Why People In Need Of Social Work Need A Good Coach Or Mentor?


Why People In Need Of Social Work Need A Good Coach Or Mentor?

A need is something that is needed for an organism to survive. Needs are often characterized by a lack of satisfaction. For example, if a need is to survive, an individual must eat, drink, and breath – all at the same time. In the case of a need, however, a lack of satisfaction results in a clear undesirable result: death or a malfunction.

The Socratic Paradox applies here as well: If you ask someone to do something that is required in order to achieve a desired result, but that they dislike doing, they will, of course, try to avoid doing it, in order to protect their ability to enjoy that result. On the other hand, if you ask someone to do something which they greatly enjoy, but which does not lead to their achieving a goal, they will, of course, try very hard to do it, in order to ensure that it leads to achieving their goal. Why? Because it increases their pleasure. Now, I have no argument with someone who holds this view, merely noting that, in most cases (e.g. cases where people’s actions are motivated by the pursuit of their own goals), it is irrational to expect someone to desire something which they detest doing, in order to make them happy.

However, there are times when human needs are rationalized, or, to put it another way, when other people’s desires come into conflict with one another. A prime example of this comes to light in the world of social work. Those who work in social work are tasked, as professionals, to assist and accommodate those who are unable to lead a meaningful life due to social stigma, or disability. In order to be able to help these people, professionals in this field must be able to overcome their personal dislike of those who need assistance, and be willing to do what it takes to help them. Yet, when they assist and accommodate others, their own personal feelings of social discomfort may occasionally prevent them from acting in an evenhanded manner. This is when they may exhibit a kind of emotional gough.

Emotional gough can take many forms, ranging from mild to severe. In mild cases, it is simply displayed by being overly sensitive to criticism, or to even mere remarks. For instance, if a social worker spends a large amount of time helping a person overcome some disability, the social worker may become overly sensitive to criticism directed at that person. Such criticism could come from the person’s family, friends, or even worse, a stranger. In this case, the giver would react to the criticism in an emotionally grieved manner. This may not appear to be a problem for the giver, but for the recipient the emotional gough can be extremely debilitating.

In more severe cases of emotional gough, people may react in a way that displays a truly ruthless desire to spite or hurt the object of their affection. If a person’s ability to love has been impaired by infidelity, they may resort to hurtful and demeaning actions in order to get back at the ex that they feel has betrayed their trust. Even though such actions are motivated by a need to restore their relationship with their spouse or partner, the result is always devastating.

All of the people in this world need to have self-respect and self-esteem. When these people lack these self-respect and self-esteem they will act in ways that are often out of character. This is especially true when it comes to relationships. When a person lacks the ability to see themselves as anything other than utterly inferior, they will be incapable of acting in any other way. That means that they will always need to have someone show them that they are wonderful, regardless of what they do or how they do it.