Choosing the Right Descriptive Words for ME/CFS

If you’re applying for a job, trying to make a good first impression on someone new or putting together an online dating profile, it can be helpful to have a list of describing words to draw from. However, deciding which adjectives to use and how to use them can be difficult. It is important to think about your audience and what you want your describing words to convey.

It is also crucial to be able to describe yourself in a way that accurately captures your strengths. When choosing the right words, it is a good idea to ask for feedback from people close to you, such as family members, teachers and potential recommendation letter writers. This can help you to get a more objective view of your own strengths and may reveal aspects of yourself that you hadn’t considered.

ME/CFS is a complex chronic illness with symptoms in multiple body systems. The most prominent symptom is post-exertional malaise (PEM). This means that the symptoms worsen after any kind of exertion, including physical exercise, cognitive stress or emotional upset, sensory overload (such as light and sound), or sleep deprivation. The onset of PEM can be triggered by many different factors, and it is thought to be caused by the reactivation of dormant viruses in the body.

Infections such as EBV and HHV can lie dormant in healthy people for years, and they reactivate in stressful conditions and with certain illnesses, such as ME/CFS. In fact, many ME/CFS patients report that an acute infection with a virus like mononucleosis or influenza led to their ME/CFS. However, the reactivation of these dormant HHVs is likely only one part of the picture, and it’s possible that many other viruses contribute to ME/CFS in some way.

People with ME/CFS often have a number of additional diseases (known as comorbidities) such as fibromyalgia, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS, increased heart rate on standing), gastroparesis and irritable bowel syndrome, or secondary depression. These comorbidities can complicate diagnosis and treatment, and they can worsen the symptoms of ME/CFS.

ME/CFS affects all races and socioeconomic backgrounds, and is a worldwide epidemic. The Massachusetts CFIDS/ME & FM Association is dedicated to helping those with ME/CFS and their families. Our goal is to provide education and advocacy, especially for those with severe ME. In addition, we support research to develop safe and effective treatments, and are committed to building a global network of ME/CFS advocates.

Who Am I? – A Promising Operational Definition of ME

When it comes to learning about yourself, one of the best things you can do is explore your positive characteristics. This can be accomplished through a variety of activities, including self-reflection and journaling. In addition, you can also try some fun and interactive activities. Among the most popular is a game called “Who am I?” This activity can be customized to suit your preferences and needs. It is recommended that you follow some basic rules in playing this game, though.

This article proposes an operational definition of ME, based on the last formal definitions of ME [3,4], the symptoms observed in the epidemic and endemic cases of ME [1] and reported by a large group of patients with well-defined ME [3]. The first two criteria of this tentative definition of ME justify the qualification “neuromuscular disease”, with specific characteristic and discriminative symptoms.

ME is not a disorder caused by lack of exercise and does not result from psychiatric causes, contrary to common belief. It is a neurological illness, and the hallmark symptom is post-exertional malaise (PEM), characterized by severe and persistent muscle weakness that can last for days after trivial exertion. It may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as unrefreshing sleep, cognitive problems, orthostatic intolerance, periods of bloating and constipation, pain, difficulty regulating body temperature, dizziness and fainting, and a general feeling of unwellness.

Many people with ME struggle for years to get a correct diagnosis, which is often denied or confused with other disorders such as fibromyalgia and depression. A diagnosis is usually made by excluding other diseases that cause similar symptoms and based on patient history, clinical examination, and laboratory tests.

It is estimated that as many as 90 percent of people with ME remain undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed with another condition, and some of them are told that they do not have the illness at all. This is partly due to the absence of a diagnostic test, but also because physicians often do not recognize that it is ME rather than a psychological or environmental factor.

In contrast to CFS, ME is a global phenomenon with frequent epidemics and a sporadic prevalence worldwide, as shown by at least 75 epidemiological studies published in the medical literature between the 1930s and the 1980s. ME was once referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis, and is now often called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME/CFS.

The ME/CFS diagnosis is based on self-report of symptoms, but some symptoms such as muscle fatigability and long-lasting post-exertional muscle weakness can be validated objectively by using dynamometers. The criterion for ME/CFS deviates from the London criteria on two crucial points: exercise-induced fatigue has never been described as a distinctive feature of ME, and muscle fatigability is required in the ME/CFS criterion but not in the ME/CFS definition proposed by Hyde et al. (2017).

How to Write an Effective Essay on Love

Love is a complicated and powerful emotion that can inspire people to do extraordinary things. It is often considered one of the most important feelings that humans experience and it has fascinated philosophers, poets, and ordinary people throughout history. However, it is also a word with many different definitions, and it can mean very different things to different people. The following article will explore some of the most common definitions of love and how they relate to the different types of relationships that people may experience.

Some experts view love as a biological drive, similar to hunger or thirst. Others think that it is a combination of emotions and behaviors, and that the way we perceive love may change depending on our culture. Regardless of how you define it, there is no doubt that love can have a profound influence on our lives and our decisions.

The dictionary definition of love varies, as well. Some sources define it as “a strong affection for another arising from kinship or personal ties” while others describe it as a feeling of romantic attraction. Still, most agree that it is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can be felt for people, animals, and even inanimate objects like cars or sports teams.

Some scholars believe that there are seven different types of love. These include: attachment, companionate love, affection, passion, trust, and commitment. The first three of these are generally seen as the primary components of romantic love, while the other four can be found in any type of relationship or association. The most difficult part of defining love is identifying when it exists. For example, a person might claim to be in love with someone even though they don’t have any of the physical or emotional characteristics associated with this emotion.

In addition to these varying opinions about the nature of love, there are also differences in how people perceive and act in this emotion. Some people may be more likely to fall in and out of love with the same person, while others seem to have a more stable, long-term relationship. Lastly, many people have different expectations about what it means to love, which can lead to conflict and confusion.

For the most authentic and effective essay on love, you should write about the type of relationship or person that you are writing about. Whether you are writing about your first love, the love of a pet, or the love of a family member, it is important to focus on the specific qualities and characteristics that make this relationship unique.

When you are writing about love, it can be helpful to set aside some time to reflect on the topic and brainstorm ideas. To make the most of this process, it is a good idea to find a private place where you will be free from distractions and can focus on your thoughts. You can use music or candles to create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, and you should take some time to really think about the person or situation that you are writing about.

What Is Need?

A need is a feeling of dissatisfaction that requires action to meet. Needs are based on physiological and psychological requirements that people must fulfill for survival. This includes food, water, clothing and shelter. These needs are ranked higher than desires, which are luxuries that provide comfort and enjoyment in life but do not affect survival. Needs are a topic of interest in philosophy, psychology, economics, sociology and politics.

The most well-known academic theory of human needs is that proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. His theory argues that people have a hierarchy of needs that must be met in order for a person to feel satisfied and happy. These needs range from the most basic, such as food and water, to the more psychologically important, such as belonging and self-actualization. People tend to focus on satisfying these lower-level needs first and only move on to higher level wants once they have the basics taken care of.

When people talk about need, it often refers to their individual needs, but they may also use the term in reference to a group of individuals or society as a whole. For example, a country might be in need of foreign aid to help it out of an economic slump.

The need to belong is also a significant driver of human behavior. This need, which is also referred to as the need to love and be loved, can be met in relationships and in communities. This need has been linked to psychological and social health, as it is necessary for people to feel they are connected and cared for in a meaningful way.

In relationships, a key factor in meeting this need is the ability to communicate and express feelings. In addition, it is vital to be able to resolve conflict. This can be accomplished by addressing the underlying need for safety and trust.

People also need to be able to make decisions and take actions to fulfill their needs. This can be done through formal decision-making processes such as democratic voting or informally by analyzing their feelings and understanding what they need to function properly.

The need to survive is one of the most basic and fundamental needs that all humans have in common. Without this need, people would be unable to live in a healthy and sustainable manner. However, this does not mean that other important needs like freedom, self-realization and happiness are not possible for people to attain, as long as they are able to prioritize the fulfillment of their needs over other things in their lives. For instance, some people may value the need to be healthy more than others, and they will spend more time on this priority than others do. They may also choose to have a smaller, less expensive home than someone else who values the need for luxury amenities in their home. This is the kind of trade-off that people must weigh when deciding how they want to live their lives.

How to Answer the Question, What Makes You Unique?

If you’re looking to stand out from the competition for a job, it’s important to think about how you would answer the interviewer’s question, “What makes you unique?” This is one of the most common questions employers ask when trying to identify top candidates for a role. You’ll want to give a positive response that is relevant and highlights your skills or personality traits that are specific to the job description. This article will outline some strategies you can use to answer this question and provide sample answers that will help guide your interview preparation.

Whether you’re interviewing for a position in sales or applying to a tech startup, this question is an important one to prepare for. To prepare for this question, it’s a good idea to reflect on your past experiences and think about the characteristics that set you apart from other candidates. This can be done through a process of self-discovery and obtaining input from others, including friends and family.

For example, you could talk about how you’re a natural people person and are good at connecting with people. You could also describe your passion for art and how you find expression through it. Or, you could share a story about how you took a risk and tried something new that paid off. This shows the interviewer that you’re not afraid to take risks and are able to learn from failure.

Employers want to know that you are someone who is interested in growing, learning and developing yourself over time. They are also seeking individuals who will be resilient and resourceful in challenging times. In your answer, you could talk about the ways you have demonstrated these qualities in the past, such as by adapting to changing business circumstances or by using creative solutions when faced with obstacles.

If you’re applying for a management position, you could highlight your ability to lead and inspire others. This is a good way to show that you are a leader who is passionate about driving business results and will make a positive impact on the organization’s culture. You could also share a personal story about how you have led a team or project to success.

Who Am I?

Who am I is the question we ask ourselves over and over again, both in our minds and in conversation. We want to know who we are, where we’re going, and what our strengths and weaknesses are. As we grow older, we’re able to figure out more about who we are – and we continue to discover parts of ourselves that we never knew existed.

However, it’s easy to get confused about what it means to be who we are. For example, we may feel that a certain person or event defines who we are, but that’s not necessarily true. According to John Locke, a philosopher, personal identity is based on the sameness of consciousness. This means that the version of yourself that carries on after your death is you, and it’s up to you to decide how you wish to express yourself.

One of the biggest challenges that people with ME face is figuring out who they are when their health is limited. For many, the illness leaves them unable to work or study, and can lead to depression and isolation. The good news is that there are some strategies you can use to help keep yourself mentally healthy, no matter what your circumstances.

ME, also called myalgic encephalomyelitis or CFS, is an illness with severe, debilitating symptoms that can affect all body systems and lasts for years. While the cause is unknown, in many cases it appears to be triggered by an infection. Some examples of these include herpesviruses, bacterial infections like E. coli or hepatitis, and even COVID-19.

Unlike most other chronic illnesses, ME is not well-understood, and there’s no cure or FDA-approved treatment. Symptoms include post-exertional malaise (PEM), unrefreshing sleep, cognitive problems, pain, and orthostatic intolerance (problems regulating blood pressure when you go from lying down to standing up).

Many people with ME have additional diseases or conditions known as comorbidities, such as fibromyalgia, PTSD, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Researchers are working to determine how these diseases relate to ME and what causes them.

The Massachusetts CFIDS/ME & FM Association, also known as Solve ME, serves people with ME and their families. Resources for patients, caregivers, and professionals are available at Solve ME. For those who have been severely affected by ME, there are resources to help them apply for disability, receive assistive devices, and obtain accommodations in the workplace and at school.

The Signs of Love

Love is a complicated emotion that can be hard to pin down. It can be romantic, platonic, familial, or a mix of these and many other types of relationships. It can also be a feeling that can make people feel happy, sad, or frustrated. But even though it can be hard to define, everyone knows that love is a special kind of feeling.

Unlike liking someone, loving them means that you care about their well-being and that these feelings are unconditional. In addition to a giddy, almost-mystical feeling that is difficult to describe, other signs of loving someone include wanting to spend time with them and taking an interest in their interests. People in love are also more willing to try new things or activities, especially if they know that their partner enjoys them. This openness to new experiences is good for your mental health, but it’s important not to let yourself be pushed into doing something you don’t really want to do.

Another thing that happens when you fall in love is that your brain’s reward centers are activated when you think about or see the person you love. These are the same areas that are activated when you eat candy or see a movie that you enjoy. This is what gives you that flip-flopping feeling in your stomach. It can also cause you to talk a lot about the person and get excited just thinking about them.

This is why you may find yourself talking to them all the time, texting them all day long, or even calling them all the time. It’s not a bad thing to do, but it’s important to take some time away from them so that you can be yourself again.

Besides that, loved ones also encourage us to be better versions of ourselves. For example, they might encourage us to seek therapy for a mental health issue or try healthier behaviors. In addition, they can give us a sense of security and support during tough times, which is crucial for our happiness. Moreover, studies have shown that without loving relationships, humans fail to thrive, even if their basic needs are met.

A 2021 study found that rats who were isolated from their partners experienced lower cognitive function, while those who had pair bonds performed better. Moreover, other research has shown that being in a relationship with a partner can boost your immune system and improve the quality of your sleep.

In general, scientists agree that there’s no one answer to the question of what love is. However, some definitions of love can be helpful in understanding the importance and complexity of this emotion. For example, philosophers have traditionally distinguished three notions that can properly be called “love”: eros, agape, and philia. In this article, we’ll explore these three theories of love and how they relate to each other. We’ll also discuss how these theories can inform our everyday lives.

What Is a Need?

A need is an element of a person’s life that compels actions for its satisfaction. Needs are distinguished from wants as the former are those requirements that challenge a person’s survival if not satisfied, while the latter are merely cravings or desires. This distinction forms a core topic of study in the fields of philosophy, biology, psychology, sociology, economics, business and marketing.

Abraham Maslow published his Hierarchy of Needs in 1943 in the Psychological Review, and it has become one of the most influential psychological theories of human motivation. The theory states that an individual’s basic needs include physiological and safety needs, such as hunger and thirst. The hierarchy also includes psychological needs, such as affiliation and belongingness. In addition, it includes esteem and self-actualization needs, such as the desire for achievement and recognition. Maslow’s theory is based on the concept of a need hierarchy, which is the idea that an individual’s needs must be fulfilled in order to achieve higher levels of personal success and well-being.

The hierarchy of needs is also considered to be adaptive, which means that a person’s priorities for fulfilling their needs may change from moment to moment depending on the immediate contextual cues. For example, a person might prioritize affiliation needs over mating needs, but this priority may be temporarily reversed when the person encounters a particularly appealing mating opportunity. This flexibility is an important insight that is not always reflected in the standard hierarchy of needs.

Another important insight regarding the hierarchy of needs is that humans need a sense of control over their lives. According to this theory, if a person feels that they do not have enough control over their environment or situation, they will feel frustrated and unhappy. As a result, the level of their needs will increase, and they will seek out more ways to satisfy them. In some cases, this can lead to a vicious cycle in which an individual will continually seek to satisfy their needs.

In the context of a relationship, people often talk about the needs that they and their partner share. These needs may be related to money, affection or intimacy. The process of identifying these needs can be complicated, and it is important to understand that there are many different kinds of relationships and that each has its own unique set of needs.

Using the word need requires special attention to grammar rules. The indefinite articles a and an should be used only with singular countable nouns, such as “car” or “package.” A/an can also be used to refer to non-countable nouns, such as “love” or “rain,” but it is not appropriate for use with abstract concepts. Instead, these nouns should be described by other words, such as some, a bottle, a glass or a bag. This will make it easier for the listener to understand your meaning. In addition, the word need is always used with a noun or pronoun. For example, you would say “a man needs a job” but “a woman wants a dress.” This will prevent the reader from becoming confused about your meaning.

What Makes You So Special?

You are curious about all the little things that make life work, and you’re willing to learn how to do it all. You take the time to get to know others and prioritize active listening, so people who confide in you feel safe and cared for. Your strength in both body and mind gives you the ability to move through challenging times with grace and ease.

You have a sense of humor that keeps you laughing through even the most difficult situations. You can see the best in other people, and you love bringing them joy and cheer. You also have a knack for giving advice, and your friends trust you to help them through difficult times.

You are a giver who freely shares your time, talent and resources without expecting anything in return. You often empathize with others, feeling some of what they feel. You’re a compassionate person who always finds the positive side of any situation, even when it may not seem possible.

While you don’t like being stuck in a rut, your strong drive and determination keep you moving toward your goals. You enjoy the challenge of pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and are proud of your abilities to overcome setbacks. When you see a challenge as a chance to grow and develop your wings, you jump right in with both feet.

Your openness to different viewpoints allows you to easily empathize with others. You can relate to the good and bad in any situation, and you aren’t afraid to step into someone else’s shoes. You understand that everyone has their own journey to make, and you respect the choice of anyone who decides to walk down a certain path.

You have a natural ability to find beauty in everything, and you are a creative and passionate artist. You love to paint, write, or create, and you use your gifts to bring joy to the world around you. You’re also a great listener and have the ability to put yourself in other people’s shoes, which makes you an effective counselor.

Your willingness to try new things and your openness to learn are just some of the many reasons that your friends and family adore you. You are an inspiring person who brings a smile to their faces, and they show their appreciation with handwritten letters, emails or phone calls. Taking the time to show your friends and loved ones how much you value them is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.

ME – What is It?

When a person has ME, their brain and spinal cord are affected. They are unwell in many different ways and may experience a wide range of symptoms. It is a neurological disease that affects all body systems and is triggered by infections. The cause of ME is not yet understood and there is no cure or diagnostic test. People with ME may struggle for years to receive a correct diagnosis and can be misdiagnosed or told they do not have the illness. This is because extreme fatigue is a common symptom of many conditions and is often mistaken for “normal” tiredness or caused by lack of exercise.

ME has been found world-wide in epidemic and sporadic forms since the 1930s, with at least 75 documented outbreaks in published papers. It has been known by several names including atypical poliomyelitis, epidemic neuromyasthenia, Akureyri disease, Tapanui flu, chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome, low natural killer syndrome and systemic exertion intolerance disease.

ME can be very severe and impact the lives of many people. In some cases, people are unable to work or require around the clock care. One out of four people with ME are housebound or bedbound on their worst days.

It is thought to be a genetically predisposed illness and people of all races, ages, socioeconomic levels and gender are at risk for developing ME. ME can be triggered by many infections such as the common cold, influenza, meningitis and gastroenteritis. It can also be triggered by vaccinations and certain medications including antibiotics, corticosteroids and anti-depressants.

There is no cure or treatment for ME and patients are often left feeling extremely sick for long periods of time with little understanding or support from their medical professionals. It is estimated that 90% of people with ME have not been diagnosed and/or misdiagnosed and are often told they do not have the disease.

It is thought that ME is a multi-factorial disorder with both neurological and metabolic involvement. It is not a psychiatric disorder and the condition is not caused by lack of exercise, which has been a commonly held misconception in the past. The most recent research reveals that inflammation in the brain is part of the explanation for ME, but more work needs to be done to understand this in detail. People with ME often have comorbid diseases, such as fibromyalgia (widespread muscle pain and unrefreshing sleep), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS, increased heart rate upon standing) and gastroparesis/irritable bowel syndrome (bloating and constipation). This is called a triad of symptoms. These conditions are all linked and must be treated simultaneously to help manage the ME.