to find out if the symptoms you are experiencing are indeed caused by ME. Also, keep in mind that if the symptoms seem similar to those of ME, they probably are.

The most common symptoms of ME include persistent muscle pain or weakness, shortness of breath, increased tiredness, loss of appetite, muscle weakness or fatigue, headaches, irritability, depression, emotional upsets, memory problems, flu-like symptoms, feelings of hopelessness or unreasonable fear, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, inability to concentrate, body aches or pain, feelings of extreme fatigue, and muscle weakness. Those who get sick with ME are also likely to experience frequent infections, as well as fevers, dizziness and sweating. Those who are more severely ill with ME often have difficulty breathing, which can lead to shortness of breath and eventually to death. Someone who is sick with ME may be prone to depression or have trouble functioning normally. Most significantly, people with ME can become depressed, which can prevent them from getting better or help them from getting better when they do get better.

If you have any of the symptoms of ME listed above, you need to discuss them with your doctor. In fact, it would be a good idea to discuss these symptoms with your physician even if you don’t think you have ME. He is an auto-immune disorder, and it has been linked to an array of illnesses including Fibromyalgia (FMS) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). There are several theories as to why this happens, but there isn’t one specific cause. There are several different body systems that are affected by ME, but they can generally be grouped into three major categories.

When it comes to the way someone might deal with the symptoms of ME, those dealing with ME will often find themselves having problems with their emotions, mental health and relationships. People who have ME tend to be depressed and feel hopeless, and often have low self-esteem and problems with identifying and connecting with other people. Those with ME might also suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, which is characterized by symptoms such as severe muscle pain, headaches, fever, night sweats and malaise, depression, irritability, and memory loss.

The Love Language of Feelings of Attraction

Love is a word that is used so often these days it’s easy to lose sight of what it means. Many people believe they have ‘love’ when they really just have lust or a mixture of lust and love. The difference is that in the immortal words of The Purple Rose, ‘I only love you for you.’ In The Purple Rose, Shakespeare wrote that Othello has not yet learned the art of love, and as a result has not been rewarded with true love. This is the true meaning of love, though many people confuse the notion of love with lust.


Love, on the other hand, is quite different. Love encompasses a far wider range of positive and negative emotional and psychological states, from the blissful, intimate bliss, the strongest imaginable personal trait, the most profound interpersonal connection, to the least intimate form of infatuation. True love is not lust or infatuation. It is more complex than that. True love involves feelings of attraction, an emotion that can be strong enough to cause one to move mountains, but that can also be weak enough to lead to a lasting friendship or even a meaningful relationship.

Loving someone comes down to being able to feel deeply for them, to fully understand their needs and wants, their dreams and their passions. It also involves an understanding of the differences between people, and a commitment to treat all people with kindness and respect. All humans need love and friendship and a fulfilling and meaningful relationship will foster those feelings and create a well-balanced emotional state. Those who are deeply in love will be happy and contented – physically and emotionally. They will have positive relationships with others and will be well-nourished in all areas of their lives.

When two people enter into a romantic relationship, they are creating a deep and special connection. In order to sustain such a bond, two people need to be open and honest with one another about their feelings and desires. Sharing is key to creating intimacy and true love. Sharing one’s deepest thoughts and emotions with another person is an essential part of building a loving relationship. However, just sharing those thoughts and feelings will not result in intimacy.

True love and romance are often fueled by feelings of attraction, rather than lust. Many couples enjoy the feelings of attraction when first beginning a relationship, but they quickly learn that they need to tread carefully because these feelings become an addiction and can become a source of insecurity for both partners. Intimacy occurs when two people develop a close and intimate relationship based on feelings of attraction without any underlying desire to become romantically involved in another person. When one partner is having an affair, that partner is not only risking the potential intimacy of their new relationship, but also their own sense of shame and guilt. Partners who cheat often do so because they do not feel a strong enough sense of attraction to share their deepest thoughts and feelings with another person.

To ensure that your relationship grows to the next level of love and romance, you must establish a loving and intimate bond based on feelings of attraction and desire for your partner. Intimacy should occur naturally over time, rather than being rushed or forced. It usually does not start as a physical relationship. Physical touch can sometimes signal the start of a physical relationship, but it should not be an immediate focus for either partner. In order for your relationship to grow and reach its fullest potential you must establish and practice your partner’s love language – the love language of feelings of attraction.