How to Explain to Your Prospective Employer What You Have to Say About Yourself

ME/CFS is a complex and disabling illness affecting all body systems. It is a neurological disease according to the World Health Organisation and it affects people of all ages, races, sexes, social economic backgrounds and educational levels. It is believed to be triggered by infections, but it can also appear spontaneously. Many people with ME experience severe symptoms which leave them housebound or bedridden, and most are unable to work.

ME may be difficult to diagnose because it is not a physical illness and blood tests often do not show anything abnormal. It is estimated that 90% of people with ME will spend years trying to get a diagnosis, and some are misdiagnosed or told they do not have the illness at all.

The cause of ME/CFS is not yet known but there are connections to genes, the central nervous system and the immune system and researchers are working on diagnostic tests and treatments. People who have ME/CFS usually recover from an episode of ME by resting and limiting activity but the illness can return again at any time in the form of a ‘relapse’.

During an interview, you are likely to be asked the question “How would you describe yourself?” The answer to this will be one of the most important things you can tell your prospective employer about yourself, and it is not something you should take lightly.

You need to be able to articulate your ME in a way that is eloquent and clear. There is no right or wrong answer but the key is to be able to explain your symptoms and how they affect you, so that your prospective employer can understand your ME.

A good starting point is to explain that your ME manifests in the following ways:

fatigue that does not improve with rest or sleep.

a feeling of weakness or tiredness that persists beyond the level expected after exercise, mental exertion or social activity.

post-exertional malaise (PEM) – a global increase in ME symptoms that can be triggered by activities of different intensities, and lasts for hours, days or weeks.

cognitive difficulties (brain fog), which can include poor memory, slowed responses and difficulty concentrating.

a range of other symptoms including pain in the muscles, joints, glands or digestive system, headaches and eye problems, sensitivity to light, sound, temperature and touch.

It is recommended that people with ME/CFS are referred to an ME/CFS specialist team for assessment and care. These teams should consist of healthcare professionals with training and experience in ME/CFS, and a holistic approach to assessment and care. They should also include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians and clinical or counselling psychologists. The ME/CFS specialist team will assess the person, develop a care and support plan and refer them to other healthcare professionals as required.

How to Show Your Love

For centuries, love has been a subject of fascination and debate. Some cynics swear that true love doesn’t exist, while hopeless romantics are convinced that everyone should set out to find their soulmates. With scientific research supporting the idea that long-lasting relationships can be cultivated, the topic of love has never been more relevant.

Biological models of love tend to view it as a mammalian drive, similar to hunger or thirst. In contrast, psychology views love as a deeper psychological connection and bond that creates a sense of comfort, intimacy, and trust. This kind of relationship-building love requires compassion, appreciation, and reliability to be cultivated and sustains over time.

Some people express their love for others through physical gestures, such as holding hands and running their fingers through their partner’s hair. This kind of love can be rewarding and satisfying, but it’s also a huge responsibility. In addition, it’s important to understand that not everyone expresses their love in the same way, so there’s no one-size-fits-all definition of love.

Other people may choose to show their love by making sacrifices for the ones they care about. This can be hard because it’s not always easy to know what a person truly wants or needs from you. However, it’s essential that you learn to communicate openly and honestly so that you don’t end up with a broken heart.

Still others may show their love by giving gifts to those they care about. This is a great way to let the people in your life know how much you appreciate them and to demonstrate that you’re thinking about them. However, it’s important to remember that the most meaningful and lasting gifts aren’t things; they’re acts of service.

It’s important to love yourself as well as the people you care about. In order to do so, you’ll need to be self-aware and be able to identify your own strengths and weaknesses. It’s also helpful to practice empathy, so you can better understand the needs and motivations of those around you.

Finally, it’s important to remember that real love doesn’t suffocate or demand. Love is a feeling that allows you to be your best self and feel safe with the people you care about.

If you’re lucky enough to find true love, it can be a blessing that lasts for a lifetime. But it’s not for the weak of heart, and there will be times when you wake up in the middle of the night thinking, “Ugh, I’m not feeling this.” It’s important to stick with it and remember that love doesn’t always feel amazing all the time. It’s also a constant process of growth and change. So, when you’re struggling to love yourself or someone else, remember that this is normal and take some time for yourself to heal. You’re worth it.