The Difference Between You and Your

When interviewers ask you to describe yourself, it’s a chance for you to share what makes you unique. Employers want to know your strengths, and they are interested in the ways that your unique qualities will benefit their organization. However, too often candidates over-play their strengths and fall into clichés. Instead, answer the question with strong adjectives that capture your personality and highlight your positive attributes without being obnoxious.

In the United States, the use of you is influenced by regional differences in pronunciation and accents. In some regions, the distinction between singular and plural you breaks down completely, and special forms such as you-all, you-uns, yez, or youse may be used. These are generally considered unsuitable for formal or educated speech, though they continue to be heard in some informal contexts.

The phrase so are you may be either a compliment or a deflection. If someone criticizes you, it’s often better to respond with “so are you” than to turn the criticism back on them with an angry retort such as “you’re a loud-mouthed jerk” or “it takes one to know one.” On the other hand, if the person is praising your behavior, this can be the perfect opportunity for you to respond with a complimentary retort, such as “you’re so sparkling and witty.”

If someone compliments your appearance, it’s perfectly acceptable to reply with “so are you,” but if they are telling you that something you do is bad, it isn’t appropriate to say so are you. This phrase is often used in children’s squabbles to expose the pettiness and stupidity of ad hominem attacks. It is also often used in satire and comedy, such as the Seinfeld sitcom’s bit about the soup Nazi.

Using the correct words is essential in writing and communication, but some pairs of homophones are more difficult to distinguish than others. For example, many people mix up you’re and your, a pair of similar-sounding verbs that are commonly confused because they both have an “are” component. In this article, we will look at the difference between these two words, provide some tips which will help you select the right word for each situation, and finish up with a quiz to test your knowledge.

How to Write About Yourself

When it comes to describing yourself, the right words can make or break your image. Whether you’re drafting a personal essay, cover letter or dating profile, choosing the right adjectives and nouns can paint an authentic portrait of your strengths and help you stand out from the crowd. It’s easy to get bogged down with the task of finding just the right descriptive words, but there are a few tips that can help you cut through the noise and find the best adjectives and nouns for your situation.

People with ME report experiencing clinically significant fatigue that lasts for longer than a few days and is unrelieved by rest or sleep. This exhaustion is different from the typical tiredness that many of us experience from time to time, and more like the type of intense exhaustion experienced by someone with a flu or mononucleosis.

The most distinctive symptom of ME is muscle fatigability (post-exertional muscle weakness lasting for days), but ME is also characterized by several neurological symptoms. These neurological symptoms can involve “cognitive, autonomic and sensory functions.” The condition is accompanied by a prolonged relapsing course, and is frequently triggered by physical and mental stress and intercurrent illness [1].

Some researchers and advocates have pushed to drop the “CFS” from the name chronic fatigue syndrome, in favor of the more accurate term myalgic encephalomyelitis. However, most healthcare systems, clinicians and charities still use the acronym ME/CFS.

ME is a complex illness that is difficult to define and treat, but it is a real, serious illness that can have devastating consequences. It can result in severe impairment of physical and cognitive function, with many individuals requiring full-time care, wheelchairs or speech aides. People with ME score significantly worse on quality-of-life surveys than people with conditions such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, heart disease and diabetes, even when they receive appropriate medical treatment.

Currently, there are no FDA-approved treatments for ME, but health care providers can recommend strategies such as “pacing” to avoid crashes; medication for pain and sleep; and accommodations in the workplace and at school. Many individuals with ME have found success in applying for disability, and obtaining assistance with housing and transportation.

The goal of this article is to provide information that can help families, friends and health care providers support and educate people with ME. Educators can help raise awareness of the disease, and encourage their students to support ME-related student activities. Patients can be empowered by learning as much as they can about their illness, and sharing this knowledge with others. And finally, caregivers can play an important role in ensuring that their loved ones are supported, and treated with respect.

What Is Love?

A favored topic of philosophers, scientists, and writers for generations, love is a concept that has many interpretations. It can range from the deep affection that characterizes romantic love to the enduring commitment of family and spousal love. It can also include love of non-human animals, friends, principles, and religious beliefs.

While most people would agree that loving someone means being caring and supportive, determining what that love actually looks like can be difficult. Various theories have been put forth, including the idea that love is a complex blend of feelings and emotions that includes both attachment and desire. Others describe love as a feeling that encompasses compassion and selflessness. Still others point out that while it can be intense and even aphrodisiac, it is also vulnerable and prone to change with life changes, misunderstandings, and personal growth.

Some people define it as a feeling that arises when you’re in the presence of the person you love and that makes you think of him or her at all times. Some people say that when you’re in love, your world seems different – everything is a bit brighter, you feel safe and secure, and you can be your truest self. Other people suggest that when you’re in love, your behavior is characterized by patience, kindness, protection, and attentiveness. Still others emphasize that while you may want to show your love by expressing yourself physically, it’s more important to express it through the things you do.

Psychologists and researchers disagree about whether love is an emotion in the sense that we normally understand emotions. Some, such as psychologist Enrique Burunat, believe it’s not an emotion at all and instead a physiological motivation similar to hunger, thirst, sleep, or a sex drive. Others, such as Paul Ekman, the famous facial expression researcher, have argued that all basic emotions come with specific physical reactions and activation in specific brain regions.

There’s no denying that love is powerful and has the potential to transform your life in profound ways. It can make you blind to your own faults and willing to overlook flaws in the person you love. It can also lead to a longing that makes you want to spend time with your partner and prioritize his or her needs over your own. It can even be painful, but it’s a part of what makes us human.

Trying to capture the essence of this complicated emotion isn’t easy, but there are some things you can do to help your readers connect with and empathize with your characters’ feelings. For example, rather than simply telling your readers that two of your characters are in love, try showing them how they care for one another by describing their physical interaction and the way they speak to each other. You can also use humor to highlight their quirks and insecurities, which can show readers that love isn’t always perfect. But most importantly, you can draw your readers into the story by making them feel as though they’re witnessing real-life relationships and emotions.

What Is a Need?


A need is a fundamental human motivation. Almost 70 years after Abraham Maslow published his 1943 Psychological Review paper proposing a hierarchy of needs, his model continues to be one of the most influential in human psychology, in subfields such as personality, social psychology, psychopathology, and developmental psychology.

Needs are typically classified as either physiological, safety, belongingness, or esteem needs. Physiological needs include the need for food, water, and air; safety needs such as protection, privacy, and security; belongingness needs such as love, friendships, and intimacy; and esteem needs such as status and prestige. It is believed that these basic needs must be met before more complex, psychologically sophisticated wants can be satisfied.

In addition to satisfying physiological and safety needs, many psychologists believe that the need for achievement also plays an important role in meeting other psychological and emotional needs. For example, individuals who are motivated to achieve mastery of a task tend to have more positive emotions than those who are not. A desire for achievement may also be a motivation to attain higher levels of Maslow’s hierarchy, such as the need for connection and love.

Several methods exist for identifying and classifying needs, including psychometric assessments, self-assessments, and interviews with individual participants. A number of behavioral and social scientists have contributed to the development of models that help identify and rank human needs, and these are incorporated into a variety of psychological theories.

English learners sometimes struggle with when to use the indefinite article, a, or the definite article, the. The simple rule is that a or an is used with singular countable nouns, while a or the is used with uncountable nouns or nouns that are already known to the hearer or reader (i.e., a car, a package, and love).

For example, if a person does not have enough money to buy a new computer, he or she has a need for a computer. The same is true if the person does not have enough food or water to survive. In some cases, a need can be so pressing that a person will do anything to meet it, even harm himself or others.

It is critical for a person to understand his or her own needs and take steps to fulfill them. For example, if a person’s need for creativity is not being fulfilled through work, the person may want to consider taking up painting or writing as an outlet.

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How to Answer a Question About Yourself


Whether you’re applying for a job or getting together with friends, you may be asked about yourself. What you say can make or break your impression on others.

You can answer the question in a variety of ways, depending on the context. You can tell a story, share accomplishments and give examples. You can also use positive adjectives to describe yourself, such as hardworking, dedicated or passionate. The key is to understand how the person who asks the question wants to see you. They may be trying to find out if you’ll be a good team player or how well you’ll work under pressure.

The answer can be brief, but it needs to capture what makes you stand out from the rest of the applicants. Employers look for certain traits when asking this question, such as results-driven, dependable and organized. They want to know if you’ll work well under pressure and that you can follow through on commitments. They also want to see if you’re interested in developing your skills and improving over time, as they expect to do the same with employees.

This article offered a comprehensive list of the best words to use when describing yourself in different contexts, such as job interviews, resumes and cover letters, performance reviews, social media and other workplace settings and situations. The goal is to help you create a positive impression in the minds of the people who ask you this question and to make your interactions with them more effective. The key is to balance the information you provide by focusing on your knowledge (what you know about something) and your experience (what you have done about it). You need both to be memorable and credible. This is especially important for jobs that require a high level of expertise, such as engineering or medicine.

ME/CFS – Recognising Symptoms and Diagnosing ME/CFS


ME is a complex chronic disease that affects multiple body systems and has debilitating symptoms. It occurs in both epidemic and sporadic forms and is not caused by lack of exercise or a psychiatric condition, as commonly believed.

Affected individuals may have a wide range of symptoms and are often misdiagnosed. The ME Association is working to change this, as evidenced by our recent clinical guideline that was developed with clinicians to help them recognise and support people living with ME/CFS.

Often, the medical community does not have a test to diagnose ME/CFS and as many as 90 percent of those who suffer from the disorder are either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with another illness. Some people live for years without a proper diagnosis.

The ME Association recommends a three-step approach for diagnosing ME/CFS that includes taking a detailed patient history, ruling out other diseases and conditions, and the use of a criteria set to diagnose the illness. The criteria include debilitating fatigue that is not explained by another disease, is not relieved by rest and does not worsen with exertion.

In addition to the ME/CFS diagnostic guideline, The ME Association has produced a comprehensive ME/CFS information booklet that provides guidance for healthcare professionals and patients on recognition of symptom, diagnosis and ongoing care and management. Using this clinical guideline with patients and their families will ensure they receive the best possible care and treatment.

ME/CFS is a chronic, potentially disabling disease that has been recognized since the 1930s, although it was not formally named until the Incline Village outbreak in 1984. It has also been known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, atypical polio, Icelandic disease, Akureyri disease and epidemic neuromyasthenia.

There is no cure for ME/CFS, but some individuals have managed to improve their symptoms through a combination of strategies such as “pacing” (matching the level of activity to the amount of energy available); sleep aids; medications to reduce pain, including antidepressants; and physical therapy that avoids overexertion. Other patients have been able to qualify for disability and obtain assistive devices and accommodations at school or work.

Some patients have reported improvements with cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET). However, these treatments assume that ME is a psychiatric condition or caused by a fear of exercise. Moreover, these interventions are often not well suited for the relapses and remissions of ME. More research on ME is required to understand the cause of the disease and develop effective, safe and sustainable treatments.

What Is Love?


Love is a powerful emotion that can transform your life. It can make you want to be a better person. It can inspire you to work harder or compromise. It can even help you to overcome obstacles. Love can also be a difficult concept to define. The dictionary defines it as “a strong affection for another arising from kinship or personal ties,” but this definition doesn’t capture the complexity and nuances of the feeling. Psychologists, sociologists, and researchers from a variety of fields have attempted to understand love through scientific studies and research, but there’s still a lot that we don’t know.

One thing that everyone seems to agree on is that there are different types of love. For example, romantic love is characterized by feelings of passion and intimacy, while companionate love is characterized by commitment and trust. Some people may feel both of these types of love at the same time, while others feel only one or the other.

Although it’s important to have a partner who shares your same values and goals, it’s also healthy to recognize that you can love other people as well. This is often referred to as “love in general.” You may love your parents, your children, or a close friend. You can even love your pets. This type of love is often less intense than the love between a couple, but it’s equally meaningful and rewarding.

People who love in general often sacrifice their own wants and needs for the benefit of those they care about. This isn’t always a bad thing, as it can lead to a sense of fulfillment and purpose that can improve overall wellbeing. For example, many people who love their friends and family report lower rates of depression and anxiety than those who don’t.

In addition, loving others can inspire positive changes in behavior. For instance, studies show that when people spend more time with their loved ones, they tend to have healthier diets and exercise regimens. Love can also be a driving force behind other good behaviors, such as charitable giving and volunteering.

When you love someone, you want the best for them. This can include wanting them to succeed, being supportive during their challenges, and caring about their emotional and physical health. In addition, you may have a desire to spend time with them and prioritize their needs above your own. This is a sign of true love. It can be tough, especially during times of hardship or stress, but it’s worth it in the end.

What Is a Need?


A need is a feeling of dissatisfaction at a certain point in time and in a given context. It is distinct from a want, which is a desire, wish or aspiration. Needs are a subject of interest in many fields, including philosophy, biology, psychology, social science, economics and marketing.

A person’s basic needs are food, water and shelter. Other essential needs include the ability to think, move and communicate. People can also have a sense of self-importance or a need for accomplishment. In addition, people can have emotional and spiritual needs. The concept of need is discussed in fields such as moral economics and human rights.

The term need is also used to describe a societal demand. For example, a community may need additional police officers or schools. In business, a company might need more inventory or customers. A company’s needs can change over time, and they can be affected by events or trends in the economy.

Often, the word need is used interchangeably with the phrase want. However, it can be important to distinguish between the two, particularly when planning a budget or making purchases. Needs are necessities, while wants are items that could be purchased at a later date or that you could live without. For example, you need to eat and sleep, but you could probably live without buying designer clothes.

In a conversation, the word need can be used to convey that an item or action is not necessary in order to achieve a desired goal. This can be useful for avoiding waste and overspending, or it can be helpful to clarify expectations between partners in a relationship.

You can identify your personal needs by creating a list of all the things that bring you joy and make you feel successful or fulfilled. Once you’ve finished, create a plan to achieve each need on the list. For example, if you have the need to learn a new skill, you can take steps to sign up for a cooking class or start painting.

A number of theories of need have emerged over the years. One of the most popular is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which outlines a series of levels that an individual can move through to feel satisfied. Another theory is the capability approach, which focuses on internal assets or capacities rather than external resources, and suggests that individuals who have more capabilities can fulfill more of their needs. For example, a person with higher levels of education and physical strength can more easily meet their needs than someone who has lower levels of these assets.

Strengths to Highlight When Answering the Question, “What Makes You Unique?”


Whether you’re interviewing for a new job or just taking inventory of what you like about yourself, it can be helpful to write down all the positive things you can think of. Then, you’ll have a list of strengths to draw on when answering the question, “What makes you unique?” — especially in an interview situation, when hiring managers are specifically looking for ways your qualities will set you apart from other candidates.

You are a good listener. You’re empathetic to the struggles of others and you want to help people feel better, no matter what their circumstances. Your compassion for those around you can often be seen in your actions and how you treat them, even if you don’t know them well or haven’t experienced their own hardships.

When you see a person in need, you try to meet them where they are and offer support. You don’t judge them or tell them how to change their situation, but instead, you just listen and let them talk about it, offering a supportive ear without any judgement or negative thoughts.

Your ability to be a good friend to those who are going through tough times is a true gift. You are a listener, someone who is always there when you’re needed, and even when you can’t help them directly, you find other ways to be there for them, such as by calling them regularly or dropping by with food.

In the words of The Who, “you’ve got your friends’ backs when the world turns against them.” You’re not afraid to go out on a limb for them and you’re willing to take risks for what you believe in. You are also a natural thrill seeker, craving excitement and adventure. You’re a fun person to be around and you bring joy to those who surround you.

You’re a person who is not afraid to be yourself and show your quirks, flaws, and awesomeness. This allows you to attract and have the best possible relationships, because you are authentic and genuine, and this type of authenticity can only be found in truly great connections.

There is a lot to love about you, so be sure to embrace who you are and continue to work on your unique qualities to keep them polished and shining! When you’re asked the question, “What makes you unique?” in an interview, be sure to share specific skills and qualifications that will benefit the company, rather than a generalized list of your strengths. This will demonstrate that you are thinking strategically about the role and how your skills and personality will fit in. Also, remember to never lie about anything. That kind of dishonesty will only come back to haunt you in the future. If you’re not sure what to highlight about yourself, try drawing on a past experience or reflecting on your career goals to find what truly sets you apart from other candidates.

What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis?


If you were forced to choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be? What would your family and friends say is the biggest flaw in your personality? How do you make people feel most comfortable around you? These are just a few of the questions that the “Who Am I?” game uses to get to know someone better. The game can be customized to suit a particular theme or group of people, and the questions can range from serious to silly. The key is to keep the questions as short and straightforward as possible, so that the answer is easy for people to understand. If you use too many complex words, it’ll make the game more difficult for people to guess correctly and can be frustrating for everyone involved.

For example, if you’re playing with an ME support group and you ask a question that involves ME or CFS, it’s best to keep it simple. “ME” and “CFS” are shorthand for myalgic encephalomyelitis, an illness that is not the same as simply being tired or having a cold. The fatigue of ME is debilitating and often unrelenting, unlike the normal tiredness that comes from a good night’s sleep or after exercise. It is also not relieved by rest, and has more in common with the kind of exhaustion that happens with the flu or mononucleosis.

There is no diagnostic test for ME and it may take years to be properly diagnosed. During that time, many people are misdiagnosed with other diseases or told they don’t have ME at all. Some people are very severely affected and need around the clock care.

People with ME are unable to work full or part time, and children are often unable to attend school. They often need help managing daily tasks such as bathing, eating, and getting dressed. They can have trouble concentrating and remembering things, and may struggle to interact with others.

While there is no cure for ME, there are treatments that can be used to reduce symptoms and improve function. These include the practice of pacing, where activity is tailored to a person’s limited energy levels; exercise; sleep aids and medications; antidepressants; pain medications; and gastrointestinal treatments such as GI motility drugs and antacids. Many people with ME have comorbidities, such as fibromyalgia (widespread muscle pain), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (abnormally fast heart rate upon standing), irritable bowel syndrome and gastroparesis, Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome (hyperextensibility) and mast cell disorders (hives and allergic issues). All of these conditions need to be considered when diagnosing and treating ME. They can make ME worse or cause new symptoms if they’re not treated. This can make ME a very disfiguring and difficult illness to live with. Educating people about ME and supporting them to learn how to best manage their symptoms can help to increase awareness and improve diagnosis and treatment. Affected individuals should be encouraged to advocate for themselves, and to join support groups to connect with others and share resources.