What Are You Passionate About?

If someone asks you a question like, “What are you passionate about?”, it may be difficult to explain exactly what that passion is. It could be something as simple as a hobby or as complicated as a life’s work. The key is finding a passion that brings you happiness and satisfaction. It may take time to discover that one, but the search is well worth it.

The best way to find your passion is to look at the things you spend your time doing, including what you do for work. You can also look at your book collection, DVDs and credit card statements to see what subjects you’re constantly gravitating toward. You should also pay attention to what other people think about you and what they say about you. If you notice a lot of negative self-talk or an inability to see your own good qualities, this could be a sign that your passions are not in line with your values and strengths.

It’s important to remember that your passions can change over time and may shift from one area of your life to another. You may have a passion for one area and pursue it in your career, and then later decide to change that passion for something else in your life. This is okay, as long as you’re able to pursue the new passion with integrity and not just because it pays more money.

Your family and loved ones should be a major part of your life, and it’s important to make the most of every moment you have together. This could mean having a weekly family dinner or going on a weekend getaway. Having a positive attitude towards your family members and the time you spend with them can help you be a more happy and satisfied person overall.

Being creative is a great passion to have, and it’s something that can be done in many different ways. It’s possible to be creative with just your own thoughts, but you can also try making art, sculpting or writing. You can even get involved with a group creative activity, such as playing music or acting in theatre.

A question like “What are you passionate about?” can be difficult to answer in a way that sounds sincere and authentic. When it comes to answering these types of questions during an interview, it’s best to be truthful and not fabricate a story that makes no sense at all. This will allow you to truly show your interviewer what your passions are and how they affect your personality and daily life.

What is Fibromyalgia?

The term ME is more clinically accurate than CFS and is becoming increasingly used by patients, advocates, and researchers in the United States. However, the CDC continues to use the name chronic fatigue syndrome for research and diagnosis.

People with ME/CFS have a serious, debilitating illness that affects their ability to work and carry out daily activities. ME/CFS causes a range of symptoms including unrefreshing sleep, fatigue, post-exertional malaise (PEM), and cognitive impairment. These symptoms may be triggered by an activity such as exercise, a viral infection, or a change in temperature.

ME/CFS is a relapsing-remitting illness that can cause a sudden and severe worsening of symptoms in some cases, or it may gradually get worse over months or years. ME/CFS is a complex disorder with no specific laboratory test to diagnose it. Instead, doctors must rely on patient history, clinical examination, and one of several criteria sets to make a diagnosis.

People who have ME/CFS often have a number of other diseases called comorbidities. These include fibromyalgia (widespread muscle pain), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS, increased heart rate upon standing) and gastroparesis or irritable bowel syndrome (bloating and constipation). Other conditions that occur frequently in ME/CFS patients are secondary depression, Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome and mast cell disorders.

ME is a very complex condition with no cure, but there are a number of treatments that can help. These include “pacing” – matching levels of activity to the patient’s available energy, the use of medications to treat pain and sleep problems, and physical therapy – particularly exercise to improve strength and mobility. People with ME/CFS can also benefit from supportive counselling, nutritional support and dietary supplements.

The ME Association has produced a clinical guideline that health professionals can use to help them assess and manage ME/CFS. It features symptom recognition and outlines how to refer patients for specialist ME/CFS care and ongoing management.

This guideline is available to download and can be used by patients, carers and healthcare professionals. We strongly recommend that healthcare professionals refer adults with ME/CFS to a specialist team who can confirm the diagnosis and develop a care and support plan. The specialist ME/CFS team should have medically trained clinicians from a variety of specialisms including rheumatology, rehabilitation medicine, endocrinology, infectious diseases, neurology, and general practice, as well as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians and clinical or counselling psychologists. The ME Association is working with the NHS to ensure that this guideline is implemented and that better care is available for all patients with ME/CFS.

The Different Types of Love

Love is one of the most complex emotions that humans have ever felt. For centuries, philosophers, poets, and scientists have pondered the concept. The fields of psychology, sociology, biology, and anthropology have all contributed to the understanding of this intangible feeling. Despite this, love remains a mystery.

There is a lot of love in the world. For example, there is the love of family members, friends, and pets. Then, there is the romantic love that is felt by many people. In addition, there is the platonic love that is often found between partners in long-term relationships. And, finally, there is the love that is shown by those who help others on a global scale. Regardless of the type of love, it is a powerful force that can inspire us to work hard, make sacrifices, and endure struggles.

For most, love is more than just a warm, fuzzy feeling. It is a commitment to someone or something that brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose. It can motivate us to forgive a partner for their shortcomings, or to put in extra effort at work because we know it will benefit the people we care about. It can even give us the energy to overcome a health problem or other life obstacles.

Although there are many definitions of love, most agree that there are several different types. Some define love as a feeling, while others focus on the actions that demonstrate it. Some scholars argue that the feelings of love can be influenced by hormones and neurotransmitters. Other scholars believe that the feelings of love are a result of social and cultural factors. Still, others consider the act of loving as a spiritual practice.

When it comes to romantic love, the feelings of love are described as a giddy feeling, strong attraction, and a deep connection between two people. These feelings may be accompanied by a dry mouth, butterflies in the stomach, and weak knees. In addition, love is usually accompanied by a desire to spend time together and the motivation to fight for a relationship.

Unlike a crush, this form of love is not temporary. In fact, it is much more likely to lead to marriage and lasting relationships.

Interpersonal love includes the feelings of love for family members, friends, and couples. These feelings are usually mutual, but can also be unrequited. There are also some psychological disorders that are associated with this kind of love, such as erotomania.

Biological models of love tend to view it as a mammalian drive similar to hunger or thirst. Some scientists believe that this is why oxytocin and other hormones play a role in love. This view is also supported by neuroscience, which shows that people in the throes of romance show increased activation in brain regions associated with reward and pleasure, which is similar to the effects of cocaine. However, this theory has some problems. For example, it doesn’t explain why some people fall out of love, while others continue to feel the same way.

What Is a Need?


A need is a basic requirement in order to be able to function and thrive. It is usually contrasted with a want, which is something that a person desires but that is not required for survival or well-being. There are many different types of needs, such as a need for food, water and shelter, or a need for education or health care. A need can also be viewed as an emotional or psychological state, such as the need for love or acceptance.

The term need is widely used in philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics and politics. There are several theories on the nature of human needs and how they should be met, but most of them share a common ground in recognizing that all people require the ability to survive and function without undue stress or harm. There are also a variety of opinions on how needs should be determined and whether they are subjective or objective.

In English, the word need may be used as a verb or an adjective. It can also be found in the form of a noun, as in the need for air or the need to win. When used as a verb, the meaning is similar to the need for, although it generally indicates a more urgent or critical situation. For example, a student might say that they need to study for an exam or that they need to complete a project by a certain date. When used as a noun, the meaning is slightly different and can be more abstract. For example, a need for peace is an internal motivation that can be triggered by environmental or personal factors.

Defining a need can be difficult because it can vary from person to person and can change at various stages of a person’s life. A person’s needs can be related to their location, personal preference and culture. For example, a need for water can be different from the need for electricity in a particular climate. A person’s need for housing can change with their family size and career. A need for transportation can be different depending on the distance between their home and work.

Another issue is the way that needs are defined and interpreted by various organizations. For instance, some politicians delegate the authority to determine what constitutes a need to healthcare professionals. This can lead to a misguided and narrow understanding of what a need is. In some cases, a need is not satisfied because it is not recognized as one or because the healthcare system cannot meet the needs of a specific individual.

It is important to distinguish between needs and wants. Needs are essential requirements for survival and well-being, whereas wants are items that are desired but not necessary to reach a goal or achieve a purpose. For example, a need for a car might be considered a want while a need to travel to work by train might be considered a need.

How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

When someone talks about you, they are referring to your personality or character traits. Personality traits are learned behavior patterns, and they can change over time.

Negative self-talk can lead to depression, anxiety and even chronic illness. Luckily, you can learn to control negative thoughts by changing the way you talk to yourself.

You can use the following strategies to overcome negative self-talk:

Redirect your thoughts. Practice clearing your mind through meditation or mindfulness practices, such as sitting still for a short period of time each day, paying attention to your breath, and setting intentions. You can also try reading biographies or articles about people who have overcome adversity or faced challenges in life. Seeing how others have survived or succeeded can give you a new perspective on your own challenges.

Stop the cycle of negative self-talk by replacing it with positive thoughts. Say positive affirmations out loud or write them down to yourself. Addressing yourself in the second or third person — “you are an amazing writer” or “you’re so smart” — is another powerful strategy that can help retrain your brain to think positively about yourself.

Identify what makes you unique. If you’re creative, passionate and driven, you may want to consider pursuing a career in the arts or starting your own business. Be specific about your qualities when interviewing for a job by listing how you’ve used these characteristics to excel in previous roles.

Be a lifetime learner. Employers value people who are committed to growth and learning and who are flexible and resourceful in changing circumstances. When you interview, you can highlight your ability to learn quickly and adapt by describing how you’ve improved your work performance as well as how you’ve worked with a wide variety of teams and clients.

If you have a loved one who has narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), you may feel frustrated that they can’t seem to change. But remember that it’s not your fault; it’s the person with NPD’s choice whether they seek treatment or continue to act negatively towards you and other people.

You can’t change the way someone with NPD behaves, but you can encourage them to seek treatment. You can also support them by staying calm, and not taking their negativity personally.

If you’re dealing with a family member who has NPD, remember that they can only change if they want to. NPD is a treatable condition, but the person with the disorder must be willing to seek treatment and follow a plan for improvement. If they’re not willing to do so, it’s important that you get professional help for yourself and your loved ones. You can find a mental health provider in your area through the National Institutes of Health’s website, or you can contact your healthcare team for a referral. If you aren’t covered by insurance, you can still find help through community mental health programs and private providers. This content is developed and maintained by Healthdirect.

How to Diagnose Fibromyalgia


There is no single laboratory test to prove ME. It can be a difficult illness to diagnose and many people who have ME struggle for years before getting an accurate diagnosis. This is partly because ME can be mistaken for other diseases or simply ignored by health care providers. In fact, studies show that ME is one of the most misdiagnosed diseases. More than 90 percent of people with ME are not diagnosed or are wrongly told they don’t have the disease at all.

A diagnosis of ME is based on symptoms and a thorough medical history. It is important to tell your doctor about any significant life changes you have had, as they may affect your condition. It is also helpful to make a list of all your symptoms, including those that are most troublesome.

In addition to extreme fatigue, ME/CFS can cause many other symptoms, such as unrefreshing sleep, pain in the joints and muscles, dizziness, periods of bloating or constipation, difficulty regulating body temperature, and difficulty concentrating. Some people have ME with a combination of other conditions, known as comorbidities, such as fibromyalgia (widespread muscle pain), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (increased heart rate when standing up) and gastroparesis or irritable bowel syndrome (bloating and abdominal pain).

If you are living with ME, it is important to see a health care professional who understands your symptoms and how they interact with each other. A health care provider can help you manage your symptoms and develop a plan to get you back into the workplace or school. They can also help you apply for disability and obtain assistive devices, such as wheelchairs. A health care provider can also help you develop coping skills, such as using the pacing strategy, that can improve your quality of life.

You can find a health care provider who specializes in ME by looking in your local phone book or searching online. Health care professionals can help you learn about ME, determine if you have the disease and recommend treatments to relieve your symptoms. They can also provide information on how to work with a therapist, which can be very helpful for adults and children who have ME.

There is no cure for ME. However, you can take steps to manage your symptoms and stay as active as possible. It’s important to have a support network, whether it is family and friends or an ME/CFS support group. You can also use a health coach or counselor to help you build coping skills and address challenges you are facing, such as managing your illness at work or home. These health care professionals can also connect you with resources for families, individuals and communities. They can help you apply for disability, obtain an accessible home and vehicle and access other community services. In addition, they can help you find financial support and apply for benefits. They can also refer you to a specialized health care provider if needed.

How to Recognize and Cultivate the Right Kind of Love in Our Lives


Love is a universal feeling that’s often hard to define. It can vary from person to person and can even change over time. While many different ideas about what love means exist, psychologists have generally agreed on some broad definitions for the emotion.

Some researchers believe that love is a complex, largely uncontrollable human emotion, while others think that love is just a chemical response. Still others argue that love is not an emotion at all, but rather a combination of various emotions and behaviors.

Regardless of how you view the nature of love, everyone agrees that it’s a powerful force that can motivate people to act in unexpected ways. Love can make us forgive our partner’s flaws, work diligently on a creative project, or even risk our lives for the sake of someone we love. The question is, how can we recognize and cultivate the right kind of love in our lives?

When a person is in love with another, they usually feel a sense of safety and belonging. They may also feel supported and understood, as if they can be their authentic selves without fear of judgment or criticism. Feelings of love can also reduce stress levels and improve mental health, according to research.

A person in love will also likely prioritize the well-being of their partner, which can lead to things like going on dates or spending extra time together. They will also be likely to communicate openly and frequently, which can help them build trust. Additionally, they will likely try to understand and support their partner’s goals and aspirations.

Although most people think of romantic love when they think of the word, there are other types of love as well. For example, a person can be in love with their career or hobbies. They can also be in love with their family, pets, or other close friends. This type of love may not always feel as good as falling in love with someone, but it can be just as important.

To fall in love, a person must be attracted to someone and be willing to commit to the relationship. They must also be able to overcome their insecurities and fears, and they should be able to tolerate some hardships as they grow together. They should also be able to forgive each other’s shortcomings and respect each other’s differences.

Depending on their needs, people in love will speak one of several languages. For example, those who prefer words of affirmation will appreciate compliments, encouragement, and reminders of how great they are. They will also appreciate quality time, which can include long and meaningful conversations and intimate activities such as listening to music or holding hands. Similarly, those who prefer touch will appreciate hugs, cuddling, and intimate kisses. They will also appreciate receiving gifts and other gestures that show how much they are loved. Lastly, they will want to be shown that their feelings are reciprocated. To do so, they will need to practice active listening and set aside time to spend together.

What Is a Need?


A need is a requirement for something. For example, you need food to survive, and you need water to stay hydrated. You also need air to breathe, and you need shelter to protect yourself from the elements.

There are many different definitions of need, but most psychologists agree that needs are essential for survival and well-being. Some of the most common needs include food, water, sleep, and safety. People who do not meet these basic needs are likely to suffer from physical and psychological problems.

According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, our most basic physiological and safety needs must be met before we can move on to more psychological or social needs like belonging and self-esteem. He believed that people spend most of their time and energy attempting to satisfy these lower order needs before the higher level needs like love and self-actualization can be fulfilled.

The difference between a need and a want can sometimes be confusing. For example, you need water to survive but you want a cold drink. While needs are static (they do not change over time), wants can fluctuate. You need to eat, but you may not necessarily want a cheeseburger.

You should strive to fulfill your needs before you meet your wants. However, if you have limited resources, this might be impossible. To determine your needs, you can create a list of experiences that make you happy and then select the top four personal needs from this list. This will help you prioritize your life and make better decisions.

Another way to understand needs is through the lens of a hierarchy of human motivation. The hierarchy of human needs, proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943, outlines the stages of human motivation from lower order, deficiency needs such as food and water through to higher order, esteem and self-actualization needs.

The word need is used more often than the synonym necessity. The reason is that need evokes feelings of urgency and impetus, while necessity is more formal and impersonal. The word necessity is pronounced with an accent over the first syllable, while need is pronounced with a normal stress pattern. Both words are considered informal by some, but the distinction is important when choosing the right one for a particular context. For example, if you’re writing an article about a government’s need to economize, use the term “need” rather than the more formal “necessity.” The latter may seem too intimidating or imposing. The former, on the other hand, is a more accessible and understandable term for the average person.

Using Power Words When Answering the Question “Who Are You?”


You may think that you are stuck with your personality, but in reality you have more control over the “persona” you show to the world than you might think. The Latin term persona means “mask,” and your mask can be changed to reflect a more positive version of yourself. Choosing the right words to describe yourself can help you to do just that. This is especially true when interviewers ask you to tell them more about yourself.

When answering this question, try to avoid using adjectives that are too general or common. These may come across as clichéd and not genuine enough to make an impact. Instead, use power words that fit your unique qualities and those that also aptly describe the role you are interviewing for.

Examples of powerful words include:

Learner, improvement-focused, resilient, resourceful

Employers want to hire candidates who are committed to learning and developing themselves over time. They are interested in hiring people who will grow and improve their organizations as well as their careers. During your interviews, you should focus on how you have demonstrated this trait in the past. To do so, give specific examples such as how you were able to adapt to changing conditions or how you have shown resilience in difficult situations. This will demonstrate that you are not only dedicated to your current role, but also invested in the future of the company. This is what will impress interviewers. They will be confident that you will be a strong asset to their organization in the future. Also, it shows that you are a self-starter and have the motivation to achieve success. This is something that all organizations are looking for.

What Are the Symptoms of ME/CFS?


ME/CFS has a profound impact on the lives of patients and their families. The symptoms can be so disabling that people are unable to work, and they often have a much lower health-related quality of life than those with other chronic conditions such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart failure. Currently there is no cure for ME/CFS, but treatments can improve symptoms and increase functioning. The goal is to find a cause and develop a treatment.

ME is not well understood by medical professionals. This is partly because the symptoms are not easily measurable and the disease can be misdiagnosed as other conditions. Many people with ME also have a range of co-existing health problems such as depression, anxiety, sore joints, and tender lymph nodes in the neck and armpits. These issues may affect how well they manage their ME/CFS.

People with ME may be able to get help from their general practitioner or a family doctor. However, most adults with ME are referred to ME/CFS specialist teams in order to be diagnosed. These teams should have a range of healthcare professionals with expertise in assessing, diagnosing and treating ME/CFS. This might include doctors specialising in rheumatology, rehabilitation medicine, endocrinology, infectious diseases, neurology and general practice, and clinical or counselling psychologists with training and experience in ME/CFS.

Once a diagnosis is made, ME/CFS specialist teams will develop a care and support plan. They will recommend specific treatments and/or interventions to improve the patient’s ability to function, reduce pain levels, and ease fatigue.

The symptoms of ME/CFS can be very different for each person, but there are some common ones such as:

Symptoms can be triggered by physical activity, cognitive overexertion, or sensory overload. They tend to flare up a few hours to a few days after exertion. This is known as post-exertional malaise (PEM).

Many people with ME/CFS can’t go to work or school and need help from family, friends or carers. About 25% of people with ME are bedbound or housebound. People with ME have lower health-related quality of life scores than those with other conditions such as heart disease, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.

There is no known cause for ME/CFS, although it appears that there are connections between genetic, central nervous system, and immune factors that contribute to the condition. Research is ongoing to better understand these connections so that diagnostic tools and effective treatments can be developed as quickly as possible. Solve ME/CFS is committed to accelerating the discovery of safe and effective treatments by promoting open, collaborative research at ME/CFS Collaborative Research Centers worldwide.