Criteria For Diagnosing ME
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has been described as a very long term illness with a wide spectrum of symptoms. The most frequent symptom is extremely tiredness. CFS is sometimes referred to as ME, which just stands for myalgia encephalomyelopathy. Many patients also refer to this condition as CFS/ ME.
This condition can become a major burden to a person’s life if not diagnosed properly. ME is usually diagnosed through a physical examination and a medical history of symptoms such as sleep deprivation, pain, and muscle weakness. A doctor will look at the patient’s medical history, perform a physical examination and do laboratory tests to make a diagnosis.
Once diagnosed, the proper course of treatment will be recommended by the doctor. Treatment can involve anything from lifestyle changes to medication to surgery. The important thing to remember is that once ME is diagnosed, it cannot be cured. People with ME must learn to deal with their condition, or they will eventually suffer from serious health problems that can include disability or death.
There are many international criteria used to diagnose ME. However, the most widely accepted criterion for the disease is the criteria of the International Association for Systematic Therapy (IASS). The list of these criteria can be found in the second edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Research on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (DSM-2).
Unfortunately, ME does not have a standard laboratory test to determine the illness. There is not a cure for ME. However, there are several different types of treatments that can help to control some of the symptoms of the disease. It is important to understand the symptoms of ME and to learn to cope with them. This is the only way to ensure that your life is as normal as it can be for someone who has ME.
The second most common syndrome associated with ME is cognitive dysfunction. People with ME often exhibit poor judgment and poor impulse control. They may suffer from problems such as: poor concentration, inability to focus, inability to organize, difficulty remembering things, difficulty completing tasks, and excessive fatigue. People with ME also tend to have more physical complaints such as: lower bone density, loss of muscle strength, muscular weakness, and a lack of muscle flexibility.
The other two main criteria related to ME are fatigue and immobility. Someone who is experiencing fatigue needs to be evaluated for a more serious condition such as chronic fatigue syndrome. The other criteria required to diagnose ME include the existence of at least four of the following symptoms: persistent fatigue lasting for more than six months, recurrent tiredness that disrupting day to day activities, a loss of balance, and a decreased ability to perceive or provide a definition of reality. The most important thing is to recognize that anyone can experience any of the symptoms of ME. That’s why it’s important to get a proper diagnosis as soon as possible.
If someone thinks they have ME, you can ask them to do a battery of tests to determine their specific diagnosis. If further diagnostic testing isn’t possible, anemia, calcium deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, hypothyroidism, and vitamin D deficiency can be ruled out. Those three can also be associated with another illness, so it’s important to get a confirmation from the doctor. Once an ME patient is diagnosed, they can receive additional support. They may be referred to a nutritionist or assigned a physical therapist to help them practice coping skills, improve their fitness level, and develop a personalized exercise and diet plan. Although ME isn’t a life threatening disease, people with ME need to realize that it can be controlled and overcome.