Understanding the Concept of Need


The word need can be used to describe a human’s basic requirements. This can include things like food, water, clothing, and shelter. Needs are essential to survival, and without them a person cannot function or survive. Needs can be contrasted with wants, which are goods that are desired by a person but do not challenge a person’s survival. Examples of wants would be a new pair of shoes or the latest electronics.

A needs assessment is a tool used to help individuals identify personal needs and prioritize them. The process involves analyzing an individual’s experiences and identifying which ones are related to their needs. Then, the individual can create goals to address those needs.

According to the theory of needs developed by Doyal and Gough, every person has a right to have their basic needs met. These needs include both physical health and the capacity to participate in a societal setting. This latter need includes a person’s mental health and cognitive skills, as well as access to opportunities for democratic decision-making.

Whether or not a need is fulfilled depends on the severity of the need, which can vary among individuals and cultures. A need can also change over time, such as when a person moves from living alone to having children or a loved one dies. In some cases, needs can be met through a combination of methods and resources.

For example, someone may need a wheelchair, but they may have limited resources to purchase one. In these circumstances, it is possible to hire a specialized attendant who can help the individual with their mobility needs. This may help them to move around, and can make it possible for them to meet their other needs, such as participating in social activities or obtaining employment.

While the idea of need has a long history, the study of needs has gained less attention over the years. This is partly due to the fact that the concept is often interpreted subjectively. For example, a need for something can be considered a luxury in one culture and necessary in another.

As the definition of need changes from culture to culture, psychologists have sought to develop theories that will provide a clearer understanding of the concept. For instance, some psychologists have promoted the idea of a hierarchy of needs that is based on the deficiency model. This theory argues that some needs are more important than others, and that a person must satisfy the lower levels of the hierarchy before the higher ones can be satisfied.

Other psychologists have suggested that people can use their feelings to identify needs. These needs can be both deficiency and growth needs, and are influenced by environment and genetics. For example, if a person walks for an hour in the hot sun, they might need something to drink to prevent their throat from drying. This need is a deficiency need because if it is not met, the person’s survival might be at risk.