How to Answer the Question, “Who Are You?”


Whether you are interviewing a subject for a news story or trying to describe yourself to a potential romantic partner, there is likely no more important question than “who are you?” The answer to this question will determine how people perceive you. It will influence whether they decide to date you, hire you, or befriend you. It will also influence how well you can get along with other people. It is no wonder, then, that so many people want a good answer to this question.

One of the most common ways to answer this question is by describing your personality traits. This is often the first thing that people notice about you, and it can be a great way to show off your uniqueness.

You can also answer this question by referring to your personal goals and values. You may say that you are driven by success and that you won’t stop until you reach your goals. This is a great way to show that you are ambitious and confident in yourself.

A third way to answer this question is by mentioning your skills and accomplishments. This is a good way to let people know that you have a variety of abilities, and it can be particularly useful when looking for a job or applying for a scholarship.

Another way to answer this question is by describing your interests and hobbies. You might say that you enjoy painting, or that you like to read books. This shows that you are an artistic person, and it can help people relate to you. It is also a great way to make new friends!

There are also several informal ways to answer this question. If you are talking to a close friend, you might say, “I’m fine.” This is a neutral but positive response, and it will probably sound more positive if you put some intonation (pitch) into it.

Acquaintances are people who you know, but not very well. They might be a co-worker, someone from your church, or even an old classmate. If you are talking to an acquaintance, it is polite to greet them with a “hello” or “good morning.”

In addition to the formal forms of you used with strangers and social superiors, there are several informal ways to address someone as you: