Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – What Are the Symptoms of ME?

Myalgic encephalomyelitis or myalgia is an illness caused by a deficiency in the body’s natural capability to heal itself. When this happens, the body’s immune systems become overwhelmed and cannot fight off the infection as well as it should. This leads to swelling, pain and mental confusion. A person with ME/Cfs often has tingling and numbness in many parts of the body.


The human immunodeficiency virus causes AIDS. Recently, researchers think that the virus may also affect the cells in our immune system that regulate the body’s ability to combat infection. Researchers have also found that there might be some genetic links between ME/Cfs and the way our immune systems react to HIV. The main article continues below.

ME/Cfs is a disease that affects several areas of the central nervous system, primarily the kidney, heart, lungs, bones and muscles. In recent years, doctors have identified several symptoms associated with ME/Cfs that are similar to those seen in multiple sclerosis patients. Common symptoms include chronic muscle and joint pain, fatigue, altered brain chemistry and altered perception of external stimuli. ME/Cfs is a fatal disease, even though it is relatively uncommon. The main article below continues below. It was written to inform readers of the current status of ME/Cfs research.

Scientists have not yet completely explained what causes ME/Cfs, but it does appear that multiple sclerosis (MS) patients are at a greater risk for developing this condition than healthy individuals. Scientists know that MS is a type of chronic illness, which means that patients can have outbreaks of acute attacks that last for months or even years. These outbreaks can be triggered by many different things, and many of them are still being researched. But the disease appears to target the nervous system, which is what underlies normal activities such as hearing, seeing, touch, swallowing, breathing and moving. Once the messages from the nerve cells reach the brain, they float from there and can trigger either physical or psychological symptoms in the patient.

In addition to the chronic fatigue and other symptoms, scientists believe they have identified ME/Cfs symptoms that may also be present in other illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, Parkinsons disease, stroke, meningitis and cerebral palsy. Scientists have found that ME/Cfs can share some genetic factors with several of these diseases. They believe the interplay between genes, the immune system and toxins may lead to a “leaky” nervous system that allows toxicants to enter the blood stream and affect the functions of the other organs in the body, causing fatigue, poor concentration and other serious symptoms. ME/Cfs may be brought about by a combination of several factors, including: genetics, viruses, bacteria, brain inflammation, environmental exposure, stress and diet.

If you have persistent, ongoing feelings of discomfort or weakness without any reason to expect an underlying physical cause, this may be ME/Cfs. Other illnesses such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome often mimic ME/Cfs, but their symptoms are usually different and easier to detect. The best way to determine for sure whether you have ME/Cfs is to undergo a complete physical examination by a physician experienced in these illnesses. A diagnosis of ME/Cfs can be made if ME/Cfs symptoms are present and can be treated if found in advanced stages. For more information about these disorders, visit the website Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Help.