How to Deal With an Interview Question About ME/CFS


A common interview question is, “How would you describe yourself?” People often struggle with this, but the most important thing is to remain positive and avoid using words that are too negative. The last thing you want to do is put your interviewer on edge.

Instead, try to think of a word that conveys your strengths and personality. For example, if you are a hard-working individual, you might use the word dedicated. Alternatively, you can also use a word like passionate or creative. Whatever you decide to use, just remember that the interviewer is looking for a genuine answer.

It is still not known what causes ME/CFS, but it is believed that there are links to genetic, central nervous system and immune functions. Symptoms can be worsened by exercise, stress, poor diet and some medicines. People may find that they become extra sensitive to light, sound, smells and food. They can also experience sore throats and tender lymph nodes in their neck or armpits. They may develop an aching head and trouble with memory or thinking.

ME/CFS can be difficult to diagnose. It is often misdiagnosed and many people are not referred to a specialist or are told that they will get better. This can lead to a great deal of distress, especially for young people.

In the absence of any biomarkers or tests, ME/CFS is diagnosed by a combination of history, physical examination, screening instruments and diagnostic criteria. Ideally, the criteria used should include post-exertional malaise (PEM). The symptoms of ME/CFS can mimic other diseases such as depression or anxiety, so it is important to exclude these other conditions by clinical history and examination.

ME/CFS is an illness that requires a great deal of patience and perseverance, but there is hope. Many people have found that there are things they can do to help manage their symptoms, and this can improve their quality of life. This includes adjusting diet, resting more and trying various medicines. People can also join support groups and talk to their GPs to see if there is anything they can do to help.