Criteria for the Diagnosis of ME/CFS

Millions of people suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) each year and many are left wondering if there is anything they can do about it. Fortunately for those who suffer from this debilitating condition, there is a cure that has been developed by scientists. Unfortunately, in the past, this cure has not been widely known among sufferers.


The hallmark of this condition is an worsening of clinical symptoms 24 hours after moderate or severe mental or physical activity, which may leave patients bed ridden for days or even weeks. In addition, symptoms can be worsened by stress and frustration, and other symptoms can include headaches, memory loss, irritability, depression, loss of appetite or weight gain, depression and anxiety. In addition, symptoms can be worsened by alcohol or drugs. Despite the fact that most sufferers complain of feeling fatigued and weak when not active, one must remember that inactivity does not necessarily cause CFS. Often, it is the symptoms of fatigue that are the real problem.

A medical practitioner who is skilled in CFS should be consulted for an accurate diagnosis. This type of illness has several different types, but the most common is called interstitial lung disease (ILD), which is caused by repeated episodes of coughing and wheezing accompanied by fever, chills and shortness of breath. Other ILD-related symptoms include bone and joint pain, fever, swollen glands, headaches and cognitive problems such as confusion and memory loss.

Because the symptoms of ME/CFS are varied, a proper diagnosis involves a combination of diagnostic testing and systematic reviews of patient symptoms and past medical history. Blood tests are typically required to look for inflammation, neutering and any other problems that could be associated with this illness. The physician also performs a physical examination of the face and torso, takes urine and blood samples, and orders laboratory tests. These tests will help the physician determine if the symptoms in the patients are consistent with those of ILD or another disease.

ME/CFS can have a number of causes, some of which are still being researched. Scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, and elsewhere are conducting studies to determine what biological mechanisms are involved in causing this condition. Treatments vary from the simple to the more involved, and patients can be treated on a case-by-case basis. Alternative treatments like homeopathy and acupuncture are also becoming popular options. As researchers find more ways of treating the neurological issues of myalgic encephalomyelitis, more research centers are looking into this condition for new treatment options.

In conclusion, a thorough and accurate diagnosis of ME/CFS can greatly improve a person’s chances of getting additional support for their illness. If you or someone you know shows even one of the symptoms of this disease, see a physician for a thorough work-up to rule out any other diseases. Once the cause of this disease is known, additional research will go into finding cures for this disease and better ways of dealing with it.