How to Answer the Question “What Makes You Unique?”


The “what makes you unique” question may seem straightforward, but the interviewer is probing to see whether your skills, abilities and personality traits fit with their company’s culture. Often, this is the most critical part of the hiring process, so it is important to prepare for this question by thinking about your past successes and qualities that set you apart. It is also a good idea to read the job description, as this will help you focus on the skills that the employer values most in a candidate.

The question of what distinguishes you from other candidates can be difficult to answer because there are many different traits that make people unique. However, the most effective way to respond is to use specific examples that demonstrate your skills. For example, if you mention that you are a natural leader, you can follow it up with an explanation about a project where you led your team to success and how the result exceeded expectations. This type of response shows that you are a unique, creative thinker and can be a positive contributor to the organization.

Likewise, if you are a hard worker, you can explain how your perseverance helped you overcome obstacles and achieve success in previous projects. The interviewer will be impressed that you were able to push through and remain focused, even when things didn’t go your way. This type of response can also highlight how you are able to work well under pressure, which is an important skill in most workplaces.

It’s also a good idea to review your past performance evaluations to identify some of the traits that have been particularly valuable to you at work. Then, you can draw on these when answering the interviewer’s question. However, be careful not to exaggerate or lie about your achievements. This could backfire in the future, and your interviewer might be able to detect a falsehood in your response.

Finally, if you are unsure about how to answer the question, it is always a good idea to ask someone for advice. A trusted friend or mentor can offer an objective perspective about your strengths and how they might apply to the interviewer’s specific needs.