What Is It That Makes You You?


A person’s identity is more than their name, job title, or appearance. The qualities that make a person who they are are their values, beliefs, and goals. It’s important to take the time to really understand who you are and how you can best serve others. This free video from shaman Ruda Iande provides excellent guidance on how to do that.

A genuinely good person is someone who keeps an open Mind to others Opinions. They are able to admit when they are Wrong and learn from their Mistakes. They have a Positive energy about them that draws people to them. They have a warm and caring personality, that makes you feel like you can tell them anything.

They are able to balance the demands of family, friends, work, and hobbies. They are organized and dependable. They follow through with commitments and never give up on their dreams. A good person will be a good parent, friend, and partner. A genuine good person will also care about their body and keep in good health. They will eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. They will not drink excessively, as this can be detrimental to their health.

One of the most important things to know is that you are a unique individual with your own set of skills. Some of these are developed from your own experiences, while others are a result of the environment in which you live and the relationships you have. For example, if you have a high level of interpersonal communication skills, this is likely a result of being in many different social situations where you had to interact with other people. The same can be said about the skills you develop at your job. For example, if you work in a fast food restaurant, you will likely learn how to handle stressful situations with ease. These are both skills you can take with you in your future endeavors.

The singular and plural forms of you are a bit more complicated than with some other words. In fact, the distinction between singular and plural you was initially signaled by verb agreement; thou and thee were still in polite if informal use well into the 18th century before they lost respectability. Special plural forms were later contrived, including you-all, you-uns, youse, and yez. However, none of them became standard.

If you are unsure of whether to use singular or plural you, it is best to follow the lead of the person you are communicating with. Most people will use plural you when speaking to a group of people, but some may only use singular you with close friends and family members. In any case, it’s a good idea to have a clear understanding of the difference between singular and plural you in order to communicate effectively. This will help you avoid miscommunication and confusion. If you are not sure how to properly differentiate between the two, you can always check out this short English test.