Who Needs Higher Education?

The word need often means either a need or a necessity. In the above sentence, the workers mentioned their hard work because of the need to meet the demand. This need could be met by hiring more workers to meet this demand, which in turn brings up another need. That is, the need to increase productivity and efficiency in a workplace. So, we have the need, which is also a profit driver.


There are many ways in which you can view a business in which the social work is engaged. First, we can look at schools and colleges where the teachers are concerned with teaching the human needs of children. Schools have many different types of students and teachers have to make sure that they teach each child differently so as to fulfill the social-emotional needs of the children.

A similar process takes place in colleges and universities. In order to cater to the intellectual and emotional needs of students, colleges have to employ many different people. In fact, every single individual is required in some way or the other to fulfill the needs of others. Hence, one cannot say that colleges and universities are just institutions concerned with academic knowledge. On the contrary, they are organizations concerned with meeting everyone’s human need through effective social work.

In order to be able to do this, one needs to look at colleges and universities as profit making organizations. Profit making organizations need people who have the ability to produce goods or services. Therefore, if we find someone who has an ability to do the work but lacks the mental attitude to do it, then that individual will not be able to produce quality goods or services and earn a living. In this case, that individual will become useless to that company will not be able to satisfy its human need-based aid. It therefore falls on the shoulders of that individual to sharpen his mental ability in order to produce goods and services that meet the human need and not just merely cater to the profit earning objective of the institution.

The situation becomes a lot more complicated when we add the concept of merit-based aid. The concept of merit-based financial aid is used to determine who gets financial aid and who does not get financial aid. This is done based on academic performance. A person may be getting bad grades or performing badly in class, but this will not affect his ability to get a job in the same sector in which he is performing badly. However, this will affect his ability to get a job in another sector where there are more jobs available.

Therefore, to make sure that the institution maintains a healthy competition and is able to sustain itself in the market, institutions have been resorting to different ways of assessing the need that individuals have for higher education. One such method is to evaluate the need-based aid that an individual has received. Another method is to evaluate the academic performance that an individual has earned throughout his educational tenure. Yet another method is to evaluate the need that an individual has in terms of his ability to earn a living. Based on these factors, institutions have been coming up with different types of aid packages so that individuals can access higher education without any difficulty.