I Have ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)


I have ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis)

Anyone can get ME, although it’s most common in women. It’s a complex and long-term illness that has no known cause and is thought to be triggered by a variety of factors. Some people experience an onset of symptoms suddenly and others develop the illness gradually over time. In some cases, the condition may be triggered by an infection, usually, but not always, a viral one such as herpesviruses or enteroviruses.

ME is a progressive, debilitating disease that affects the central nervous system. It can be difficult to diagnose and requires a careful evaluation by a medical specialist. A diagnosis is made after other possible causes of the symptoms are excluded.

The name ME is one of several alternate names that are used to describe the condition that’s often known as chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS. It’s becoming increasingly popular in the United States to drop the “CFS” from the disease and use the term myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) instead.

It is a neurological illness that affects the brain and spinal cord, as well as the immune system. It causes severe, persistent fatigue and other symptoms that interfere with everyday life. It can also cause a range of other physical and cognitive problems, including pain, sleep disturbances, depression, irritability, memory loss, anxiety, difficulty with concentration, and poor performance in academic or professional settings.

I have ME and CFS

Many people with ME receive a CFS or ME diagnosis when they don’t recover from a virus such as herpesviruses or cytomegalovirus (CMV), which are the most common triggers for ME. However, ME/CFS is a distinct illness from CFS and PVFS, and further research needs to be done to understand the differences.

I have ME and CFS

If you’ve been given a ME or CFS diagnosis, the first step is to see a specialist. They will take a thorough history, physical exam and other tests to confirm the diagnosis. The specialist will then work with you and your healthcare team to create a personalised care and support plan that best meets your needs.

You should then be referred to an ME/CFS specialist team in your area, which should consist of medically trained clinicians from different specialisms such as rheumatology, endocrinology, rehabilitation medicine, infectious diseases, neurology and general practice. They should be able to provide a comprehensive assessment, and have access to other healthcare professionals that specialize in ME/CFS such as physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, occupational therapists, and dietitians.

I have ME and CFS

ME/CFS is a complex, progressive, debilitating, and chronic condition that impacts the function of all parts of the body. It affects the central nervous system, causing fatigue and other symptoms that make it difficult to carry out daily tasks. It’s a long-term illness that doesn’t have a cure but can be improved by symptom-relief treatments. It’s estimated that about 250,000 people in the UK and over 1 million people in the USA have ME/CFS. The number of people living with ME is growing, and it’s a serious public health issue that should not be underestimated.