Langkah Main Auto Spin Slot Prematicplay yang Betul!

Saat bermain slot online prematicplay perlu yang bernama langkah pandai. Melewatinya bakal mempermudah Anda peroleh hasil yang memberikan kepuasan. Tapi enggak seluruh orang tahu bakal hal itu dan memutuskan untuk bermain secara asal-asalan. Akhirnya profit yang bakal didapat enggak bakal jadi optimal seperti keinginan sebelumnya.
Jadi jika Anda ingin untung fantastis, sebaiknya untuk bermain dengan pandai. Ada beberapa langkah pandai yang dapat untuk Anda tentukan. Satu diantaranya dengan bermain auto spin. Yang bernama games slot online tentu ada beberapa feature dalam games.
Karena itu manfaatkan feature itu ialah opsi bagus. Bicara mengenai auto spin. Apa Anda sudah mengetahui mengenainya? Jika belum mengetahui tidak perlu kawatir karena feature ini benar-benar gampang untuk dipakai. Seluruh orang tentu dapat memakainya tapi enggak ada agunan untuk mengoptimalkannya.
Oleh karenanya buat dapat mengoptimalkannya. Bakal Kami beri pembahasan berkenaan bagaimanakah cara yang betul untuk bermain lewat auto spin. Ini penting untuk dimengerti ingat feature auto spin yang telah makin wajar dipakai.
Bawa Modal Fantastis dan Oke Tentunya
Langkah main auto slot yang pertama ialah bawa modal fantastis dan oke. Di sini modal yang diartikan tidak cuma masalah uang saja. Anda harus bawa modal yang lain seperti handphone dan akses internet. Karena itu yakinkan buat bermain auto spin slot prematicplay buat dapat menyiapkannya lebih dulu.
Untuk modal uang sebetulnya dapat disiasati dengan bonus dan promosi . Maka Anda enggak perlu kesusahan untuk mempersiapkan dana jika memang enggak ada. Bonus dan promosi ini bakal dapat menambahkan modal secara gampangnya. Pasalnya lewat referal bakal ada tambahan modal terus-menerus lewat persenan deposit pemain undangan.
Persenan dari referal umumnya dapat capai beberapa puluh %. Ditambah Anda yang bermain pada prematicplay bakal dapat memperoleh persenan lebih bagus. Antiknya kembali persenan ini bakal berlaku sepanjang umur . Maka enggak bakal ada istilah dana tambahan sementara karena referal berjalan selama-lamanya.
Lalu bagaimanakah dengan handphone dan akses internet? Untuk persoalan ini enggak perlu kawatir karena sepanjang Anda punyai Android atau Ios. Bakal gampang untuk memainkan ditambah lagi jika memakai aplikasi. Lewat aplikasi bakal mempermudah saat bermain karena enteng dipakai tanpa memperberat piranti.
Begitu halnya jaringan di mana lewat aplikasi bakal lebih irit paket. Itu memiliki arti Anda dapat memakai ponsel sekalian data selulur untuk bermain. Enggak mahal untuk Anda siapkan kan? Melewatinya Anda semakin dapat mengoptimalkan bakal modal betting . Maka Anda bakal lebih bebas dalam mengawali betting kelak.
Mengatur Slot Prematicplay Sejauh Perputaran
Seterusnya, Anda harus mengatur slot prematicplay sejauh perputaran. Anda yang bermain lewat auto spin tidak berarti memberikan semua. Perlu tetap sebuah kontrol untuk membikin games masih tetap memberikan keuntungan . Maka selalu kontrol games sejauh perputaran sambil memandang putaran mesin slot yang mengasikan,
Untuk pengaturan mesin slot ini dapat dilaksanakan sambil menyiapkan sistem penempatan betting . Maka Anda dapat menukar sesenang hati sistem games jika sudah enggak sesuai yang diharap. Karena itu dalam pengaturan ini harus diimbangi dengan kekuatan bakal pengetahuan sistem penempatan betting.
Di dalam games slot bakal terdapat beberapa pilihan yang dapat diputuskan. Tapi sistem martingale ialah opsi terbaik. Sedang untuk sistem biometric, piramid, dan anti piramid sebagai opsi alternative. Ketahui semua sistem itu supaya bisa memasangkan betting lebih bebas hingga kemenangan bakal semakin terbuka.
Ganti Mesin Slot Jika Enggak Memungkinkannya
Paling akhir, jika dengan pengaturan dan penggantian sistem penempatan betting masih tidak berhasil datangkan kemenangan. Anda harus ganti mesin slot prematicplay supaya kembali tidak tertutup kemungkinan kemenangannya. Di dalam ganti mesin slot enggak dapat dilaksanakan asal-asalan. Tidak boleh ganti sesenang hati karena enggak semua mesin slot beri peruntungan games.
Karena itu, beberapa pemain merekomendasikan untuk pilih beberapa mesin slot buat bermain. Lakukan tes trial error bakal memudahkan Anda dalam memperoleh mesin slot opsi. Digabungkan dengan bet minimal bakal membuat tes trial dapat bekerja dengan optimal. Tetapi langkah ini memerlukan sedikit waktu hingga susah dilaksanakan.
Anda yang enggak punyai waktu seharusnya pilih mesin slot keluaran terkini saja. Banyak keluaran mesin terkini yang dapat diputuskan karena secara periodik bakal diselenggarakan up-date . Maka dengan bermain di awal atau bulan akhir bakal lebih mempermudah. Tapi masih tetap agar semakin amannya kerjakan tes trial error
Sebetulnya enggak berbeda jauh dengan main umumnya. Namun bermain lewat auto spin memang lebih berefek untuk dilaksanakan. Pasalnya pada tiap penempatan bakal membuat Anda memasrahkan semua padanya . Maka kontrol penuh perlu dilaksanakan supaya auto spin slot prematicplay masih tetap dapat memberinya profit yang optimal.

Kata kunci : Prematicplay
Deskripsi : Langkah main auto spin slot prematicplay yang pas bakal untuk Anda untung bisa lebih cepat, jadi upayakan untuk dapat mengaplikasikannya secara benar dan baik.

How Bitcoin is becoming ubiquitous through satellites and networking

Bitcoin [BTC] is a virtual currency whose transactions are primarily conducted over the Internet. Its dependence on its existence raises doubts in the reasoning of the vault and the currency. Although the Internet is ubiquitous today, there are still places on Earth where access is limited.

Nevertheless, Bitcoin is getting stronger than ever. Samson Mow, director of strategy at Blockstream, tweeted about Blockstream’s satellite service launched two years ago. The satellites provide free synchronization with the Bitcoin ledger.

In addition, there are options being explored on Earth to create a secure offline system for Bitcoin.

A Blockstream Sattelite

Blockstream Sattelite covers 2/3 of the Earth. The satellite allows data to be broadcast worldwide to the Bitcoin network. Hence, if you pay Bitcoin over the lightning network, you can broadcast any message around the world.

The service has been running for 2 years now. It’s 2 years of free blockchain data synchronization, better data protection with offline full nodes, and making Bitcoin more resilient to network shares. ?

– Samson Mow (@Excellion)

Blockstream uses five commercial satellites that synchronize with network blocks in real time. This provides security against branching or network separation. Therefore, limiting attempts at “51% attack” and “chain reorganization”.

Other ISPs have free networks on Earth

Currently, data on the Internet follows a centralized path consisting of specific nodes controlled by companies. Sources say Amazon AWS transmits more than 50% of the data on the World Wide Web.

Meltem Demirors, British Coinshares ’strategic director of the podcast -“ What Grinds My Gears. ” In his latest episode, he talks about another ISP (Internet Service Provider) independent service – network technology, Bitcoin Relay Network and FIBER, transaction services, nano-satellites (Bitsat) and space. based cloud computing (Cubesats).

Network technology uses decentralized nodes to transmit data over the Internet. Like Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, there are many scattered nodes that are all involved in data transmission. As Meltem noted in his blog post, there are some bitcoin and cryptocurrency based network networks such as  TxTenna, Bitcoin Venezuela Mesh Network, Althea, Helen and NKN. 

Transmission networks have been constantly exploited by spammers in the past. However, Bitcoin relay networks are designed to filter out data and only allow the transmission of general ledger information. ROST ( or  Fast Internet Bitcoin Relay Engine) is a lightning- fast  extension of the Relay network.

The network can also be connected to the Blocksteam Satellite to sync with the latest blocks without delay.

Networks, as mentioned above, form a financial ecosystem that encourages the use of the network while providing security. These are technological attempts to make Bitcoin ubiquitous and free on the internet and truly decentralized.

A future beyond conspiracy

Network operators benefit a lot from the existing data transmission system. Do you remember the conspiracy of the electric car or the story of unleaded gas? Any innovation that disrupts the revenues of large organizations has always faced resistance in the beginning.

In addition, these networked networks are an incredibly inexpensive source for connecting to the world without the use of ISPs. While privacy reduces cyber-attacks and unethical surveillance, the system is certainly a concern for network giants.

There are many “censored” areas on earth, prescribed for geopolitical security and the implementation of national laws. However, money or currency must be borderless and resistant to censorship. Therefore, in the words of US Congressman Patrick Mchenry,

Due to the nature of Bitcoin technology, governments cannot and should not and cannot kill digital currencies widely. They will be persistent, strong. This is the new framework for the next generation of the Internet.

In addition, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies provide security and at the same time encourage players who support the network. Therefore, barriers to entry for small players are also limited.

If companies working on Bitcoin work aggressively, how do you think other cryptocurrencies will find a place in the next era of decentralized Internet? Please share your opinion with us.

Weekly Review, December 28, 2020 – January 1, 2020: Best Economic Events to Watch

The broad-based U.S. dollar is at the back during holiday-diluted trading and will end this week on a bearish path as optimism about coronavirus vaccines and the U.S. stimulus package has prompted investors to put their money into riskier assets rather than safe havens. In addition, losses in the U.S. dollar could be linked to suspicions of a U.S. economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the events surrounding the imminent Brexit deal also played a major role in undermining the US dollar.

In the absence of any key data / events next week, market traders will keep an eye on the CPI data series, along with the EIA crude inventory report and U.S. unemployment claims. Meanwhile, risk catalysts, such as geopolitics and the adversity of viruses, not to mention Brexit, will not lose on their importance and could play a key role in determining the level of risk in the market.

The best economic events to watch this week

1) European retail sales (year-on-year) – Monday – 08:00 GMTThese data are published by the Central Bureau of Statistics, which measures changes in the retail sector. Shows the performance of the retail sector in the short term. However, changes are widely monitored as an indicator of consumer consumption. In this way, high figures are considered currencies for the euro currency; conversely, low figures are considered bears for the Euro.Previous edition

REALLY: -2.7%

DEV: 0,01

AGAINST: -2.8%

DATE: 27.11.2020 08:00

2. S & Price Indices for P / Case-Shiller Homes (Year-on-Year) – Tuesday – 14:00 GMT This information is usually published by Standard & Poor. It measures changes in the value of the residential real estate market in 20 areas across America. This report is considered an indicator of the health of the U.S. housing market. High numbers are considered bulls for the USD; conversely, low figures for the USD are considered bearish. Previous edition

REALLY: 6.6%

DEV: 3.15


DATE: 11/24/2020 14:00

3. U.S. Trade Balance of Goods – Wednesday – 1:30 p.m. GMT These data are usually published by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau. Indicates the difference in value between imported and exported goods during a given month. It is also worth mentioning that the number is published monthly, 4 to 7 days before the international trade balance, presenting advanced statistics for the reference month. Since it began in July 2015, the instability could be unstable during the first editions. Higher exports and fewer imports are considered positive or bullish for the U.S. dollar; conversely, lower exports and higher imports are considered negative or bearish for greenback. Previous edition

REALLY: -80.29 USD

DEV: – –


DATE: 25.11.2020. 13:30

4. Change in EIA Crude Oil Stocks – Wednesday – 15:30 GMT This report was published by the Energy Information Administration. It is a weekly measurement of the change in the number of barrels in the stock of crude oil and its derivatives. This report seeks to produce high price volatility, as crude oil prices affect global economies, affecting most commodity-related commodities, such as the Canadian dollar. In addition, this report tends to affect the price of crude oil itself.

DATE: 23.12.2020 15:30

5. Non-productive PMI – Thursday – 01:00 GMT

These data are published by the China Federation of Logistics and Procurement (CFLP), based on a survey of approximately 1,200 companies, covering 27 industries, including transport, construction and telecommunications. This is the level of the diffusion index based on the surveyed procurement managers in the service industry. Figures above 50.0 indicate industrial expansion, which is considered positive or bullish for the CNY currency; conversely, readings below 50.0 indicate a decline in the industry, which is considered negative or bearish for CNY.

Previous edition

REALLY: 56.4

DEV: 0,97


DATE: 11/30/2020 01:00

PMI for NBS production:

These data are usually published by the Chinese Federation of Logistics and Procurement (CFLP) which measures business conditions in the Chinese manufacturing sector. A reading above 50 indicates spread; conversely, a reading below 50 indicates a reduction in industry. Since the Chinese economy dominates the global economy, this economic indicator would affect the Forex market.

Previous edition

REALLY: 52.1

DEV: 0,75


DATE: 11/30/2020 01:00

6. Initial claims for the unemployed – Thursday – 13:30 GMT

These data are published by the US Department of Labor, which records the number of people who are applying for state unemployment insurance for the first time. It provides a measure of strength in the job market. A number higher than expected indicates a decrease in this US market, which affects strength and direction. Low numbers are considered positive or bulls for the USD currency. In contrast, high values ​​are considered negative or bearish for the USD currency.

Previous edition

REAL: 803 K

DEV: -1,29


DATE: 12/23/2020 13:30

7. Friday – Banks are closed due to the New Year.

Global financial markets and banks will be closed on New Year’s Day. Most Forex brokers stay open for every holiday except Christmas and New Year. Stock exchanges and banks have a slightly different holiday schedule. Banks facilitate the bulk of foreign exchange. When they are closed, the market is less liquid and speculators become more dominant market influence. This can lead to both abnormally low and abnormally high volatility.

Good luck and enjoy a long weekend!

You can enjoy the benefits of BTC exchanges on the AlphaPoint Platform AlphaPoint Exchange platform

As Bitcoin moves toward general acceptance, demand for businesses like Bitcoin is growing. This requires service providers that can support start-ups and even start-ups that meet such market needs.

That’s when AlphaPoint, a company that offers a white-labeled digital money exchange and remarketing platform, enters the picture. Our CoinPoint correspondent spoke to Vadim Telyatnikov, CEO of AlphaPoint, who shed light on how his business is affecting the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Vadim Telyatnikov CEOHe even expressed interest in the “transparency and demonstrably fair play” made possible by the digital currency, which points to the AlphaPoint exchange platform with Bitcoin gambling and even Bitcoin forex markets in the future.

Hi Vadim. AlphaPoint operates in the Bitcoin market. How did you get into Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general ??

Shortly after I sold my last company to OpenX, I helped launch Admire Capital, a systemic and activist hedge fund. We started trading Bitcoin at Admire, but decided we didn’t have enough liquidity to continue as a stand-alone strategy. Although we didn’t pursue Bitcoin at Admire, I fell in love with the blockchain and the technology behind it. Seeing the huge potential eventually made me decide if I had to commit 100% of my energy here.

How would you describe the relationship between the latest business and the cryptocurrency?

AlphaPoint is responsible for building and maintaining a reliable, scalable infrastructure for stock exchanges and businesses that need access to liquidity. By providing technology and infrastructure to stock exchanges, we help make it easy for everyone in the world to buy and sell digital currency.

Our mission is to make it easier for businesses to initiate, scale, and operate digital money exchanges around the world. We offer a SaaS platform that allows entrepreneurs to quickly launch their own digital currency exchange and helps established companies add support for digital currencies to their current offerings. Ultimately, we strive to help change the transactions of the business world and everyday people.

What have been the remarkable achievements you have made since running your business?

The launch of our first client in early 2014 and the achievement of the fifteenth client milestone was a great early result. We were incredibly excited recently when Bitfinex , the world’s largest BTCUSD exchange, chose to move to our platform.


How about the main challenges you face in advancing your cause ??

Our early challenges were technical in nature and we focused specifically on building the fastest and most scalable platform possible. Most of the challenges we face today are met indirectly through our clients. They are often confronted with regulatory uncertainty and banking security challenges. In response, we have taken steps to automate customers by automating compliance processes, trained exchanges on regulatory issues, and, where possible, assistance with banking relationships.

There have been significant changes in the market, as before, as last year. How would you characterize today’s Bitcoin economy?

We are currently seeing that the necessary layer of infrastructure is being built for the next wave of applications. So far, the companies that have gained the most grip in the Bitcoin space have been infrastructure-centric (stock exchanges like Bitfinex or wallet services like Coinbase), and we’ve seen merchant-facing applications successfully implemented today. layer on top, 80,000+ merchants accept Bitcoin. The next step is to use the growing infrastructure base to build innovative consumer applications for wider adoption.

We believe that as more useful applications are used, the demand for Bitcoin will increase and this will reduce volatility in the long run. We also believe that applications that close Bitcoin to existing currencies (e.g., Tether, Bitreserve, or Coinapult Locks) will continue to become more popular as a way to manage volatility.

Did you still get a Bitcoin bid?

At the moment, I’m 50/50 to stabilize around $ 100 or $ 400.

How do you think AlphaPoint will positively impact Bitcoin’s global promotion and acceptance?

For Bitcoin to continue to grow and develop, it is essential that it can be quickly and easily exchanged for any young currency and vice versa. This is true whether the end user is an individual or a multinational enterprise. We provide the market with a proven, secure architecture to build these exchange solutions.

AlphaPoint QuoteHow do you see the effects of altcoins or Bitcoin 2.0 technology on the future of Bitcoin ??

Like the rest of the community, we are keen to see what happens to Sidechains, Ethereum, Omni and similar projects. We are excited about the types of applications that can be built on Bitcoin 2.0 technology, and we believe they will be widely used in the future.

What are your plans for your business? Are you planning to expand soon?

Currently, our plan is to continue to develop AlphaPoint in the sense that we all believe it could be the “Intel Inside” technology that will feed the digital money exchanges unveiled at the world premiere.

We have grown our team exponentially in recent months and there are a number of new projects underway that we will be announcing during 2015. We look forward to our new frontend, which we unveiled at FinovateEurope last month. This is a completely new widget-based toolbar that allows customers to deploy their user experience with almost zero lead time.

Now that Bitcoin is getting more and more attention, what advice can you give to thousands of Bitcoin fans, especially new entrants and entrepreneurs?

These are still the first times. Many problems remain to be solved and the community is always hungry for innovation and insight. It’s important to keep in mind that even though new infrastructure is being built that will pave the way for the next wave of applications, there is still no killer application for Bitcoin or blockchain. Entrepreneurs need to focus on building a killer app.

Before we close, one of the stronger Bitcoin markets is still Bitcoin gambling. Do you have an opinion on this industry?

We are not working directly in the field of gambling, but we are excited about the opportunities for transparency and demonstrably fair gaming. Often, swaps are used in conjunction with gambling sites for Bitcoin / fiat conversion.

Any additional information you want to share with the world?

I predict that the impact of the blockchain on the payments industry will ultimately rival the media and content impact of the Internet. It’s an incredibly exciting role to play and help the industry move forward.

I wish AlphaPoint a lot of success and thank you very much.

Platipus Slots Review (2021) – Jackpot Lab, Rhino Mania and more!

Platipus is a UK-based game development studio. The company was founded in 2010 and has since produced high-quality slot machines for online gambling.

Currently, Platipus has only slot games in its selection, but during 2020, HTML5 board games should be published according to the Platipus website . Most slot machines are also made with modern HTML5 which allows gaming on all devices.

The random slot number generator for Platipus is licensed and certified by iTechLabs , which is an independent verification company. This means that you can believe that the slot machines and games are fair and that the events in the game are 100% random.

Platipus Jackpot Lab slot.

This is the Jackpot Lab slot from Platipus.

Logotip Platipusa

User slot rating for Platipus:

Contents [show]

Platypus slot game features
Here are some features of Platipus automatic games.

The slot machine selection contains 42 seats and 5 board games.
Most Platipus games are made with modern HTML5 technology that allows you to play games on all platforms: desktops, tablets and mobile devices.
The language selection consists of 15 languages.
The percentage of RTP (return to player) is low in many Platipus games, as it is often around 95%. Usually good or very good percentages are above 96% or even 97%.
New slots for Platipus
Here are some of the latest introductions to Platipus slot games.

1. Pirate map (published in December 2020)
The pirate map is a 5-reel cartoon slot machine with a pirate theme. This slot is a brand new slot for Platipus released in February 2020.

Slot for Pirate’s Map of Platypus.

The Pirate’s Map slot brings some cartoon pirate action.

The slot contains these special symbols and features. The wild symbol (Pirate) replaces all symbols except the Scatter, Money and Collect symbols. Wild appears on reels 2, 3, 4 and 5 as a stacked symbol.

The Scattered Symbol (Black Skull Flag) only appears on reels 2, 3, and 4. If you get 3 Scattered Symbols anywhere on the reels launches the Free Spins feature 8 free spins . You can also restart free spins during the bonus game.

Slot for Pirate’s Map of Platypus.

This way you can start a free spinning bonus game with three scatters (black flags).

One great feature is the Collect Bonus .

If one or more The Chest symbols hit anywhere on the reels ia Collect symbol (Card) on reel 5, you will win all the monetary values ​​of the Money symbols added up. Each coin symbol contains either a cash prize or 1 of 4 different Jackpot prizes.

Slot for Pirate’s Map of Platypus.

The free spins bonus game lasts!

Money symbols vary from 25 to 875 bets per winnings per line. Note that these are in-line bets, not total bets as in many slots. The jackpot sizes are as follows:

Big Jackpot – 25,000 bets per line.
Main Jackpot – 12,500 bets per line.
Minor Jackpot – 2,500 bets per line.
Mini Jackpot – 1,250 bets per line.
The money symbol appears on reels 1, 2, 3 and 4 as a compound symbol. The Collect symbol only appears on reel 5.

Slot for Pirate’s Map of Platypus.

Here is an example of how to start collecting bonuses. You can redeem all money symbols in reels by pressing one Collect symbol in reel 5.

In conclusion, Pirate’s Map is a pretty fun slot game. The graphics are pretty nice, but in the winning effects and animations the other slot providers are a little ahead.

Postoji glazba u pozadini, ali glasnoća je tako mala da je jedva čujete. Zvukovi se sastoje od samo nekoliko zvukova s ​​automatima, morskih zvukova i nekoliko pobjedničkih džinglova. Dobar zvuk u utorima donio bi još potapanja i osjećaja igranja.

Postotak RTP-a (povratak igraču) vrlo je nizak i iznosi samo 95%.

Tako Karta gusara je samo još jedna “ok” igra s automatima od Platipusa. Osobno bih želio više inovativnih bonus značajki, rasporeda slotova ili boljih zvukova kako bih napredovao u teškoj konkurenciji slotova. Ali ako Pirate’s Map izgleda zanimljivo, pogledajte!

Objavljena igra: Veljače 2020

RTP (povratak na player): 95,0%

Varijansa: Nepoznato

Izgled: 5 x 3

Linije za klađenje: 25

2. Jackpot Lab (objavljeno u siječnju 2019)
Jackpot Lab je sasvim nova Sloti igra od automata koja je objavljena u prosincu 2019.

Postoji sasvim standardna ploča s 5 utora s glavnim simbolima (boce) i molom (kristali). Simboli boce mogu se pojaviti na 1 – 3 boce. Jackpot Lab sadrži i Wild simbole, Scatter simbole koji će pokrenuti značajku Free Spins i Bonus simbole koji pokreću značajku Bonus Reel s jackpotovima.

Ako na istoj liniji dobivate 5 simbola s bocom 5 x 3, to će vam dati najbolju isplatu. Također možete kombinirati boce iste boje s 1 – 3 simbola boce.

Platipus Jackpot Lab slot.

Ovo je Jackpot Lab utor tvrtke Platipus.

Značajke Jackpot Laba uključuju Divlji simboli (Simbol plavog čarobnjaka) koji zamjenjuje sve simbole osim Scatter i Bonus simbola.

Scattered Symbols (Book Symbol) only appear on reels 1, 3, and 5. If you get 3 Scattered Symbols , the Free Spins feature will start.

Platipus Jackpot Lab slot.

Three bulk symbols (Books here) will give you the Free Turns feature.

Free spins include 8 free spins. The free spins feature is similar to the usual game. At least I didn’t notice any differences or notes on the slot information screen. Some special features in the bonus game are the thing you usually want to chase, so this was a bit of a disappointment.

Platipus Jackpot Lab slot.

Here is the Jackpot Lab game.

The Bonus symbol (Purple Magic Vessel Symbol) only appears on reels 2, 3 and 4. If you get 3 bonus symbols anywhere on the reels, the Bonus Reels feature will be launched.

Platipus Jackpot Lab slot.

If you get three bonus symbols (as here), you will get the Bonus Reel feature. Special reel 6 starts spinning and will award you different Jackpots.

The bonus reel feature happens on a special reel 6. The spinner will direct your cash prize from 160 to 720 x bets per line. There are also Jackpots that can be won as the name of the game suggests:

Big Jackpot – 40,000 x bets per line.
Main Jackpot – 10,000 x bets per line.
Small Jackpot – 4,000 x bets per line.
Mini Jackpot – 1,000 x bets per line.
Imajte na umu da su množitelji oklade po liniji, ne ukupna oklada kao u mnogim drugim automatima.

Platipus Jackpot Lab slot.

Ovdje možete vidjeti kako uobičajeni simboli djeluju u igri. Također možete kombinirati različite simbole 1 – 3 boce iste boje kao ovdje.

Zaključno je Jackpot Lab sasvim prosječna slot igra. Dobro funkcionira s animacijama i igranjem. Postoje neki bonus elementi koji su lijepi, ali poželio bih još malo akcije ili inovacija u bonus igrama. Grafika je, međutim, vrlo svježa i živopisna i zapravo mi se svidjela.

Zvukovi su pomalo blagi jer u redovnom igranju nema glazbe. Samo značajka Free Spins ima nešto glazbe u pozadini, ali to je to.

Postotak RTP-a (povratak igraču) niži je s 95,2%.

Jackpot Lab je slot igra u kojoj nema ništa loše. Samo mu nedostaje uzbuđenja i značajki i vjerojatno će se izgubiti u moru drugih boljih slotova.

Objavljena igra: Prosinca 2019

RTP (povratak na player): 95,2%

Varijansa: Nepoznato

Izgled: 5 x 3

Linije / kombinacije za klađenje: 40

Najpopularnija mjesta na Platipusu
Evo nekoliko najpopularnijih predstavljenih Platipus slotova.

1. Nosorog Mania
Nosorog Mania je automat sa 6 koluta s omiljenom temom afričkih divljih životinja.

Postoji 4096 dobitnih linija. Dobitne linije broje se ako dobijete susjedne simbole slijeva udesno bez praznina od 3 do 6 simbola. Dakle, okomiti položaj u kolutima nije važan.

Rhino Mania slot for Platipus.

Ovo je Rhino Mania slot od Platipusa.

Divlji simbol (Nosorog) zamjenjuje sve simbole osim Scatter simbola. Wildovi se pojavljuju na kolutima 2, 3, 4 i 5.

Ako dobijete 3 ili više Scatter simbola u bilo kojem položaju, koji pokreće Značajka bonus igre. Evo različitih iznosa besplatnih okretaja ovisno o razmjeri:

3 skater simbola – 8 besplatnih okretaja + 2 x ukupna nagrada.
4 skater simbola – 15 besplatnih okretaja + 10 x ukupna nagrada.
5 Scatter simbola – 20 besplatnih okretaja + 50 x ukupna nagrada.
6 razbacanih simbola – 50 besplatnih okretaja + 1000 x ukupna nagrada.
Tijekom Bonus igre, Wild simboli djeluju kao Množitelj Wild simboli u isto vrijeme. Množitelji su x2 ili x3. Pobjede se također mogu množiti s mnogim Wildovima, a maksimalni množitelj je x81.

Rhino Mania slot for Platipus.

This is a free game with free spins with multipliers Wild symbols that do not appear in the regular game. You can also restart free spins with 2 Scatter symbols.

Free spins can be restarted during the Bonus game. In addition to the free spins, in Bonus Game 2 Scattered Symbols will trigger 5 additional free spins .

There is also an Ultimate Bonus feature . If you play with maximum paylines, the Free Spins Bonus game will award you at least 1x wins.

Rhino Mania slot for Platipus.

Here, Rhino Mania and the Wild and Scatter symbols are shown on reels.

Rhino Mania is a well made slot machine game with decent bonus features with a free spins bonus game with additional Wild Multiplier symbols. The graphics are fine, and the soundtrack is also fine with African music.

Compared to other rhino-themed games (there are a lot of them!), Rhino Mania does well, but brings nothing new to the genre.

But when comparing RTP (Return to player) percentages, Rhino Mania is not doing well with only 95.0% (low). Other Rhino themed slots will have better RTP in general.

For example, the Great Rhinoceros or the Great Rhinoceros from Pragmatic Play have a better RTP of 96.53% and 96.48%, respectively. Powerful Africa: 4096 ways from Playson also has a pretty low RTP like Rhino Mania with 95.10%.

Sve u svemu Nosorog Mania je definitivno na boljoj strani Platipus slot i vrijedi pokušati.

Objavljena igra: Srpnja 2019

RTP (povratak na player): 95,0%

Varijansa: Nepoznato

Izgled: 6 x 4

Linije za klađenje: 4096

2. Sretna mačka
Sretna mačka je slot igra bazirana na simbolima Lucky Cat, koji su mačji kipovi koji mašu jednom rukom.

Sretne mačke na japanskom se nazivaju Maneki Neko (što znači: mačka koja maše) i vrlo su popularne u kineskoj i japanskoj kulturi. Ovdje možete pronaći više informacija o likovima Lucky Cat ako ste zainteresirani.

No, pogledajmo sada Lucky Cat slot igru.

Daska za utor sastoji se od pravilne rešetke 5 x 3 simbola.

Divlji simbol zamjena za sve simbole, osim skatera i bonusa. Wildovi se pojavljuju samo na kolutima 2 – 5.

Lucky Cat slot for Platipus.

Ovo je Platipus slot igra Lucky Cat.

The Razbacani simbol pomnožit će dobitak ukupnom okladom. Ako dobijete 3, 4 ili 5 razbacanih simbola, the množitelji su 2x, 50x i 200x Ukupne oklade.

U svom prilično dugom testiranju uopće nisam mogao dobiti 3 ili više Scatter simbola, ali pretpostavljam da će 3 ili više Scattera pomnožiti ostale dobitke od istog okreta s tim množiteljem. Tekst zaslona s informacijama o utoru Lucky Cat bilo je prilično teško protumačiti što množitelj zapravo radi. Ali to je sada moja pretpostavka.

The Bonus simboli pojavljuju se na kolutima snopovima od 2 ili 3 simbola. Vrijednosti bonus simbola mogu se razlikovati između 50 i 250. Bilo koja kombinacija sa 6 ili više bonus simbola će aktivirati Značajka Respin.

Značajka Respin znači da se dobici izračunavaju zbrajanjem nagrada navedenih na svakom bonus znaku.

Lucky Cat slot for Platipus.

Ovo je značajka Respin u kojoj morate loviti novčane nagrade i Jackpotove iz bonus simbola.

Na početku ćete dobiti 3 smole. Ako se barem 1 dodatni bonusni simbol pojavi na kolutima, Respinovi će se ponovno resetirati na 3. Svi bonusni simboli su ljepljivi do kraja bonusa.

You will win the Big Jackpot (100,000x bets per line) if all symbol positions are filled with a bonus symbol. Note that the Jackpot multiplier is the bet times per line , not the bet times as usual on slot machines.

Lucky Cat slot for Platipus.

Lucky Cat slot and Scatter and Wild symbols in the game.

In conclusion, Lucky Cat is a very colorful slot machine with fluent gaming. The feel in the vending machines would benefit from the soundtrack, as there was no background music at all. Also the sounds are pretty basic.

The slot features also lack something. I couldn’t test the Scatter feature at all because I couldn’t catch 3 or more Scatters during the entire test.

The Respin feature happened a few times and it was ok. In my opinion, the features might need a bit more to make the slot more interesting after a while.

The percentage of RTP (return to player) is really low at 95.0%.

Lucky Cat is an ok slot game with very few features. To be honest, it wasn’t my favorite and it got boring after a short time.

Published game: May 2019

RTP (return to player): 95.0%

Variant: Unknown

Appearance: 5 x 3

Betting lines: 20

Highest RTP Platipus Slots
These are the highest percentage of RTP (Back to Player) slots I found from Platip. In general, the average RTP percentage of Platipus slots is about 95%, which can be considered quite low. Usually other terminal providers have RTPs of about 96% or even more than 97%.

Dakle, ovdje su svi termini s Platipusa, uređeni od visoki RTP do niski RTP. Dodao sam i datume izdavanja i varijacije (ako ih pronađem) kako bih vam olakšao izbor slota.

Jackpot Lab – objavljeno u prosincu 2019. – Odstupanje: nepoznato – RTP: 95,2%
Veliki ocean – objavljeno u listopadu 2018. – Varijansa: nepoznata – RTP: 95,09%
Fruity Sevens – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Variance: srednje – RTP: 95,09%
Fiery Planet – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Odstupanje: srednje – RTP: 95,09%
Lucky Money – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Razlika: srednja – RTP: 95,09%
Arabian Tales – Objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Razlika: Visoka – RTP: 95,03%
Moć Posejdona – objavljeno u ožujku 2018. – Varijacija: nepoznata – RTP: 95,03%
Crystal Sevens – objavljeno u svibnju 2018. – Varijansa: nepoznata – RTP: 95,03%
Pharaoh’s Empire – Objavljeno u travnju 2019. – Varijansa: nepoznata – RTP: 95,02%
Safari Adventures – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Razlika: visoka – RTP: 95,02%
Princeza ptica – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Varijansa: nepoznata – RTP: 95,02%
Čarobno zrcalo – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Odstupanje: srednje – RTP: 95,02%
Juicy Spins – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Razlika: visoka – RTP: 95,02%
Webby Heroes – objavljeno u lipnju 2019. – Varijansa: nepoznata – RTP: 95,01%
Legenda o Atlantidi – objavljeno u srpnju 2018. – Variance: Low – RTP: 95,01%
Pirate’s Map – objavljeno u veljači 2020. – Varijacija: nepoznata – RTP: 95,0%
Jade Valley – objavljeno u siječnju 2019. – Varijansa: srednja – RTP: 95,0%
Lucky Cat – objavljeno u svibnju 2019. – Varijansa: nepoznata – RTP: 95,0%
Rhino Mania – objavljeno u srpnju 2019. – Varijansa: nepoznata – RTP: 95,0%
Aztečki novčići – objavljeno u studenom 2019. – Varijacija: nepoznata – RTP: 95,0%
Kineski tigrovi – objavljeno u rujnu 2019. – Varijansa: nepoznata – RTP: 95,0%
Pepeljuga – objavljeno u travnju 2018. – Varijansa: nepoznata – RTP: 95,0%
Jungle Spin – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Variance: High – RTP: 95,0%
Neon Classic – Objavljeno u siječnju 2019. – Varijacija: nepoznata – RTP: 95,0%
Crazy Jelly – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Variance: High – RTP: 95,0%
Bison Trail – objavljeno u veljači 2019. – Varijacija: nepoznata – RTP: 94,99%
Cleo’s Gold – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Razlika: srednja – RTP: 94,99%
Lucky Dolphin – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Variance: High – RTP: 94,99%
Mega Drago – objavljeno u kolovozu 2018. – Variance: Medium – RTP: 94,99%
Knjiga o Egiptu – objavljena u listopadu 2017. – Razlika: visoka – RTP: 94,98%
Triple Dragon – objavljeno u siječnju 2018. – Variance: High – RTP: 94,98%
Richy Witchy – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Razlika: visoka – RTP: 95,0%
Čarobni vuk – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Variance: High – RTP: 94,99%
Snaga bogova – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Varijansa: srednja – RTP: 94,99%
Majmunovo putovanje – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Variance: srednje – RTP: 94,99%
Vilinska šuma – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Razlika: Niska – RTP: 94,99%
Gospodarica Amazona – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Razlika: visoka – RTP: 94,98%
Ljubav je – objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Variance: High – RTP: 94,98%
Crocoman – Objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Odstupanje: Visoko – RTP: 94,98%
Jewel Bang – Objavljeno u listopadu 2017. – Odstupanje: Nisko – RTP: 94,98%
Aztečki hram – objavljeno u svibnju 2017. – Razlika: visoka – RTP: 94,97%
Sakura Wind – published in October 2017 – Variety: unknown – RTP: 94.96%
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User reviews
The following is a summary of the user rating of Platipus slot machines:

How do you like Platipus slot games? Please share your thoughts below in the comment form!

Final thoughts
This was our article on the platypus slots. Feel free to send an email, write a message via the contact form or write your comments or suggestions here!

Thanks for reading!

Sources for this article:

Platypus website for some slot data


Yggdrasil Slots Review (2021) – Brazilian Bomb, Tut’s Twister and more!

Yggdrasil is an online casino game provider founded in 2013 and based in Malta. The first casino license arrived in 2013, and as early as 2014, Yggdrasil switched from the old Flash technology to modern HTML5-based slots. This HTML5-based platform is called iSENSE with the term Yggdrasil.

Since then, Yggdrasil has further developed its products and won numerous awards in the online casino gaming industry at iGaming conventions. EGR and International Gaming Awards .

Beauty & amp; the Beast slot from Yggdrasil.

This is the Beauty and the Beast slot made by Yggdrasil, with a great RTP (Return to player) percentage, up to 97.0%, with the right strategy (more on this article).

Yggdrasil games are currently licensed to the Maltese Gaming Authority (MGA), the UK Gambling Commission and Gibraltar.

All Yggdrasil games have been tested by iTech Labs . This means that the random number generator (RNG) behind the Yggdrasil slots is tested for legitimacy and produces random events.

The Yggdrasil game portfolio already includes more than 70 video slots, 3 blackjack games and a Golden Chip Roulette game.

What does the company Yggdrasil call average? There was no official explanation on the company’s website, but Yggdrasil is a mythical tree in Scandinavian (Norwegian) cosmology where it connects the Nine Worlds. Yggdrasil in the old Norwegian language can also be interpreted as “Horse of Odin”. Learn more about this from Wikipedia if you are interested.

The Yggdrasil company logo also looks like a tree, so the meaning of the company name may be true. Find out more about Yggdrasil on their official website .

Yggdrasil logo

Yggdrasil slot user rating:

Contents [show]

Yggdrasil Slot Machine Features
Below are some of the features of the Yggdrasil slot machine.

Az Yggdrasil játékportfolióban már több mint 70 video slot, 3 blackjack játék és egy Golden Chip Roulette játék található.
Az összes játék modern HTML5 technológiával készült, amely lehetővé teszi a slotok lejátszását minden eszközön, beleértve az asztali gépeket, a táblagépeket és a mobil eszközöket is.
A rések nagyon jó információs képernyőkkel rendelkeznek. A játékmenet szimbólumaira is kattinthat a tárcsákon, ha további információt szeretne kapni egy adott szimbólumról.
Minden általam tesztelt slot nagyon jó minőségű volt zenében, hangokban, animációban, játékmenetben és bónusz funkciókban. Úgy tűnik, hogy az Yggdrasil csak egy másik szinten áll, összehasonlítva sok más kevésbé képzett kaszinójáték-szolgáltatóval.
Véleményem szerint Yggdrasil valószínűleg az egyik legjobb 3 kaszinójáték-szolgáltató a világon a játék minőségében, a különleges funkciókban és a játékmenet simaságában.
Új Yggdrasil bővítőhelyek
Íme néhány a legújabb Yggdrasil nyerőgépes játékok közül.

1. Brazil Bomba
Brazil Bomba egy vadonatúj brazil samba farsangi témájú nyerőgép, amelyet 2020 februárjában tettek közzé. A játék nagyon klassznak tűnik, színes szimbólumokkal és lila naplementés témával. Mint minden más Yggdrasil slotban, a játékmenet simasága és az animációk szintje is nagyon magas.

A Brazil Bomba rendelkezik egy speciális 8 x 6-os kártyával, kisebb szimbólumokkal, és a játékszerelő nagyon hasonlít egy népszerű Reactoonz nyerőgépre.

Brazilian Bomb Slot Machine game Yggdrasil.

A Brazil Bomba egy 8 x 6 nyerőgépes játék, klassz brazil samba témával.

You win if you place at least 6 symbols next to each other. The symbols can be connected vertically, horizontally or diagonally. The pay tables range from 48 symbols, which provides the biggest win with standard symbols.

Brazilian Bomb Slot Machine game Yggdrasil.

There are no separate reels, but if you place 6 to 48 symbols next to each other, you win on the paytable.

When the symbols win, they are cleared from the slot machine board and additional symbols fall, just like in the Reactoonz slot machine.

If you land 3, 4, 5 or 6 free spins symbols , you will receive 5, 10, 15 or 20 free spins respectively.

Brazilian Bomb Slot Machine game Yggdrasil.

During free spins, you can get huge multipliers when you launch each drop-down menu or bomb. Here I managed to get a nice x14 multiplier.

The Bomb feature means that when a bomb lands, it explodes in a star formation and clears the position of up to 16 spindles.

Brazilian Bomb Slot Machine game Yggdrasil.

Bomb function during operation.

There is also a multiplier function. For each symbol drop-down menu or landing, the Bomb function activates a multiplier and it goes up by 1. The multiplier is reset after it has not received a drop-down list or bomb.

However, the multiplier does not return during free spins.

Brazilian Bomb Slot Machine game Yggdrasil.

If you’re lucky, you can still get good odds during normal play. You can also see the Bomb feature here to explode.

Összegzésként a Brazil Bomba egy nagyon klassz nyerőgép. Különösen az érzés remek ebben, minden összességében jól működik. A játékmenet is zökkenőmentes, és minden csak előre halad, amikor játszik. Nagyon rendben van az RTP (Return to Player) százalékos arány 96,3% -kal és a magas volatilitás nagy nyereményt hozhat a játékosoknak, ha szerencséd van.

A Bonus Free pörgetések is izgalmasak a növekvő szorzóval. Jól sikerült Yggdrasil, egy nagyszerű nyerőgép jelent meg!

Megjelent játék: 2020 február

RTP (visszatérés a játékoshoz): 96,3%

Variancia: Magas

Elrendezés: 8 x 6

Fogadási sorok / kombinációk: 8975

2. Templomi verem Splitz
Temple Stacks Splitz egy azték témájú nyerőgép, amelyet Yggdrasil készített. Lehet, hogy a világ elvehet még egy azték játékot, így nézzük meg.

A Splitz ™ az Yggdrasil speciális slot szerkezete. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a játék során Splitz szimbólumok vagy orsók történhetnek. 3-9 azonos típusú szimbólumból bármit felfedhetnek.

Temple Stacks Splitz Slot Machine by Yggdrasil.

Ez a Temple Stacks Splitz egy vadonatúj nyerőgép, különleges Splitz szimbólumszerkezettel.

A Ingyenes pörgetés szimbólum egy hibrid, ahogy a slot információ hívja. Ez azt jelenti, hogy két funkciója van: Wild szimbólumként működhet, amikor 2 leszáll. Vagy 3 vagy több leszálláskor ingyenes pörgetés szimbólumként működhet.

Leszállás 2 hibrid szimbólum kiváltja a respin azzal a 2 szimbólummal, mint Sticky Wilds.

Temple Stacks Splitz Slot Machine by Yggdrasil.

Középen láthatja az arany színű Splitz halmokat, amelyek azonos típusú szimbólumokkal nyílnak meg.

Leszállás 3, 4 vagy 5 Free Spin szimbólum ingyenes pörgetéseket + a tét x1, x10 vagy x100-szoros pénzbeli nyereményét kapja.

Hány ingyenes pörgetést kapsz? Az ingyenes pörgetéseknek 4 szintje van. Először négyszer indítja el az ingyenes pörgetéseket, minden egyes alkalommal, amikor új szintet nyit. A szint arany, ezüst, bronz és acél. Ezek az összegek:

3 ingyenes pörgetés szimbólum: 15 ingyenes pörgetés (acél), 9 ingyenes pörgetés (bronz), 6 ingyenes pörgetés (ezüst) vagy 3 ingyenes pörgetés (arany).
4 ingyenes pörgetés szimbólum: 20/12/8/4 ingyenes pörgetés.
5 free spins symbol: 35/21/14/7 free spins.
Temple Stacks Splitz Slot Machine by Yggdrasil.

You can also see the Splitz reel about to open here.

Temple Stacks Splitz is an interesting slot machine with a classy symbol structure, Splitz symbols and reels. By the way, the slot machine has fairly basic features, but the overall quality of the gameplay, animations, sounds, and music is again very high than in all the Yggdrasil games tested so far.

Game released: January 2020

RTP (return to player): 96.1%

Variance: Medium high

Layout: 5 x 3

Betting lines: 243

The most popular Yggdrasil slots
Here are some of the most popular Pragmatic Play slot machines.

1. Goldfish tank
Gold Fish Tank is a cartoon-like fish-themed slot machine that was released in February 2016.

The animations, water and fish in the tank are really vivid and colorful. Everything looks sleek and up to date, even though the slot is dated to 2016.

Yggdrasil Golden Fish Tank opening.

This is the Golden Fish Tank slot made by Yggdrasil.

The sounds are fine, but there is no background music at all (except for the Free Spins bonus game). This would make the game feel a little better. There’s only a few music playing when he won something.

Otherwise, the gameplay is fairly standard with 5 x 3 symbol grids, wild symbols and free spins with bonus games.

Yggdrasil Golden Fish Tank opening.

Yggdrasil slot machines have a great feature where you can find out about payouts by clicking on any symbol. You don’t have to go to the information screen and forget which symbol you tried to check.

Vad szimbólumok minden szimbólumot kiválthat, kivéve a Free Spins szimbólumot.

Ha kapsz 3, 4 vagy 5 ingyenes pörgetés szimbólum megadatik 6, 8 vagy 10 ingyenes pörgetés illetőleg.

Itt van még a Arany fogadás különleges tulajdonság. Az Arany tét a pörgető gomb melletti +5 szimbólumból található. Ez a szolgáltatás 5 érmébe kerül forgatásonként, és ha elindítja az ingyenes pörgetések bónuszjátékot, engedélyezve van az Arany tét funkció, akkor egy Extra Feature választás.

Yggdrasil Golden Fish Tank opening.

Ha megkapja az ingyenes pörgetések bónusz játékot, az a Feature választással kezdődik. Ha a pörgetést az Arany Fogadással hajtotta végre, akkor még egy funkciót választhat. A funkciók a tengeri kagylókban és kerámia tárgyakban találhatók, és saját maga is dönthet.

Az Arany tét az RTP (Return to Player) százalékos arányát is kissé megnöveli. Arany tét esetén 96,4%, anélkül pedig 95,9%, így az Arany tét aktiválása jó választás.

Ezek a Feature Picks az ingyenes pörgetések bónusz játékban:

2-4 Extra ingyenes pörgetések.
x2 szorzó minden győzelemhez.
Magas halhal szimbólumok az orsókon (csak egy halat lehet egymásra rakni egy szabad pörgetési körben).
Az egyik Fish szimbólum vad szimbólumként működik.
1-2 Véletlen vad. A Wild-ot véletlenszerű helyzetbe adjuk minden egyes szabad pörgetésnél.
Ragadós vad szimbólum. Egy vad hozzáadódik a játékterülethez, és ugyanabban a helyzetben marad az ingyenes pörgetések bónusz játék során.
Yggdrasil Golden Fish Tank opening.

Az ingyenes pörgetések bónuszjáték így néz ki. Különböző grafikák és még háttérzene is létezik, amely nem létezik a szokásos játékmenet során. A bónuszjátékban megnyert funkciók a bal alsó sarokban láthatók.

Összességében a Golden Fish Tank egy nagyon jó minőségű nyerőgépes játék, ahol minden csak működik. De másrészt a résből hiányzott egy kis érzés véleményem szerint. Remélem például egy jó háttérzene és talán még több bónusz funkció, hogy a játék hosszabb ideig érdekes maradjon.

Mindenképpen vessen egy pillantást, ha érdekesnek találja ezt a helyet.

Megjelent játék: 2016. február

RTP (visszatérés a játékoshoz): A Golden Bet opcióval 96,4%, letiltva 95,9%.

Variancia: Közepes

Elrendezés: 5 x 3

Fogadási sorok: 243

2. A vikingek a pokolba mennek
A vikingek a pokolba mennek a legújabb slot játék a Vikings-sorozatban, 2018 májusában jelent meg. Ugyanennek a slot-sorozatnak címei is vannak A vikingek Berzerkre mennek (2016. november) és A vikingek megvadulnak (2015. augusztus).

A Vikings go to Hell egy nyerőgép, melyben szerepjáték-elemek is találhatók, ahol gyűjtenie kell a Rage Pontokat a vikingjeihez, és harcolni kell a démonokkal és más boss szörnyekkel.

A grafikus kilátás hasonlít a régi PC-s Diablo II szerepjátékra véleményem szerint – ami nagyon jó. Mivel a Diablo II az egyik kedvenc akció-RPG játékom volt abban az időben. A Kincsesláda kártyák is a Magic the Gathering kártyajátékot juttatják eszembe.

The Vikings go to the Hell slot by Yggdrasil.

Ez a Vikings megy a Hell nyerőgépre Yggdrasil által. A nyerőgép egyik fő célja a Rage Pontok összegyűjtése a képernyő bal oldalán található négy viking számára. Ha 100/100 pontot kapsz a vikingek valamelyikéért, akkor különleges Berzerker ingyenes pörgetéseket kapsz.

Az animációk, a zene és a hangok is igazán epikusak és tökéletesen illenek ehhez a nyíláshoz. A zenei érzések a játék helyzete szerint is nagyon gördülékenyen változnak. Például a tárcsák forgatásakor a zene Battle módba kerül. Nagyszerű munka itt!

A különlegességek meglehetősen bonyolultak, és megpróbálom itt a lehető legjobban kitisztítani őket.

Ha leszáll 3, 4 vagy 5 Free Spin szimbólum, megadatik 7, 12 vagy 16 ingyenes pörgetés.

Ha leszáll 2 Free Spin szimbólum, megidézed a Démont, hogy harcolj a vikingekkel. A Victory Rage Pontokat és Wild szimbólumokat adományoz. A 2 szabad pörgetés szimbólum kiváltja a Respin. Minden vad ragacsos lesz ezalatt.

A szokásos játékban Wild szimbólumok is vannak. Az ingyenes pörgetésekben szereplő összes vad mindig ragadós.

Az első Vikingért 50 dühponttal kezded a játékot. A dühpontokat a játékfolyamatok között tartják. Így gyűjtheti Dühpontok:

Each beast that has been reached in a battle with a standard demon donates a Lord of Chains or Lucifir 1 Rage Point.
You can get 30 Rage Points for 1 Viking in a base game, Treasure Chest.
In the base game of Treasure Chest, you can get 30 rage points for all 4 Vikings.
Berzerk free spins do not collect Rage Points.
If 2 free spin symbols land on the reels, a demon fight will take place with each Viking symbol on the reels.

Each time a Viking wins a fight, the Viking Wild becomes a symbol and receives 1 rage point for that Viking.

The Vikings go to the Hell slot by Yggdrasil.

When you get 2 free spins symbols, all reel vikings start fighting the demons. If the Vikings win, they become Sticky Wilds for Respin, which happens after every fight. We also collect Rage Points, one for each win.

You can trigger level 1 free spins by collecting 3 or more free spins symbols or winning a free spin in the Treasure Chest.

In this free spin mode, all Viking symbols appearing on the reels fight against a demon. If they win, they receive 1 Rage Point each and become a Wild symbol. In Free Spin mode, all Wild symbols are sticky.

In level 1 free spins, there is a Lord of the Chains monster. Each hit of the boss destroys 1 Health bar. If you destroy all 3 Health Lanes, you defeat the Lord of Chains.

The Vikings go to the Hell slot by Yggdrasil.

Here is an example of Level 1 free spins and the fight against Lord of the Chains.

Hogyan lehet megütni a Láncok Urát? Ha legalább 1 Viking szimbólum van, a Láncok Ura egy véletlenszerű Viking ellen fog harcolni a tárcsákon. Ha a Viking megnyeri a harcot, az Úr egy találatot kap, és egy Egészségügyi sávot eltávolít a Láncok Urától. A Viking szintén Sticky Wild szimbólummá válik.

A Lord of Chains legyőzése 2 véletlenszerű ragacsos vadat és hozzáférést biztosít a 2. szintű ingyenes pörgetésekhez való továbbjutáshoz.

The Vikings go to the Hell slot by Yggdrasil.

Az ingyenes pörgetések során az egyes pörgetések utolsó csatája a Boss Monster, itt a Láncok Ura elleni csata. Ha nyersz, akkor egy egészségi pont csökken az Úrtól. A Láncok urának legyőzésével díjakat kapsz, és hozzáférést kapsz a 2. szintű ingyenes pörgetésekhez.

Ban ben 2. szintű ingyenes pörgetések 7 ingyenes pörgetéssel indul, és a korábbi vadak visszaállnak. A főnök szörny legyőzni Lucifir. Lucifir legyőzése ugyanúgy működik, mint az 1. szintű szörnyeteg.

A győzelem 1 véletlenszerű Sticky Wild-ot adományoz, és az összes viking Wild szimbólummá válik a maradék ingyenes pörgetésekért. A győzelem is megsokszorozza az összes ingyenes pörgetés nyereményét x3 szorzó.

A Berzerk ingyenes pörgetések funkció nagyon érdekes. Összegyűjti a Dühöt a Démonok legyőzésétől és a Kincsesládák megtalálásától. Ha 100/100-ra kitölti a dühméretet egy Vikingen, akkor 7 1. szintű ingyenes pörgetést kap Berzerk módban.

A Berzerk Mode-ban lévő vikingek mindig nyernek a Démon és más Boss szörnyek ellen. Dühpontok azonban nem kerülnek odaítélésre.

Ez a Kincsesláda funkció. Ha a Kincsesláda szimbólumot az 5-ös orsóra dobja, akkor 1 kőtáblát kap, amely lehet Epikus vagy Jó Tábla. Minden kőtábla jutalmat tár fel.

The Vikings go to the Hell slot by Yggdrasil.

Íme egy példa a Kincsesláda eseményre.

A jutalmak a alapjáték az Epic Tabletre vonatkoznak:

12/16 ingyenes pörgetés VAGY
30 dühpont minden vikingnél VAGY
600 – 1200 érme
Jó tabletta:

7 ingyenes pörgetés VAGY
30 dühpont 1 Viking OR-ért
150 – 300 érme
A jutalmak Ingyenes pörgetések bónusz játék az Epic Tabletre vonatkoznak:

3 extra ingyenes pörgetés VAGY
1 ragadós vad orsó (csak 1-4 orsók)
Jó asztal:

2 extra ingyenes pörgetés VAGY
2 véletlenszerű ragadós vad
Következtetésképpen A vikingek a pokolba mennek egy kiváló nyerőgép, sok érdekes többszintű funkcióval. A grafika, a zene, az animációk és valójában minden a legfelső szinten kerül végrehajtásra.

Személyes listámon ez a nyerőgép mindenképpen minden idők TOP 3 nyerőgépe. Persze nekem személy szerint tetszik minden olyan, amiben vannak olyan szerepjáték-elemek, amelyek emlékeztetnek a klasszikus régi PC-s játékokra, például a Diablo II-re.

De ha szereted az ilyen epikus RPG stílusú nyerőgépeket, mindenképpen próbáld ki a Vikings go to Hell nyerőgépet!

Megjelent játék: 2018. május

RTP (visszatérés a játékoshoz): 96,1%

Variancia: Magas

Elrendezés: 5 x 4

Fogadási sorok: 25

Legmagasabb RTP Yggdrasil bővítőhelyek
Ezek a legmagasabb RTP (Return to player) százalékos slotok, amelyeket az Yggdrasil-tól találtam.

1. Tut’s Twister (RTP: 97,1%)
Tut Twisterje egy 5 tárcsás, ókori egyiptomi témájú nyerőgép, a legjobb RTP (Return to player) százalékkal, amelyet a Yggdrasil slot-okból találtam 97,1% -kal.

Tut Twister slot from Yggdrasil.

Ez Tut Twister nyerőgépe, Yggdrasil, nagyon jó játékos megtérülési százalékkal, 97,1% -kal.

Ez jónak vagy nagyon jónak tekinthető, mivel kevés olyan slot van, ahol még jobb az RTP arány. Általában a megtérülési százalékok 95–96% körül mozognak, így ez egyébként nagyszerű.

Tut Twister is the name of the gap, but also a specialty. If 2 or more wild symbols land , this will trigger the Tut Twister feature. This gets Respins with Walking Wilds and a growing multiplier.

Tut Twister slot from Yggdrasil.

Here is the Tut Twister feature. The Respins are over and the Twister has thrown some game into the reels.

The leftmost reel becomes a Twister – this means that Wild Reel is closed . All other wild symbols will go towards the Twister until they are sucked in. You get aeration until there are no more game on the reels.

Tut Twister slot from Yggdrasil.

There’s also a Tut’s Twister feature. The Twister will suck all the game into the screw and the respin will be as long as all the game is sucked in. In addition, the multiplier increases by x1 for all 3 wilds.

As soon as the Twister is activated, increase 3 multipliers on the screen by a factor of x1 .

If there are no game on the reels, you get 1 extra respin to get the Walking Wild symbol. This is called Last Chance. If no game lands on the last spin, the Twister scatter all the accumulated game and get the final win with the multiplier achieved.

Tut Twister slot from Yggdrasil.

Tut’s Twister function here too with the x2 multiplier for all other respins.

The Mystery Feature is also really cool. If you get exactly 1 Wild symbol in the base game, you will get one of the prizes here:

1 hieroglyph
Extra Wild + Tut Twister function
25 – 2500 coins
There is no fee
Tehát mik azok Hieroglifák? Mindegyik orsónak megvan a maga 3 – 5 hieroglifájának gyűjteménye, amely a tárcsák tetején látható. Ha kitölti az orsó Hieroglifák gyűjteményét, akkor a Tut Twister aktiválódik azon az orsón. A kivált orsó 1 extra Wild-ot ad minden összegyűjtött hieroglifájáért.

Tut Twister slot from Yggdrasil.

Vegye figyelembe a tekercsek tetején található hieroglifákat. Amikor kitölti a hieroglifákat egy orsóra, megkapja a Tut’s Twister funkciót is az adott tárcsán.

Következtetésképpen Tut Twisterje nem csak egy újabb új ókori Egyiptom témájú nyerőgép. A Twister funkció valódi új elemeket hoz a játékmenetbe, és a hieroglifák gyűjtése is izgalmas lehet.

Az RTP aránya is elég jó, 97,1% -kal. Véleményem szerint a Tut’s Twister az egyik legjobb ókori Egyiptom témájú slot, odakinn legalább egy TOP 3. Nagyon jó munka Yggdrasil!

Megjelent játék: 2018. június

RTP (visszatérés a játékoshoz): 97,1% (Nagyon jó!)

Variancia: Közepes

Elrendezés: 5 x 4

Fogadási sorok: 25

2. Szépség & a fenevad (RTP 96,3% – 97,0%)
Szépség & a Szörnyeteget (egyes kaszinók szépségnek és szörnyetegnek hívják) egy 5 tárcsás nyerőgép, amely a régi La Belle et la Bête – Szépség és a szörnyeteg – történeten alapszik. A történetet Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve francia regényíró írta 1740-ben. Erről bővebben a Wikipédián ha érdekel olvasni.

Vessünk egy pillantást a Yggdrasil slotra. Az RTP (Return to player) százalékos aránya 96,3 – 97,0% között változik a választott stratégiától függően. Olvasson erről többet ebben az áttekintésben.

Beauty & amp; the Beast slot from Yggdrasil.

Ez a Yggdrasil által készített Szépség és a Szörnyeteg slot. Az aktív szolgák láthatók az orsók bal oldalán (mindez inaktív).

Nagyon sok különlegesség található ebben a nyílásban. Az első jellemző a Szolgáló. Ez azt jelenti, hogy az alapjátékban egy szolga véletlenszerűen jelenhet meg.

Itt van a 3 szolga és a kifejtett készségek:

A komornyik: A lehető legjobb eredmény elérése érdekében az egyik orsót felfelé vagy lefelé tolja.
A séf: Szinkronizálja a három középső orsót.
A cseléd: 2 – 4 Wild szimbólumot helyez el véletlenszerű helyzetben.
Kaphat Ingyenes pörgetések eleget gyűjtve Rózsa szimbólumok. Ha kapsz:

3 Rózsa szimbólum 10 ingyenes pörgetést kap.
4 Rózsa szimbólum 10 ingyenes pörgetést + 1000 érmét kap.
5 Rózsa szimbólum 10 ingyenes pörgetést + 5000 érmét kap.
Minden alkalommal, amikor egy ingyenes pörgetési mód aktiválódik, ki kell választania egy Szolgát, aki segít. Miután az összes Szolgáló ingyen pörgetési módban van, többé nem indíthatja újra az ingyenes pörgetéseket.

Beauty & amp; the Beast slot from Yggdrasil.

Ezt a választást teheti, amikor megszerzi az ingyenes pörgetéseket. Normál esetben választhat 1 Szolgát, de itt aktiváltam a Boost Golden Bet funkciót, és 2 Szolgabeli választást tudtam meghozni.

Az ingyenes pörgetés mód újraindítása visszaállítja az ingyenes pörgetéseket 10-re, és extra ingyen pörgetést nyújt. Eredeti Szolgád továbbra is a játékban marad.

Vad szimbólumok cserélje ki az összes szimbólumot, kivéve a Free Spin szimbólumokat. A Wild szimbólum a Broken Mirror szimbólum az alapjátékban, a Mirror szimbólum pedig Free Spins módban.

A Arany fogadás funkció nagyon érdekes. Ha akarod, 3 lehetséges szinttel növelheted a fogadást:

Boost (5 érme per cent költség): Indítsa el ingyenes pörgetéseit 1 funkció helyett 2 funkcióval.
Meglökés (15 érme kerül pörgetésenként): Gyakrabban nyerhet ingyenes pörgetéseket. A Free Spin szimbólum, amely közvetlenül a játékterületen kívül esik, be van tolva, ha ingyenes pörgetést kap.
Boost & Meglökés (30 érme költsége): A Boost és a Nudge funkciók kombinálásával a lehető legjobb ingyenes pörgetési módot kapja.
Beauty & amp; the Beast slot from Yggdrasil.

This is the Boost Golden Bet you can choose from. The cost is +5 coins per spin.

Beauty & amp; the Beast slot from Yggdrasil.

Here is the Nudge Golden Bet. The cost is +15 coins per spin.

Beauty & amp; the Beast slot from Yggdrasil.

This is the combined Boost & Nudge Golden Bet. The cost is +30 coins per spin.

The percentage of RTP (Return to player) varies from 96.3% to 97.0% depending on your strategy. You can read the total RTP percentages from the slot information screen (the “legal” symbol). But here is the best and worst explanation of RTP:

Best RTP 97.0%: Choose the Nudge Golden Bet and select the servants in that order: Butler, Chef, Maid .
For example, the worst RTP 96.3% is: Select Boost Golden Bet and select Servants in that order: Maid + Butler, Chef.
Beauty & amp; the Beast slot from Yggdrasil.

Itt láthatja a Chef Servant akcióban. Szinkronizálja a 3 középső orsó szimbólumot, mint a képen.

Szépség & A Beast egy aranyos és jól elkészített nyerőgép, rengeteg funkcióval. Szintén választhat különböző stratégiákat a Szolga és az Arany fogadással, ami érdekes.

A zene, a hangok, az animációk és a játékmenet ismét nagyon magas szinten van, annak ellenére, hogy ez nem a legújabb nyerőgépes játék (megjelent 2017-ben).

Ajánlásaim Szépség & a Szörnyeteget ha szereted a sok bónusz funkcióval rendelkező rajzfilmes slotokat. Az RTP (Return to Player) százalékos arány nagyszerű, 97,0%, ha a megfelelő stratégiát választja (erről bővebben fent).

Megjelent játék: 2017. február

RTP (visszatérés a játékoshoz): 96,3% – 97,0% (nagyon jó!)

Variance: Low to medium

Layout: 5 x 3

Betting lines: 20

Try more high RTP Yggdrasil slots
Here are some more high RTP Yggdrasil slots if you want to try them out:

Wilhelm Tell (RTP: 97,0%)
Baron Samedi (RTP: 97.0%)
Nitro Circus (RTP: 97,0%)
Miniature mine (RTP: 96.8%)
Holmes and the Stolen Stones (RTP: 96.8%)
Winter berries (RTP: 96.75%)
Fruitoidok (RTP: 96.7%)
Worker (RTP: 96.7%)
Ozwin’s Jackpots (RTP: 96,7%)
Evil Circus (RTP: 96.5%)
Recommended Bitcoin casinos with Yggdrasil slot machines
These Bitcoin casinos offer Yggdrasil slots in their selection.

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user feedback
Here is a summary of user reviews of Yggdrasil slot machines:

How do you like Yggdrasil slot games? Please share your thoughts in the form of a comment below!

Final thoughts
This was our article on Yggdrasil slots. Feel free to send a letter, write a message via the contact form, or write your comments or suggestions here!

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Contents [show]


5 BTC + 66 free spins.
The first deposit bonus is 166% up to € 100 + 66 free spins. The total bonus is 5 BTC with the first four deposits. Betting 45 x.

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Bonus Information – Players can receive a total welcome bonus of 5 BTC and 66 free spins when registering at KatsuBet Casino. It is spread through the first four deposits that players make on the site. Players must use the bonus code on each deposit to gain access to the welcome pack. KatsuBet has a 45 minute stake for its welcome bonus.

1. KatsuBet Casino Review
Što se tiče dizajna web stranica, KatsuBet je izuzetno dobro izveden. Jednostavno se kretati, mrak zaslona osigurava da ne stvara naprezanje očiju, a sve su važne informacije otvorene i lako ih je pronaći. Ima japansku temu, usmjerenu prema stilovima mange koji su poznati iz zemlje. Sve što trebate znati o tome kako KatsuBet posluje kao tvrtka dostupno je i lako pronaći na dnu stranice.

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Short facts about KatsuBet Casino
Web stranica:

Founded: 2020

Casino License: Curacao

Restricted countries: Spain, France, Israel, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States

Social Accounts: Not Found

Casino on cryptocurrency forums: There are currently no active threads

Kriptovalute: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Dogecoin (DOGE) i Tether (USDT)

Regular currencies: Euro (EUR), US Dollar (USD), Australian Dollar (AUD), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Russian Ruble (RUB)

Casino Games: 5000 casino games

Casino software providers: 1x2Games, 2 by 2 Gaming, 4ThePlayer, Adoptit Publishing, Ainsworth Gaming Technology, Authentic Gaming, Belatra, Betgames, BGAMING, Big Time Gaming, BlaBlaBla Studios, Blueprint Gaming, Booming Games, Booongo Gaming, Betsoft, Crazy Tooth Studio, EGT Interactive, EGT Interactive Electric Elephant, Elk Studios, Endorphina, Evolution Gaming, Evoplay Entertainment, Ezugi, Fantasma Games, Foxium, GameArt, Gamevy, Genesis Gaming, Habanero, Igrosoft, Iron Dog Studios, iSoftBet, Just for the Win, Leap, Lightning Box, Merkur Gaming , Microgaming, gospodin Slotty, NetEnt, NextGen Gaming, Nolimit City, Northern Lights Gaming, Old Skool Studios, PariPlay, Platipus Gaming, Playson, Probability, Push Gaming, Quickfire, Quickspin, Rabcat, Realistične igre, Red Rake Gaming, Relax Gaming , Sigma Games, Skillzzgaming, Spinomenal, Sthlm Gaming, Thunderkick, Yggdrasil Gaming, Wazdan, Red Tiger Gaming, Play’n GO, Pragmatic Play

Proven fair games: Some

Languages: English, Russian, German

Mobile Casino: Yes

Contact information and support: 24/7 live support (chat) or email

2. Bonuses
Players can receive a welcome bonus when logging in to KatsuBet. The welcome package is spread over the first four deposits that players make. The first deposit gives players a 100% matching bonus of up to 1.5 BTC and 100 free spins when using the 1DEP code.

The bonus for the second deposit is a 75% matched bonus up to 1.25 BTC. This is assigned when used with 2DEP. The third deposit bonus is a 50% matched bonus up to 1.25 BTC when used with 3DEP.

The bonus for the third deposit is a 100% matching bonus up to 1 BTC. This is assigned when players use the 4DEP code. This means that players have a total bonus of 5 BTC at their disposal.

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Betting requirements at KatsuBet Casino differ in terms of matched bonuses and free spins. The corresponding bonus requires betting 45 times the bonus amount. Free spins require betting 50 times greater than the winnings generated when using free spins.

Regular promotions

Many different promotions are available to players at KatsuBet Casino. The first regular promotion it offers is a special reload every Monday. This means that players can get a 50% overlaid bonus on the first deposit they make on the first day of the week.

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Free spins are also available every Wednesday. When you reload your account on Wednesday, you can get 30, 80, and even up to 200 free spins. There are also emails sent on Fridays where players can get additional prizes added to their accounts.

Up to 20% refunds are granted on Sundays. That way, players who have played all week will be able to get their money back at the end of the week.

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Up to 5 BTC is available for the welcome bonus
Many other promotions are available to players throughout the week
Claiming a bonus

3. Available games
KatsuBet Casino offers more than 5,000 casino games. It covers everything from video slots to table games to live retailer titles. What is also fantastic about KatsuBet Casino is that BTC games are available to players. This means that crypto players will be able to find a number of different games that are designed to work with crypto only.

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Pravi je nedostatak jedino što za igrače nisu dostupne dokazivo poštene igre. Bilo bi lijepo vidjeti neke od njih na raspolaganju da biste dodali neke dodatne naslove u ionako vrlo značajnu ponudu. Ono što je dobro vidjeti jest da naslove pružaju neki od najboljih programera softvera na tržištu. NetEnt, Evolution Gaming i NetEnt mogu se pronaći na KatsuBetu, što znači da je ukupni izbor jedan od najboljih u svijetu.


Video utora koja možete pronaći na KatsuBetu vrlo su široka. Dostupno je ne samo puno različitih naslova, već i puno raznolikosti unutar igara. To je uglavnom zbog različitih visokokvalitetnih programera softvera koji ovdje daju naslove. Dobro je vidjeti da igrači imaju tako velik izbor za uživanje jer neke internetske kockarnice mogu pružiti igračima manji izbor mjesta. Izbor će dugo držati igrače zainteresiranima, pogotovo jer postoji toliko naslova u kojima se može uživati.

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Tu je i izbor naslova jackpota za igrače koji mogu uživati ​​i na KatsuBetu. Budući da je Mega Moolah dostupan za igrače na KatsuBetu, to također znači da se ovdje može uživati ​​u jednom od najboljih naslova jackpota. Međutim, ako želite odsvirati nešto malo drugačije, na raspolaganju vam je i mnoštvo drugih izbora.

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At Cassu KatsuBet, players have a fantastic selection of different board games at their disposal. The only real question is that players can’t access the table games section, which means players have to search using the search bar to find the games they want to play. KatsuBet also has a wide range of live retailer titles which adds some additional board games to the list of titles you can enjoy. This means that a large number of different board games can be played on KatsuBet as a whole.


BTC games

KatsuBet Casino offers a great selection of BTC games that players can watch. This is good to see because a lot of online casinos don’t offer players a specific section to find BTC titles. The games are provided by a multitude of top service providers, which means that not only are these games crypto-acceptable, but they are also extremely well made. Ensures that crypto players can gain access to a range of fantastic games.

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4. Customer service and support
The customer service at KatsuBet is absolutely fantastic. It all starts by offering players a frequently asked questions page that answers a wide range of different questions. This gives players the opportunity to answer some questions without having to contact a support operative. It is well stocked and is currently one of the better sites with frequently asked questions in the market that helps players solve problems easily.

Ako u odjeljku s čestim pitanjima ne možete pronaći odgovor na svoj problem, pomoć možete dobiti i putem obrasca za kontakt putem e-pošte i putem chata uživo. Obje su dostupne igračima 24/7. Dakle, bez obzira kada imate problem, moći ćete ga riješiti. Chat uživo je obično najbrža metoda za dobivanje odgovora, jer vas e-pošta ponekad može odgovoriti da čekate do sljedećeg radnog dana. Međutim, ako vaš problem zahtijeva detaljnija objašnjenja, obrazac za kontakt putem e-pošte mogao bi biti najbolji način kontaktiranja.

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5. Depoziti, isplate i jamstvo
The payment methods offered to players are generally pretty good at KatsuBet Casino. Players can use standard payment methods such as bank transfers and card payments, and prepaid cards and e-wallets are also available to players. E-wallets tend to withdraw money faster than more traditional payment methods. You can receive payments within one hour if you use an e-wallet, while processing bank transfers and card payments can sometimes take up to 7 business days.

The choices for crypto payments at KatsuBet Casino are fine. Only three crypto files are available to players here. Bitcoin, Litecoin and Tether can be used here. It’s not a huge amount of cryptocurrencies, but it’s also better than some other casinos that offer only one crypto option or don’t even have any crypto choice.

What’s also great is that KatsuBet is SSL certified by CloudFlare. It is vital to have high quality data encryption, and KatsuBet has ensured that it is in place. This means that all players using the website will be fully encrypted. This protects players from potential fraud by keeping their data.

KatsuBet is fully licensed by the Government of Curacao. This is great because many bitcoin casinos are left without licenses, so it’s definitely good to see this on site for KatsuBet. The law means that players are protected and offers a good level of security. There are some issues regarding casinos that are related to KatsuBet through the owner of Dame NV, but there are no complaints about KatsuBet itself which means that it is generally considered a reliable casino.

6. Conclusions
KatsuBet Casino offers a wide range of different casino games that players can enjoy. In total, there are more than 5,000 different games, which is one of the best on the market. Includes video slots, jackpot titles, table games, casino games and BTC games. This means that the choice as a whole is top notch. The only area that is really missing is provably fair headlines. None of these are available to players.

The bonuses on offer are excellent. Players can receive a welcome package that offers equalized bonuses on the first four deposits. In addition, there is a generous offer of free spins. If this was not enough, KatsuBet Casino also allows players to receive additional reload bonuses and free spins during the week. This means that players are regularly provided with a range of different promotions that they can enjoy. The conditions for betting are a bit high, but they are not at the level of some casinos that have really blackmailing requirements.

Metode pologa i isplate na KatsuBetu općenito su prilično dobre. U ponudi je širok raspon različitih načina plaćanja tradicionalnim i modernijim metodama. Postoji dobar izbor e-novčanika i pretplaćenih kartica koje možete koristiti. Kripto opcije su u redu. S tri različite kriptos na raspolaganju pruža igračima neki izbor, ali bilo bi lijepo vidjeti još nekoliko opcija u ponudi.

Odjeljak za podršku je izvrstan u KatsuBet Casinu. Prva luka poziva su FAQ (FAQ), a ovo je vrlo dobro uređeno i jednostavno za navigaciju. To znači da igrači mogu dobiti podršku, a da ne moraju stupiti u kontakt s operativcem. Tu je i stranica za kontakt na kojoj igrači mogu poslati e-poštu timu za podršku i tamo potražiti pomoć. Ako igrači žele trenutnu pomoć za bilo kakve probleme, postoji i mogućnost chata uživo koja je dostupna 24 sata dnevno. Sve u svemu, to znači da igrači imaju pristup širokom rasponu različitih metoda podrške kada igraju na KatsuBetu.

Overall, KatsuBet provides players with a wide range of different opportunities to enjoy. The choice of the game is very wide and varied, the payment methods are slightly above average, and the promotions and bonuses are excellent. The only real question that arises is based on a smaller amount of crypto support. It would be nice if proven fair games and more crypto payment options were available, just to give crypto players more choice. However, with all the other positive results in place these are relatively small problems. KatsuBet Casino may be a new face in the market, but it is definitely one of the better Bitcoin casinos out there. It’s worth a try. 7.5 / 10.

7. FAQ
Is KatsuBet Casino legal?

If it is. KatsuBet is licensed by the Government of Curacao to begin with. This means complying with the law to ensure safe and fair business. In addition, there is an updated SSL certificate. The lack of objections to this is also a very good sign.

How fast is the payment made at KatsuBet Casino?

It depends on the method you use. E-wallets will receive payments within one hour, crypto payments should be received immediately, and processing a bank transfer or card payment can take up to 7 business days.

Are there any fees for payment methods at KatsuBet Casino?

If you use a card for the method of payment, then there is a 2.5% fee.

Does KatsuBet Casino have a license?

KatsuBet Casino is licensed and regulated by the Government of Curacao.

Do you need to register at KatsuBet Casino?

Yes you are. All you have to do is click the green login button located at the top of the page. Once you do that, you will go through the registration process. You will be ready for a moment to start playing for real money.

Bitcoin Poker Guide – Choose the best sites to play crypto poker

Here you will find the best Bitcoin Poker sites in 2021. The best place to play real Bitcoin and cryptocurrency poker among real players is in my opinion Blockchain Poker.

Blockchain Poker’s poker selection consists of No Limit Texas Hold’em cash games, sit n go tournaments and regular tournaments. You can play with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV.

Other sites offer a wide variety of table poker and video poker. For example, the Betchain poker game selection includes a huge 72 different poker variations.

Contents [show]

Real Bitcoin Poker Players – The Best Sites
Currently, the best choice for real Bitcoin No Limit Texas Hold’em among real players is Blockchain Poker. You have a great deposit bonus to test your site and you can play with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV.

CasinoBonusFeaturesGo to site
Blockchain Poker
300 free Satoshi bonus There is no deposit bonus of 100 Satoshi per currency (BTC, BCH or BSV) for each new customer. The free bonus can be claimed back at any time. Founded in 2016, cryptocurrency poker room

No Limit Texas Hold’em

Cash Games, Sit n Go and Tournaments Blockchain Poker Review

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Here are the best Bitcoin sites for video poker and table poker games . Most of these sites also offer live table poker with live dealers via video link.

Bitcoin video poker and table poker – The best sites
Exclusive bonus deals are in bold in the list. If you need a bonus code, it is listed here.

CasinoBonusFeaturesGo to site
7Bit Casino 177% up to 5 BTC + 177 free spins The first deposit bonus is 177% up to 1.5 BTC + 77 free spins. The bonus is a total of 5 BTC + 177 free spins. Code: 177BIT. Betting: 40x. Experienced casino Since 2014, 2300 casino games have 39 jackpot slots 7Bit Casino Review
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2. BETCOIN.AG CASINO casino 1 BTC + 10 free spins The first deposit bonus is 100%, up to 1 BTC + 10 free spins. The bonus is a total of 3 BTC + 12 free spins. Betting: 50x. Quick Deposits and Payments Lots of table games Live poker Casino Review
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BetChain Casino 1 BTC + 200 free spins The first deposit bonus is 150% up to 1 BTC + 200 free spins. The bonus is a total of 2 BTC + 200 free spins. No deposit bonus: 20 free spins . Betting: 50x. 2346 casino games 210 jackpot slots Many provably fair games BetChain Casino Review
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BitStarz Casino 2 BTC + 180 ingyenes pörgetés Az első befizetési bónusz 152% akár 2 BTC + 180 ingyenes pörgetés. A bónusz összesen 6 BTC + 180 ingyenes pörgetés. Nincs befizetési bónusz: 20 ingyenes pörgetés. Fogadások: 40x bónusz. Megbízható kaszinó 2014 óta 2600+ kaszinó játék Gyors be- és kifizetések BitStarz Casino áttekintés
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FortuneJack Casino 1,5 BTC + 250 ingyenes pörgetés Az első befizetési bónusz 110%, legfeljebb 1,5 BTC + 250 ingyenes pörgetés. A bónusz összesen 5 BTC + 250 ingyenes pörgetés. Nincs befizetési bónusz: 25 ingyenes pörgetés. Fogadások: 40x bónusz. Kiváló összességében 1492 kaszinó játék 4 saját bizonyíthatóan korrekt játékkal FortuneJack Casino áttekintés
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Miért olyan népszerű a póker??
A póker kétségtelenül a legnépszerűbb kártyajáték a világon. A Texas Hold’em tartja a koronát a póker legnépszerűbb változataként. Valójában meglepő, ha megtudjuk, hogy a póker nem volt mindig olyan népszerű a mainstream körében, mint jelenleg. Ráadásul a Texas Hold’em nem mindig volt a játék legnépszerűbb változata.

A pókert kezdetben csak kaszinókban és szalonokban játszották. Lehetővé tette a játékosok számára, hogy versenyezzenek egymással anélkül, hogy házelőny lenne a helyükön. Míg a legtöbb kaszinó belépési díjat számít fel azoknak a játékosoknak, akik csatlakozni szeretnének a versenyekhez, ez a pite egyetlen szelete, amelyet a kaszinók vesznek.

Ez azt jelentette, hogy a játékosok vonzódtak ehhez a játékhoz, mert ez lehetővé tette, hogy saját képességeik jobban befolyásolják a játékot, szemben a ház által alkalmazott különféle élekkel. Ez azt jelentette, hogy a póker hamarosan az egyik legnépszerűbb kártyajáték lett a játékosok számára.

A legtöbb pókerjátékos számára a 7 kártya stud volt a választott játék. Ez a póker egy olyan változata, ahol minden játékosnak 7 kártyát osztanak, amelyekből 4 kártya felfelé látható. Ez különbözik a Texas Hold’em-től, amely közösségi kártyákat használ a feltöltőkártyákhoz. Mint ilyen, más típusú stratégiát alkalmaz. Mindez az 1970-es években megváltozott, amikor a World Series of Poker bemutatkozott. Ez hamarosan a világ elsőszámú pókerversenyévé vált. A második tornán úgy döntöttek, hogy a Texas Hold’em nem limitált játéka lesz. Ez megszilárdította a játék ezen verzióját, mint a legnépszerűbb verziót. Hamarosan ez volt a játék domináns változata szinte az összes kaszinóban.

Poker was still not wildly popular all over the world. It only came into being in the late 1990s. When television poker games unveiled cameras that showed players ’cards to viewers at home. This added a whole new thrill to the game. It only intensified when it reached the 2000s and the WSOP was broadcast on ESPN. This meant that poker was mainstream and has only been growing in popularity ever since.

Choose the right Bitcoin casino to play poker
When choosing where we want to play at Bitcoin Poker, it can often be difficult to find the right site. Fortunately, we are here to help. The list of the best Bitcoin casinos contains two important pieces of information. First, we will tell you about the best bonuses that can be given during registration. This will allow you to easily discover how to increase your bank.

Second, we also cover the most important aspects of each Bitcoin casino. You can find out what it has to offer players in all our casino reviews. This covers everything from game selection to security levels. If you’re struggling to find the right Bitcoin casino to play poker with, then our reviews are the best way to choose the right one.

Why are Bitcoins better for online poker than regular currency ??
The benefits of Bitcoin or BTC are pretty much the same as in regular gambling, such as Bitcoin casinos.

Anonymity. You do not need to provide your real name, address, telephone number, credit card number or ID card / passport just to request payment. Most Bitcoin Poker sites only require a working email address and a Bitcoin address to deposit and withdraw your money and any winnings.

Immediate deposits and withdrawals. Bitcoin Poker sites allow for almost instant deposit and withdrawal. This is a great feature if you want to play fast and don’t like waiting. Or if you accidentally win a large amount of Bitcoin in poker, it’s always good to pay money to Bitcoin right away.

Bitcoin Poker is a new thing. Bitcoin Poker has not been on the market for a long time. Regular poker games with regular currency such as Euros or US Dollars are very tough these days and there are not many so called fish in the game. Fish is a poker term that refers to a very bad poker player. BTC Poker is a new thing, so there are still a lot of fish in the games and you can make some serious money if you are even an average player. So maybe you should test the waters right away and grab the easy money you can grab at the Bitcoin Poker tables!

Bitcoin Poker Freeroll
You can play at many Bitcoin casinos for free with play money. For example, Blockchain Poker offers free play in cash games, sit n go tournaments and regular tournaments.

This is a good way to practice your Bitcoin Poker strategy to get a better win if you play real Bitcoin Poker or BTC Poker.

When playing Bitcoin Poker?
It all depends on what you want from a Bitcoin casino game. If you want to play a game that focuses on your skills rather than pure luck, then poker is definitely the game for you. Not only is someone struggling to hide their feelings, Bitcoin Poker also offers you a much more useful position.

This is because when you play online, reporting doesn’t become as big of a problem as it does in real life. While he is still able to bluff about bets, he is much less likely to use his facial features to sell his thoughts to other players. Bitcoin Poker not only offers anonymity regarding your payment methods and personal information, but also allows anonymity when the game takes place.

However, this only applies to standard poker tables. Video Poker does not include bluffing or any similar tactics. What it offers, however, is the ability for players to choose strategies based on the cards dealt. This can give players the opportunity to increase their chances of winning, unlike when using the basic Blackjack strategy. This advantage is often used by players to increase their chances of leaving with the profit of a Video Poker machine.

Of course, you don’t just have to think about these benefits. The benefits of Bitcoin Poker that we listed earlier are all other reasons to think about the game.

If all this sounds like an advantage when we play poker, then we definitely need to consider the Bitcoin version. If you feel that the real-life version is more suited to your talents, or if you prefer pure gambling, maybe other games mean your speed.

Final thoughts
This was our article on Bitcoin poker sites. This article is still quite short and we plan to expand and improve a lot. So stay tuned for updates.

Feel free to send a letter, write a message via the contact form, or write your comments or suggestions here!

US dollar strength prevents FOMC entry, lower EUR / USD and higher USD / JPY

The popularity of Greenback seems to be growing day by day. Over the past ten trading days, the U.S. dollar has steadily strengthened against its leading counterparts. Today, the USD / JPY has posted a rather impressive day and is currently pushing the high of 2 September. See the following table:

USD / JPY napi diagram

In the last 12 trading days, this pair has already won more than 400 pipettes. What we see here is the formation of higher and higher lows – characteristics of an upward trend. While we can’t say the pair is on an uptrend yet, we can’t deny the strong rebound we’ve seen in the exchange rate recently. The 200-day moving average is only about 360 feet high and has a high resistance level around 107,494, which is just over 300 cores. If the pair continues to trade and manages to conquer these levels, an upward trend could very well come into play.

Currently, the strong bullish movement of the USD / JPY has been quite prolonged, and if you want to enter long positions in this pair, it might be wise to wait until a pullback appears first. Pursuing such strong movements is often an easy way to lose money. Entering trades when resetting the price allows you to use tighter stops and can reach larger destinations more easily. Take a look at these examples on a 4-hour chart:


I like the determined sale we’ve seen on this pair in the last few days since it broke through the 200-day moving average. Over the past few weeks, the EUR / USD exchange rate has been jerky and out of control. The pair appears to be able to trade slightly lower in the coming days, especially if we keep track of the momentum of the current US dollar momentum. Currently, the pair is quite oversold, and if we look at the large distance between the 20-EMA and the current market price, this confirms the oversold condition of this pair. Under normal circumstances, it’s better to wait for some sort of retracement to happen, even over a large time frame, than a daily chart. Let’s look at the daily chart of EUR / USD:

EUR / USD daily chart

The couple broke through the bottom of this triangle today and the low level of the Brexit candle could be the next level of support. I think we can get a retracement in the next day or two that can offer a good setting to shorten the pair. While we may not be able to get 20-EMA back on a daily graph soon, there should be multiple retracements to moving averages on smaller graphs. This gives us the opportunity to find more trades, as tracing back to 20 charts a day doesn’t always happen, but it happens often every hour. Traders can also trade with smaller stop losses in terms of stop distance. Let’s look at the EUR / USD hourly chart:

EUR / USD hourly chart

Here you can see that the 20-EMA has recently shown great resistance to price, and if you look at the two red circles on the chart, it is clear that these entries were made on or slightly below the 20-EMA (trader with confirmatory type strategies). traders) were high quality entries. We may soon have the same opportunities to trade by undoing the hourly chart. I’d still prefer to see some kind of retracement on the daily chart before I start looking for new opportunities on smaller time frames, like a clock chart.


The price is still supported by the 20-day exponential moving average and is still clear of the 200-day moving average. My bias with this couple is still bullish and I try to buy dips. Here is a daily chart of the couple:

USD / CAD hourly chart

Here you can see that in this chart, the exponential moving averages are reconciling again, indicating that some decent bullish momentum has returned to the market. The retraction of any of the exponential moving averages can be traded, depending on the shape of the candlesticks formed on the retracement. Let’s not forget that it helps a lot if the exponential moving averages are aligned, as this confirms that they are trading in the direction of widespread market momentum.

Tomorrow’s economic calendar

Tomorrow is a very easy day for economic data. The most important event is probably the U.S. crude oil stocks at 3 p.m. This could have an impact on the USD / CAD as the Canadian dollar is highly correlated with crude oil prices.

We wish you a great trading day!

Emerge DeFi aims to clean up decentralized finances by focusing on critical infrastructure

The DeFi industry is growing exponentially, but remains prone to individual shortcomings. With little attention paid to insurance, inspections and background checks, the industry is stagnant. Emerge DeFi is here to provide these services.

Current DeFi bugs

Most decentralized financial platforms and services seem to fall into the same pitfalls. Compiling a working smart contract code is an easy task, but protecting users requires a different approach. Not enough attention is paid to insurance, verification, background checks, or new token launchpad services.

Building this infrastructure is key to moving the DeFi movement forward. If users are unable to reap the benefits of insurance, they will continue to suffer losses due to theft, hacking and smart code issues. During 2020, there were too many incidents of this nature. Developers cannot predict all possible outcomes, but projects require some use for the users involved. Unfortunately, this is not the case today.

Finding the right solution

Emergi DeFi is a project aimed at the long-term sustainability of decentralized funding, not personal gain. It is an all-encompassing platform with multiple goals, each aimed at deploying the next generation of Defi solutions.

Token Launchpad and promotion

New DeFi projects usually create their indicators – this approach is often lacking in coordination or incentives. Emerge DeFi offers a solution for influencers, entrepreneurs, and teams looking to launch a token. The construction of a decentralized financial brand poses a number of obstacles, each of which requires a specific approach to overcome them.

In terms of token sales, Emerge DeFi introduces a number of customization options. Whether you want to lock in liquidity or perform a KYC check, presenting an aura of trust is essential to any symbolic startup.

Attracting influencers is a key element of successful token sales. However, influencers are reluctant to deal with anonymous teams. In the DeFi industry, most development teams do not disclose their identities. Emerge DeFi can perform a background check on KYC to determine if the project in question is trustworthy.

Insurance & Verification required

Due to the transparent nature of DeFi smart contracts, anyone can review the code. However, understanding the nature of these contracts goes beyond the pay rating of most people. Therefore, projects must undergo code checks before releasing their platform. However, this is not happening nearly as much as it should.

The same goes for insurance, an aspect that is almost non-existent on the DeFi scene. One of the few insurance providers – Cover Protocol – recently received a hack. It’s a clear sign of how to do things differently and sooner or later. Emerge DeFi offers insurance and auditing solutions to ensure that future projects do not suffer from these disadvantages.

Spring cleaning in decentralized finance

With the spring season around the corner, the time has come to clean up the “mess” of decentralized finances. There are too many unprotected, unaudited, and unsecured projects today that can all cost users money. Considering the number of hacks and scams carried out in this industry, Defi is losing its legitimacy at an alarming rate.

Having a complete solution is an essential first step. Blockchain technology allows for innovative ideas and concepts, but it cannot grow without the right infrastructure and tools. There is much more to this industry than marketing, sales, public relations and sales tokens . Without the technical infrastructure needed for control and insurance, decentralized funding will never become more widespread.

If decentralized funding is to be taken seriously, it must provide the same peace and security as traditional funding. Today, the industry is not yet able to do that. Solutions like Emerge DeFi can change the narrative, yet everything has to be proven.


Today, decentralized financing focuses primarily on yield management and speculation. A different approach is needed to move to the next level and jeopardize centralized funding. The focus on security, accountability, auditability and insurance is needed to reach the next level. Until these building blocks and infrastructure are available, DeFi will be of little or no attractiveness to the mainstream.

Solutions like Emerge DeFi highlight the need for long-term thinking rather than focusing on short-term solutions and profits. Legalizing decentralized funding takes a lot of time and effort. The cryptocurrency industry is only now gaining recognition after almost a decade of learning. Communities and teams need to make good use of these lessons to accelerate the adoption of DeFi.